
=== velntina is now known as El-Predicador
=== velntina is now known as El-Predicador
=== El-Predicador is now known as LightMan
=== LightMan is now known as LightMan777
strobe2020i need to do a fresh install from 18.04 to 20.04 and wanted to keep my existing partition structure. if i do a fresh install and recreate user 'foo' will all the personal data in /home/foo be overwritten over just the config stuff? /home is on its own partition03:20
strobe2020i'm trying to avoid having to move personal files off /home/foo, then back over03:22
strobe2020sorry if it's a dumb question, but i've never tried it before03:22
krytarikI believe the key to the external home partition not being overwritten on installation is to not tick 'format' >_<03:24
strobe2020krytarik, but what about all the user config stuff that's relevant to 18.04? Does it get overwritten or ignored? I don't want to break the system having conflicting config files, etc.03:28
strobe2020The other solution I'm guessing is easier is to just rename the $USER home folder, keep it on the partition and then just move the personal files over to the new user home folder03:29
krytarikWell yeah, keeping old potentially conflicting user config around is always the downside of keeping the home directory.  So yes, doing it the other way around would be an option.03:31
strobe2020I'm still not sure if mv actually copies the data to the new location or just updates the file system pointers. I'm trying to avoid copying over gigs of data03:33
krytarikWell, if it's on the same partition, there is no need to physically move the data of course - but it won't matter in this case, the installer is not a forensic tool trying to destroy all the user's previous home data. XD03:36
strobe2020krytarik, Yeah, I'll probably just rename the folder, then create a soft link inside the new home folder03:39
visualshockI have just installed lubuntu on a hp stream 13, but I get a black screen when I start the laptop. How can I fix this?11:05
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.11:07
oerheksmaybe this is your fix too ..11:07
visualshockIt already has nomodeset11:11
visualshockI will just try to install lubuntu again11:19
studioI am looking for some help17:00
studioanybody here ?17:00
lubot<Michaƫl Van Bogaert> What can we do for you?17:28
tomreynyou missed the 1 minute span from when they finished their question to when they left17:52
strobe2020I just tried to install 20.04 on a VM and installation failed: Boost.Python error in job "packages"20:49
strobe2020apparently, it has to do with a "get country" function that doesn't execute if there's no network connection.21:07
strobe2020someone else suggested just ignoring the error and rebooting, which i've done and everything seems to be working, but i don't really know if it's a corrupted install21:07
Kamilion*sigh* Virtualbox guest additions 6.1.12 break the lubuntu desktop login scripts on focal...21:15
=== johannesq09 is now known as johannesq09300
SpeakerToMeattomreyn, 57 seconds21:39

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