
ubptgbot<hacker1024> @fredldotme [It's something we've talked about in our porting podcast (or "portcast") and sti …], You have a porting podcast? Where can we find it?01:15
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> soundcloud was the last time i saw a porting podcast01:15
ubptgbotLouisejq was added by: Louisejq03:59
ubptgbot@UNKNOWN was added by: @UNKNOWN04:08
ubptgbot<bhuvaneshduvvuri> Does ubtouch collect any data04:09
ubptgbot<KaiLoveLinux> No it does not, I put several hours of research into it too. I can confirm, that UBTouch does NOT collect data, thats more than even Ubuntu itself can do tbh04:10
ubptgbot<bhuvaneshduvvuri> In Ubuntu 16.04 it has been shipped with Amazon based trackers and app,04:12
ubptgbot<bhuvaneshduvvuri> @KaiLoveLinux [No it does not, I put several hours of research into it too. I can confirm, that …], On what basis are you telling this04:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> @bhuvaneshduvvuri [In Ubuntu 16.04 it has been shipped with Amazon based trackers and app,], No04:13
ubptgbot<KaiLoveLinux> @bhuvaneshduvvuri [On what basis are you telling this], Network tracking from both a pinephone leant by a friend and a VM04:14
ubptgbot<bhuvaneshduvvuri> @dohbee [No], There is an Amazon web application on 16.04 LTS04:17
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> (Photo, 1080x2340) https://irc.ubports.com/qx7WnXKB.png05:16
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> My phone ignored the fact that Ive been charging it for last 10 hours05:16
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Baterry icon was green05:17
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> network-manager-openvpn-gnome isn't provided by default on any Ubuntu flavour, right?05:51
ubptgbot<Flohack> @mrcyjanek [<reply to media>], Thats nothing, you should see battery graphs from some years ago. It can also do the time warp ;)06:28
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @Flohack [Thats nothing, you should see battery graphs from some years ago. It can also do …], It didnt06:28
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Its actually 11% now06:29
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Twrp confirmed06:29
ubptgbot<Flohack> Okay then its a hardware issue. Did you drop your phone recently?06:31
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> I didnt06:31
ubptgbot<Flohack> Because I had the case where a cable got loose after a drop. Reconnecting it fixed charging again06:31
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> I mean look at the chart, thr line is straight, when it would be disconnected it should go down about 10% over night06:32
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> It means that it have received the power from cable06:32
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> (and baterry ison was green)06:32
ubptgbot<Flohack> If it does not charge in twrp this bad news. Because twrp uses vanilla Android charging, it has nothing to do with Ubuntu Touch06:32
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @Flohack [If it does not charge in twrp this bad news. Because twrp uses vanilla Android c …], It charge now06:32
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> After a reboot and reconnevtion of cable it started charging06:33
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> But at night it didnt charge a single %06:33
ubptgbot<Flohack> Ok but still, Ubuntu Touch does nothing with charging, this is just a kernel driver. Which device is it06:33
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Oneplus 6t github.com/ubports-oneplus606:34
ubptgbot<Flohack> @mrcyjanek [Oneplus 6t github.com/ubports-oneplus6], Cant say much about it, since still work in progress. You can expect such issues in this state06:34
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Yeah, but I daily drive it since about a month and I didnt had issue like that.. I've just wanted to say that it happened06:36
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @Flohack [Ok but still, Ubuntu Touch does nothing with charging, this is just a kernel dri …], Repowerd can't “deny” the charging?06:36
ubptgbot<Flohack> @mrcyjanek [Yeah, but I daily drive it since about a month and I didnt had issue like that.. …], You need to tell the porter. Also, try to capture dmesg log next time, as it might show relevant infos06:37
ubptgbot<Flohack> @mrcyjanek [Repowerd can't “deny” the charging?], No.06:37
ubptgbot<Flohack> Its just reacting on events06:37
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @Flohack [You need to tell the porter. Also, try to capture dmesg log next time, as it mig …], Sadly I'm the porter :(06:37
ubptgbot<Flohack> Ah lol06:37
ubptgbot<Flohack> Dmesg is your friend :)06:37
ubptgbot<Flohack> Also, please move this discussion to porting group, its OT here06:38
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Oh, okay.06:38
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> @TartanSpartan [network-manager-openvpn-gnome isn't provided by default on any Ubuntu flavour, r …], Btw, yes this question does have UT-specific bearing.07:17
ubptgbot<Verevka86> @mrcyjanek [Repowerd can't “deny” the charging?], https://github.com/UbPorts-sagit/android_kernel_xiaomi_msm8998/commit/9c77e07472add345717fdaf2d828c36cff5d579907:54
ubptgbot<Verevka86> Fix charging halium9.007:54
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> <3 thanks, I'll check it now07:55
ubptgbotAmitkranand was added by: Amitkranand08:52
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @hacker1024 [You have a porting podcast? Where can we find it?], On the UBports Soundcloud, the last episode is quite some months old now, maybe we should do another one.09:02
ubptgbot<Flohack> @fredldotme [On the UBports Soundcloud, the last episode is quite some months old now, maybe …], Uh yeah lets do it09:19
ubptgbot<DarknessHiddenorg> Finally I got sound Clo09:30
ubptgbot<hacker1024> @fredldotme [On the UBports Soundcloud, the last episode is quite some months old now, maybe …], Found it, thanks09:41
ubptgbot<hacker1024> @Flohack [Uh yeah lets do it], I'd love to hear about Halium-9 and 64 bit rootfs progress09:41
ubptgbot<hacker1024> It's a shame that it's so hard to port to newer devices09:41
ubptgbot<ma ma> hey there, if i close teleports by swiping it up, how is it running in the backround, cause it gives me notifications about new messages? or more general: is there a differenc in swiping an app up and really quitting it?09:51
ubptgbot<NotKit> @hacker1024 [I'd love to hear about Halium-9 and 64 bit rootfs progress], what is your issue that is solved by 64-bit rootfs?09:52
ubptgbot<NotKit> Volla Phone is Halium 9/arm64 rootfs though09:53
ubptgbot<hacker1024> @NotKit [what is your issue that is solved by 64-bit rootfs?], I don't have an issue, it would just be better09:58
ubptgbot<hacker1024> aarch64 has more registers available for userspace programs09:58
ubptgbot<NotKit> I meant that aarch64 rootfs is available, but it is more a topic for Porting group09:59
ubptgbot<hacker1024> @NotKit [I meant that aarch64 rootfs is available, but it is more a topic for Porting gro …], Available where though? I couldn't find one. Also, I was replying to a message about a porting podcast10:01
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @ma ma [hey there, if i close teleports by swiping it up, how is it running in the backr …], bump, I didn't found anything about daemons in api-docs.10:22
ubptgbot<Flohack> @ma ma [hey there, if i close teleports by swiping it up, how is it running in the backr …], Its a push service, the app is closed, but the push client receives messagea from the server. Its a system function, generic10:22
ubptgbot<Flohack> @mrcyjanek [bump, I didn't found anything about daemons in api-docs.], The daemon is in ubuntu-push repo in case anyone is interested10:22
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @Flohack [The daemon is in ubuntu-push repo in case anyone is interested], I'll take look at it10:23
ubptgbot<Flohack> An App just registers for push on startup10:23
ubptgbot<Flohack> So the push client gives a token and this we send to telegram.10:23
ubptgbot<Flohack> So they send notifications with the token and then our push server can map it to the device10:24
ubptgbotViraj175 was added by: Viraj17510:27
ubptgbotPepper_Hug was added by: Pepper_Hug10:28
ubptgbot<ma ma> @Flohack [An App just registers for push on startup], ok i think i get it. i guess all installed apps do it on startup of the system (not on startup of the app). thanks!10:30
ubptgbot<Flohack> @ma ma [ok i think i get it. i guess all installed apps do it on startup of the system ( …], Actually only on startup, but servers usually remember the token for some time. So even if the app is off for some time you will still get push msgs10:32
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Wait10:42
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> @Flohack [So they send notifications with the token and then our push server can map it to …], Push server have access to my telegram messages?10:43
ubptgbot<Flohack> @mrcyjanek [Push server have access to my telegram messages?], Yes11:05
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> Oh11:05
ubptgbot<Flohack> You can turn it off but thats currently how it works11:05
ubptgbot<mrcyjanek> hm ok11:06
ubptgbotKIEK13 was added by: KIEK1311:58
ubptgbot<nanu_c> Same for tg push notification on Android served by google12:07
ubptgbot<nanu_c> Small little postcards12:07
ubptgbot<dave1152000> Anyone know if Sturm reader has book marks or some way of restarting at the last page you read?13:34
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> ^ It has the latter, yes.13:36
ubptgbot<dave1152000> How do you turn it on then?13:38
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> It just restarts there as soon as you reopen the file for the book.13:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> @bhuvaneshduvvuri [There is an Amazon web application on 16.04 LTS], There are no amazon trackers. And Ubuntu Touch does not use unity7 or its scopes13:40
ubptgbot<Ben> Have an Pixel XL One. It is not in the supported list, but will it work with UT? A Nexus 5 will arrive next days but maybe I can use the Pixel?14:41
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Ben [Have an Pixel XL One. It is not in the supported list, but will it work with UT? …], @fredldotme14:54
ubptgbot<nitanmarcel> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/nSntzEO6.png 😍😍15:32
ubptgbot<Ben> @Flohack [@fredldotme], THX, just wrote him15:42
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @Ben [THX, just wrote him], I'm working on the Pixel 3a. I remember someone working on a port for the original Pixel in the @Halium group. Maybe you should ask there.15:56
ubptgbotOleOnit was added by: OleOnit16:07
ubptgbot<anibyl> Does Nextcloud integration work?16:15
ubptgbot<Danfro> @anibyl [Does Nextcloud integration work?], Works for calendar. Although only manual sync. There are some apps in OpenStore to sync files and notes. Contacts does only work via a script that you would need to configure manually.16:24
ubptgbot<DigiWizKid> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/Bv7jM1oY.png16:43
ubptgbot<DigiWizKid> this is the problem ^16:44
ubptgbot<dave1152000> @TartanSpartan [It just restarts there as soon as you reopen the file for the book.], Hmm wonder if there's a problem with it on the BQ tablet then because it seems a bit hit and miss on mine.16:54
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I mean, it can lose it's place like if you "abuse" it by spamming forward or backwards really fast (say to skim read or find a page you were looking for in that fashion), or if there's a memory leak with too many other apps open it'll also lose it's place by a few pages that way.16:56
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> Have you been doing either of those things? If not, yeah then it might be a bug I'm unaware of (my M10 is still on Vivid).16:57
ubptgbot<simylight> Hello everyone, I found a bug, When you start music or video in the browser, the phone starts beeping until you lock the screen17:04
ubptgbotJustus was added by: Justus17:17
ubptgbotwrobell was added by: wrobell17:34
ubptgbotRodrigoErazoHermosilla was added by: RodrigoErazoHermosilla18:35
ubptgbot<dave1152000> @TartanSpartan [I mean, it can lose it's place like if you "abuse" it by spamming forward or bac …], OK Thanks, I'll give it another try19:55
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/f69m54Kt.webp21:54

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