
=== M_aD is now known as Maik_aD
lotuspsychjegood morning01:41
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Maik_aDgood morning lotuspsychje01:56
lotuspsychjehey there Maik_aD01:56
lotuspsychjepicked a new nick?01:56
lotuspsychjenot at work today baking bread?02:01
Maik_aDone night off  :)02:02
Maik_aDbut apparently the timetable will be adjusted next week so that I am off for two nights in a row02:04
lotuspsychjebakers life is hard right02:05
lotuspsychjeall to please those customers with roomsoesjes you need to work your ...off02:05
Maik_aDand if they switch it again we need to have a talk, i'm not a puppet02:06
Maik_aDlol, yep02:06
* Maik_aD blames oerheks02:06
lotuspsychjeoh no, the kali thread again.. :p02:09
Maik_aDgoing to watch some tv and finish this bottle of wine02:12
Maik_aDthanks, been a while since i actually drank alcohol02:15
lotuspsychjei bet02:18
=== tds8 is now known as tds
ducassegood morning06:19
oerhekshi di hi ducasse06:21
Maik_aDducasse: good morning06:24
ducasse\o oerheks Maik_aD06:26
DarkTrickWhy do we actually need a desktop linux OS?10:42
DarkTrickWouldn't all the energy be better focussed on customizing Windows or OS X instead of trying to bake another OS?10:43
oerheksLoLz ..10:43
oerheksand wait for updates, once a month?10:43
oerheksand pay, register, the need of antivirus ...10:44
tomreynno source code, most of all10:45
oerhekssecurity by obscurity10:45
daftykinsthey don't restrict updates to once a month10:45
daftykinsyeah it's a proprietary product, you can't just work on some other company's OS10:46
daftykinsthat's an extremely basic and poorly thought out argument10:46
oerhekssure they do, 2nd tuesday, right?10:46
daftykinsbut if something is serious enough then they do out of band updates too10:47
daftykinswith the many ubuntu servers i manage, i've been getting seriously sick of how often they push regular kernel updates throughout a week, it'd be much nicer if it were limited10:47
daftykinsso there are pros and cons either way10:48
tomreynubuntu has a schedule, too10:48
DarkTrickabout a month ago there was a kernel update, that froze my computer every 5 minutes for 10 to 20 seconds10:51
daftykinsdon't really feel like reading through that to get an idea of how they intend to release them10:51
DarkTrickI cant remember the last time Windows did that10:51
daftykinsall updates though can just be peppered along a week, pretty frustrating when you handle a bunch of boxes10:51
DarkTricksure, Win and OS X have problems, but I recently feel, that Ubuntu has problems on a much lower level10:52
daftykinsit's been called macOS for several years now btw10:52
DarkTricke.g. it takes days to find anything close to mspaint... and even that doesn't work properly (regular crashes)10:52
DarkTrickdaftykins, had a 50:50 chance with OS X. I knew either of one was the correct one :D10:53
daftykinsthis sounds very much like your own system, nobody else is coming in support saying so10:53
DarkTrickMaybe because most of the people gave up?10:53
daftykinslol no10:53
DarkTrickAunt Tully woulnd't use irc10:54
daftykinsshe also wouldn't embrace Tux10:54
DarkTrickdon't get me wrong btw., I'm not trying to rant. I'm merely trying to find some sense in the last years I spend for linux10:55
DarkTrickI want to get on fixing bugs but I feel like I'm to busy getting a running system10:56
DarkTrickSo the question: why spending millions of hours on linux ... which is ... Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xunbuntu, Suse, lalala10:58
daftykinsyou must have a hardware incompatibility somewhere or not know what you're doing, then10:58
DarkTrickfor servers, sure, but as desktop?10:58
DarkTrickwell, I plug it in10:59
DarkTrickmaybe that's the problem :D10:59
daftykinsplug what in, power? riiiiight11:01
DarkTrickusb mic11:02
daftykinsyou're really peppering us with your issues there11:09
DarkTrickperhaps I got too much into detail.11:14
daftykinsfrom the outside here's your thought process as it appears to me11:16
daftykins"i couldn't get x working, had a problem with y... so why does this OS even exist?"11:16
DarkTrickyeh, perhaps I should've ordered my thoughts first :/11:17
DarkTrickIt's more like this: "We're working on getting a filemanager - a "problem" "solved" years ago, while people are starving or held slaves"11:19
daftykinsno idea which desktop you think is searching for a file manager11:20
DarkTrickhm...again, this is merely an example11:21
DarkTricktake the hibernation feature instead11:21
daftykinsirrelevant, it's been disabled on most modern OSs11:22
daftykinsor at least - hidden11:22
=== M_aD is now known as Maik_aD
sonicwindhey Maik_aD14:27
Maik_aDsonicwind: hey14:34
Maik_aDi still need to find a way to stay logged in on irc so can check in from work durng my breaks.14:41
jeremy31Maik_aD: bouncer14:41
Maik_aDmaybe turn the old netbook into a server with quassel core on it14:41
Maik_aDjeremy31: tried it once, didn't work out well14:42
jeremy31I use irccloud, works on my phone and linux computers14:46
Maik_aDi'll have a look, thanks14:51
lotuspsychjeor just showup oldskool style :p14:56
lotuspsychjelol jeremy3114:57
* lotuspsychje slaps jeremy31 with a very large trout14:57
jeremy31Don't be mean to trout14:57
lotuspsychjesorry pushed the wrong mirc button14:58
jeremy31I think that is even in irccloud14:58
* jeremy31 slaps everyone around a bit with a large striped bass14:58
lotuspsychjethey are just toying with us again15:06
Maik_aDlotuspsychje: futurerich?15:09
lotuspsychjea lot of nicks in the weekend15:10
lotuspsychjethey join by gangs and invent some fictive issues to troll15:10
lotuspsychjeit needs a bit of training to recognize them15:11
jeremy31An outbreak of trolls?  Call the WHO15:11
jeremy31wear a mask and wash your hands15:12
Maik_aDlotuspsychje: i know, seems they have nothing better to do15:12
lotuspsychjei'd rather call gandalf the grey, instead of WHO sauron :p15:13
Maik_aDright... time to get ready. See you in the morning.15:22
lotuspsychjework em Maik_aD15:22
=== tds3 is now known as tds

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