
gax1985iHello folks. I have a quick question for you. Could you tell me which kernel is being used for Ubuntu Studio 20.04 ?06:25
gax1985iI am trying to decide between Pop! OS 20.04 and Ubuntu Studio 20.04. I will be using it for music production06:25
gax1985iIs it kernel version 5.4 (vanilla) ?06:28
Artist1991Could not find Wine Gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.0009:err:mshtml:create_document_object Failed to init Gecko, returning CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE0009:err:msxml:doparse Failed to create parser context19:59
Artist1991How to install wine-gecko? I have trying to install lightroom using wine. this is the error "Could not find Wine Gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.0009:err:mshtml:create_document_object Failed to init Gecko, returning CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE0009:err:msxml:doparse Failed to create parser context"20:00
oerheks!info wine-gecko20:02
ubottuPackage wine-gecko does not exist in focal20:02
oerheks!info wine-gecko bionic20:02
ubottuPackage wine-gecko does not exist in bionic20:03
oerheksmaybe you need to build it yourself https://wiki.winehq.org/Gecko#Building_Wine_Gecko20:03
oerheksi would install rawtherapee or darktable, as raw image editor20:04
Artist1991Its there on studio. but im not used it to it.20:05
Artist1991im a slow learner :(20:05
oerheksexpand your experience :-)20:06

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