=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [02:01] I installed xubuntu on a virutal machine. $sudo apt-get udpate says "some index files failed to download" https://pastebin.com/1Ch69jP1 [02:06] Seems like a mirror that is out of sync. [02:07] I thought I tried a different mirror but I am in the process of setting a completely different one to be sure. [02:08] krytarik: seems to be the same thing. [02:09] Tried the main archive yet? [02:09] would those be the ones set by default? [02:10] Not necessarily, since I think they are localized on installed based on the timezone. [02:10] Hmm, after a $sudo apt-get update it says "maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing" [02:11] Nah, --fix-missing definitely doesn't apply here. [02:12] And to switch to the main archive, just pick the "main" entry in the repo settings. [02:13] Thanks krytarik: let me try that. [02:17] krytarik: it's set to "Download from: Main Server". Still get that error. [02:23] gnoob: Try clearing the list directory by "sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*" before doing another "sudo apt-get update" run. [02:35] krytarik: sorry I lost ya there for a bit. I ran that rm command and still seem to get the same error. [02:36] Well, welp.. >_> [02:39] agreed, seems weird. I did not do anything but install and then try to update. [02:41] gnoob: Maybe the folks in #ubuntu got any more ideas.. [02:43] checking my IP address is a new command. $ip a [02:44] krytarik: they are OK with Ubuntu derivatives? [02:59] I might just wipe the install and try again. Not to confident it will help however. [03:41] Found a way to disable hyper-v and it seems to be working [14:52] Anyone able to help me with some xrandr stuff? My monitors are different DPIs and I wanted the mouse to cross linearly across the border between them. I've already got that working. The problem is that the mouse can move into the leftover --fb space that is off the monitors. [15:33] anyone here that might be able to help me with some xrandr stuff? [15:52] try asking in #ubuntu, too, mentioning that you run xubuntu [15:52] i assume this is not xubuntu specific === everyone is now known as Guest65722