
facubatista¡Muy buenos días a todos!11:17
facubatistajam, hello! in which situations you're running flake8 yourself, in charmcraft?11:35
jammorning facubatista11:35
jamwhen I have a typo, I'd generally run flake8 again to make sure it is correct (eg, just that check)11:35
jamthat, and autopep8 runs whenever I save a file, which needs flake8 rules, though it only runs on the file that is modified11:36
facubatistajam, which editor do you use?11:36
facubatistait doesn't have integrated flake8?11:36
facubatistajam, in any case, I +1ed your PR11:37
jamPycharm, it integrates via FileWatchers. It also gives warnings, etc built in. I'd still interact via the command line from time to time11:38
facubatistajam, please remember my https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/9311:40
mupPR charmcraft#93: Store status <Created by facundobatista> <https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/93>11:40
jamwill do11:40
* facubatista brb13:20
* facubatista is back13:34
alejdgHey folks, I got my jenkins-agent charm working fine when I deploy only 1 unit, but if I scale up, it starts to deploy multiple replicasets and more units than requested. I don't know why that's happening and I'd like to know if anyone has an idea.18:19
alejdgAnother thing is that I'm using StoredState to save information, and that information is pertinent for a single unit. Because of that, I believe I need to set a different spec for each unit or maybe use secrets instead, but I'm not sure how to that.18:19

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