
mrgoodcatthe garmin nightmare might be over soon https://www.digitaltrends.com/wearables/garmin-service-resumes-malware/14:39
cmaloneyPyOhio 2020 talks are up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGmzRIgDgOY&list=PL2k6bbM_wgjtGSzPXzUzP3AfVO-o4imbB14:45
jrwrenoh wow, 5-10min talks. that is great.14:48
cmaloneyYeah, it really worked out14:48
cmaloneylearned a lot14:48
cmaloneyand viewing it now is just like being there. ;)14:48
jrwreni was going to pick and choose but with short talks, might as well listen to each.14:49
jrwrenwhy are automake and autoconf 2 diff packages? are they ever not used together?20:18
cmaloneyNot sure.20:23

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