
=== satanist is now known as keksdoses-alexa
=== keksdoses-alexa is now known as satanist
KamilionMat63: 'badblocks' does not work the same as it once did a decade and a half ago. Disks themselves have gotten SMARTer, and remap bad sectors internally up to a certain threshold. You can ask the drive how many sectors it's remapped with smartctl. Writing to a 'bad' block will cause the disk firmware to remap it.00:23
KamilionFor western digitals, the threshold is around a thousand bad sectors before the SMART tests will return 'failure'. For seagates and HGSTs, it's around 10000 bad sectors.00:24
PrestigeI have an ubuntu server and I've added the universe repo, but I'm not seeing any universe packages when I apt search. I also ran apt update. Am I missing a step?00:36
leftyfbPrestige: what version of ubuntu are you running?00:38
Mat63I didn't know, I had my suspicions00:40
Prestige18.04.4 bionic leftyfb00:40
leftyfbPrestige: what package are you not seeing?00:41
PrestigeI'm attempting to install the universe version of neovim but only bionic is showing00:41
leftyfbPrestige: please pastebin the output from: sudo apt update ; sudo apt-cache policy neovim00:42
leftyfbPrestige: please paste the entire thing00:44
Sven_vBI'd like to use a download program that unfortunately has rather bad proxy support, in that it will try to open lots of parallel connections, way more than my proxy can handle. Even worse, that downloader flinches when connections are rejected/closed prematurely. In the past I used another proxy in front that specializes in accepting incoming connections, limiting the number if outgoing connections, and keeping the excess incoming00:44
Sven_vBconnections idle until a new slot for outgoing connections is available. In focal, can I achieve this limiting behavior on OS level somehow? E.g. making connect attempts block as long as the process (group) already has the maximum number of open network connections?00:44
leftyfbPrestige: it looks like you're running Ubuntu from openstack. I'm not sure if their repo's are different00:46
leftyfbSven_vB: don't use that "download program"00:46
cluelesspersonthis is so annoying, onboard keeps randomly not responding00:47
cluelesspersonand it prevents clicks all over the screen.00:47
Sven_vBleftyfb, I wish it was that easy. :D00:47
leftyfbSven_vB: what program is it?00:48
Sven_vBbefore I put the blame, lemme verify if the latest version actually still has that problem. would be too nice if today is the day they finally fixed it.00:50
Prestigehmm dang00:51
=== zbenjamin is now known as Guest67034
=== zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin
qid|ydlat some point my lock screen stopped blanking/suspending my display so it just stays on all the time, even though it's still set to blank the screen after 15 minutes, any ideas how to troubleshoot this?01:39
quadrathoch2qid|ydl probably something that interferes with it01:44
quadrathoch2see what processes are running01:44
qid|ydlquadrathoch2: hmm, I found some stuck VLC processes still running in the background, that might have done it... that's what I get for using the snap version, I guess01:49
quadrathoch2sounds likely01:50
qid|ydlapparently this is actually a known VLC problem they've never bothered to fix... time to look for a replacement media player I guess02:02
Sven_vBleftyfb, proxy thrashing confirmed for npm v6.14.6 with nodejs v12.18.303:24
WoCwhere would you define serial consoles ?03:25
WoC( things that used to be set in inittab )03:26
Sven_vBAt least reading the old bug tickets again reminds me that npm leaves the connections open and idle when the download is done, so limiting new connections isn't even sufficient without killing idle ones.03:34
Sven_vBI guess installing the limiter proxy will be easier than teaching my netfilter some idlenes rules. meh.03:35
WoCHmmm, no more chromium ?04:39
WoCI only see the snap version ;P04:39
DarkTrickHow do I use ubuntu-bug for a package I don't know (All-application menu)04:44
WoCyou can list all the packages installed using; dpkg -l04:45
WoCwhat kind of bug ?04:46
DarkTrickWoC: even if the package name is shown, I highly doubt, that i can recognize it04:47
WoCcan you elaborate on that bug ?04:47
DarkTrickWoC, suggestion: "Softwaer & Updates" for "run it" and "configure it" look pretty much the same, with exactly the same letters. I suggest to add a gear for the settings one04:47
WoCaye, but that seems more like feedback than bug report (not that i disagree with you)04:49
DarkTrickWoC, so is there a better way to "announce" it?04:49
WoCthe forums are usually a good place04:50
WoCim sure there's a forums.ubuntu.com04:50
DarkTrickwhats the difference?04:51
WoCgood question, i havent been on the forums in quite some years04:52
WoCtesting ubuntu on the arm powered laptop04:52
WoCand it seems like chromium is gone04:53
WoConly some snap version left04:53
WoCwas hoping not having to build it from source, as it would take about 5-6 days04:54
DarkTricklol? And I thought 8 hour for libre office was rough04:55
WoConly 4 GiB ram...04:55
WoCwould probably be around 8h with a nvme disk04:56
gnoobyou should be able to compile it on another machine?  WHen I used to run gentoo a long time ago i used  "distcc" not sure if it would help.04:59
WoCit's the only aarch64 i've got so far05:01
WoCotherwise i would try distcc05:01
WoCspeaking of, have to reinstall the other two servers05:02
yelowfishany clamav users here?05:02
tatertotzyelowfish: clamav has it's own forums, chat rooms, mailing lists and documentation05:09
daregapmorning, does anyone know how to use the kermit protocol in ubuntu to upload a firmware to a remote device? I'm on 20.04. ckermit doesn't exist in the repos, only gkermit package is available.05:11
DarkTrickWoC, thank you btw for your help!05:12
DarkTrickyelowfish, I'm not sure if I'm a user, but it's installed05:12
WoCnp DarkTrick05:18
AndrioDo we know when Ubuntu 20.04.1 will be out?05:36
tatertotzin the future05:37
Maik_aDAndrio: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule05:40
Maik_aD6th of August05:41
Maik_aDif you use 20.04 you already have 20.04.105:41
AndrioI was actually waiting for that release to upgrade from 19.1005:42
Maik_aDi see. Well, then stay on the unsupported version until August 6th. :)05:45
=== ticks_ is now known as ticks
chieta# ps -ef | grep nanoroot      1839 30120  0 07:03 pts/4   00:00:00 nano .envhow to inspect where is the .env located? i've got the pid 183907:06
EriC^chieta: perhaps strace -o 183907:11
EriC^chieta: perhaps strace -p 183907:11
chietachecking EriC^07:15
Xtremehey guys, any free ukuu alternative?09:29
barnexHello, I've installed ubuntu (16.04) on a pendrive on a win 10 and now my computer won't boot without said pendrive (as in win 10 won't boot). I think my error must have been not creating the efi partition on the pendrive? Any idea how to make windows fix its bootloader?09:45
=== FranzBuntu is now known as FrUbuntu
FrUbuntutomreyn Hi, just wanted to report back on the issue I've posted about yesterday, hoping it can be helpful to anyone facing it09:56
FrUbuntuApparently, after following this guide http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html the problem seems to be solved. I only reboot once just after having modified the /etc/default/grub file and everything went fine09:57
user217_I get some strange rights to my folder: d?????????  ? ?          ?                 ?            ? FTP10:02
user217_can I fix this?10:02
mihael_keehlI have a package installed and its service run via `systemctl start service` but it is running under a certain user, and its configuration file is located under /etc which is only readable by root. How should I go about this?10:13
oerheksmihael_keehl, care to share what package/service?10:15
oerheksand what ubuntu version?10:15
oerheks( you should start with this...)10:15
oerheksoh good10:19
loxiehi guys can anyone tell me what is an easy command to type to get both my public and private ip address (i want to get an ip to make a ssh connection first internally and once i have worked that out from the internet)10:30
oerheksloxie, there is no easy command for both.10:34
loxiewhat should i use for each10:35
oerheksfor public/WAN; https://www.tecmint.com/find-linux-server-public-ip-address/10:35
loxiewhat about the client10:36
loxieip a be okay10:36
oerheksip a # for ip, systemd-resolve --status | grep Current # for dns10:36
loxienice thank you10:37
oerhekshave fun!10:37
loxiei will10:37
CoJaBoI'm bracing for 4,000 of our customers to soon wake up, head into work, and find that all their customer records are meow.10:38
oerheksCoJaBo, oh dear, attack of an unprotected database crawler10:39
oerheksi hope you have backups..10:39
oerheks.. and a clue what went wrong10:39
CoJaBooerheks: It depends on how meow it takes meow to notice their meow is all meow.10:40
oerheksdunno, i am a dog person10:40
CoJaBooerheks: We only meow backups for meow days or so.10:40
CoJaBoWe once had a restruant not notice their entire site got nuked, for 9 days. We only keep backups for 7 :/10:41
oerheksone gets what is paid for..10:44
loxiethis is hillerious10:45
CoJaBoYeh, it's always the cheapest plans that complain the most when they do dumb stuff10:45
CoJaBoIn the restruant case tho, it was kinda like 1% our fault10:46
CoJaBoThey mispelled the name of one of their beers, and it happened to match the name of an active paedophile ring10:46
oerhekshow is this related to ubuntu support?10:48
CoJaBoTechnically, all our cheap plans are Ubuntu10:48
nuxilhave anyone else had problems installng ubuntu 20.04 in virtualbox 6.1.12?  it gets stuck on copying files. checksum of iso if fine after download. it just wount install. i tried Lubuntu 19.10. it installed with no problems.10:50
BluesKaj'Morning all10:51
lambainsaanHey folks, is the 16.04 image hosted on dockerhub minimal ubuntu image? Article at [1] says that 18.04 hosted at dockerhub is minimal, but doesn't say anything about the 16.04 image. https://ubuntu.com/blog/minimal-ubuntu-released11:00
lambainsaan[1] https://ubuntu.com/blog/minimal-ubuntu-released11:00
oerheksyes, check http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/minimal/releases/11:01
oerheks21 jul 202011:02
lambainsaanOh okay thanks oerheks11:03
zambawhat is the "best" central authentication method for linux? nis/yp is not used anymore?11:33
tarzeauzamba: ldap?11:42
zambatarzeau: oh, that infamous protocol again :)11:42
tarzeauzamba: we switched from nis/yp like 5 or so years away (and hadn't used it for 10 years anymore)11:42
tarzeauzamba: that headache (some other friends to that stuff, i'm so glad)11:42
zambaslapd is still the goto implementation?11:43
tarzeauno idea, probably, but i personally wouldn't mind using local passwd/groups and distributing them :)11:43
tarzeauhow many users are you going to have?11:43
tarzeauand how many machines do you have?11:45
zambawe want to set up a load-balanced sftp/ftp service11:45
zambaso to begin with just 2, but it can increase11:45
tarzeauso no linux desktops? just a bunch of sftp users (really ftp? cleartext password?)11:46
zambatarzeau: customer demand11:46
zambaso we support that for historic reasons11:46
zambabut ftp(e)s in that case11:46
tarzeauhardware/systems that only support ftp transfers?11:46
tarzeaunot sure how you'd load balance ftp/sftp, with JBOD for both? or how do you make sure data is synced?11:47
zambashared storage11:48
zambaprobably nfs or similar11:49
tarzeauwould be easier with just one but yeah11:49
b100shi2all; is it possible to install Ubuntu on laptop which uses SSD in RAID mode? I found in Internet advice to switch SSD into AHCI mode to make disk visible to Ubuntu. Maybe there is a way to not switch it and use in RAID mode?11:53
zambabut probably not a pure load balancing system.. but more like a active/passive thing11:53
zambaso we can bring stuff up and down for maintenance11:53
oerheksb100s, no.11:57
nuxilb100s, assuming have two identical disks in your lappy. then it should be possible. maybe not hardware controlled raid. but atleast software raid, dmraid or something like that.12:01
oerheksno, only hw controlled raid.12:03
nuxilmy OS disks have been in raid0 for almost 10 years now. ssd disks lol. i feel lucky i never had issues.12:07
Rob_Jonesasked in a couple of channels but want to get opinions here too12:18
Rob_Jonesin ubuntu how would you avoid a directory traversal attack if you have give a user ftp access12:19
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
iffraffHi, I have a new pair of jabra earbuds. My ubuntu 20.04 bluetooth does not "see" the device when in searches.  However it does see my old crapy earbud.  The new earbuds do connect to my phone no problem.  Both new earbuds and computer are bt 5.013:15
iffraffI've tried messing around with bluetoothctl but it just doesn't pick them up13:16
sub526Can someone point me to any existing tools to run the performance tests on 2 different ubuntu kernel systems?13:23
tatertotziffraff: are you chatting from the computer right now?13:28
iffrafftabakhase: yes13:28
iffraffoops  tatertotz yesa13:28
nbusronehi , anyone know how to reduce the time for ubuntu os to shutdown ?13:28
zmagiiI would like ctrl+tab to switch between applications without showing thumbnails in the middle of my screen on Xfce. Is there a way to adjust it?13:29
zmagiiOn Gnome the behaviour that I want is the default.13:29
tatertotziffraff: would you be able to attempt to pair the devices right now also?13:29
nbusronehi , anyone  ?13:30
tatertotziffraff: in terminal>     journalctl -f &> ~/nip.pir13:30
tatertotziffraff: then try to pair the devices13:30
iffrafftatertotz: connect via gui or bluetoothctl13:31
tatertotziffraff: gui13:31
tatertotziffraff: confirm once you have completed attempting to pair13:31
iffraffok, I did that but I forgot I'm in a state. I have blueman installed, even though 20.04 uses bluez.  should I uninstall that now?13:32
tatertotziffraff: do nothing right now13:33
nbusronehow to control cpu fan speed ubuntu ?13:33
tatertotziffraff: press CRTL+Z or CTRL+C in terminal13:33
iffraffok, well, I entered you command and tired to connect, but the device did not show up13:33
tatertotziffraff: did other devices show up?13:34
tatertotziffraff: do other devices show up13:34
leftyfbnbusrone: use jouralctl to look at the logs during the shutdown process https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd/Journal#Filtering_output13:35
tatertotziffraff: you can't expect to connect to something that doesn't even show up13:35
iffraffyes, I know. ok, perhaps I was not specific enough. I mentioned it does not "see" the device.  it does pick up other devices though13:36
nbusroneleftyfb : due to ubuntu run on SSD which power off the pc too fast , bios get reset , it maybe motherboard issue or ubuntu miss a few signal to call for some shutdown component.13:37
tatertotziffraff: the computer works with any other bluetooth device without issue, symptom is isolated to those specific ear buds/ that specific device13:37
iffraffPerhaps, but they connect to my phone right away13:37
iffraffboth earbuds and my computer have BT 5.013:37
tatertotziffraff: the computer has successfully validated it's bluetooth capability as evident by successfully using any other device..with the exception of the one13:40
iffraffTrue, and the earbuds have done same by connecting with multiple other devices.  I mean I hear what you are saying.  But given the singular function of the earbuds as apposed to the many functions of ubunutu it seems to me that, the problem would reside in the os.13:44
tatertotziffraff: have you any other PC to test with to further rule things out?13:51
iffraffwell, yes, I have a pc running popos.  I could give that a try.  I'll do that and report back.13:52
tatertotziffraff: iPhone/Android is a apples vs oranges comparison...so try with another PC ideally running GNU/Linux13:52
BluesKajsingular function, heh , all devices are singular13:52
iffrafftatertotz: popos is a linux os, I think it runs ubuntu undernieth.13:53
tatertotziffraff: does it work on the other PC?13:53
iffraffBluesKaj: it's to early for me to care, but I think we are either defining "devices" differently or, I have to disagree.13:54
iffrafftatertotz: I'm heading over.13:54
nbusroneleftyfb : at the log do you see any unusual error ? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Hz73SmxJ8g/ it's too fast to turn off the pc.It only took 3 second turning off the pc.13:54
BluesKajdisagree all you want , still doesn't change the facts13:55
nbusroneleftyfb : I am sure is between 10-20 second would be fine , 1 second is too fast somehow , I plan to reduce the speed of power off the pc.13:55
nbusroneleftyfb : the unmount drive sdc is done manually by my self , that doesn't count.13:56
iffrafftatertotz: touche! same shit on the other laptop. Still seems strange that android has no problem but ubuntu does.13:58
b100soerheks, nuxil not sure what kind of RAID it is. Is it software or hardware or it is something different? https://ibb.co/bzf1bV214:11
nbusroneleftyfb : restart my pc again.14:12
=== The_Milkman1 is now known as The_Milkman
b100sMaybe I need to build kernel with some options so it will recognize raid?14:19
tatertotzb100s: are you chatting from the computer right now?14:24
b100statertotz, yes. Why?14:26
tatertotzb100s: have you tried changing the sata operation mode in BIOS and then running the installer?14:26
b100statertotz, yes, sure. It will succeed. My question is about how to do it with current setup, with RAID14:27
tatertotzb100s: you have "fake raid" ...i'll assume you're on a vanilla laptop or desktop PC...14:28
tatertotzb100s: you will alter the sata operation in BIOS or you forfeit usage14:29
tatertotzb100s: fake windows raid found on average run of the mill laptops/desktops14:29
b100statertotz, yes, it's new dell latitude 5300. Why it is a "fake raid"? Any documentation on it?14:30
tatertotzsome mod do that thing that makes that Ubuntu "bot" say the thing about "fake raid"14:31
tatertotzits some kinda thing you type in like !package  or something14:32
b100statertotz, so what difference between fake raid and real one? why BIOS has such raid?14:33
tatertotz!fake raid14:33
b100s!sorry can't get it14:34
ubottub100s: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:34
tatertotzb100s: on a search engine, use a query consisting of these keywords "fake raid"14:36
b100soh, I see. There's even article about it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:39
Napk1nis there any risk to migrating a ubuntu server from hdd to ssd?14:42
tatertotzb100s: so in a nutshell...your PC is functioning as designed14:42
tatertotzNapk1n: there's always at least some risk...in just about anything14:43
Napk1ntrue and i will back up the data of course, but maybe a better question is, should i do a fresh install on the ssd and than migrate the database and files14:44
Napk1nor is it usually okay to migrate everything at once14:44
b100sokay, tatertotz , here is a good article about three types of RAID - software, fake and hardware - https://skrypuch.com/raid/ . However still not clear to me, why fake raid, enabling multiple OSes to use the same RAID, is not supported by linux but supported by windows? Or am I still missing something?14:54
Mat63Hi, are the CPUs getting stressed?15:00
Mat63By mistake I formatted a logical partition, how can I recover the files that were deleted? Another thing is that the format was ntfs and it was formatted to ext4, it is just a clarification.15:03
nuxilif only the partition table was overwritten you can reconver. but since you formated the disk aswell. not sure how you go about doing it then.15:09
nuxilMat63, there are lots of recovery tools for ntfs. google lists up a hole bunch. altho alot of them are payware.15:11
Mat63I have 90% percent backup of those files, but if I can get them back to see the rest15:11
Mat63nuxil: When you say "partition table" do you mean that the file system was changed from ntfs to ext3 / 4 etc ...? (True? )15:13
nuxilthe partition table is "like a file". fixed size on your hd. it will contain info like partitions. size etc.15:16
nuxilif you overwire this you can still recover data realativly fine "not always".. but if you formated the ext4 partition with , 0's you might not get all data back.15:18
nuxilsome quick formats. only changes the partition table. a full format usaly deletes all data.15:19
HayashiEsmeHello, question about mailing lists: are there formatters I can use to check if I'm fitting email thread styling? (i.e: soemthing that tells me I'm going past 76 characters, or something that assists me in writing "At 8pm +2GMT someone responded"/autoformats threads?)15:38
Mat63nuxil: When the Gparted program, for example, shows the partition there is a small volume of 1.5Mb that is still there.15:38
nuxilsorry i dont know what that is.15:45
nuxilhave you read this article? https://ubuverse.com/recover-a-disk-partition-with-testdisk-and-gparted-live/15:46
istvanI'm running ubuntu 28.04 on a dell XPS. After an update, my internet access is very slow intermittently. Other devices on the same network do not experience the slowdown. My network configuration seems to have Netplan deferring to NetworkManager. As a first step, can I easily purge my network configurations and revert to the 18.04 defaults? I15:57
istvanhaven't been able to find a way thus far.15:57
leftyfbistvan: 18.04 and 20.04 use the same networking16:05
ocx32hi all, i am trying to use bonding in ubuntu 20.04 and my network cards are not lighting up i get link down all the time, how can i disable bonding ?16:10
ocx32i changed the netplan config, and did netplan -aply16:10
ocx32it still doesnt work16:10
ocx32ifconfig command asks me to install the net utils package, but i cant reach the internet at this stage16:11
ocx32anyone ?16:14
leftyfbocx32: you configured bonding but don't know how to unconfigure it?16:15
ocx32i configured it from the setup16:16
leftyfbput the config back to defaults16:16
leftyfbocx32: https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-bionic-netplan16:16
ocx32is it normal for the network card not to ligh up16:17
ocx32when you have a bond ?16:17
tomreynthe interface LED would be lit when the link comes up, and traffic passes.16:29
Dragonkeeperanyone able to help with bridges ?  br0  has 2 interfaces on it  one gets dhcp fine, when i connect a device to the other its not getting dhcp,  i want it to get dhcp from router.16:34
leftyfbDragonkeeper: why does br0 have multiple interfaces associated with it?16:36
Dragonkeeperbecause i only want those on the bridge leftyfb16:37
leftyfbDragonkeeper: what version of ubuntu?16:38
leftyfbDragonkeeper: can you pastebin your network config?16:39
Dragonkeeperhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zRkYyXxdsk/ leftyfb16:39
leftyfbDragonkeeper: your interfaces should be set up dhcp4: no16:41
Dragonkeeperexcept br0 ? leftyfb16:41
leftyfbDragonkeeper: also, make sure you have bridge-utils installed16:42
leftyfbDragonkeeper: Unless those 2 interfaces have any sort of direct relationship, I would create a bridge for each interface16:43
Dragonkeeperhostapd handles wlx*  and 192 is the wan   so wlx needs to get dhcp from the bridge leftyfb16:44
Dragonkeeperstill not getting dhcp with the change16:45
leftyfbDragonkeeper: so you're trying to create a wireless hotspot? People connect to an ESSID associated with wlx and get onto the 192 network?16:49
leftyfbI'm not sure how to set that up. Something I've been meaning to play with though but haven't had the time16:50
Dragonkeeperive done it the same way before but that was on a physical , im moving it to virtual and clearly i missing something16:51
leftyfbdo you have bridge=br0 in your hostapd.conf?16:52
Dragonkeeperleftyfb: interface is wlx and bridge is set to br016:55
Dragonkeeperi have also set ip4 forwarding to 116:55
Dragonkeeperonly main difference im seeing between to what i previously setup is now im using ubuntu server version :S16:56
Guest_8Hi, can someone give me a little advice on upgrading from hdd to ssd. I have encrypted the whole disk at installation. I think I want to remove the full disk encryption, to take advantage of the speed to boot quickly, do i need to do a fresh install or can i clone the disk?17:09
tomreynGuest_8: full disk encryption won't really noticably harm boot time. certainly not if you're coming from a hdd17:16
leftyfbGuest_8: the only noticeable difference in speed is typing in the passphrase.17:17
tomreynsure, you'll need to enter the passphrase, still. but if the rest of the hardware is not fully outdated, you'll just enter this within 5 seconds of booting17:18
Guest_8OK then i might as well retain it. what is the best way to clone the disk? If i use the disk application to clone the indvidual partitions on to the new drive?17:18
tomreynuefi or bios booting?17:18
Guest_8bios I believe.17:19
tomreynecho -n 'This system booted via: '; [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo UEFI || echo BIOS17:19
Guest_8its an old thinkpad so its not super up to date17:19
tomreyndoes the ssd have enough capacity to fit the original data?17:20
tomreyni.e. all partitions, as they were17:20
Guest_8yes. 500gb hdd replaced by 500gb ssd17:20
Guest_8drive has spare space as well not a lot but about 60 GB17:21
tomreynthat's not "yes", that's "maybe"17:21
tomreynis the spare space to the end?17:21
Guest_8Im not sure how to answer17:21
tomreynsudo fdisk -l /dev/sda | nc termbin.com 999917:22
tomreynthat's assuming sda is the hdd you're replacing17:22
Guest_8there are several partitions.17:22
Guest_8Partition 2 does not start on physical sector boundary.17:23
tomreynneither answers the question about spare unallocated capacity to the end of the partition table.17:24
Guest_8there is a boot partition, then there is a 499gb partition that is encrypted so in Disks app it shows as 3 partitions "extended, "LUKS" and "GB LVM2 PV"17:24
Guest_8and 1.1mb free space17:25
tomreynand the unallocated space is where?17:26
tomreynthose 60 GB17:26
tomreynin the PV? if so, then it's not actually unallocated from a partition table POV.17:27
tomreynsudo pvs    would tell17:27
Guest_8oh it is not unallocated, it is free space on the encrytped partition.17:27
tomreynactually    sudo vgs17:27
Guest_8  VG        #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize    VFree   ubuntu-vg   1   2   0 wz--n- <465.03g 20.00m17:28
tomreyn20 MB free, so it's not there17:29
tomreynmaybe you mean that a file system has 60 GB free space.17:30
tomreyndf -h    would say so.17:30
Guest_8yes free space on the encrytped partiton there is not unallocated space for a partition17:30
Guest_8Filesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted onudev                         1.8G     0  1.8G   0% /devtmpfs                        363M  2.0M  361M   1% /run/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root  456G  400G   33G  93% /tmpfs                        1.8G   21M  1.8G   2% /dev/shmtmpfs                        5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/locktmpfs17:31
Guest_81.8G     0  1.8G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup/dev/loop5                   256M  256M     0 100% /snap/gnome-3-34-1804/36/dev/loop6                   2.3M  2.3M     0 100% /snap/gnome-system-monitor/148/dev/loop0                   119M  119M     0 100% /snap/audovia-classic/2/dev/loop12                  256K  256K     0 100%17:31
Guest_8/snap/gtk2-common-themes/13/dev/loop2                    97M   97M     0 100% /snap/core/9665/dev/loop7                   256M  256M     0 100% /snap/gnome-3-34-1804/33/dev/loop11                  162M  162M     0 100% /snap/gnome-3-28-1804/128/dev/loop10                  161M  161M     0 100% /snap/gnome-3-28-1804/116/dev/loop1317:31
Guest_8256K  256K     0 100% /snap/gtk2-common-themes/9/dev/loop4                    55M   55M     0 100% /snap/core18/1880/dev/loop8                   2.3M  2.3M     0 100% /snap/gnome-system-monitor/145/dev/loop3                    55M   55M     0 100% /snap/core18/1754/dev/loop1                    97M   97M     0 100% /snap/core/9436/dev/loop917:31
Guest_8134M  134M     0 100% /snap/fugio/515/dev/loop14                   55M   55M     0 100% /snap/gtk-common-themes/1502/dev/loop15                   63M   63M     0 100% /snap/gtk-common-themes/1506/dev/loop16                  5.9M  5.9M     0 100% /snap/htop/1207/dev/loop17                  5.9M  5.9M     0 100% /snap/htop/1222/dev/loop1817:31
Guest_8174M  174M     0 100% /snap/musescore/165/dev/loop22                   67M   67M     0 100% /snap/riot-web/76/dev/loop20                   40M   40M     0 100% /snap/musikcube/2/dev/loop23                   69M   69M     0 100% /snap/riot-web/96/dev/loop28                   16M   16M     0 100% /snap/wormhole/112/dev/loop24                   40M17:31
Guest_840M     0 100% /snap/pd-ceammc/86/dev/loop26                  768K  768K     0 100% /snap/trx-audio/8/dev/loop25                   44M   44M     0 100% /snap/snap-store/415/dev/loop27                   87M   87M     0 100% /snap/simplescreenrecorder/1/dev/loop21                   42M   42M     0 100% /snap/pd-ceammc/87/dev/loop1917:31
tomreyn!paste | Guest_8: you just got silenced by Drone for spamming the channel. this will last a few minutes.17:31
ubottuGuest_8: you just got silenced by Drone for spamming the channel. this will last a few minutes.: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:31
tomreynso i'll assume you have 60 GB free on a file system that sits on top of LVM2, which is on top of a dmcrypt-LUKS encrypted partition17:32
tomreynand you can speak again.17:34
Guest_8I can?17:34
Guest_8ahh thanks17:34
tomreynif you already have the new ssd, you could check what its capacity in bytes is, and then you could see whether its larger or less than the hdd. if it's some bytes larger, you could just copy the full hdd to the ssd as it is, then power off and disconnect the hdd, then boot and instruct the bios to boot off the ssd.17:35
tomreynif, however, the ssd is slightly smaller than the hdd, you'll need to shrink something before copying, or you may have data loss17:35
Guest_8how do i test this? in disks this appears to be the same, exactly which I guess may not be reliable17:36
Guest_8i have the ssd here plugged in17:36
tomreyncompare the size in bytes given in    fdisk -l   output for both disks17:37
tomreyni'm not too good with the gui tools, and generally prefer doing partitioning and such fundamental tasks on a terminal, where you also get proper error messages17:37
Guest_8yeah it is the best way, I am just learning, but commandline ftw17:39
Guest_8this is the output needed? Disk /dev/sdb: 465.78 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors17:39
tomreynright, and the same for the other disk17:40
tomreynand then you'll need to tell which is which17:40
Guest_8original disk Disk /dev/sda: 465.78 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors17:40
tomreynso thats indeed identical, or so they claim. ;)17:41
Guest_8can i clone the whole thing then with DD?17:41
tomreynbut i forgot to mention that on an ssd it's wise to keep 10% unpartitioned / unallocated17:41
tomreynyou don't have to, though.17:41
Guest_8oh, ok why is that?17:41
tomreynit provides the ssd firmware with more sectors to juggle data around to prevent wear leveling17:42
tomreynyou'd not need to do fstrim then, or much less17:42
Guest_8can I shrink a partition on the original disk then before cloning with dd?17:43
tomreynnot easily with your setup. i think the easiest for you is reall yjust to dd17:43
Guest_8most of the data on it, a good 300 gb i want to remove off the disk once it is set up, and put it on the hdd that is coming out of the laptop17:44
Guest_8whats fstrim?17:45
tomreynand then reinstall the hdd, or install it elsewhere?17:45
Guest_8not reinstall it. just have it as a external hdd17:45
Guest_8its media, music, audiobooks and books, so i dont want to delete it, but I dont need access to it all the time,17:46
tomreynfstrim is file system TRIM, a way for the operating system to inform the storage firmware which parts of the storage are not being used at this time (wven though they are part of the space spanned by a partition)17:46
Guest_8will this keep the same encryption passcode and key?17:47
tomreynjust ignore what i said about fstrim, it deviates from the task at hand17:48
tomreyni still think you'll be fine with just the dd, with all you told so far.17:49
Guest_8so something like dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb ? i will have a read of the manual before i do it but just wanted to make sure i wasn't going to screw anything up17:49
tomreyni'd add     bs=8192 status=progress17:52
Guest_8ok bs is the block size? why 8192 ? just curious as i was going to put 4096 as the output of the previous commands gave17:53
Guest_8I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes17:53
Guest_8for the new ssd17:54
tomreyn8192 = 8M   -> how much data to process in each read/write step.17:55
Guest_8more is better?17:55
rfmmore is faster17:55
tomreynto a certain degree only17:56
tomreyni don't know how to measure the optimal size, but there's scripts for it, and it's hardware specific.17:56
tomreynbut 4M or 8M usually work fine17:56
tomreynalso add this to dd    conv=notrunc,noerror17:57
tomreynto not truncate the target (without error), but to continue the process when experiencing read errors.17:58
seanbrightsomewhere between bionic and focal i lost color output and completion after running 'sudo -s'17:59
seanbrightanyone know an easy way to restore that?17:59
Guest_8ok the output of fdisk -l that you gave me before said that optimal blocksize for that drive is 4096 should i ignore that as that is not likely correct as you said there were scripts etc and hardware dependent, i guess that is a generic number based off some value of hdd space or format but go with 819618:01
tomreynseanbright: if the shell is bash, this may work:   sudo sed -i 's;^#force_color_prompt=yes;force_color_prompt=yes;' /root/.bashrc18:02
Guest_8tomreyn: hwo did you learn this? I find it interesting, but as I dont often need to do things like this I dont develop a skill, even doing it a couple of times doesnt really cement it as understanding18:04
tomreynGuest_8: the bs parameter does not define the block size on the target device. the partition table does.18:04
torniqI did a 18->20 upgrade and it kicked out my networking.  Any ideas?18:04
Guest_8ah ok that makes sense.18:04
tomreynGuest_8: i'm always still struggling myself, but may have done it a few more times than you did ;-)18:05
seanbrighttomreyn: will give it a shot - looks like 'sudo -i' fixes the completion problem at minimum - i guess i've been using sudo wrong for a while?18:05
tomreynseanbright: depends on what's right or wrong for you, but sudo -i  would be the most common approach to become root on ubuntu.18:06
Guest_8Ive never read the manual for sudo, I could also be using it incorrectly.18:06
seanbrighttomreyn: roger that. thank you.18:06
tomreyn!yy.mm | torniq18:06
ubottutorniq: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle18:06
tomreyn!details | torniq18:07
ubottutorniq: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.18:07
torniqI'm upgrading from 18.04 to 20.04.  During the upgrade, the network kicked out.  Now the only way I can connect is via KVM.  I'm on there, and i don't see any firewall entries running.  Networking will not work.  I'm not sure why18:08
tomreyn"firewall entries running" refers to iptables logs in dmesg?18:10
torniqiptables is clean, ufw is disabled18:10
tomreynyre you using network-manager, systemd-networkd, or iproute so network configuration?18:11
tomreynand are you using netplan?18:12
torniqah, it kicked out my networking.. i connected via kvm, and noticed a screen session.  Screen -r  attached me to the do-upgrade-* thing.  It was at a prompt about remove packages and reboot.  Hopefully it'll come back up with networking18:14
torniqnope, I broke networking.18:16
torniq"eno1: could not set route: nexthop has invalid gateway."18:17
tomreynthis could be bug 1860926 - which has since been solved18:20
ubottubug 1860926 in systemd (Ubuntu Bionic) "Ubuntu 20.04 Systemd fails to configure bridged network" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186092618:20
tomreynadmittedly that doesn't help you miuch now if you have no networking and didn't upügrade to a version that's fixed18:20
tomreynmaybe this is more easily readable: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1234733/ubuntu-20-04-netplan-bridge-interface-fails-at-boot18:21
torniqah this sounds like the issue.18:24
torniqtomreyn, i'm at a loss as to how to get around this18:34
tomreyntorniq: provide the system with some other means up network connectivity, run updates18:35
tomreyn* means of18:36
tomreyni.e. not bridged18:36
tomreyntorniq: actually the bug report seem to suggest you just need to restart systemd-networkd18:41
tomreyni didn't read all of it, yet, and still haven't18:41
tomreynalternatively,  add      @reboot /usr/sbin/netplan apply     to the system crontab18:42
tomreynthis should just be neede duntil the system is fully updated18:42
tomreyni'm assuming your systemd package version is < 245.4-4ubuntu3.1  at this point18:43
torniqtomreyn, for my specific issue, i had /etc/netplan and /etc/system/network.  I removed the netplan config, and things started to work.  Moved the secondary ip settings from netplan over to systemd-networkd, and those ips listened.  I'm all good.  Thank you19:20
tomreynyou're welcome19:21
tomreynglad you worked it out19:21
tomreyntorniq: had you checked your systemd version?19:24
torniq`systemd 245 (245.4-4ubuntu3.2)19:24
tomreynthat's before or after you got it to work?19:25
tomreyngrep -F 245.4-4ubuntu3.2 /var/log/apt/history.log19:26
tomreynso i assume that before that you still had < 245.4-4ubuntu3.119:26
tomreynotherwise maybe another bug report would be needed19:26
tomreynor we could try to consider you a corner case ;)19:27
torniqno hit on that, so i must be a corner case19:28
torniqcue ball in the corner pocket off the 8 ball ftl19:29
ButtersnotAny sendmail expert? One of our server was configured to sendmail via gmail.  I am trying to find the configuration for this and so far unsuccesful. No postfix config anyere, no sendmail.cf anywhere. In /etc I see a mail directory, but only stock files, no modified config.19:45
ButtersnotIs there a way I can "ask" sendmail where it's getting its configuration from ?19:45
ioriasometimes sendmail is a 'fake' sendmail19:46
leftyfbButtersnot: what version of ubuntu?19:48
ubottuUbuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) was the 31st release of Ubuntu, support ended July 2020. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-July/005494.html19:49
leftyfbButtersnot: sudo egrep -Ri "gmail|google" /etc/19:49
leftyfbButtersnot: also, yeah, time to upgrade. You really shouldn't put critical services on a non-LTS release unless you plan on upgrading it every 9 months19:50
ButtersnotLeftyfb: This is something i'm taking over. I agree with you for the non-LTS.  Currently, most of this particular server is being migrated to a 20.04.20:01
ButtersnotLeftyfb: So the egrep command returned a bunch of results.. I'll go through those and see if I can find the proper config info. Much appreciated!!20:02
Buttersnotleftfb: No luck.. any other idea?20:09
tomreynhow do you know those weren't the ones?20:10
Buttersnottomreyn: talking to me?20:11
tomreynButtersnot: yes20:11
tomreynand is it really sendmail running there, or something just providing a sendmail interface (emulation)?20:13
ButtersnotI went through the results and looked at them. A lot of them were "fonts", a few were binary files, there was actually no config files related to sendmail20:13
Buttersnot(or anything "mail" for that matter)20:13
leftyfbButtersnot: is there a docker container?20:15
leftyfbor even an lxd container20:15
tomreyndpkg -S $(which sendmail)20:15
leftyfbButtersnot: sudo lsof -i :25   # also try 587 or 46520:16
Buttersnottomreyn:  no path found matching pattern /usr/sbin/sendmail20:17
leftyfbButtersnot: if you do not get a response from lsof on any of those ports, there is no service acting as an MTA or relay20:17
Buttersnotleftyfb: sendmail- 1259 root    5u  IPv4  25526      0t0  TCP localhost:smtp (LISTEN)20:17
leftyfbit's a start20:18
Buttersnotsendmail- 1259 root    6u  IPv4  25527      0t0  TCP localhost:submission (LISTEN)20:18
Buttersnotnothing on 46520:18
tomreynps ef 125920:18
leftyfbps -ef |grep 125920:19
Buttersnot 1259 ?        Ss     1:10 sendmail: MTA: accepting connections20:19
Buttersnot ps -ef |grep 125920:19
Buttersnotroot      1259     1  0 Jul03 ?        00:01:10 sendmail: MTA: accepting connections20:19
Buttersnotreal      6274 24598  0 19:26 pts/2    00:00:00 grep --color=auto 125920:19
leftyfbButtersnot: type -a sendmail20:19
Buttersnotsendmail is /usr/sbin/sendmail20:20
tomreynit exists, but is not part of an ubuntu package20:20
tomreynso someone placed it there manually, i guess20:20
tomreynsoemone or something20:21
leftyfbButtersnot: sudo lsof | grep sendmail20:22
Buttersnotwell, the reason why I assumed sendmail was configured is that my understanding is that php mail() uses sendmail according to what I saw on google.  And I know that php mail() is working as I could test that. I just don't know what server it's actually using to send emails.20:22
Buttersnotleftfb: that last command returned a screenful of path/filenames20:22
leftyfbButtersnot: or sudo lsof | grep etc   # see if anything mail related pops out20:23
tomreynmaybe search the web for the various checksums of /usr/sbin/sendmail also20:24
leftyfbButtersnot: also: ls -l /usr/sbin/sendmail # see if it's a link to something else20:24
tomreynoh right i forgot readlink20:25
tomreyncould be /etc/alternatives handled20:25
Buttersnotleftfb: first command returned the following:20:25
Buttersnotsudo lsof | grep etc20:25
Buttersnotsudo       6313                            root  cwd       DIR                8,1     4096   24642366 /etc/mail/smrsh20:25
Buttersnotgrep       6314                            real  cwd       DIR                8,1     4096   24642366 /etc/mail/smrsh20:25
Buttersnotlsof       6318                            root  cwd       DIR                8,1     4096   24642366 /etc/mail/smrsh20:25
Buttersnotlsof       6319                            root  cwd       DIR                8,1     4096   24642366 /etc/mail/smrsh20:25
Buttersnotbash      24598                            real  cwd       DIR                8,1     4096   24642366 /etc/mail/smrsh20:25
leftyfb!paste | Buttersnot20:26
ubottuButtersnot: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:26
tomreynyou just got muted for some minutes, Buttersnot, it'll expire automatically in a bit20:26
leftyfbI'm not familiar with smrsh but go take a look at it20:30
ButtersnotThere is a /etc/alternatives directory. mostly .gz files20:30
tomreyni guess there could be a good forwarding in a users' home directory, or in a chroot *somewhere*20:31
tomreynerr "gmail", not "good"20:31
tomreyni need to have my brains checked20:31
leftyfbthis is why I mentioned docker, but the PID doesn't agree20:32
tomreynmaybe get all the HOME's from passwd    getent passwd | cut -d: -f6     and look through them20:34
ButtersnotThat /etc/mail/smrsh contains 2 links: one to /usr/lib/sm.bin/mail.local and one to /usr/bin/procmail20:34
Buttersnottomreyn: what should I be looking for in those /home directories?20:40
tomreynButtersnot: the google / gmail configuration20:40
tomreynButtersnot: it could be a procmail filter, for example20:41
tomreynButtersnot: but since we don't even know what's this sendmail binary you have there, it could also be a custom sendmail build which just sends everything or something matching something to gmail20:41
tomreynor maybe it's an ssh daemon which also pretends to be sendmail.20:42
Buttersnothmmm ok.. I know there's also a wordpress install on that server (which is the active intranet) where there are a few forms that send results via email, but I'm not sure how that's configured either. Haven't made it that far yet..20:43
tomreynyou can configure php to tell you (log) which script sent something20:43
tomreyni think you do so by reconfiguring the "sendmail_path" php configuration20:46
ButtersnotI know there is also this file I came across that is functional. I can change the from/to emails for anything (valid) and it works. https://paste.ubuntu.com/20:46
ButtersnotI changed the actual email address domain to "mydomain.com"20:46
Buttersnotbut if I use our domain, it does work20:47
leftyfbButtersnot: if it were me, setup a 20.04 lxd container with postfix and slowly migrate everything to use that to send email instead20:47
Buttersnotyea, that might be a better option.. this chase for the current config doesn't seem to go anywhere at this point.  I was just hoping there was a way to somehow ask sendmail to display it's configuration..20:49
odiumI need to make a bootable iso or img on a jumpdrive or dvd and cant seem to from bsd can someone help?21:22
Bashing-omodium: You will likely get a response in the ##linux channel using bsd. :D21:24
=== alexrelis1 is now known as alexrelis
Guest_47Hey guys, anyone know how I can modify kernel parameters on Ubuntu 20.04 with ZFS on root?21:57
Guest_47update-grub doesn't seem to work with this configuration21:57
Guest_47was hoping to a windows 10 vm with gpu passthrough so i can play cod warfare with a friend22:00
gnoobOh man, running windows in a VM and then a game on top of that I would imagine will be killer on performance.22:04
gnoobGuest_47: Can you try WINE?  Is this it? https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?iId=12804&sClass=version22:06
gnoobsays "GOLD"22:06
chietais this box shutdown because of the unattended upgrades https://bpa.st/THTA ?22:18
Spiffdaddyi'm about 98% sure the answer is no, but is there any way to reverse LVM disk encryption after an install of ubuntu server 20.04 ?   I've got a headless server and I can't SSH to it if i reboot the thing because it requires me to type in the password.  Just a bad decision during installation.22:57
Spiffdaddypretty sure i'll have to reinstall..22:58
masonSpiffdaddy: If you used a mirror you can migrate off one half at a time. If not, it's probably easier to back up / reinstall.22:59
tdsSpiffdaddy: you'd want to test the exact config in a vm - but assuming you mean LUKS by "lvm disk encryption", you could use a key file, drop that into the initramfs, and then have it automatically use that key on boot23:01
Spiffdaddy@tds I read that but won't the boot loader still require a password ?23:04
tdsis your /boot encrypted as well?23:05
aaaaaaHi all. Ubuntu 20. No X Windows. Default 6 text consoles. How to change their number? Add more? Remove? I edited /etc/default/console-setup but no luck23:13
quadrathoch2aaaaaa I guess you would need to explain it better what the situation is, and what you want at the end23:16
aaaaaaquadrathoch2: I want 7 consoles instead of 623:16
thegnatanyone getting screen tearing in ubuntu 20.04 with 125% zoom?23:18
quadrathoch2thegnat we need more info than that23:18
thegnat14 laptop23:18
Spiffdaddy@tds I don't believe so.  I don't see .encryptfs23:18
Some_PersonHow in the world do I get Ubuntu installed alongside Windows on this mess of a disk? https://i.imgur.com/2Yv4ScT.png23:18
Spiffdaddyin /boot23:18
thegnatwith intel uhd 62023:18
quadrathoch2aaaaaa there should be even more? as ubuntu server should have f1-f1223:19
aaaaaaquadrathoch2: I have Ubuntu desktop23:19
thegnatSome_Person don't you need to right click unallocated at then choose new, then choose ext4 partiotion23:19
thegnatthat was what I did23:19
Some_Personthegnat: I don't think Ubuntu will fit in that tiny 1.34 MiB space23:20
Spiffdaddy@tds it was a vanilla install with the disk encryption selected at that time23:20
thegnatdidn't see that23:20
quadrathoch2aaaaaa ahh, sorry, then I can't help you. don't know how I could even attempt that23:20
thegnatSome_Person First you need a bigger drive23:20
thegnatuse this someperson23:21
aaaaaaquadrathoch2: thanks anyway23:21
Some_PersonI know how to boot the Ubuntu installer. I'm confused as to why the hell my Windows 10 install has so many damn partitions, including a tiny one at the end23:23
leftyfbSome_Person: try #windows23:23
tomreynSpiffdaddy: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man8/cryptsetup-reencrypt.8.html see --decrypt23:24
quadrathoch2Some_Person do you mean the few mbs at the end of the partition? that's mostly probably for drivers/backup/restore things. but that's not what windows normally does23:25
tomreynSpiffdaddy: you mentioned ".encryptfs" above. a different storage encryption than dmcrypt-LUKS (which so far we seem to have assumed you have used, and I still do) is, or was, ecryptfs, which created a directory .ecryptfs on encrypted file systems. but this is file system encryption, unlike dmcrypt-LUKS, which is a block device encryption layer.23:27
Some_Personquadrathoch2: https://i.imgur.com/2Yv4ScT.png23:28
Spiffdaddytomreyn:  yeah, i wasn't really sure so i looked up how to check, that's one way I found.  bear with me.23:29
Spiffdaddyi'm checking out cryptsetup-reencrypt --decrypt23:29
Spiffdaddyat this point, the server isn't fully established and only spent time getting wifi up, so i could do a fresh install if it warranted it, but would rather not.23:30
tomreynSpiffdaddy: i haven't worked with it post release, but it very much doubt that the 20.4 server installer supports (or defaults to, for storage encryption) ecryptfs, it's indeed much more likely to be dmcrypt-luks.23:31
Spiffdaddyhow can i check?23:31
tomreynls /dev/mapper/*_crypt23:32
tomreynthat's not a proper check, but a simple test giving a good hint23:32
tomreynif it returns something, you most likely have dmcrypt-luks encrypted devices (at the partitions / disks indicated)23:33
Spiffdaddymay I copy & paste here ?23:34
tomreyncat /etc/crypttab     should also help23:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:34
Spiffdaddythank you, that's what i thought.  standby.23:35
Mat63Hello, is there any program in ubuntu that when copying, many pdf files, in a usb memory, check each folder that exists in the destination and check if the same file exists?23:38
tomreynSpiffdaddy: you missed the underscore in     ls /dev/mapper/*_crypt     but the resulting output means you have an encrypted devices handled by device mapper. is this a fakeraid?23:39
tomreynSpiffdaddy: maybe the new installer is just picking different names than the old one, so ignore my question. but what does this return (no need for pastebin for one line of output)?   ls -lah /dev/disk/by-uuid/2847df3b-7c0d-4c6b-ba5a-cf18cd740a7523:44
Mat63It turns out that I retrieve my pdf library, and I have some repeats in the destination, that the only space available, in addition to this is an order by subject of the books in individual folders, so the problem is that I can't paste the 2000 pdfs because I don't there is room to repeat files. So with a program that checks if there are repeated23:44
Mat63files I will only copy the missing ones23:44
eelstreborwhat is this google container engine and why is it installed on linux?23:49
Mat63No friend, it's a little complicated what happened to me, that's why I wanted to ask here first23:51
=== jess is now known as j
Mat63If you don't know, say it23:53
Spiffdaddytomreyn: ls -lah /dev/disk/by-uuid/2847df3b-7c0d-4c6b-ba5a-cf18cd740a7523:53
Spiffdaddylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jul 27 22:41 /dev/disk/by-uuid/2847df3b-7c0d-4c6b-ba5a-cf18cd740a75 -> ../../sda323:53
Mat63if there is such a program on ubuntu then say so23:54
tomreynSpiffdaddy: so sda3 probably contains a dmcrypt-luks layer. you can confirm this by (don't share this output):    sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/disk/by-uuid/2847df3b-7c0d-4c6b-ba5a-cf18cd740a7523:55
gnoobMat63: there are commands that should do that.  I am not sure what they are off the top of my head.23:57
gnoobis it "rsync"23:57
Spiffdaddytomreyn: yes it returns a LUKS header information23:57
tomreynSpiffdaddy: so this confirms that /dev/sda3 contains a dmcrypt-LUKS block device layer.23:58
Mat63Thanks friends23:59
tomreyneelstrebor: if you have questions about google products, i suggest asking in #google (or maybe it's ##google, i forgot)23:59

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