
OvenWerksEickmeyer: is there anyway we can have a backport version of zita-ajbridge? version 0.8.4 fixes the screaming cpu usage when a device is unplugged.19:00
OvenWerksFocal has that but the LTS does not.19:01
studiobot<teward001> isn't Focal an LTS? o.O19:01
studiobot<teward001> (Or did yuo mean groovy?)19:01
OvenWerksteward: right I messed up19:02
OvenWerksEickmeyer: groovy has the right one focal does not19:02
* OvenWerks wonders what problems the fix will give...19:03
studiobot<teward001> *watches everything explode*19:05
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I might be able to handle that.19:28
Eickmeyer!info zita-ajbridge focal19:29
ubottuzita-ajbridge (source: zita-ajbridge): alsa to jack bridge. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-1 (focal), package size 16 kB, installed size 97 kB19:29
EickmeyerOvenWerks: is 0.8.4 a strictly bugfix or does it include new features?19:30
EickmeyerIf it's a bugfix, we might be able to SRU it.19:30
OvenWerksThe readme for the update is:19:49
OvenWerks"zita-ajbridge 0.8.4     (05/04/2020)19:50
OvenWerks      -------------------19:50
OvenWerks      * Fixed 100% CPU on sound card disconnect."19:50
OvenWerksEickmeyer: That is the only entry19:50
OvenWerksAnd there is no 0.8.3 it goes from 0.8.2 to 0.8.419:51
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Ok, would you mind filing an SRU bug report for it? You could probably describe the situation a lot better than I can.19:51
EickmeyerOnce you have that, I can upload/sponsor the SRU.19:52
OvenWerkssru? ok. I was thinking just add to backports, but sru would be nice. The only thing is that I would like to be able to test it to make sure that the fix of that doesn't create another problem. (like the ports vanishing before connections can be transfered :)19:54
EickmeyerIf it's a bugfix, then it can be SRU'd eaily.19:54
OvenWerksAnyway I will craete a bug report (this evening I think) I may need help making it sru-able.19:55
EickmeyerOk, sounds good.20:09

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