
Intelo2 users using the same pc at the same time, with same gpu, 2 sets of monitor, keyboard03:10
Inteloany options?03:10
RoyKhm… vmware has vGPU - i read kvm has something too03:12
superbootHi all. After a reboot with my mdadm/LVM/btrfs system, I get: mount: mounting /dev/mapper/osrootVG-root on /root failed: No such file or directory.    After which I get dropped to an initramfs shell, where I can mount the device through /dev/osrootVG/root, which is just a symlink to /dev/dm-1 just like /dev/mapper/osrootVG-root is. Any hints?03:35
superbootAlso, why is this a problem, the initramfs is stored on that device, so it already found it, and mounted it... I don't get it. What am I missing?03:40
superbootfixed it. Just a stupid stupid mistake. . .03:51
cpaelzer_Intelo:  this lists some of the options to split cards https://cpaelzer.github.io/blogs/006-mediated-device-to-pass-parts-of-your-gpu-to-a-guest/ - you might pick and experiment with one of them05:07
cpaelzer_Intelo: but also it depends a lot on the level of isolation you really need/want - maybe something like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multiseat (if that still is a thing these days) would work better for you?05:07
cpaelzer_or https://askubuntu.com/questions/1054541/multiseat-on-ubuntu-18-04 - but it seems most use multiple GPUs to achieve that05:10
cpaelzer_so you might be back to splitting the GPU some way as suggested at first05:10
Intelocpaelzer_: multiseat needs separate gpu heads. I only have one15:33
RoyKIntelo: looks like there's vGPU support in KVM for nVidia https://docs.nvidia.com/grid/10.0/grid-vgpu-release-notes-generic-linux-kvm/index.html15:49
Intelohm RoyK15:51
InteloRoyK: virtualbox?15:52
RoyKI was talking about KVM, not vbox15:58
kinghati transplanted by janky server into a proper case and when i booted it up i saw "Failed to start Import ZFS pools by cache file. See 'systemctl status zfs-import-cache.service' for details" and this is what it gives me: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/502e5056/20:27
sarnoldkinghat: what does zpool import report?20:28
kinghatpretty sure the two drives in the mirror pool are plugged into the same ports but i did add a couple other drives to the machine20:28
kinghatsarnold: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/e3d0417b/20:29
sarnoldkinghat: zpool import data should bring it onlnie20:31
sarnoldI think that ought to update the cache for the next reboot, but I've never been very clear on the cache20:33
kinghat$ sudo zpool import data20:33
kinghatcannot mount '/mnt/data': directory is not empty20:33
sarnoldargh :/ that bit me too; I once was unable to import at boot for something, and then *other* stuff started creating contents in the mountpoints..20:34
kinghati did try and check the mount after it happened and was kind of odd that there were a couple dirs in the mount dir.20:34
sarnoldfix the /mnt/data problem -- either delete things, or move them aside for adding to the pool, etc20:34
kinghatso i think one dir is in there creating data because i have a container volume in the pool but the other im not sure about.20:36
kinghatoh. ya i know why. its two containers putting data there20:37
kinghathmm so bring down the containers, rm -rf the dirs inside of /mnt/data/ and then try to bring the pool back online?20:39
kinghatand then the containers, ofc.20:39
kinghat$ sudo zpool import data20:49
kinghatcannot import 'data': a pool with that name already exists20:49
kinghatuse the form 'zpool import <pool | id> <newpool>' to give it a new name20:49
sarnolddoes zpool status agree?20:50
kinghattheres nothing in the mount though?20:52
kinghatthe /mnt/data dir is empty20:52
sarnoldcheck zfs list20:52
kinghat$ zfs list20:53
kinghatdata   881G  17.7G   881G  /mnt/data20:53
kinghatya its an almost full data set20:53
kinghatpool or whatever20:53
kinghatcan it be "remounted" or something?20:54
sarnoldwhat does /proc/mounts report?20:55
sarnoldhow about /proc/mounts from a different shell spawned via a different mechanism?20:55
kinghatis /proc/mounts a command?20:56
sarnoldno, it's a file showing the mounts in the current process's namespace20:56
kinghatthis is from a new shell: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/2a3456ff/20:57
kinghat$ ll /proc/mounts20:57
kinghatlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Jul 28 20:18 /proc/mounts -> self/mounts20:57
sarnoldand what's in /proc/mounts?20:57
sarnold*very* curious, not a single mention of zfs anywhere21:00
sarnoldhow about: zfs list -ocanmount,mounted,mountpoint,name21:01
kinghat$ zfs list -ocanmount,mounted,mountpoint,name21:02
kinghat      on       no  /mnt/data   data21:02
sarnoldlolol I am so confused. *why* zfs *why*21:03
sarnoldzfs mount -a  ?21:04
kinghat$ zfs list -ocanmount,mounted,mountpoint,name21:05
kinghat      on      yes  /mnt/data   data21:05
kinghatactual data le mounted21:05
kinghatso it should be persistent across reboots/shutdowns now? like the cache got cleared or something?21:06
sarnoldI sure hope so :)21:10
kinghatok going to give it a go.21:11
kinghatim not sure what changed to make it freak out? maybe drive mount point?21:11
kinghatlooks like it made it!21:13
kinghatthanks for being a G, sarnold 🙏21:13
sarnoldkinghat: the usual problem is stuff in the mountpoint, but once you got past that I'm surprised you still had problems :/21:15
sarnoldkinghat: I hope thta's it though :)21:15
kinghatsarnold: so i had to remove the power to the server to move it to a temp location and on booting it again i got the same import cache error23:42
kinghatthis time there wasnt any data created in the mount point though23:44
kinghatyikes. no datasets this time23:44
sarnolddoes 'zpool import' show the pool? zpool status show it imported or not?23:46
kinghatwhoops i just imported 'data' vs just zpool import23:48
kinghat$ zfs list23:48
kinghatdata   881G  17.7G   881G  /mnt/data23:48
kinghat$ zfs list -ocanmount,mounted,mountpoint,name23:49
kinghat      on      yes  /mnt/data   data23:49
kinghatsurvived a reboot again. i have to go to the server again so ill shut it down, without remove the power cord, and see if it does it with regular shutdowns.23:52
kinghatmaybe it does it when it loses actual power?23:52
kinghatthough i wouldnt have a clue why that would matter 🤷‍♂️23:53
sarnoldkinghat: you might want to do a zpool import -d /dev/disk/by-id/ or similar, so that the pool ought to use long names rather than shortnames23:56
kinghat$ sudo zpool list23:58
kinghatdata   928G   881G  46.7G         -    13%    94%  1.00x  ONLINE  -23:58
kinghatyou mean so it doesnt use "data"?23:58

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