
ogra_is there anything stuck with the arm builders ? i have a snap sitting in "Building soon" state since quite a while (👍h) ... all other arches have built fine12:07
ogra_(silly hexchat emoji plugin) "plus one hour" ...12:07
cjwatsonogra_: A link would be very helpful12:12
ogra_i'D love to give you one ... one sec (build.s.io only gets me https://snapcraft.io/pcsc-daemon/builds/1063214 ... )12:13
* ogra_ goes log-fifhing12:13
cjwatsonogra_: Things look generally OK to me at the moment.  It's possible estimates are a bit off with a test rebuild in progress, and generally the build farm looks pretty busy12:17
ogra_yeah, i checked the build farm first ... it was just that all arches looked equally busy that made me ask12:18
cjwatsonNot so.12:19
cjwatsonI mean, all arches have a long queue due to the test rebuild, but it's mostly low-scored.12:19
ogra_well, i'll just wait then12:20
cjwatsonYeah, I don't see anything operational that I can fix at the moment12:20
ogra_thanks for looking !12:20
cjwatson(Well, there are nearly always little things, but nothing that will make a big difference)12:21
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