
mupPR snapcraft#3233 opened: travis: set cla check as final stage <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3233>00:21
pedronismborzecki: hi, seems we got a new strange centos failure? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/906807:17
mupPR #9068: tests/main/selinux-clean: workaround SELinux denials triggered by linger setup on Centos8 <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9068>07:17
mborzeckipedronis: hi, hmmm that's weird07:19
pedronisit's not related to your change but yes07:19
mborzeckihuh, /sys/fs/cgroup/unified really isn't there07:22
mupPR snapd#9006 closed: bootloader: compose command line with mode and extra arguments <Squash-merge> <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9006>07:22
mupPR snapd#9068 closed: tests/main/selinux-clean: workaround SELinux denials triggered by linger setup on Centos8 <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9068>07:22
=== pedronis_ is now known as pedronis
mborzeckipedronis: systemd was switched to use default-hierarchy=legacy07:24
mupPR snapd#9071 closed: release: <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9071>07:27
mupPR snapd#9072 closed: packaging: add placeholder changelog for <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9072>07:27
pedronismborzecki: I merged the various release related branches, and I uploaded the release source package07:28
pedronisto the ppa07:28
mborzeckipedronis: great, thank you for working on it07:29
mborzeckilet's see what the build will contain07:29
mborzeckias for centos8, something is off, there is a changelog entry for systemd, but the switch to legacy was back in 2018 in version 239-707:29
pedronismborzecki: the changelog here now looks right: https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/image/+packages07:30
pedronislet's say how the build goes07:30
mborzeckiwe still have the named systemd hierarchy07:30
mborzeckipedronis: hmm, the diff is large07:32
mborzeckiah right, it's a diff between 2.45.3 upload (whic was really master) and
mborzeckiand it removes things that were on master, so looks legit07:34
pedronismborzecki: are you blocked on me on something atm?07:37
mborzeckipedronis: no, i'm good07:37
mborzeckiquick errand, delivery07:37
mborzeckior not07:38
pedronismborzecki: when you have a moment, could you review #9067 ? (UC20 related)07:40
mupPR #9067: cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: add doSystemdMount + unit tests <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9067>07:40
mborzeckipedronis: yeah, have it open since yesterday :/07:41
pedronismborzecki: so amd64 build worked, but we have some build failures (test timeouts)07:46
pedronisyes, that's what I'm doing07:49
pedronisthere's quite a bit of conflicts merging back into master :/08:15
mborzeckipedronis: #9063 is not waiting for anything, we can land it right?08:15
mupPR #9063: cmd/snap/debug: add "snap debug seeding" command for preseeding debugging (4/N) <Preseeding 🍞> <Run nested> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9063>08:15
pedronismborzecki: I think so08:15
pedronismborzecki: btw there were few changes on master to arch PKGBUILD hope they aren't mandatory08:16
mborzeckipedronis: i can take a look when you open the 2.45->master merge branch08:17
mupPR snapd#9063 closed: cmd/snap/debug: add "snap debug seeding" command for preseeding debugging (4/N) <Preseeding 🍞> <Run nested> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9063>08:18
pedronismborzecki: there's 20 files in conflict, might take a while08:19
dokoplease could somebody have a look at the snapd autopkg test regressions triggered by dpkg?08:20
mborzeckidoko: do you have a link to the test?08:36
dokomborzecki: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html08:38
mborzeckihmm that should be an easy fix hopefully08:40
mborzeckiquick errand, this time for real08:42
mupPR snapd#9073 opened: release: <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9073>09:23
mborzeckidoko: this should be fixed in 2.45.309:46
mborzeckiand .3.1 too09:47
mupPR snapd#9074 opened: bootloader: extend managed assets bootloader interface to compose a candidate command line <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9074>10:33
mborzeckipedronis: do you know how the vendor, no_vendor tarballs get generated for the github releases page?11:51
pedronismborzecki: not really, but I would imagine no vendor can be created with git archive maybe?11:53
mborzeckipedronis: hm my guess it's from slicing the tarball we have in LP, mvo usually uploaded those after the builds were done11:55
pedronismborzecki: do we have a tarball in LP?11:55
mborzeckipedronis: there's the source tarball that was uploaded for build11:56
pedronisthere is, that has vendor in though11:56
mborzeckiha, w8 i think i got something11:57
ijohnsonmorning folks12:04
ijohnsonseems that #9063 was landed without some of the changes that I made in #903512:05
mupPR #9063: cmd/snap/debug: add "snap debug seeding" command for preseeding debugging (4/N) <Preseeding 🍞> <Run nested> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9063>12:05
mupPR #9035: o/devicestate: save seeding/preseeding times for use with debug seeding api (3/N) <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9035>12:05
ijohnsonshall I merge master into #9035 or just open a separate PR to make for simpler git history ?12:05
ijohnson9035 is also green, so perhaps that would be quickest to just get another +1 to that PR12:05
mborzeckiijohnson: hey, i'll take a look12:17
ijohnsonthanks mborzecki12:18
mborzeckiijohnson: maybe you could do a pass over #907412:18
mupPR #9074: bootloader: extend managed assets bootloader interface to compose a candidate command line <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9074>12:18
ijohnsonit's just two patches after pedronis' review fixing error message and tests12:18
ijohnsonmborzecki: sure I will add it to my queue12:18
mborzeckiijohnson: oh, and i fixed the caching & artifact12:18
ijohnsonmborzecki: yes I saw that, thanks for keeping up with that12:18
ijohnsonseems my idea last night was a bit too naive12:18
mborzeckifwiw 33MB of a snap is ok to fit in the cache ;)12:19
mborzeckiwonder how large the files can be and if we can use that in an interesting ways maybe12:20
pedronismborzecki: did you find out how to make those tars?12:23
mborzeckipedronis: sorry, yes, there's a release-tools/repack-debian-tarball.sh script in snapd source tree which does the slicing and stitching12:24
mborzeckipedronis: ./repack-debian-tarball.sh snapd_2.45.3.1.tar.xz will produce 3 tarballs12:26
pedronisah, good12:27
mupPR snapd#9035 closed: o/devicestate: save seeding/preseeding times for use with debug seeding api (3/N) <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9035>12:29
mupPR snapd#9075 opened: daemon/api: use pointers to time.Time for debug seeding aspect <Preseeding 🍞> <Simple 😃> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9075>12:29
ijohnsonthanks mborzecki I just merged it12:29
ijohnsonand opened the final bit for snap debug seeding, 9075, which is very simple12:29
mborzeckiijohnson: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9067#discussion_r462261549 little tweak12:33
mupPR #9067: cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: add doSystemdMount + unit tests <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9067>12:33
ijohnsonmborzecki: thanks! I will take that into a followup I think since this is green12:35
* ijohnson really likes how green things are to master as of late 12:35
* ijohnson (with much kicking of github actions)12:35
mupPR snapd#9067 closed: cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: add doSystemdMount + unit tests <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9067>12:39
mupPR snapd#8558 closed: tests: make the nested library usable independently of spread <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Closed by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8558>13:09
* cachio afk -> buy a medicine13:48
ijohnsonpedronis: #8867 is sudo git mergable, the tests that failed are unrelated, but we could also try to make it green with a master merge13:50
mupPR #8867: interfaces: add uinput interface <Needs Samuele review> <⛔ Blocked> <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8867>13:50
pedronisijohnson: did you look at it, it changed a bit since it was last reviewed by others but me?14:11
ijohnsonpedronis: sorry no I didn't, do you want me to do another review since it changed ?14:12
pedronisijohnson: yes, also maybe a master merge is in order, though I think is quite self contained14:12
ijohnsonpedronis: ok, I will do a master merge and review it then14:12
pedronisijohnson: thank you14:13
ijohnsonpedronis: I approved that PR and merged master there14:25
mborzeckicmatsuoka: hmm i forgot we have ModeRun/ModeRecover in the boot pacakge14:27
mupPR snapcraft#3233 closed: travis: set cla check as final stage <tooling> <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3233>14:27
ijohnson8-line test only PR that only needs 1 more +1: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/899814:32
mupPR #8998: tests/cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: add test case for empty recovery_mode <Simple 😃> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8998>14:32
ijohnsonalso pedronis do you need me to review 9073 too ?14:33
pedronismborzecki: :)14:33
pedronisijohnson: yes if you can14:34
ijohnsonpedronis: ack will do14:34
mborzeckicmatsuoka: btw can you try your branch with the code from #9074 ?14:35
mupPR #9074: bootloader: extend managed assets bootloader interface to compose a candidate command line <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9074>14:35
ogra_do we still have the limitation that content interfaces can only be consumed if both snaps come from the same publishr (by default that is ... ) ?16:29
ijohnsonogra_: that limitation is only about _auto-connection_16:29
ijohnsonogra_: you can have a content interface from snap from publisher A and another snap from publisher B use that content snap, but either you need to get an auto-connection from the store or make the connection manually16:30
ogra_okay, thanks ... i guess that means a store-request then16:31
mupPR snapcraft#3231 closed: file utils: rename get_tool_path() to get_snap_tool_path() <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3231>16:33
mupPR snapcraft#3234 opened: project loader: refactor errors to conform to SnapcraftException <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3234>16:53
mupPR snapcraft#3235 opened: tests: fix assert ordering for error format tests <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3235>17:03
mupPR snapd#8867 closed: interfaces: add uinput interface <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8867>17:15
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
mupPR snapcraft#3225 closed: specifications: default tracks <specification> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3225>18:38
* cachio kinesiologist18:45
mupPR snapcraft#3236 opened: snap: use python3-apt stage-package <maintenance> <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3236>20:18
mupPR snapd#8932 closed: o/ifacestate: update security profiles in connect undo handler <Bug> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8932>22:11

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