
=== eTeddy1 is now known as eTeddy
=== Rochvellon is now known as Guest50515
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
tadeus53bHallo, ich war vor paar Tagen hier auf der Suche nach einem Android Emulator für Ubuntu, mir wurde da https://github.com/anbox/anbox empfohlen. Das Installieren hat soweit ganz gut geklappt, aber ich verstehe nicht wie es jetzt da weiter geht und man das startet um auf eine Android Oberfläche zu kommen. Kann mir da jemand weiterhelfen?10:14
le_botTitle: GitHub - anbox/anbox: Anbox is a container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system (at github.com)10:14
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
drctadeus53b, wenn anbox korrekt installiert ist, solltest du ein Anbox-Management-Tool in deiner Anwendungsliste haben10:25
drcAnsonsten haben die Entwickler aber auch einen eigenen IRC-Channel: #anbox hier im Freenode10:25
drcDie können wahrscheinlich besser helfen als wir10:26
tadeus53bAnbox-Management-Tool find ich hier nicht, aber einen Anbox Application Manager10:26
tadeus53bah ok10:26
drcJoa, das klingt doch gut10:26
drcWenn du den startest, solltest du alle verfügbaren Androidanwendungen sehen, die das emulierte Android gerade hat10:27
tadeus53bachso, das heist ich starte meine Anwendungen daraus und hab keine Androidoberfläche wie ichs von anderen Emulatoren kenne?10:27
tadeus53bok gut zu wissen, danke schon mal10:32
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
tadeus53bIch hab eine Alternative für Anbox gefunden. Ich hab das vor paar Tagen nach dieser Anleitung installiert https://github.com/anbox/anbox also mit make und make install, wie mache ich da nun einen sauberen uninstall?13:56
le_botTitle: GitHub - anbox/anbox: Anbox is a container-based approach to boot a full Android system on a regular GNU/Linux system (at github.com)13:56
apollo13tadeus53b: in der theorie mit make uninstall14:02
apollo13in der praxis oft gar nicht14:02
apollo13ich würde niemals make install ausführen, bzw wenn nur in einen eigenen prefix14:02
tadeus53bsudo make uninstall lief zwar ohne fehler durch, aber ich kann anbox immer noch starten :D14:05
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
=== eTeddy1 is now known as eTeddy
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
ItaloRaver-wat für eine  dann?  15:56:30 <tadeus53b> Ich hab eine Alternative für Anbox gefunden. ...18:08
=== ratpack1 is now known as ratpack
tadeus53bItaloRaver-, Android x86+18:22
ItaloRaver-ah ja, sagt mir auch iwie wat, thanks 18:24

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