
didrocksgood morning05:14
jibelgood morning everyone05:18
jibelSalut didrocks, ça va? pas trop en train de fondre?05:19
dufluMorning didrocks and jibel 05:19
dufluAlso, back later05:19
jibelhi duflu 05:19
didrocksjibel: salut ! le matin à 5h, ça va :) ça commence à chauffer là, mais bon, aujourd’hui, c’est un peu le répit avant jeudi/vendredi/samedi05:22
didrockset toi ?05:22
didrockshey duflu 05:22
jibeldidrocks, ça va bien. Content de retrouver la fraicheur bretonne.05:23
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers05:42
didrockssalut oSoMoN 05:59
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 06:01
marcustomlinsonmorning desktoppers06:25
callmepkhi jibel duflu didrocks oSoMoN marcustomlinson 06:29
didrockshey callmepk! Congrats again :)06:32
callmepkdidrocks, thanks! that fellowship is really a surprise to me06:34
jameshcongratulations callmepk 06:39
dufluMorning oSoMoN, marcustomlinson 06:40
callmepkHi jamesh, thanks!06:40
dufluAfternoon and congrats callmepk 06:40
dufluand afternoon jamesh 06:40
callmepkHi duflu , and thanks!06:43
oSoMoNgood morning marcustomlinson, callmepk, duflu, jamesh, jibel 06:44
duflufactorial(good morning)06:45
seb128goood morning desktopers07:50
dufluHi seb128 07:54
didrockssalut seb128 07:58
dufluello Laney08:03
jameshduflu: I've been trying to get gdm up and running on an Ubuntu Core system without much success.  I was wondering if you might have some pointers based on this log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/42fQkhv64y/08:03
jameshit looks like it is having trouble switching virtual terminals, but I'm not sure which permission that indicates it's missing08:04
duflujamesh, I know practically nothing about gdm. Probably Laney is the expert here08:04
jameshLaney: ^^^ do you see any obvious culprits in that log?08:05
duflujamesh, isn't the issue "VT_ACTIVATE failed: Operation not permitted" ?08:05
dufluBased on using 'chvt' I think you usually need to be root08:06
dufluor get the right privileges at least08:06
jameshduflu: this is from doing a "sudo systemctl start gdm.service" with the standard 20.04 unit08:06
LaneyI think you need CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG08:10
Laneyanything in dmesg?08:10
Laneydid you try wayland?08:10
jameshPresumably wayland failed and it fell back to an X serssion.  I didn't change the default config08:11
jameshI wonder if some xattrs got lost when making the image?08:12
jameshnothing in dmesg when I try to start gdm again08:13
Laneycan you turn on gdm's debugging in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf?08:15
Laneyand maybe arrange for G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all to be set08:15
LaneyI'm thinking something in the wayland attempt might be less inscrutable08:15
didrockshey Laney 08:15
didrocksseb128: do you mind subscribing desktop-packages to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fonts-material-design-icons-iconfont ?08:15
jameshlets see.  I can probably bind mount a new version of the config file over the top08:16
Laneymoin didrocks 08:17
jameshLaney: here's a log with debugging turned on: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QTTCZVfWwr/08:20
seb128lut didrocks08:22
seb128didrocks, 08:22
seb128 o fonts-material-design-icons-iconfont: fonts-material-design-icons-iconfont08:22
seb128   [Reverse-Recommends: freetype2-doc (MAIN)]08:22
seb128but freetype is owned by foundations08:22
seb128so shouldn't it be there to subscribe?08:23
seb128hey duflu, jamesh, Laney08:23
didrocksseb128: in similar cases in the past, it was desktop-team for the fonts08:23
didrocksso this is why I think we should do the same than other fonts package08:24
didrocksif you don’t want, happy to spend some time with foundations playing ping-pong08:24
seb128I think we did for things which were pulled in by one of our packages08:24
seb128not that I really care either way08:24
seb128let me try playing pingpong while you are on holidays so you don't have to be bothered by it08:24
didrocksI don’t think this is a big load for fonts package, but just tell me what is your preferred way08:25
didrocksfeel free to promote it once done :)08:25
didrocks(no MIR bug needed)08:25
Laneyjamesh: huh, it just tried x immediately08:29
Laneyis this a gdm you built?08:29
jameshLaney: it's 20.04's gdm08:29
jameshLaney: before it tries to start the X server, there is "gdm-launch-environment][1113]: GdmSessionWorker: could not take control of tty: Operation not permitted"08:29
Laneywhat's happened to it? somehow inserted into a snap?08:29
LaneyI think it's going to come down to that stuff08:30
Laneyapparmor does capability mediation doesn't it?08:30
jameshI built a version of the core20 snap that includes GDM plus dependencies, then built an Ubuntu Core image that boots from that base08:30
jameshIt's just another service in the boot file system, so no special snap security policies08:31
jameshLaney: I've also made /var/lib/AccountsService and /var/lib/gdm3 writable: I couldn't get as far as starting gdm without that08:35
Laneyjamesh: Yeah, I'd have ~expected that08:45
Laneyjamesh: try https://gist.github.com/iainlane/1277e2446e8503fc698f1a175fd4561f in ExecStartPre of the service or something?08:45
LaneyI'm hoping that it's unavailable, and the question will be to figure out why08:46
LaneyI don't have super loads of clue tbh08:46
Laneyoh good, I got GNOME commit access back08:46
jameshactually, I have an idea.  It might be console-conf08:47
seb128Laney, ah, you too :)08:47
Laneyseb128: I was like "surely it hasnt been two years since I committed something"08:48
seb128did you at least check the calendar to see that it was not 2022 and that you just had slept for that long? :p08:49
jameshLaney: "systemctl mask console-conf@tty1.service" did the trick08:49
Laneynever heard of that08:49
Laneyis it some core thing?08:49
jameshconsole-conf is the first-run Ubuntu Core setup tool08:49
jameshit looks like it was holding /dev/tty1 open, preventing GDM from starting08:50
Laneyok, that makes perfect sense08:50
jameshone more thing to add to my readme08:51
Laneygdm already has Conflicts/After on getty@tty1.service08:51
Laneymake a drop-in to add that other one too maybe08:51
Laneyunless you need to run the wizard once to get a user ...08:51
jameshin theory I should be able to get a user account created via a system-user assertion.  Haven't got that working yet though, so I have been relying on console-conf to get a login08:53
Laneyconflicting off stuff which wants to own gdm's tty is a sane thing to do in general08:53
Laneyeventually you'd probably want to use gnome-initial-setup to do a similar job to the wizard08:53
Laneygdm has a "no users? run gnome-initial setup" codepath08:54
jameshyou're supposed to be able to put a removable drive with an "auto-import.assert" file containing signed instructions to create a user08:55
Laneysounds ok for a POC08:55
Laneyonce it works :>08:55
jameshLaney: looks like I still have an X11 greeter session even when switching the VM to virtio-vga with virgil support.09:34
jameshthe X server logs seem to indicate it is using Virgil acceleration09:34
LaneyI'd expect to see evidence of it at least *trying* wayland first09:44
Laneybut the log you pasted just went straight to X09:44
Laneythat's why I asked if you rebuilt it, because I was suspicious that the wayland support didn't get compiled in09:44
Laneyperhaps I just forgot what the logs look like though09:46
Laneydon't think virgl should preclude wayland, should it?09:48
Laneynot that I've tried09:48
jameshI was running with qxl as the vga device before: was wondering it it might be too stupid for Wayland09:49
jameshand if virtio-vga/virgil might have more luck09:49
Laneyqxl should be ok anyway: https://people.canonical.com/~laney/weird-things/qxl-wayland.png09:53
Laneyif there's instructions for how to build this thing, ideally with a modified gdm, I could poke it at some point09:55
Nafallohi guys! latest update to gnome-shell and gnome-control-center left the sound panel without any detected sound card. known bug?11:34
oSoMoNNafallo, no other updates?12:13
NafallooSoMoN: not entirely sure when I restarted last time I'm afraid...12:29
oSoMoNNafallo, I'd suggest filing a bug against gnome-control-center (using ubuntu-bug), and make sure to attach /var/log/apt/history.log12:30
NafalloI'll corolate some logs :-)12:30
seb128check in pavucontrol first if the devices are listed12:31
seb128it seems more likely that pulseaudio isn't working12:31
seb128rather than it being a gnome-control-center bug12:31
Nafallolooking at the changelog entry for pulseaudio this looks like exactly what was trying to be solved :-D12:34
Nafallothink you might be right seb128 :-)12:35
Nafallodowngraded pulseaudio, rebooting for good measure. brb.12:37
Nafallonafallo@wendigo:~$ systemctl status pulseaudio.service12:43
NafalloUnit pulseaudio.service could not be found.12:43
Nafallothat looks like a problem :-P12:43
Nafalloah --user12:45
fossfreedomseb128: re bug 1889317 ... have to admit this is a new area for me. Your comment about default.list ... are you referring to a package dpkg-divert type thing?13:11
ubot5bug 1889317 in file-roller (Ubuntu) "When clicking a .deb, file-roller gets launched ( instead of an installer for .deb )" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188931713:11
oerheksfileroller? that is not a bug, it is by design, AFAIK13:15
seb128fossfreedom, I don't remember offhand but I think it uses XDG_DATA_DIRS 13:16
seb128fossfreedom, so I think you could ship your own version in /usr/share/<desktop>/applications/defaults.list13:17
seb128fossfreedom, https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=defaults.list&mode=&suite=focal&arch=any13:17
Nafalloseb128: thanks for the pointing, filed #188941613:18
seb128bug #188941613:18
ubot5bug 1889416 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "pulseaudio.service: Start request repeated too quickly." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188941613:19
seb128Nafallo, could you try to start 13:19
seb128$ /usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no --log-target=journal13:19
seb128by hand and see if it prints any error?13:19
fossfreedomseb128:  Interesting.... ok definitely never played in this area. Cheers. Going to see how budgie-desktop plays here. Just hoping that our heavy gnome dependencies doesn't get in the way here13:20
Nafalloseb128: nothing at all. just starts happily.13:21
seb128fossfreedom, it shouldn't ... what's echo $XDG_DATA-DIRS on bugdie?13:21
seb128Nafallo, is there an active instance already when you try to start the unit?13:21
Nafalloseb128: well, not when I try. you mean when it fails?13:23
Nafallothe failures is when I check after reboot and login.13:23
seb128it's weird :-/13:24
Nafalloafter that I can start it manually with systemctl --user start pulseaudio.service13:24
seb128did you try to downgrade to the preSRU version?13:24
fossfreedomseb128: /usr/share/budgie-desktop:/home/dad/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/usr/local/share:/usr/share:/var/lib/snapd/desktop:/var/lib/snapd/desktop13:24
fossfreedom... so /usr/share/budgie-desktop/applications/defaults.list is worth a try13:24
NafalloI can try again, just in case.13:25
Nafalloseb128: sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/{libpulse,pulseaudio}*_1%3a13.99.1-1ubuntu3.4_a*.deb13:25
Nafallothat one?13:25
seb128fossfreedom, right, try to just copy the /usr/share/applications/defaults.list there and edit the gnome-software line and see if it works13:25
seb128Nafallo, well, the one you had before recent updates so probably yes?13:26
Nafalloyeah, that one then :-)13:26
seb128fossfreedom, note that we do it with a file in /etc and a symlink so it's a conffile and it can be changed as such locally without being overwriting on upgrade13:26
Nafallookay, rebooting again. brb.13:27
Nafalloseb128: this one works :-)13:28
Nafallotime to read the patch :-)13:30
fossfreedomseb128: cheers - that seems to have worked. We'll do the same with the /etc/ symlink idea.13:38
Nafalloseb128: Jul 29 14:59:18 wendigo pulseaudio[2728]: Failed to create secure directory (/home/nafallo/.config/pulse): No such file or directory13:41
Nafalloso for some reason the latest update break ext4 encrypted home directories ;-)13:42
Nafallos/break/& on/13:42
seb128weird, the patch is basically a retry loop on an existing function13:45
Nafallohmm. I guess the next step is to upgrade again and see if it's reproducable...13:48
Nafalloactually. looks like I got this with the lower version as well, but it kept restarting and succeeded before it gave up.13:52
Nafalloretried 4 times, and on the last attempt it started :-D13:53
seb128so is that because it tries before the userdir is decrypted?13:59
NafalloI believe so, yeah.13:59
seb128k, so probably just not a regression, just timing and random14:00
seb128could you add the details in the bug report?14:00
Nafallopulseaudio breaks faster, and the retry counter reaches zero before it's decrypted :-)14:00
Nafalloyeah. better do that before I try to figure out how to add a condition to the service to wait for the home directory to be available :-D14:01
Nafallowhat is it with assumptions in IT? :-P14:01
Nafallookay, updated.14:05
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luna_Installed Ubuntu on a non broken SSD 17:21

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