
realtime-neilxnox: Oh, yes. Yes, indeed. It's as wonderful as it is horrifying.00:00
realtime-neilback in the day, it was enough to just swap out the kernel; you kids today with your initrds and your extras00:00
* realtime-neil shakes his fist at the kids on his lawn00:00
xnoxrealtime-neil:  so, in our maas images, we put all kernel modules in the initrd, and copy them from initrd into live system.00:02
xnoxrealtime-neil:  then there is no extras/modules* but the initrd is huge, and more runtime RAM usage of the installer =/00:02
realtime-neilxnox: the entirety of this franken-iso is getting shoved down the throat of a ipxe via the `url=*.iso` param --- I've long since given up on conserving RAM00:05
mwhudsonrealtime-neil: if you really want to waste ram, you could probably hack up an iso that mounted filesystem.squashfs from bionic at /media/filesystem...09:40
realtime-neilmwhudson: I like where this is going. :D13:54
realtime-neilxnox: I replaced casper/vmlinuz, casper/initrd, casper/extras in the ubuntu-18.04.4-live-server-amd64.iso with those from ubuntu-20.04-live-server-amd64.iso; it's still failing with the same "module bcache not found in directory /lib/modules/5.4.0-26-generic"20:45
realtime-neilI think I'm going to have to preseed the ubuntu-18.04.4-live-server-amd64.iso and give up on `url=*.iso` --- at least until focal. Where's the best place to put a `preseed.cfg` in the ubuntu-18.04.4-live-server-amd64.iso if I want it to be picked up automagically?23:03

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