
sarnoldno, so it doesn't use /dev/sdc etc00:00
sarnoldthose names aren't persistant00:00
sarnoldthey can change across reboots00:00
kinghatthat must be its default, correct?00:04
sarnoldthere is no default -- zfs uses whatever names you used in the zfs create command00:06
sarnoldif you used the short names, that's what it'll use00:07
sarnoldand if they change, you'll have a Bad Time00:07
kinghatya that must be whats going on because i added drives to the system. i just figured it would find its zfs drives and do its thing 🤷‍♂️ or at least find the drives and use the new device names, if that is the situation.00:08
sarnoldbecause systems may have several thousand drives, it's not the default behaviour to go looking for drives, that'd take forever00:12
sarnoldthat's the reason for the cache file..00:12
sarnoldbut if it's busted, it'd be nice if it tried to help out a bit, heh00:12
kinghatsarnold: you still around?04:48
kinghati exported the pool and did zpool import -d /dev/disk/by-id -a. seems to have worked. thanks again!04:52
cpaelzer_Intelo: even i915 has working vGPU support (less powerful as a GPU, but more compatible and easy to use actually), I tried it on my Laptop once05:14
iceyjamespage: could you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.macnaughton/ubuntu/+source/openvswitch/+git/openvswitch/+merge/387852 ?12:08
Peanutauxin: #zfsonlinux may be a more useful venue for you to get help with recovering your data.13:03
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sarnoldkinghat: is everything all sorted out with your pool? :)18:03
kinghatsarnold: it seems to be but i havent pulled the power and all that to really test it. i will in an hour or so.18:04
sarnoldkinghat: heh, yeah, I know the reluctance to actually *test* those kinds of things..18:07
|\nhello, since 20.04 i need some `ebtables -t broute` equivalent, is there any?18:49
sarnold|\n: what happens when you use it? it's still documented in the ebtables manpage on my 20.04 laptop anyway18:58
|\nsarnold, in my case it drops certain frames from certain interface19:01
|\nwell it was doing so at 18.0419:03
|\nit was pretty sweet and cozy to look into if_ether.h and drop something heh19:05
sdezielis there a way to prevent a package upgrade from running the .postinst script?19:28
|\nexclude it from package / repackage maybe19:30
sarnoldsdeziel: unpackage it by hand?19:30
|\nthough doesn't sound like a good idea19:30
sdezielsarnold: it's what https://askubuntu.com/questions/482928/ignore-apt-get-postinstall-scripts-automatically suggests too :(19:30
sdezielnot what I was looking for but thanks anyway ;)19:31
sarnoldsdeziel: maybe try the touch postinst thing, then set immutable?19:32
sarnoldsdeziel: probaby dpkg will blow up and leave you with a big mess. but maybe it will ignore errors?19:32
sdezielsarnold: that's what I tried at first but I'm in a container where the underlying FS doesn't let me19:32
sarnoldsdeziel: if the package in question shld do different things in a container, that's probably worth a bug report19:33
sdezielin lxd containers backed by btrfs or zfs, I get a permission denied on the chattr +i19:33
sarnoldyeah, that part makes sense19:34
sdezielyeah, I'll probably end up reporting this as a bug but it's not because it's in a container19:34
sdezielit's too hard to run MySQL read-only replicas on Ubuntu IMHO19:35
sarnoldugh yes, that's gonna be annoying19:36
sarnoldthat script deserves a MYSQL_DO_NOTHING19:36
sdezielI'd like the postinst to not explode when in read_only and/or super_read_only mode19:37
sdezielsweet, the bug affects MySQL 5.7 only :)19:40
sdezielclosing the loop: LP: #188947219:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1889472 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "mysql-server-5.7 postinst fails when in read-only mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188947219:59
sarnoldsdeziel: beautiful20:03
kinghatsarnold: looks like it survived the test21:32
sarnoldkinghat: woot!21:32
kinghatthanks for checking back 🙏21:32
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boxrickHowdy. I am currently attempting to install Ubuntu 20.04 on a USB Stick in a HP server, it works until it gets to 'Installing Kernel ' and just sits forever at 'Unpacking linux-firmware'. Any ideas on what may be going wrong?23:26

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