
=== tds1 is now known as tds
twoutersany idea what causes /var/lib/cloud/instance to become a directory instead of a symlink? i've seen this happening when /var filesystem is full (cloud-init fails with OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device) and fails on subsequent reboots with IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/var/lib/cloud/instance'09:53
twoutersI understand that a full filesystem is likely to result in unexpected behaviour, but I'm trying to figure out when the path is created as a directory instead of symlink09:53
twoutersI'm guessing a mkdir -p alike situation where /var/lib/cloud/instance doesn't exist as a symlink, but can't seem to spot it in the code09:54
chillysurferthanks for the review smoser on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/509! was there anything else you wanted to see changed or answered?14:23
rharpertwouters: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/188390315:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1883903 in cloud-init "cc_final_message will create /var/lib/cloud/instance as a directory if the symlink does not exist" [Undecided,Fix committed]15:02
twoutersoh, how could i miss that15:03
rharperit's recent fix15:03
twoutersthanks, i know what to do now :)15:05
rharpertwouters: cool!15:06
chillysurfersmoser: thanks for the comment on the pr! you ask about documentation, this seems like it's more helpful for the developer than the user. you think documentation in the form of comments in the get_public_ssh_keys function should suffice as long as it is verbose enough?15:53
smoserchillysurfer: some datasource15:56
smoserIBMCloud has a good docstring at the top of DAtaSourceIBMCloud15:56
* smoser out15:56
chillysurfersmoser: "some datasource" -> not sure i understand? you mean document this behavior in the docstring at the top of DataSourceAzure?15:58
Odd_Blokehttps://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/515 <-- pytest have released 6.0.1 which fixes the pylint failures we saw with 6.0.018:21
smoserchillysurfer: yes. that is a good place to document the general behavior of the IMDS/datasource20:34

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