
lotuspsychjegood morning03:27
=== tds1 is now known as tds
ducassegood morning05:37
marcoagpintohey guys and girls07:23
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
Maik_aDgood morninoonight17:00
* Maik_aD yawns17:01
leftyfbtomreyn: I didn't see any "idiot opinion" being mentioned17:37
leftyfbtomreyn: they asked about the exploit because someone asked them about it. No opinion mentioned17:38
tomreynleftyfb: i was referring to myself and how they shouldn't rely on me alone ;)17:40
leftyfbah, right17:40
=== dominic35 is now known as dominic34
=== tds2 is now known as tds

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