[11:49] morning [15:52] https://raymii.org/s/blog/Ubuntu_Snap_auto_updates_broke_my_development_setup.html [15:52] trying not to say see i told you so in other forums... so... just leaving htis here. [15:54] happy sysadmin day! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_Administrator_Appreciation_Day :) [15:55] (I've lost track if we have anyone in here who plays that type of roll anymore....) [15:55] <_stink_> :D jrwren [15:55] s/roll/role/ # I haven't finished my tea yet [16:00] I'm still part sysadmin [16:00] You can't take the sysadmin / developer out without a lobotomy [16:00] true that [16:01] everyone who writes a Dockerfile is a sysadmin now. [16:02] in every sense of that word [16:02] "I just deployed some infrast... oh shit. [16:09] we don't really let our devs write dockerfiles, we make them use a DSL that we control so they can't do dumb things. That's sufficiently syadmin/BOFH-like, right? [16:13] heh [16:24] heh