
ComputerTechdoes anyone have a clue for the mail service for anope here?00:03
ComputerTechi know it might not be the right channel00:04
ComputerTechbut i might as well ask, just incase00:04
ComputerTechgot it working :D00:06
ComputerTechhmm how do i install a resolver?00:12
gildartsWhat kind of resolver?00:14
ComputerTechwell for unrealircd when i try to use wget to install a module00:15
ComputerTechit always fails00:15
ComputerTechso basically to use wget00:15
sarnoldComputerTech: I think others were probably hoping you'd have more details :)00:35
ComputerTechlol, i dont have any more heeh00:36
ComputerTechi dont currently have access to the server00:36
ComputerTechso i cant replicate the error00:36
tatertotzComputerTech: plenty of sendmail tutorials and howto's online if you use a search engine00:37
geosmileon vbox on ubuntu 20.04 - windows guest only shows 1920x1440 max resolution. Any ideas on how to fix this?00:37
tatertotzComputerTech: since mail does communicate over the network in most cases, experience in TCP/IP will be necessary also00:38
sarnoldgeosmile: do you have the guest additions installed?00:38
tatertotzComputerTech: so you probably want to read and study up for a couple weeks and experiment00:38
geosmilesarnold, yes00:39
Intelosarnold: oerheks here: found it. THese are squeezing my system resources for nothing. My system is idle. I am not doing anything. vlc is in paused state also. https://imgur.com/HtlEbIk.png00:39
sarnoldIntelo: what does perf top report?00:40
sarnoldgeosmile: hmm. dang. I hoped it was going to be simple :(00:40
Intelosarnold: waht is perf top? how to run it?00:40
geosmilesarnold, i reinstalled extensions pack - lets see if that does anything00:40
sarnoldIntelo: install linux-tools-common ; then run sudo perf top ; and see what it reports as top CPU ues00:41
Intelosarnold: https://imgur.com/YpReZwc.png00:43
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sarnoldIntelo: dang :( that doesn't give as much hint as I hoped for :(00:45
sarnoldis the load still high?00:45
Intelosarnold: yes,00:47
Intelosarnold: very00:48
Intelosarnold: oerheks what do I do here?00:49
geosmileany other guesses of why vbox windows guest is only a tiny part of the screen? extensions pack is up2date. So is guest additions.00:55
sarnoldIntelo: hmm, this is where I'd try next: http://www.brendangregg.com/perf.html#TimedProfiling00:56
sarnoldIntelo: use perf record to record some traces, use perf report to try to understand it, and if nothing obivious stands out, then try the flamegraph link for a way to generate something htat imght be more useful00:57
Intelosarnold: which command?00:58
cthulchudamn ubuntu is awesome00:58
cthulchueven gnome is awesome00:59
sarnoldIntelo: start with perf record -F 99 -a -g -- sleep 3001:00
sarnoldIntelo: and once that's done, perf report --stdio01:00
sarnold(you'll probably need sudo -s before, or sudo before each one, etc)01:00
Intelosarnold:  after how much time should I intrupt?01:02
sarnoldthe first will run for 30 seconds01:03
Intelook I got it01:03
Intelosarnold: its a long tree01:03
sarnoldyeah, it'll be huge01:04
sarnoldI'm hoping the first few might be interesting though :)01:04
Intelosarnold: https://termbin.com/9phk01:05
sarnoldIntelo: wow, vlc's doing a ton of filesystem writes; I wonder why01:08
Intelosarnold: should I exit it now?01:08
Intelosarnold: what could be the issue?01:09
Intelosarnold: often things do this I guess? baloo_file, ktorrent, zoom,  are some01:09
sarnoldIntelo: install bpfcc-tools and try filetop-bpfcc01:09
Intelosarnold: is my OS faulty or these apps?01:09
Intelosudo filetop-bpfcc ?01:10
Intelosarnold:  https://imgur.com/mx7SzCf.png01:11
sarnoldIntelo: YES01:11
sarnoldIntelo: look in ~/.xsession-errors01:11
sarnoldit's probably huge01:11
Intelosarnold: it is01:12
Intelosarnold:  full of vdpau_chroma filter error: video mixer rendering failure: An invalid handle value was provided.01:14
Inteloand vdpau_chroma filter error: video mixer features failure: An invalid handle value was provided01:14
sarnoldIntelo: you can hunt around to try to figure out how to fix that01:14
Intelosarnold: does that justifies vlc, snap, ktorrent, baloo_file, dolphin01:14
sarnoldIntelo: this is just vlc01:15
sarnoldIntelo: no idea on ktorrent, ballo, dolphin01:15
Intelosarnold: why snap then?01:15
sarnoldIntelo: snap looks like a completely different error01:15
Intelosnap is the 2nd culptrint01:15
sarnoldIntelo: and that'll be easiest to report a bug01:15
Intelosarnold: what could be the easiest fix? a) reinstall those apps b) reconfigure those apps c) reinstall kubuntu d) reinstall xubuntu01:16
sarnoldIntelo: I don't expect any of those would actually help01:16
sarnoldIntelo: you could run vlc from the command line rather than by clicking on an icon, that'll work around the xsession-errors problem01:17
Intelohm. I migrated from kubuntu due to these. I still have them01:17
sarnoldhah, nice, confirmation that my suspicions were correct :)01:17
Intelosarnold: what confirmation?01:17
sarnoldIntelo: but you might still want to figure out why vlc is writing that error message at eight megabytes pre second :)01:17
Intelosarnold: what are you talking about :)?01:18
Intelosarnold: yes but what kind of suspicouons?01:19
sarnoldIntelo: https://i.imgur.com/mx7SzCf.png  note the "W_Kb" column -- vlc is writing seven megabytes per second to that file01:19
Intelosarnold: ya. so?01:19
sarnoldIntelo: suspicion that none of your (a) (b) (c) (d) would help you in any way01:19
Intelosarnold: oh01:19
Intelosarnold: I am testing from cmd now01:19
Intelobrb in 1001:19
Inteloor 3001:19
sarnoldIntelo: one moment..01:20
sarnoldIntelo: I'm leaving at about then01:20
sarnoldIntelo: so: ubuntu-bug snapd01:20
Intelosarnold: oh ok01:20
sarnoldIntelo: that'll file a bug on snapd -- include this image01:20
sarnoldIntelo: vlc, I've got no idea, I don't know anything about vdpau01:20
sarnoldIntelo: maybe you can figure out how to use a different decoder or something01:20
sarnoldor at least stop throwing errors? :)01:21
sarnoldIntelo: you could mak ea new .desktop file for vlc with 2>/dev/null on it or something..01:21
sarnoldanyway, hope that helps :)01:21
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Intelosarnold: I opened vlc via commandline. Paused video. Now I don't see any high usage01:39
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fuzewhat is the best way to sign my kernel modules for dkms and secure boot on kubuntu 19.10?01:57
Bashing-om!19.10 | fuze01:58
ubottufuze: Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) was the 31st release of Ubuntu, support ended July 2020. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-July/005494.html01:58
fuzewow awesome thanks01:59
Bashing-omfuze: :D Upfrade asap - while it is still easy.02:00
fuzeyea downloading now02:00
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k_szeHow do I know my grub is still ok (without rebooting)?02:26
k_szeI'm talking about this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/188950902:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1889509 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub boot error : "symbol 'grub_calloc' not found" [High,Confirmed]02:27
Bashing-omk_sze: Grub updates are out: 18.04 >> Installed: 2.02-2ubuntu8.16 . Have you updated the system ?02:29
k_szeI have 2.02-2ubuntu8.1602:29
k_szeSo that's not affected?02:29
Bashing-omk_sze: I have rebooted and see no issues - there were a lot of fixes in that update.02:30
k_szeBTW, something is weird about using Yubikey with Ubuntu.03:19
k_szeI have a Yubikey 5 Nano. Sometimes I leave it plugged to my laptop. If no application is actively requesting to use the Yubikey and I touch the Yubikey, Yubikey turns on and acts like a keyboard and sends a string of input to whatever application happens to have focus. Isn't that a bit dangerous?03:22
k_szeLooks like it's the OTP thing of Yubikey and it's configurable.03:29
soft_concreteHi, is there an official checksum somewhere of the 20.04 LTS x64 desktop image on the website?03:53
soft_concreteIf there is, I can't find it.03:53
soft_concreteAha, never mind, I got it.03:54
soft_concreteThe reason I ask is, the installer complained about a corrupted file in the installer when it did its initial disk check. So how can I fix this problem?03:56
k_szesoft_concrete, depends. You have it on a USB drive or a CD/DVD?03:58
soft_concretek_sze: USB flash drive03:58
k_szeThe simplest thing is to verify the checksum of the ISO first. And then rewrite it to your flash drive.03:59
k_szeYour flash drive may also have started to wear or is simply defective.03:59
soft_concreteOk, I'll try re-writing it. I used this command to write it the first time - would you change anything? dd if=ubuntu_image of=/dev/sdb bs=4M status=progress && sync04:00
geosmilewhat is a good virtualization software for ubuntu that can do gpu acceleration on windows host?04:05
k_szesoft_concrete, I would use dd's `conv=fsync` and `oflags=nonblock` instead of the `&& sync` at the end04:10
soft_concreteOk, I'll use that04:12
k_szesoft_concrete, or you can use the etcher.io tool. It's the official recommended way.04:14
k_szewell, maybe not official. But it's quasi-official. It's on one of the Ubuntu wiki pages, I think.04:15
soft_concreteI tried using the commandline again, with the flags you suggested, and got (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system. 0_o04:21
soft_concreteTime to try Etcher, haha.04:22
k_szeIf you are already flashing from an existing installation of Ubuntu, you can also use Ubuntu's built-in Startup Disk Creator tool.04:25
soft_concreteI'm on Arch. I've been an Arch user for years, but I don't feel like messing with it on my new laptop right now.04:26
soft_concreteI got the same initramfs error with Balena. I think my flash drive might be toast. Which is too bad... it's fairly new04:32
soft_concreteAnyway thanks for your help... I'll try again tomorrow.04:32
ToxmiI have two users, A and B. There is a common directory with user:group ownership of A:A and I've added user B to the grup A as well. The files has 2770 ownership so since B is a member of A group it can create, modify, etc...04:50
ToxmiHowever, when the user B create some file let say file.txt now it has this ownership: B:A. By this, while I have the group access on A side, it can not modify the file.txt! which I don't understand04:51
ToxmiSince B touch file.txt it has the its ownership but since I've set the setGID (2770), it inherit the group memebership of A. But why A can not modify a file it has group access to write?04:53
HazardousBit_this is pretty bizarre. i'm just throwing basic troubleshoot (i guess), what does -ls -l show for the permissions of file.txt?04:54
ToxmiHazardousBit_:it's rwxr-x-- which shows the problem04:55
Toxmithe created file.txt doesn't give group permission to write04:55
HazardousBit_that should be it04:56
ToxmiNow, the question is how can I set permission in a way that all file inherit 770  not 75504:56
ToxmiHazardousBit_:Yes, that was the problem04:56
HazardousBit_hm, for that i actually had a similar issue where added config files I created in another directory had to have its permissions changed04:56
ToxmiWhat is the best practice to have a common directory for all users, and all users write,read modify any file...completely common04:57
ToxmiMy problem is the new file should be automatically 770 not 75504:58
HazardousBit_have you checked this? https://www.linux.org/threads/common-directory-for-multiple-users.7792/05:01
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ToxmiThanks dude, having separate Fat32 partition is neat but too loose!05:36
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ToxmiPosix ACL was the ultimate solution and it was neat.06:26
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futureRichhello, when i use vim, why there is ^M?07:14
geirha^M represents carriage return07:19
futureRichhow can i make it disappear?07:19
futureRichgeijer: ?07:19
geirhais it at the end of lines? like it's a file with windows line endings?07:20
geirhaif so,  :set fileformat=unix  should convert it to unix line endings07:21
xbfrogI installed Buka from snaps, it wont open, i uninstalled it from snaps then i installed it via terminal, still wont open any ideas whats wrong? Buka is an e-reader, i'm using Ubuntu 20.0407:23
futureRichgeirha: there is a ^M when i use set fileformat=unix07:24
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FocalFossaUseranyone here?08:32
EriC^^!ask | FocalFossaUser08:32
ubottuFocalFossaUser: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:32
FocalFossaUserubottu: Thanks!08:37
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)08:37
FocalFossaUserI am trying to enable the fingerprint sensor in 20.04.08:39
FocalFossaUserI don't see anything when I go to Settings>users>authentication.08:40
EriC^^FocalFossaUser: which laptop model?08:41
FocalFossaUserHP Compaq 6901p.08:42
EriC^^FocalFossaUser: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fprint08:44
EriC^^maybe this helps?08:44
EriC^^FocalFossaUser: see here actually, https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/session-fingerprint.html.en08:44
FocalFossaUserNo, there's nothing to do with fingerprint.08:46
FocalFossaUserThe first link is a little bit beyond my understanding level.08:48
FocalFossaUserIt has a built-in scanner.08:50
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ghost2911Hi, How to enable a service after reboot so it starts on ubuntu 12 ? with init.d I guess thanks09:12
geirhaUbuntu 12.04 ended support in 201709:14
ghost2911this answer is for another question :)09:15
ghost2911ok looks like it's update-rc.d -f service-name enable09:15
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BluesKaj'Morning all10:39
eugenio_hi all, I have an ubuntu 18.04 server where I installed openjdk 11.0.8 and where a tomcat9 runs. I have to run an application inside the tomcat9 container which require java8. Here: http://tomcat.apache.org/whichversion.html I see the minimum tomcat9 requirement is java 8 or later versions. So I'm planning to installa openjdk8 by apt install and10:46
eugenio_then run update-alternatives to set the verion 8. Is that a right procedure or create confusion in the server?10:46
quadrathoch2eugenio_ you mean installing jdk8 on host or in the container?10:47
eugenio_quadrathoch2 in the host10:48
LordChaoseugenio_: do you have multiple jdk's installed?10:48
eugenio_LordChaos not yet, only openjdk11 so far10:48
LordChaoseugenio_: you should be fine, I think you should also be able to point tomcat to the correct jdk by editing JAVA_HOME in catalina.sh10:52
LordChaosIf I recall correctly, has been a while since I installed / configured Tomcat10:52
AavarI am trying to mount a smb share "sudo mount -t cifs -o user=aavar // /var/cache/apt/archives" Is this command correct?11:34
LordChaosAavar: why would you mount it in /var/... ?11:37
BlueShark_Hello. My Bose QC 35 ii doesn't work when I connect it on Ubuntu. The sound quality is terrible and the microphone doesn't work on A2DP. Is there any fix for this issue?11:37
alekksandercould someone help me install inkscape? i need that for my company, and just discovered it's not installed on my system anymore… can't install again – dependency problems11:38
tatertotzAavar: that probably is not going to work. Can you confirm that?11:39
quadrathoch2alekksander if you would tell us which ones, maybe we could even help11:42
alekksanderquadrathoch2:  libgsl23 : Depends: libgslcblas0 (= 2.5+dfsg-N~5~ubuntu18.04.1) but it is not going to be installed11:46
alekksanderseems there is some dependency chain i started by shitty origin. trying to solve it11:46
quadrathoch2alekksander as 2.5 is not in bionic, did you accidently add a repository which is not for bionic?11:48
alekksanderyes, that could be that. another repo i used for years has previously tricked me too. that's enough, i removed it11:49
quadrathoch2if you paste.ubuntu.com I could look over it alekksander if you still have issues11:50
alekksanderi removed the repo and everything is pleasing me again. i can work in inkscape now. thanks for the interest quadrathoch2. i guess the lesson here is to always check the origin of packages in conflict11:50
quadrathoch2alekksander yup :) glad it's working now11:51
sigvWho should I poke if https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/focal/ has a typo in its <head><title> -- currently ¨Ubuntu 20.04 (Focla Fossa) Release Build¨ but should be Focal Fossa instead.11:57
sigvThat bugs me a bit too much than it should, sure, but would be nice to have that resolved anyhow.11:58
tomreynsigv: try asking in #canonical-sysadmin12:03
sigvthanks! will do.12:03
tomreyni' not sure it'S the right place, but may be.12:03
DJonessi it may be #ubuntu-website that would have access to that12:14
DJonessigv: See above12:14
sigvI was considering that, but there are only 7 other users there and no channel ops.. but won´t hurt anyone for me to x-post there as well I suppose.12:15
sigvthanks for the thought even if that doesn´t pan out!12:15
BT40Hi. i have added a new line in /etc/hosts file. This line:       When i ping, it gives error: Temporary failure in name resolution12:48
BT40   Please guide.12:48
BT40I am using this command to ping: ......              ping -c 4 orcle12:48
BT40only change i made is that i have added port 5000 in localhost (  IP  suffix.12:49
tatertotzBT40: syntax wrong12:55
tatertotzBT40: port 5000? get rid of that....TCP/UDP port numbers shouldn't be included12:56
BT40ok thanks12:57
tatertotzBT40: in terminal>          man hosts12:58
BT40tatertotz,  thank you12:58
BT40i also want to know, how to ssh in localhost?12:59
BT40when i type this command in terminal, it automaticaly exits without error12:59
BT40ssh localhost12:59
BT40please guide, is this normal thing?12:59
BT40i mean, since it is normal machine and we are already in local mode, is this the reason that terminal auto exits?13:00
leftyfbBT40: put your hosts file back. That does you no good13:00
BT40leftyfb, done.13:00
leftyfbBT40: the correct entry should be ""13:00
leftyfbBT40: feel free to add ""13:01
BT40leftyfb, already that was at first. I was adding another one with different name :) Now got proper guidance from u guys,13:01
leftyfbnotice the ip difference13:01
BT40actually i want to setup database server, it needs host parameter in command. i was messing up with that13:02
BT40now got some clarifications13:02
leftyfbBT40: wat database and what "parameter" does it need in the hosts file exactly and what documentation is telling you this?13:03
BT40oracle nosql database.13:03
tatertotzBT40: ideally you'd have working forward/reverse DNS aiding your other machines with names like "orcle"13:03
leftyfbtatertotz: not with a static ip13:03
leftyfbBT40: got documentation that you can link to here that tells you to add an /etc/hosts enry?13:04
BT40documentation has this line:    Be aware that the host names specified here must be resolvable using DNS or the local /etc/hosts file.13:04
BT40i misinterpreted that13:04
leftyfbBT40: adding the entry I gave you will be sufficient13:05
tatertotzleftyfb: not sure what a static or dynamic ip has to do with successful name resolution but okay13:05
BT40please guide on ssh also13:05
leftyfbtatertotz: if the server has a static ip, where how is an A record being created on a local DNS server?13:06
BT40is ssh in local machine possible?13:06
leftyfbBT40: yes13:06
leftyfbBT40: did you install an ssh server?13:06
BT40i think it is pre installed in ubuntu13:06
leftyfbBT40: negative13:06
BT40it is installed. I can see using  ssh -V13:08
BT40maybe i had installed manually in past, not remembering exactly.13:08
leftyfbBT40: running "ssh -V" does not indicate whether an ssh server is installed locally13:08
BT40or automatically installed as dependency13:09
leftyfbBT40: sudo apt install openssh-server13:09
BT40how can i check, please guide13:09
leftyfbBT40: why are you installing an Oracle database if you don't know the basics of a linux distribution?13:09
BT40i am new to coding.13:10
leftyfbBT40: nothing in our discussion thus far has been related to "coding"13:10
BT40linux basics: i am using it for 10 years as general user13:10
BT40admin things i need to learn13:10
leftyfbBT40: install openssh-server as indicated above13:10
leftyfbBT40: AFAIK, a local ssh server should not be required to run an Oracle database13:11
sigvyou could just check with systemd whether it has sshd active, as `systemctl status --lines=0 sshd.service`13:12
BT40leftyfb, actually i am unable to get access despite successfully installing. They have described a method to ping that and test whether it is working. So i was fidling with that13:13
leftyfbor sudo lsof -i :2213:13
BT40ok sigv13:13
leftyfbBT40: what version of ubuntu is this?13:13
sigvleftyfb, could be on a different port, so ymmv13:13
sigvoh yes, i am assuming somewhat recent with systemd.13:13
BT40output is : ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server13:14
BT40          and much more13:14
leftyfbBT40: please pastebin the output13:14
BT40status is active13:14
leftyfbBT40: when asking for information output, please do not paraphrase. Please pastebin the output13:14
leftyfbBT40: what version of ubuntu is this?13:15
BT40desktop edition, gnome13:15
sigvright, `sshd.service` is linked to `ssh.service` now. but yeah - it looks like you have the SSH server running there.13:15
leftyfbBT40: please pastebin the output of:  ssh -v localhost13:16
leftyfbok, your local ssh is working13:17
sigvwhat exactly is your ssh problem?13:18
sigvor, rather, why are you asking about ´ssh in local machine´13:19
BT40sigv,  ssh node0113:20
BT40java -jar KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar ping -host node01 -port 500013:20
BT40-security KVROOT/security/client.security13:20
BT40This is the guide by oracle13:20
BT40Guide says to do this for testing.13:21
BT40start the database server, switch to new tab, login to node, then ping it13:21
sigvif you are on the local machine already, you do not need to worry about connecting to it again. you can just use the local shell already available.13:22
BT40thank u for making me understand13:22
sigvwhen you think `ssh localhost` is exiting without error, you might instead be in the opened ssh connection13:23
sigvcheck the `who` command output for what logins are currently active13:24
BT40yes it is showing 3 users. Two are IP based
Paddy1Hi all. Is anyone aware of a channel thats relevant to .net development under linux? Been asking some questions in ##csharp but all im getting is nonsense, ridicule, guesswork and trolling. I'm looking for somewhere thats a bit more mature and helpful.13:25
leftyfb!alis | Paddy113:26
ubottuPaddy1: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"13:26
Paddy1Thanks didn't know this was a thing13:28
sigvBT40, and if you run `tty` you will see which one you are on right now. assuming you have one `/dev/tty*` and two `/dev/pts` then you will probably see `/dev/pts/1` as your current terminal13:28
sigvso you are two levels deep into ssh into your local machine. if you `exit` twice you will be back into your real `tty`13:29
sigvor actually you probably have three PTSes. regardless, point of two levels deep in ssh still stands.13:29
BT40okay :)13:31
BT40Thanks sigv  leftyfb tatertotz   for guidance13:32
AavarLordChaos, tatertotz: I am having termorary storage issues. Why would it not work? What is wrong with the command? (Sorry for the late reply)13:37
analogicalhow do I get root status in the terminal?13:44
legreffieranalogical: you usually prefix your commands with 'sudo'.13:45
analogicallegreffier, I want to become permanent root in the terminal13:46
sigvyou should not need that. and if you are in a position where you need that, you will generally know what to do.13:46
sigvwhy do you want a root shell.13:46
legreffieranalogical: it's usually not needed, you can run "sudo -i" if you need a root shell.13:47
analogicalsudo -i was the solution13:48
nbusroneWhere can I find specific file source code implement on ubuntu file system ?13:49
ikonia  ?13:49
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nbusroneikonia : gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-power , because my brightness keep resetting when wake up need to find a way to fix it.13:51
qwertuttytyoh guys eq!!!!!! I believe that PulseEffects should be included in the installation iso image of the file.14:00
qwertuttytyubuntu-mate 20.04 kernel 5.8...14:01
qwertuttytyvmwareplayer host guest windows14:02
qwertuttytyhost win ubuntu guest14:02
ikonianbusrone: that gnome-settings stuff looks like it's about 3 repos worth of code with about 8 depending repos (roughly)14:07
nbusroneikonia : I am newbie , didn't about shell code , but at lease I wanted to look at the source code by asking someone here , because I had been facing weeks of brightness reset issue when I set my monitor return from power saving 'blankscreen'14:11
nbusroneikonia : not sure it's related about the code , which one trigger brightness reset ? https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-settings-daemon/blob/42fc617dbe0c40bc25d62626b6c874bfb1b95f6f/plugins/power/gsd-power-manager.c14:11
sigvit is possible it´s a driver problem instead of a gnome problem, if it relates to power states.14:14
sigvthis does not happen that often in newer kernels but was a real pain ages ago.14:14
nbusronesigv : i am using nvidia driver , the case not only happen on blank screen , it reset during login , restart pc , logout , open a browser , right click just to delete a trash file14:15
sigvcould you skip using the proprietary driver to troubleshoot that being a possible culprit?14:16
* sigv grumbles something about nvidia drivers14:16
nbusronesigv : i found some old post by disable gsdcolor start up does fix most of it but on blank screen still persist.14:16
sigvnbusrone, is not using nvidia driver an option for you to troubleshoot?14:17
nbusronesigv : it happen at 14.04 until 20.04 still continue and when I check at nvidia driver forum , they said it's distro issue.14:17
nbusronesigv : i run on nouveau also having the same result of brightness reset.14:18
somerandomteenHi folks, I've got a weird issue that I'm sort of at my wit's end to solve - I wonder if anyone can help. On my Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS server, systemctl is hanging indefinitely when performing any operations - start, stop, restart, whatever. It's fine showing status, but it won't do anything else. Tools that don't directly use it, like apache2ctl, are14:19
somerandomteenunaffected; tools that do, though, like /etc/init.d/mysql, do.14:19
nbusronesigv : nope , i haven't tried yet , but as being test , if it is really nvidia driver issue , it should have a lot of user here having reporting as a bug.14:19
ikonianbusrone: I'm not sure what you're asking14:20
sigvnbusrone, it could be some combination of the individual device and driver and other factors. i would suggest that test, to check for driver issues.14:20
legreffiersomerandomteen: mysql start/stop/restart can often be quite long14:20
sigvikonia, the code question is not the core problem. resolving brightness issues upon wake is the real question.14:21
ikoniathat seems more logical14:22
somerandomteenlegreffier, I know, but it's not just mysql that's affected; every service I've tried hangs indefinitely. apache2, a nodeJS server service, MySQL, certbot14:22
somerandomteeneven if I manually kill MySQL's processes entirely, systemctl still hangs indefinitely when running service stop on it14:22
legreffiersomerandomteen: what command do you precisely type ?14:24
Dr_CokeDoes anyone know if Cananicol will customize gnome appearance to look like windows14:25
vladoskihey guys, what's the best way to have more than one python3 version on my ubuntu 20 lts?14:25
somerandomteenI've tried both of `service [whateverservice] start` and `systemctl start [service]`, and various other flavours (different services, changing start to stop, etc) - all hang14:25
ikoniaDr_Coke: seems unlikely14:25
Dr_Cokeikonia, I mean give us a dash to taskbar and start menu etc but you're probably right seems unlikely14:26
qwertuttytywhy eq?  my sound usb 4$14:26
Dr_Cokeikonia, the gnome developers might take offence14:26
somerandomteenInserting complete gubbins doesn't hang, interestingly (`systemctl start dfiaiaejfoajd` returns immediately with an error, like you'd expect)14:26
Dr_Cokeikonia, seems whoever is in charge of gnome aren't flexible14:26
ikoniaDr_Coke: that's not for this channel14:26
nbusronesigv ikonia : https://askubuntu.com/questions/1028940/why-does-xrandr-output-brightness-setting-not-persist-is-this-a-bug , https://github.com/LordAmit/Brightness/issues/102 it related to this issue.it's fix but not on blank screen14:26
qwertuttytynot bad trought puylse 32 192khz but nee qe14:27
Dr_Cokeikonia, which channel should I take it to14:27
ikoniaDr_Coke: none14:27
Dr_Cokeikonia, lol14:27
Dr_Cokeikonia, are you a gnome developer14:27
oerheksif there is a theme that looks like windows, we have a legal issue.14:28
qwertuttytynot bad 16 48 trought pulse 32 192khz but need eq14:28
nbusroneikonia : are there a gnome dev channel here ? maybe it's much suitable to ask over there14:29
ikonianbusrone: I suspect not14:29
ikonianbusrone: filing and providing information to the bug reports is the best way14:29
qwertuttytycmedia 108 usb14:29
Dr_Cokeikonia, Linux Mint does a really good job of ubuntu with Cinnamon perhaps Ubuntu should look at the way Cinnamon looks and apply it to gnome14:29
ikoniabut working the problem to understand it and provide good information is key14:29
ikoniaDr_Coke: yeah, I'm sure, as I said not for this channel though14:29
coconutDr_Coke, ubuntu tried making their own DE with unity, but they stopped that eventually(and it did not look like windows)14:30
Dr_Cokecoconut, Unity looked very much like gnome standard14:30
oerhekscinnamon is in our repos too, Dr_Coke14:31
Dr_Cokeoerheks, yeah but gnome seems to have more effects14:31
Dr_Cokeoerheks I had ubuntu gnome installed and customized but I screwed something so then I decided to install mint 20 Cinnamon14:32
oerheksmint is a waste of time, so you have no ubuntu support issue?14:33
Dr_Cokeoerheks, and gnome doesn't want to give me scaling on 4k14:33
Dr_Cokewith ubuntu14:33
oerheksit does..14:33
Dr_CokeMint gives me 4k scaling with my nvidia card however ubuntu with gnome would not14:34
oerheksi am not interested in mint.don't waste mine, thanks.14:34
Dr_Cokeoerheks, do you develop for ubuntu?14:35
coconutDr_Coke, got mine 4k laptop to scale with ubuntu mate, dunno why it did not work for you on ubuntu gnome(i guess it should have)14:37
Dr_Cokecoconut, I think it's gnome14:37
Dr_Cokecoconut, mate is helped to be made by the linux mint team as well I believe14:37
coconutDr_Coke, ok but are not DE's always a mix of distro's ?14:38
coconut*the developers i mean14:39
Dr_Cokecoconut, no idea14:40
Dr_CokeI suppose so14:40
Dr_CokeSomething clearly went wrong in the gnome camp though14:40
Dr_CokeLayout is utter rubbish14:41
ikoniacan we drop this please14:41
ikoniait's not for this channel14:41
ikoniano problem14:41
geosmileare there any good ubuntu based VMs that can pass through GPUs to guest OS=Windows?14:43
ikoniathe VM is not the problem14:44
ikoniait's the hypervisor technology14:44
ikoniathankfully most hypervisors support this now14:44
geosmileikonia, I'm using virtualbox - no gpu support14:44
geosmileI want to be able to install nvidia drivers inside the VM14:45
ikoniapretty sure that had hpu passthrough14:45
geosmileikonia, in that case it does not share the gpu - it needs 2 gpus14:45
geosmileI'd have to buy a new GPU for that one.14:46
ikoniaare you sure you're reading that right ?14:47
ikonia(you could always use the gpu from the cpu to power the host and the nvidia gpu passthrough to the guest)14:47
geosmileikonia, I think it only allows the guest to use the gpu - not the host14:48
qwertuttytyresample-method = speex-float-914:48
oerheksmaybe vmware Sphere is a better solution, vmware workstation 15 does not.14:48
ikoniageosmile: I don't think that's true14:48
ikoniabut even if that was the case, use the cpu gpu for the host14:48
geosmileikonia, i'd like to use the gpu on both guest and host. It is a beefy gpu14:49
quadrathoch2geosmile which gpu do you have? nvidia is notorious for disabling it on consumer hardware14:49
ikoniaI'm pretty sure you can - I'm %70 sure I've done this on vbox14:49
geosmilequadrathoch2, rtx 208014:50
ZewwyI might be missing something here, I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 desktop live, and I'm connected to the internet, but when I type apt-get install vlan as root, it says it can't find a package vlan14:50
quadrathoch2moot, can't do it geosmile14:50
Zewwyhow do I do vlan tagging on Ubuntu 20.04 desktop?14:50
quadrathoch2Zewwy did you apt update?14:51
Zewwyi sure did14:51
quadrathoch2oh it's in universe you would need to enable universe repo Zewwy14:51
oerhekslive iso, run apt update.. and are you sure vlan is available?14:51
oerheks!info vlan14:51
ubottuvlan (source: vlan): ifupdown integration for vlan configuration. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.4ubuntu1.20.04.1 (focal), package size 11 kB, installed size 49 kB14:51
Zewwythat same thing screwed me lasttime14:51
Zewwyso annoying14:52
tatertotzZewwy: are you %100 certain "vlan" is a valid package name?14:52
oerhekssudo add-apt-repository universe .. but why from live iso?14:52
Zewwycause I only use linux randomly live14:52
Zewwyjust my preffered14:52
Zewwythanks quadrathoch2 '14:52
tatertotzZewwy: double check you are using valid names14:52
Zewwyits valid just the universe repo not enabled by default14:53
Zewwysuper annoying14:53
oerheksno, it is by design14:53
Zewwyto me an annoying design, i like functionalty thats easy, and it often skipped in blogs14:53
jhassell_What is the name of the utility that can insist you use the alias form of your commands?14:55
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
gimzmoeI need a clue on how to make a rogue kernel process behave.   kworker/0:1+usb_hub_wq  &  kworker/0:1+pm share the same PID, I've got 0 interrupt hits in /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts, which seems the be the most likely cause for others, but not in my case15:11
ComputerTechi am instaling sendmail15:16
ComputerTechand get this error15:16
ComputerTechWARNING: local host name (localhost) is not qualified; see cf/README: WHO AM I?15:16
ComputerTechactually a warning15:16
ComputerTechwhat can i do to fix this?15:16
quadrathoch2ComputerTech well what is your hostname?15:17
Zewwywhats returned when you type hostname?15:18
Zewwythats not fully quakified15:18
ComputerTechi just types hostname15:19
ComputerTechand got computertech back15:19
quadrathoch2ComputerTech normally a fully qualified hostname is required. like computertech.com15:19
Zewwyit's been a long time since I played with sendmail, not sure if it builds a FQDN from the hostname and domain name15:19
ComputerTechperhaps it's15:20
ComputerTechthats what my friend told me15:20
ComputerTechwhere do i edit it?15:20
Zewwyquadrathoch2: thats what I figured but wasn't sure if it could be FQ by addition of a known domain name the system is joined to, if at all15:20
ComputerTechin the specified path?15:20
quadrathoch2Zewwy afaik it should work15:20
ComputerTechso... i edit this file?15:21
ComputerTechi have never used this stuff before really15:21
ComputerTechmore of a windows guy15:21
Zewwyor just use the hostname cmd?15:21
Zewwyhostname newname.com15:22
ComputerTechroot@computertech:/etc# hostname15:22
oerhekshostname should be set in 2 places15:22
ComputerTechi did do that15:22
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.15:22
Zewwyhostname should be appended with a -p option to do those edit for the user15:23
oerhekswith systemd it is hostnamectl, IIRC15:23
oerhekshostnamectl status15:24
ComputerTechso i type hostname mail.technet.xi.ht15:24
oerheksbut this does not survive reboot.15:24
DDinTVI have an old Acer Aspire (circa 2012) with a 1Ghz processor.  Any suggestions on the best governor to use?15:26
oerhekshave fun with the reading, ComputerTech15:28
tomreynDDinTV: default is usually fine. low latency kernel may be desirable. also a new computer.15:28
ComputerTechThanks oerheks :)15:29
tomreynDDinTV: which cpu architecture does it have, how much ram, which ubuntu release are you running or planning to run there?15:29
ComputerTechwill that guide work for ubuntu 20 ?15:30
coconutDDinTV, are you sure with 1GHz? I remember at 2003 we had faster cpu's already...15:30
DDinTVRunning Linux Lite v20, AMD dual-core, 4GB RAM.15:30
coconutalthough i might be wrong seeing15:31
tomreynDDinTV: and which ubuntu release do you plan to run?15:33
DDinTVAMD C-60 APU.  Dual-core 800Mhz min, 1Ghz max.  Running Linux Lite 5.0.  Base is Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.15:38
quadrathoch2yes ComputerTech15:38
ComputerTechok thanks15:39
tomreynDDinTV: this channel only supports actual ubuntu installations.15:40
DDinTVOops.  Sorry.15:40
tomreynno worries. you could try ##linux or whatever 'linux lite' has for support15:41
DDinTVThanks!  Will check it out.  Doesn't look like there's a channel specific to Linux Lite.15:42
DDinTVSo many distros.  So little time :)15:43
HarlinIs there any way to clear the Google Chrome search box -- not necessarily my search history15:56
HarlinFor instance if I'm looking up something on a Zoom call I don't want everyone knowing about my weird ass search habits.15:56
Harlinespecially at work.15:57
tomreynfor third party software, it's best to get support with the third parties' preferred support channels.15:57
Harlinyeah I dont' see one so I figured you guys use Chrome like I do on #Ubuntu15:58
Harlinany ideas?15:58
HarlinGoogling seems to point that this can't be done.15:58
tomreynthere is https://support.google.com/chrome/community16:00
yutaHi . snapd writes much, Is it usual?16:04
tomreyndepends. what do you mean by "writes much"? does it send you e-mails?16:05
Floflobel_Hello, I'm trying to install Ubuntu server 20.04 on a PowerEdge R730 server via idrac. But each time I start the installation it launches an integrity check that I can't pass and that seems really long. I tried to re-download the image and check the hash but the file is not corrupted. Paste: https://paste.centos.org/view/d0ef1ac116:41
tomreynFloflobel_: you verified the iso image downloaded properly. have you also verified that it was written to the installer media properly?16:54
agile_prgwhat is the easiest way to setup a vncserver on ubuntu?16:57
aleph-So recently heard about the rub2 vuln and the fix that seems to be bricking hosts upon reboot. Just curious if: 1) The bug in the fix causing failure to boot is in the version being released for Ubuntu 18. 2) If it is, is there a way I can ensure unattended-upgrades doesn't pull it down?16:58
aleph-Ah seems it's affecting Ubuntu 18. Lovely16:59
tomreynagile_prg: on a desktop? you go to settings, sharing, click on "on" top-right, click on screen sharing, ensure it'S set up as you need it. optionally enable "remote login", too, if you'd like to tunnel vnc through ssh.16:59
tomreynaleph-: bug 188950916:59
ubottubug 1889509 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub boot error : "symbol 'grub_calloc' not found" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188950916:59
tomreyn!YY.MM | aleph-16:59
ubottualeph-: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle16:59
aleph-Yep, git it open in my browser16:59
aleph-And fair, 18.04LTS17:00
agile_prgtomreyn I only have ssh access17:00
agile_prgis there some easy to enable it from the command line?17:00
aleph-If I'm reading it right, it's package version 2.04 for associated grub packages ya?17:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1889509 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub boot error : "symbol 'grub_calloc' not found" [High,Confirmed]17:01
pavlosagile_prg: https://askubuntu.com/questions/304017/how-to-set-up-remote-desktop-sharing-through-ssh17:02
tomreynagile_prg: i'm not sure. you used to be able to do X forwarding and configure the vino VNC server that way.17:02
tomreynexactly that17:02
tomreynbut i think someone stated recently this doesn't work on 20.04. i have not tried to verify this.17:03
agile_prgI have tightvncserver running but the instructions want me to install xfce, can I just start gnome in there?17:06
compdocsadly, remote desktop requires a 2d desktop, which I dont think gnome has these days17:08
compdocI use ubuntu mate17:08
compdocand x2go is a lot better than vnc17:08
agile_prgI have not heard of x2go17:09
compdocI like it because th clipboard works to copy and paste to the remote desktop and back17:10
pavlosagile_prg: there's also nomachine, install on both local and remote systems, https://www.nomachine.com/download/linux&id=117:20
agile_prgI have not heard of nomachine17:21
pavlosagile_prg: similar to x2go, local/remote talk over port 400017:22
pavlosagile_prg: https://www.saashub.com/compare-x2go-vs-nomachine17:23
agile_prgI figured it out, special thanks to all who helped!17:26
MikeRLAnyone know if boothole can be remotely exploited? I'm curious because I'm not very well versed in security and I know someone who asked because they have servers that are up. Patching it requires a reboot.17:28
MikeRLAt least that's my assumption for them asking. I am pretty sure physically the servers are ok.17:28
MikeRLI ofc know the patch requires a reboot because it's the bootloader and I've patched it on my laptop17:29
tomreynshould be boot loader and kernel. and not remotely exploitable from what i've read. ask in #ubuntu-hardened to get more than a random idiots opinion.17:31
ZewwyI like random idiot opinions17:32
MikeRLrandom "idiot"'s opinion is better than nothing. thanks.17:32
Maik_aDMikeRL: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/GRUB2SecureBootBypass17:33
Maik_aDif that is it^17:33
leftyfbZewwy: can we help you with something?17:36
Zewwynope my issues so far have been resolved, just here to hear some random opinions :P17:37
Maik_aDZewwy: offtopic and discuss are suited for that :)17:38
ZewwyI'm following this I don't seem to have an inffaces.d folder under /etc/network17:39
Zewwyi guess i have to use if-up.d?17:40
Zewwythis one also mentions /etc/network/interfaces ... why do I not have this folder?17:41
tomreynmaybe you're on an ubuntu version which no longer uses it17:42
tomreynhard to tell for us since we don'T know what you'Re running17:42
pavlos /e/n/interfaces is a file17:42
ZewwyI clicked 20.04 LTS on the top nav, same info17:42
tomreynor didn't17:42
Zewwyok why do I not have this file17:42
ZewwyUbuntu Desktop 20.0417:42
tomreynyou'll be using netplan or network-manager17:43
tomreynthe latter then17:43
Zewwyi love change17:43
Zewwyspecially docuemntation good enough to kee up with said change17:43
tomreynso you read the release notes?17:43
Zewwyis there a better reference for me to follow?17:43
pavlosyou're using netplan, see /etc/netplan/01-network.....17:43
leftyfbZewwy: https://netplan.io/examples17:44
leftyfbZewwy: https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-bionic-netplan17:44
leftyfbZewwy: the documentation is there. You just have to look for it17:45
Zewwyit's painful, when you google "How to do vlan tagging on Ubuntu" and there is a whole wack of not proper info?17:45
Zewwyor should I say a lot of mixed info17:46
tdm4Hi.. I had to switch my mother's desktop from GNOME (3) to LXDE.. now, Chromium won't save passwords anymore, and I am seeing: gnome-keyring-daemon[2539]: couldn't access control socket: /run/user/1000/keyring/control: No such file or directory     Any way to fix this so it works again?17:47
tdm4gnome-keyring is running as the user, cmdline: /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --foreground --components=secrets17:48
tdm4any ideas how to get it to access the already saved passwords?17:48
tdm4I ran seahorse and it sees them17:48
Sven_vBtdm4, check /proc/???/fd whether it has the socket opened. also check file/folder permissions17:48
Sven_vBtdm4, you can also run the keyring daemon in a terminal to see its error output. maybe you can also find logs of the currently running instance.17:49
tomreynvery old but may still apply https://askubuntu.com/questions/243210/why-do-i-get-this-warning-from-gnome-keyring-in-xubuntu17:49
tdm4Sven_vB: gnome-keyring runs as user:  /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --daemonize --login17:50
Sven_vBtdm4, yeah I've read that17:50
Sven_vBtdm4, it could still serve another socket that had the same path in the file system but is now deleted17:51
Sven_vBtdm4, in /proc/<process id>/fd you can see which files the processes currently hold open, even for deleted files.17:52
tdm4systemd[1]: session-c2.scope: Killing process 3209 (gnome-keyring-d) with signal SIGTERM.   gnome-keyring-daemon[4025]: couldn't access control socket: /run/user/1000/keyring/control: No such file or directory17:52
tdm4ok having a look17:52
Sven_vBtdm4, in some cases you can even use that to recover files you accidentially deleted. :-)17:53
pavlosZewwy: http://www.confignotes.com/2017/10/ubuntu-802-1q-vlan-tagging/17:53
Zewwythanks pavlos17:53
Zewwywas reading this one17:54
Zewwycompletely different than the ubuntu man pages17:54
tdm4Sven_vB: well it's got 12 files open. 7 of them sockets17:54
tdm4 /run/user/1000/keyring/control type=STREAM is one of them17:55
tdm4if I open seahorse, I can see the 'default keyring' unlocked with entries of 'Chrome Safe Storage Control'.. but Chromium has no saved passwords in it18:00
tomreynZewwy: your confusion about 'the ubuntu man pages' is mostly because you didn't read the release notes and this haven't learnt that ifupdown (and /etc/network/interfaces) has been deprecated (but is still available, including its man page) in favor of netplan for servers, or just network-manager for desktops..18:00
ZewwyThat info should be noted in the man pages18:00
Zewwyif something changes, note it18:00
Zewwythanks for the extra details, and clarification18:01
tomreynthat's what releas enotes are for. man pages refer to source packages, they will always try their best at explainig how to use this very software, but not explain a distros' buig picture.18:01
Zewwymuch apprciated18:02
tomreyn*big picture18:02
tdm4I think I found the cause.. Chromium spits out in terminal when you run it: ERROR:password_sync_bridge.cc(360)] Passwords datatype error was encountered: Failed to load entries from password store. Encryption service failure.18:02
ZewwyWhen you follow a man page and there'es a discepancy, which there totally was here, and the fact server/and desktop have different managers, those are very helpful tid bits to add to the man pages18:02
Zewwyinstead expecting someone to read every releaese notes aor dig through them looking for a needle in hay stack18:03
tatertotzZewwy: desktop includes many managers...server to an extent expect the system administrator to "manage"18:05
tatertotzZewwy: just FYI18:05
quantumHow do I ask apt, which linux kernel I have installed?18:06
tatertotzquantum: why ask apt?..."uname" with a "-a"18:07
quantumjnewt I know, but that doesn't tell me the specific package.  I'm in ARM-land and it could be one of 5 different flavors.18:08
leftyfbquantum: apt list --installed |grep linux-image  # will give you a good indication18:08
coconutquantum, dpkg -l linux-* ?18:08
coconutoh.. sorry ^18:09
quantumleftyfb: That doesn't show installed packages.18:09
leftyfbquantum: yes, it does18:09
quantumNo, I'm not running 5.3.18:10
leftyfbquantum: installed != running18:10
Zewwyyes this worked and was so easy, though it did mention that vconfig is deprciated?18:10
quantumAnd it's not showing the version I am running.18:10
leftyfbquantum: ARM could be different. Depending on the flavor, the kernel could be called something different or be part of some firmware package18:11
leftyfbquantum: what version of ubuntu is this?18:11
leftyfbZewwy: that article is outdated and does not include netplan configs18:11
Zewwywhich is fine18:11
Zewwyim doing this on a live instance and only need it temp18:11
Zewwyso its perfect18:12
quantumI'm running 4.9.213-67 but want to switch to 5.3.0-1030.32~18.04.218:12
agile_prgok, got a crazy problem I need miracle to fix, I have an ubuntu 16 virtual box trying to bootup and I see something like orphaned inode then it tries to continue then just abnormally shuts off18:12
agile_prgit is using a vmdk18:12
agile_prgmy only idea is the vmdk is corrupted somehow and I need to somehow run fsck on it18:13
Maik_aDquantum: 5.4.X because 5.3 kernel is EOL18:13
quantum... but every method I try shows the only 4 version is 4.9.230-74.  Well that's not what I'm running either.18:13
Maik_aDquantum: enable HWE18:13
quantumMaik_aD: That would be wonderful, if it were in the repo.18:14
leftyfbquantum: why do you care about the 4.9 kernels if you are trying to switch to 5.3?18:14
tomreynagile_prg: there's no "ubuntu 16"18:14
Maik_aDquantum: HWE isn't in the repo, you have to enable it18:14
Zewwyagile_prg: a vmdk is a vmware virual disk, no?18:14
quadrathoch2quantum could it be that you are running some weird hardware? arm maybe?18:14
quantumleftyfb: Because I could be running linux--image-generic, linux-image-raspi,, or any of 3 others.18:15
tomreynquantum: maybe you'r enot actually running ubuntu then18:15
quantumI need to know what Odroid has specified for this board.  So I need to know what kernel package I am now running, so I can insyall a similar updated one.18:15
agile_prgI got it to book after going to recovery mode and saying boot normally18:16
leftyfbquantum: uname -a # tells you your running kernel18:16
quadrathoch2quantum you are probably stuck with 4.9 as bionic came out with 4.15. arm boards (where your odroid is based upon) has very bad support upstream18:16
tomreynpackages where installed kernel images came from: dpkg -S /boot/vmlinuz-* | cut -d: -f118:17
quantum'tomreyn You mean I don't know what OS I'm running?  What kind of place is this?  snohomish planning and development apply building permit18:17
leftyfbI'm pretty sure Ubuntu never shipped a 4.9 kernel with 18.0418:18
tomreynquantum: i'm suggesting that you *may* be running some ubuntu derivative, which states it is ubuntu but really isn't. and your link seems to confirm this.18:18
leftyfbquantum: that is not an official release of ubuntu18:18
quantumUbuntu 18.04.4 (MATE DESKTOP) is what I'm running.18:18
tomreynor what it states it is18:19
quantumOh so official releases can't tell what kernel package they're running?18:19
leftyfbquantum: You are not running an official release18:19
tomreynofficial releaseas are downloaded from ubuntu.com and the other flavours websites18:19
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours18:19
quantumOh so UNofficial releases can't tell what kernel package they're running?18:19
oerheksquantum, lolz..18:20
leftyfbquantum: don't know, we don't support unofficial releases here. That is up to the distro maintainer18:20
tomreynafter all we couldn't know how those were put together18:20
quantumThis looks like a waste of time.  I need professionals.18:20
oerheksquantum, lolz.. you need glasses.18:21
tomreynyes, talk directly to those supporting your image18:21
leftyfbquantum: you need Odroid support professionals.18:21
quantumNo, I need someone with a reasonable command of Ubongo dpkg system.18:21
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leftyfbnot a troll at all18:24
tdm4Sven_vB: found the cause! Password store in chromium got screwed up: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=60788218:24
tdm4had to remove the entries from gnome-keyring (with seahorse) while chromium was closed.. and remove 'Login Data*' from the profile18:25
tdm4storing them properly now18:25
tdm4what a palaver!18:25
rr123default virtualbox on ubuntu 20.04 failed to install ubuntu 20.04 server, without no local modifications whatsoever19:01
ZewwyAny specific eror, or logs lines?19:02
rr123nothing in particular, I sent the full report to canonical19:03
rr123it just says failed to install, in the middle is does say subiquity has an update to use, which I skipped(tried it first, and failed)19:04
rr123download guest addition and see if that helps19:05
tatertotzrr123: which version of virtualbox?19:05
rr1236.1.10 the default on 20.0419:06
rr123trying to make life simpler and I just use the default stuff for now19:06
blazedwhen did the install fail? did the vb install fail or did the install of ubuntu server fail after the configuration etc?19:08
tatertotzrr123: virtualbox itself installed fine...you are failing at deploying a GuestOS/VM correct?19:10
tatertotzrr123: probably want to re clarify that19:10
blazedyea ;)19:10
rr123vbox is fine, what's the system requirement for server, I gave it 1GB/10GB19:11
rr123just reboot vbox and it can't start the live-server.iso19:11
rr123trying to find sha1sum for iso now19:11
tatertotzrr123: ok thanks...that clears that up...you are unable to deploy a GuestOS of Ubuntu 20.xx server edition19:11
rr123yes thanks19:12
rr123sha1sum is correct, why can't it boot is beyond me19:12
blazeddo you not get any errors?19:13
rr123a verbose report file which I sent to Canonical but a quick read found nothing standing out, still trying19:13
rr123restarting again19:13
blazedand you have configured virtualbox correctly regarding the hard drive, cpu, ram network etc .. bot devices and .iso to boot from?19:14
tatertotzrr123: are you chatting from the computer right now?19:15
rr123yes, i used vbox for years19:15
tatertotzrr123: in terminal>           inxi -Fxxprzc0|nc termbin.com 999919:15
blazedok sorry just wanted to check that's all :)19:16
tatertotzrr123: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link...simply say so19:16
rr123failed again, only two steps I changed: 1. install openssh server  2. refused to upgrade subiquity (because it will fail anyways)19:16
blazed.. so it's failing "during the install" ?19:16
tatertotzrr123: if not installed follow instructions to install then follow through19:17
tomreynmaybe 1 GB is not enough for live-updating the live-installer19:17
rr123blazed: right after it starts to install, let me find the full report19:17
blazedyea i was gonna say try assigning more resource to the server prior to install19:18
blazedit sounds like a resource issue if it's cutting out during the install process etc19:18
rr123ok, will bump RAM to 2GB, meanwhile it says "Failed to fetch ..." some Hash sum mismatch, then "curtin command in-target, curtin failed with exception"19:22
tomreynrr123: this sounds like you need to verify the iso checksums19:24
tomreynoh you did19:24
tomreynyes, ram then19:24
sarnoldrr123: are you getting hash sum mismatches often?19:25
blazedany luck after the ram increase?19:30
tarrieis rhythmbox able to determine album/artist from the directory the mp3s are in? i imported my library and its all "01 track, 02 track" e.g.19:31
rr123googling, some had similar issue(curtin command in-target ..stuck) in 18.04.3 on real Dell machine and had to change BIOS to UTC19:31
rr123this is actually my first time failing to install ubuntu, for the last 15 years that is19:32
tomreyntarrie: probably not, i'd expect it to read id3 tags but not that19:32
tarrietomreyn, thx anyway19:33
tomreynrr123: you could try a recent daily build, or try again after the 20.04.1 release on aug 6th19:34
rr123reboot again, this time it allows subiquity upgrade at the start19:36
tomreynrr123: maybe also try virtualbox from the upstream apt repository. i switched to that a good while ago since the deb's in ubuntu had too many bugs.19:36
tomreyn(in universe, so community maintained)19:37
rr123ok after 6 tries i gave up19:37
rr123let me try a different virtualbox19:37
blazedtomreyn indeed! you need the correct rep for it to work correctly.19:40
blazedrr123 do: sudo add-apt-repository multiverse && sudo apt-get update19:40
blazedthen install vb19:40
blazedsudo apt install virtualbox19:41
blazedusing the software manager to install it might not have worked correctly. Just a thought19:41
tomreynoh it's multiverse, not universe. but my suggestion would be the builds from virtualbox.org19:43
blazedyep and ensure the vm is configured correctly. Sounds like a resource issue to me19:43
blazedor misconfiguration19:44
blazedor could potentially be a nested issue if the primary os running the vb install is a vm lol xD - logs logs logs ;)19:45
quadrathoch2does somebody have the bug# for the grub2 issue?19:47
EriC^^quadrathoch2: this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1889509 ?19:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1889509 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub boot error : "symbol 'grub_calloc' not found" [High,Confirmed]19:48
quadrathoch2thanks EriC^^19:48
quadrathoch2got a grub2 update which has a higher number than the post by canonical, so I ask myself if it could be fixed19:49
oerheksquadrathoch2, yes,19:50
oerheksVersion 2.02-2ubuntu8.17:19:50
oerheks  * debian/postinst.in: Avoid calling grub-install on upgrade of the grub-pc19:50
oerheks    package, since we cannot be certain that it will install to the correct19:50
oerheks    disk and a grub-install failure will render the system unbootable.19:50
oerheks    LP: #1889556.19:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1889556 in grub2 (Ubuntu Groovy) "grub-install failure does not fail package upgrade (and does not roll back to matching modules)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188955619:50
quadrathoch2ahh great thanks :)19:51
oerhekshave fun!19:52
GKirchhoffI had to do a fresh install of W10 on a separate drive and it decided to put its EFI files on the existing EFI partition that my Ubuntu install uses. Ubunutu is on nvme0n1, W10 is on sdc and they share an EFI partition on nvme0n1. I need to split the EFI partition so that windows could still boot if the ssd that Ubuntu is on is removed or vice20:10
GKirchhoffversa. The plan was to just use gparted make space on the windows drive and clone the efi partition, afterwards removing the linux and windows parts respectively. Anyone have either a better solution or a idea of how to go about this?20:11
rr123install vbox 6.1.12 from oracle, still failed the same way, tried 18.04.4 server, got stuck too, might be a vbox issue20:11
rjwiiiI just got a notification in Ubuntu 20.04.1 and it disappeared too quickly for me to read it ... is there a notification "history"?20:15
oerheksopen the date 'button' on the top panel, notifications are stored there20:17
EriC^^GKirchhoff: could you pastebin 'sudo parted -ls' ?20:18
GKirchhoffEriC^^ https://pastebin.com/sHWzX90S20:20
EriC^^GKirchhoff: you could resize the ntfs by around 300mb at it's end and create a fat32 partition there20:27
GKirchhoffEriC^^ So I'm in the clear to just move shit around as long as the flags and filesystem are set, right?20:28
EriC^^GKirchhoff: if you still have the windows install media you could then boot it and go to advanced options, mount the relevant partitions using diskpart and then install the efi files and stuff20:28
GKirchhoffEriC^^: Great. thats what I thought, but the last time I assumed, I bricked both my windows and ubuntu installs. And killed the hdd they were on.20:29
Napk1n"/etc/init.d/cron stop" Is this supposed to stop currently running cronjobs?20:29
Napk1nif not is there a way to stop all running cronjobs with 1 command?20:30
Kali_YugaHello somebody using anydesk? I would like to turn off automatic startup but I can't seem to find the setting where to turn it off? it doesn't show up in 'startup and shutdown' in KDE settings :(?20:46
agile_prghi all, I am looking for an ubuntu lite linux appliance to download with desktop, anyone know of any?20:48
agile_prgsmaller the better20:48
Kali_YugaI didn't find that setting inside anydesk anywhere which is stupid, but I added it in 'Startup and shutdown' and disabled it in there that way, hopefully that did it.. I'll see next time i restart.20:57
Kali_Yugais there an easy to use free software replacement for teamviewer or anydesk? I found several but they are very hard to set up...21:00
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sarnoldKali_Yuga: what do teamviewer or anydesk do?21:01
agile_prgis there some fast way to download a virtualbox ubuntu appliance osboxes.org is very slow21:05
sarnoldagile_prg: perhaps http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/focal/current/ ? looks like there's an .ova file in there, the description says "VMware/Virtualbox OVA"21:15
agile_prgsarnold I need the desktop please21:18
sarnoldoh, hmm, good question. is vagrant still around? does that download virtualbox things?21:19
Kali_Yugasarnold: teamviewer and anydesk, uhm desktop sharing, remote control applications21:21
sarnoldKali_Yuga: aha; remmina perhaps? I hear about it sometimes21:22
leftyfbKali_Yuga: why do they need to be free software? Do they do what you need?21:23
leftyfbKali_Yuga: AFAIK, there'sno OSS versions to speak of. Nothing commercial anyway.21:23
Kali_Yugasarnold: yes but idk very hard to set up to complicated :?21:23
sarnoldKali_Yuga: I'm not sure, I've never used it21:24
Kali_Yugasarnold: probably works fine, but it's weird. I've tried it once but I didn't get it...21:25
sarnoldoh :/21:25
Kali_Yugawhy free software? because I just prefer free software. If I have no choice yeah I need to use proprietary software but if there is an alternative that does the same thing, I use that instead...21:31
Kali_Yugaand yes anydesk does what I need it to do... before I was using teamviewer, but they blocked my access because they tell me that I use it commercially. I had to contact teamviewer that I use it privately which they eventually freed my account again21:35
Kali_Yugabut now it happend again where it says "commercial use detected" and I just got tired off it and now use Anydesk instead21:36
AppAraat[m]on 18.04... does this update have the potential of making my system unbootable? https://paste.debian.net/1158507/22:00
AppAraat[m]context: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2399921222:00
tomreynrun with -V and you'll see versions22:01
AppAraat[m]oh, that's a handy flag. Thanks! Here's the output of that: https://paste.debian.net/1158512/22:06
oerheksnew grub2 update is out, not on USN i see..22:08
sarnoldAppAraat[m]: 2.02-2ubuntu8.17 is the latest version released a few hours ago https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bionic-changes/2020-July/028427.html to try to help people with incorrectly-configured legacy booting systems continue to boot correctly22:10
tomreynlots of people are mixing the security bug(s) which is about secure boot bypass, with the problem where incorrectly-configured legacy booting systems fail to boot22:14
AppAraat[m]oh, I hope I have it configured correctly. I just have it all on 1 disk currently.22:15
tomreynthen it should be easy for you to just run grub-install against where you want the boot loader once more before you reboot22:16
tomreynactually run    dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc22:17
sarnoldI think that's half the problem -- folks using grub-install to install to a device without having the correct placement known to debconf. I've seen sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc  suggested as the solution22:17
tomreynso this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/GRUB2SecureBootBypass#Existing_Cloud_.2F_MAAS_instances_may_fail_reboot22:19
AppAraat[m]I'll update my backup data before doing that just in case.22:19
Tripknotixhello ubunto crowd, i am fairly new to linux, we are trying to use it at work, we have a monitor from our warehouse that we have attached to our box with a relatively new version of ubuntu on it, however the touch screen doesnt seem to work, and i am not sure how or where to get the driver, this is the model number i found in the back LCD12WVGAXTS22:22
Tripknotixand this is the web page  i found from googling it, https://millertech.com/product/lcd12wvgax/22:22
Tripknotixi am told that its possible that if linux doesnt see it, it may not work at all22:23
sarnoldis that ps/2 connector for the touch screen?22:25
Tripknotixits usb for the touch screen22:26
Tripknotixthats svideo22:26
pavloslooks like an S-video connector22:26
sarnolddoes lsusb show the touch screen?22:27
oerheksmight work best with HDMI?22:27
oerhekseven it is not full 1080i22:27
Tripknotixwe are using hdmi22:28
pavlosnope, not svideo (4 pins) but this connector shows 8 pins22:28
Tripknotixlsusb is a command?22:28
oerheksxinput list22:29
Nemo9heyy anybody know how to start libreoffice from terminal in fullscreen mode22:29
Nemo9i cant find any flags from man page22:30
oerheksNemo9, why, do you want to make a starter?22:30
Nemo9yeah so i just configured mpv and sxiv22:31
Nemo9also zathura22:31
Nemo9from rifle.conf22:31
Nemo9in ranger22:31
Nemo9so that they start fullscreen directly22:31
Tripknotixfound it22:32
TripknotixD-Wave Scientific Co., Ltd eGalax Touchscreen22:33
rjwiiioerheks: Thanks for the answer ... when I click on the date button, the notification is not there either ... anywhere else to look?22:33
Tripknotixit shows up in xinput list, as well22:34
oerheksrjwiii, journalctl -xe22:34
TripknotixVitrual Core Pointer: eGalax Inc. USB TouchController id=12 [slave pointer (2)]22:35
Tripknotixso why doesnt the touch screen work? any guesses?22:37
Tripknotixor how might i "initialize it" or something22:37
oerheksTripknotix, now you know it works/ as in 'recognised, i find;  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1088353/egalax-touchscreen-no-input-on-ubuntu-18-0422:38
sarnoldthat looks promising22:38
Tripknotixoh that would have been a good google search22:38
oerhekssearch:  eGalax Inc. USB TouchController22:39
oerheksthis usb part seem to go over hdmi.22:39
oerheksand a bug, with confirmation that updated driver works https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libinput/+bug/177208322:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1772083 in libinput (Ubuntu) "eGalax touchscreen is identified as tablet. Doesn't work" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:41
Tripknotixok thank you, im downloading the driver and ill see where ic an get instructions for using it, hopefully inside the zip22:45
sarnoldthat first askubuntu answer looks pretty good. I wish it had more details on what the ./setup.sh step does, but the rest of it looks solid22:47
rjwiiioerheks: Still can't find it ... the notification made a noise when I was turned around to my work computer. The notification caused my screens to wake up and I saw the notification. It disappeared, so I clicked on the date "button" and saw the notification there. Before I could read it, it disappeared from there, too ... Thought some script kiddie was trying to crack my computer ...22:47
oerheksmaybe a mount ready?22:48
rjwiiioerheks: donno ... Ubuntu should log the notifications ... I seem to remember the letters "CID", but it disappeared so fast, I'm not sure ...22:49
FronchettiHi, I am facing an issue with my computer which I don't know exactly how to find a solution: I have a laptop with a RTX 2080, and I am using an external monitor through the HDMI output. However, for some strange reason, my builtin monitor is frozen while my external monitor is reproducing the video of my builtin monitor (If I use the touchscreen of22:55
Fronchettimy builtin monitor, for example, the external monitor reproduces the interactions). I already tried to change the drivers, update it, remove it, etc. I have no idea where I can find assistance for this problem.22:55
FronchettiDo you folks know where I could find a solution for this problem?22:55
FronchettiThanks in advance22:55
FronchettiGoogle is not helping me :(22:56
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Nemo9anyone here to help with the libreoffice flag23:00
Nemo9i cant figure out how to run it fullscreen mode23:00
Nemo9like mpv --fs or zathura --mode fullscreen23:00
sarnoldNemo9: I didn't see anything either; wht window manager do you run? sometimes window managers have a way to specify what should happen for clients with specific names etc23:02
Nemo9im running linux mint23:03
Nemo9cinnamon desktop23:03
Nemo9so gnome wm23:03
Nemo9or whatever23:03
Nemo9is window manager = desktop manager the same?23:04
quadrathoch2Nemo9 so not ubuntu. go to the linuxmint help23:04
Nemo9whats the channel name23:04
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)23:04
Nemo9ok thnxx23:04
Nemo9i dont think its the problem though23:04
Nemo9cant find anyone at MINT23:10
sarnoldopen a support ticket?23:10
Nemo9i dont know howw23:11
Nemo9 i just installed irssi23:11
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strixdiohey everyone, having an issue with U2F in chromium vs google-chrome. Yubikey works in both, but my Trezor only works in google-chrome. I have the udev rules installed for the Trezor. Any ideas what the difference might be?23:50

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