
OvenWerksEickmeyer[m]: looks pretty.... whats to shop for?14:00
Eickmeyer[m]OvenWerks: There are parts that are yet to be disabled. That said, we do have merchandise.15:02
OvenWerksSo like tees and mugs I guess15:04
OvenWerksSo you started with a welcome from another distro and are modifying it. Makes sense15:05
Eickmeyer[m]Well, it's a fork of Ubuntu MATE's in a sense.15:13
OvenWerksalways reuse code when possible :)15:14
Eickmeyer[m]Exactly. There's no way I could've coded this on my own.15:14
Eickmeyer[m]In theory, the "Software" part could replace -installer eventually.15:15
OvenWerksA nicer installer would be welcome I think.15:15
OvenWerksThe hard part is piping the output from apt. I have not been able to get that to work in python yet.15:17
OvenWerkstcl was easier.15:17
* OvenWerks wanted to get the output of zita and a2jmidid to the log file.15:18
OvenWerksI think I would actually have to run from another thread to do it.15:20
OvenWerksSo that would mean a thread for each zita.15:20
OvenWerksprobably apt would be easier because there is only one.15:22
Eickmeyer[m]Yeah, I'm not sure how they're doing it yet. That section is probably going to be disabled for the time being until I can get an idea of what it's doing.15:28
OvenWerksthe gnome sw store (probably what that button links to) "deals" with it by ignoring all output so far as I can tell.15:33
EickmeyerNope, not at all. It's a curated "boutique".15:33
OvenWerksI think the plasma installers (Discover and muon) take over a lot of apt's work, but I am not really sure. The one thing -installer doesn't do is to warn if removing packages as it installs others15:36

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