[00:00] in this case, it could certainly help to describe the mac model more closely, as well as the kubuntu version you downloaded (ideally also the name of the downloaded file, and even where you downloaded it from), and how you tried to prepare the installation media with what you downloaded. [00:01] ok let me check [00:01] https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/create-a-usb-stick-on-macos may be relevant. [00:02] the model is the macbook 4.1 i belive [00:02] https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-ubuntu-desktop is for standard ubuntu, but should be similar to kubuntu. [00:03] ill give that a try thanks [00:04] macbook4,1 would be an early 2008 intel core 2 duo T8100 or T8300 CPU with either 1 GB or 2 GB RAM. [00:04] expandable to 6 GB, but only 4 GB supported by apple [00:05] how much ram is installed? [00:06] idk im terrible with computers is the bus have anything to do with ram [00:07] i did see intel core 2 duo [00:07] to do, yes, but it doesn't tell us how much you have, ignore the ram question for now. but unless you added more ram you won't appreciate kubuntu on this system, i think. [00:09] got you so i would need to add more ram is there any other softwares i can download to atleast make the computer run better or even get on the internet [00:11] i assume you will be able to install and use kubuntu on it, it just wont be a very good experience [00:12] xubuntu and lubuntu flavors *may* require less resources. [00:13] do you know how to find how much ram i have on this computer [00:13] there's also this, but it'S more complicated, since you'd start with a headless installation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems [00:14] i'm not really into macs, so can't really say how to check what hardware is installed. [00:14] see il try and click your links and it says this website in unavaillbale [00:14] if you are able to boot an ubuntu installer, you can run this in a terminal: free -g [00:15] what are you running on this system now? still some old os x? [00:15] i see why these computers are just difficult they want you to just buy there new shit which sucks i like this old school style [00:15] yes [00:15] i assuem you have some "about this mac" or something on the apple logo top left [00:16] maybe this will tell you how much ram is installed [00:16] yes [00:16] im on that now [00:16] i dont see anything to do with ram tho [00:17] https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203001 [00:17] ah you probably wont be able to access this either [00:18] "Choose Apple menu  > About This Mac. This opens an overview of your Mac, including your Mac model, processor, memory, serial number, and version of macOS." [00:18] "To see the greater detail provided by the System Information app, click the System Report button." [00:19] "To open System Information directly, press and hold the Option key and choose Apple menu  > System Information." [00:19] i actually was able to [00:19] and thats the screen i was actually just looking at i just dont know what ram is [00:19] oh, that's Memory [00:20] oh wow i have 1 g it says [00:20] well, that's not really much, [00:21] maybe you can access https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems from some other computer or smartphone. [00:21] okay il check it out [00:22] but a better option may be to sell this computer (for parts, i guess) and replace it by a current or second hand one. [00:24] yeah this seems like it could be a little to much for me to handle i just dig the old style so i wanted to see if i could get it going [00:25] hey one more question, do you know if its possible to convert into being able to use the new mac software? [00:25] like if i had a newer mac parts are fine screens cracked could i swap the parts? [00:26] the integrated graphics chipset with this one is very, very low spec, it has a classic slowly rotating hdd, the cpu is out of support and likely has unpatched security flaws, and most of all the ram is not really enough for anything but running ubuntu server or a very light-weight desktop. [00:26] this is a kubuntu support channel, i don'T think this is the right place to discuss this. [00:27] hey well i really appreciate your help i was running in circles for a while trying to find answers so i really appreciate it [00:28] but my understanding is that apple is big in planned obsolescence [00:29] so dont get your hopes up on running a newer OS X on it [00:31] understood thanks s [00:31] you're welcome [01:59] Agung535 was added by: Agung535 [02:04] hi guys, anyone in here can help me to upgrade kubuntu 18.04 lts to 20.04 lts? [02:05] i was follow this link [02:05] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FocalUpgrades/Kubuntu [02:05] but still can't upgrade [02:05] any idea? [02:06] this did not work? sudo do-release-upgrade [02:07] As the link mentions, ensure your system is updated before running (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade) [02:15] (Photo, 596x426) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/WQ2nGvdc/file_34250.jpg [02:15] yes [02:16] but still not working [02:16] as on my screenshoot [02:17] Run: sudo software-properties-qt [02:18] On the updates tab, ensure Show new distribution releases is set to "Long term support release only" [02:22] @DarinMiller, root@gunks-pc:/home/gunks# sudo software-properties-qt … sudo: software-properties-qt: command not found [02:22] didn't found the command [02:23] oh this: sudo software-properties-kde [02:24] if not installed, sudo apt install sudo software-properties-qt [02:25] @Agung535 I believe the upgrade will be available Very Soon [02:26] we're just now testing the 20.04.1 update [02:26] Oh, yes! I forgot it was waiting on a package (or two)... [02:27] * DarinMiller just returned from vacation so I am a bit behind on current events. [02:27] (Photo, 611x490) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/UukK8RRw/file_34251.jpg this my default configuration., [02:27] a grub2 bug was exposed and retesting everything slowed it a bit [02:27] after the patch I mean [02:28] @DarinMiller I hope you came back all relaxed and happy [02:28] @Agung535 you'll get the upgrade very soon [02:28] @valorie, oke, i will wait, because i'm the kubuntu fans 😊 [02:29] as I just said above [02:29] :-) [02:29] Thanks Valorie! Visited my son in North Carolina and rode bikes in the Blue Mountains for 4 days. So quite happy and refreshed. [02:29] oh that sounds lovely [02:45] Kaczynski was added by: Kaczynski === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [04:55] Golden Monk was added by: Golden Monk [05:05] Hi guys, … I have been using ubuntu since 07.04 Version. Then I was on mac for 2 years. Now, I have installed Kubuntu on my macbook as I liked the features and UI/UX. … In Kubuntu 20.04 sometimes my file manager crashes and some other apps like DigiKam also keep crashing. I happens 1 out of 6-7 times. Is it normal for new release. Will it be fixed as we progress. [05:06] I am using macbook air 2017 version. [05:53] But it’s somewhat known [06:52] hi [06:52] hi [06:53] how do i upgrade my ubuntu gnome 20.04 to kubuntu 20.04 === Guest606 is now known as drzzzzz [07:40] всем привет, как убрать граб? ничего не помогает. в etc/default/grub Grub_timeout стоит 0, а он всё равно 30 секунд на экране при загрузке [07:46] user|95591: install the kubuntu-desktop package === robert_ is now known as robert0 === robert0 is now known as robert00 [11:19] system requirements for kubuntu [11:22] 'Morning folks [11:32] !requirements | user|49059 [11:32] user|49059: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu [11:47] My1xT was added by: My1xT [11:47] Hello [11:49] I have a problem on Kubuntu 18.04. … since a few days ago I dont get any GUI when starting normally and when going via recovery mode I can get the Login screen, but it freezes down when I log in after entering my password and hitting enter. … in case it helps the Laptop has the internal GPU of an i3 7002U and a Radeon 520 [11:50] !nomodeset | @ My1xT [11:50] @ My1xT: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there. [11:51] it worked since August of Last Year but I'll check. … in case it helps the Laptop model is HP 17-BY0320NG [11:52] although I think I tried and got the login screen but not past that issue [11:54] Should i delete the radeon.modeset=1 tho as they sound like they would conflict [11:58] Also it did work out of the box since August 2018. … Anyway i just hammered that in. Went to the login screen and after login screen is black with mouse arrow and hdd light doesn't seem to do anything. [12:00] It frankly ran like a tank for almost 2 years and out of nowhere this goes all weird. [12:02] that day when it broke I just rebooted and then there was no GUI anymore on the screen. === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [16:13] anyone here? [16:15] yes [17:14] hi all. Why is not possible to uninstall vlc from 18.04? [17:14] "sudo apt remove vlc" does not work? [17:14] daddy32-M: well, nope .... it tries to install: [17:15] libsmbclient libuchardet0 mpv python3-pyxattr rtmpdump samba-libs smplayer smplayer-l10n smplayer-themes youtube-dl [17:15] sorry, DarinMiller. [17:15] so, if I run apt purge vlc, I cnnot unistall unless I install all those packages in exchange. But that is not what I would like to do. [17:16] DarinMiller: I would simply like to remove vlc from apt, and substitute it with the vlc from snap. [17:17] try: sudo apt remove vlc smplayer [17:18] DarinMiller: that would live the configuration files. I wold like to purge. [17:18] correct purge will cleanup everything [17:19] DarinMiller: anyway, just tried issuing the command you suggested, and I get the error : [17:19] E: Unable to locate package smbplayer [17:21] smplayer [17:22] DarinMiller: thanks tried, but it asks to install even more packages! [17:23] ??? what is going on... hmmm, checking my 18.04 vm.... [17:23] DarinMiller: I tried by purging all packages that the system would like to install .... [17:24] DarinMiller: It worked! [17:24] DarinMiller: I issued the following command: [17:24] apt purge vlc libsmbclient libuchardet0 mpv python3-pyxattr rtmpdump samba-libs youtube-dl smplayer gir1.2-peas-1.0 gir1.2-totem-1.0 gir1.2-totemplparser-1.0 grilo-plugins-0.3-base libgmime-3.0-0 libgom-1.0-0 libgrilo-0.3-0 [17:24] very good. But strange it wanted to fight the removal. [17:25] DarinMiller: very strange!!!! Maybe a bug on dependencies? [17:25] DarinMiller: anyway, thanks a lot for your help .... [17:25] Possibly that is the intended behavior, I will have to check the packaging... [17:26] DarinMiller: that sounds even stranger for an LTS .... what if I have an installation where removal of the player is required? [17:26] My 18.04 vm did not offer to install anything when VLC was removed... [17:26] DarinMiller: or what is I would like to have the player come from snap or flatpak? [17:27] DarinMiller: weird! [17:31] I am not too familiar with flat pack vs snaps. So I am not able to recommend one over the other. Looks like each have vlc v 3.011. [17:37] I've seen a lot of random things on which is better between snap vs flatpack and such. Everyone says if you can install it through the systems package manager, to do that first, if not i've seen a mjority suggest Flatpack over snap for various reasons. [17:38] I dont know much about it myself but thats a majority of what i've seen. [17:38] DarinMiller: I have installed it through snap, it works well. [17:39] very good, thanks for the feedback. Did you have an issue with th e 18.04 version? [17:41] DarinMiller: I could not update to 3.0.11 and wanted to test some issues on conversion [17:42] DarinMiller: thanks for everything in any case! It is incredible that vlc does not package anymore for Linux, not even AppImage .... grrrrrrrr! === gnoob39 is now known as gnoob === myrti is now known as kaddi [18:31] good afternoon ppl. i try to install wmufo, but once I type make, that error comes: Perhaps you should add the directory containing `libgtop-2.0.pc. i found the lib archive but dont know where to link it to make that old program work === myrti is now known as kaddi === myrti is now known as kaddi === myrti is now known as kaddi === charlie-pc is now known as gnarlee-gee [20:50] hello [20:50] why does this look more '90s on linux mint === stryker_ is now known as stryker13 [20:52] @everyone [21:24] When I'm installing kubuntu, can I choose where it installs grub? I installed on one drive, swapped it out, went to install it on another and it can't. It looks like it installed grub on my windows drive instead of the drive I was installing kubuntu on. [21:24] boot from livecd and install grub where you like [21:28] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_the_LiveCD_terminal [21:29] there are multiple options, but i only used the one with "via the LiveCD terminal" label === MANIAC is now known as Guest3815 [22:45] But the kubuntu installer would wipe the drive anyway in the process of installing kubuntu? [22:45] and that wouldn't stop it from installing grub elsewhere? [23:45] Don't install a new OS, just drop to a terminal and install grub to your desired drive.