[02:46] The_LoudSpeaker, i rebooted and didn't have anything to know which grub option I was selecting (dual boot with numerous options, BIOS on this box; change I'd not noticed before; though I don't boot very often), will explore when I can on other boxes & provide more detail.. i don't think this box likes lubuntu-artwork change.. [02:47] * guiverc has been concentrating on focal.1 & ignoring groovy of late.. [05:03] guiverc: the change was on groovy. [05:03] yeah, this (my main box) is groovy+bionic, and groovy owns grub, so it was groovy [05:04] And if placing the config in /boot/default/grub.d/ doesn't work then I don't know what works. 🤷🏻‍♂️ [05:04] Grub appears with a list of options, but I could NOT tell which was being selected, worse as I scroll up/down the page to view all [05:05] Did you check on a clean install btw? [05:05] i'll test it on a freshly installed system when I get a chance.. this is NOT a clean machine (17.10rc install long ago) [05:06] The root of grub here is on your groovy install? You said it was multi os system right? Maybe grub's root is not grooy [05:06] Yup. Please let me know if a clean install works. [05:08] I am in village rn and I don't have good enough internet to download and test. I will upgrade my data plan when the current one finishes and will test then. [05:13] My current focus is 20.04.1, so I'll test it for sure, but won't be today.. I'd clean install, then install-alongside (so multiple entries) then look.. but won't be today. [05:13] The_LoudSpeaker, ^ [05:14] Yup. Works. Anytime you are free. [17:43] FadlyRifai was added by: FadlyRifai