[00:19] @Flohack Hi, I submitted a PR to update Pinephone info (devices.ubuntu-touch.io). Could you please review and prob approve it? … There are also some PRs from other people, just so you know. … https://gitlab.com/ubports/infrastructure/devices.ubuntu-touch.io/-/merge_requests [01:22] grimdevelopment was added by: grimdevelopment [03:57] vova_ru was added by: vova_ru [04:35] chipolino chipolino was added by: chipolino chipolino [04:35] Привет всем [05:12] Where I can find UT updates changelog? [05:19] @Flohack [Live. Jetzt. https://youtu.be/Bq1gBNtz9TQ Wir bauen einen Game Boy :)], OH, I missed this live! [05:25] Paul JL was added by: Paul JL [05:32] Because I'm tired of dealing with the tech giants, I'm looking to go in a different direction. Is there someone out there who can tell me about the Ubuntu Touch? [05:33] why don't you join the today's Q&A [05:33] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TZafLis-fE [05:33] You'll get a lot of information [06:06] @anibyl [@Flohack Hi, I submitted a PR to update Pinephone info (devices.ubuntu-touch.io) …], Will do [06:06] @TenEleven [Where I can find UT updates changelog?], We dont to changelogs for daily devel updates, you will get one with the next stable update [06:10] Thank you Barz! [06:12] @Paul JL [Thank you Barz!], No problem Paul [06:23] @Flohack [We dont to changelogs for daily devel updates, you will get one with the next st …], Thanks … I think detailed devel updates descriptions are also quite important and usefull. … And how I can get stable updates changelog? [06:27] @TenEleven [Thanks … I think detailed devel updates descriptions are also quite important and …], We have over 450 repos. You are invited to track all commits and make a sensible changelog each day. Sorry that wint happen with a handful of fulltime devs only [07:32] @Flohack [We have over 450 repos. You are invited to track all commits and make a sensible …], I've always thought the author of the commit can describe committed changes better than anybody. And perhaps he even should do it. … To write a script for summing up all changes each day, doesn't look like a big deal, I can help with it. … I s [07:32] uppose I'm missing some particular features of the project, which make compiling the changelog a challenging task. [07:39] @TenEleven [I've always thought the author of the commit can describe committed changes bett …], Well you can automate it, but I fear the authors dont describe all stuff so clearly that it really makes sense to the end users. And enforcing this is not what we want to do. A devel image is mostly for developers, its ok to use their language [07:39] s. If you use devel you kinda have to accept this [07:45] I'm not a dev...I don't even have any programming skills. Will I have trouble with one of these phones. [07:47] No you don't need to be a programmer to use ubuntu touch [07:48] @Paul JL [I'm not a dev...I don't even have any programming skills. Will I have trouble wi …], not at all, my 90 year old grand mother can use it with a little tutoring on the gestures [08:03] @Shakendo [not at all, my 90 year old grand mother can use it with a little tutoring on the …], Since I'm only 64 I've still got a chance. 🤘😎 [08:04] well Id like to think if a 90 year old woman who can barely use technology can use it, anyone can [08:04] my 7 year old daughter can also use it, she frequently takes my UT phone and plays games on it [09:08] @Shakendo [my 7 year old daughter can also use it, she frequently takes my UT phone and pla …], oh... [09:22] @TenEleven [I've always thought the author of the commit can describe committed changes bett …], I think writing a script to gather changes would be a good thing to start from [09:52] @NotKit [I think writing a script to gather changes would be a good thing to start from], Someone started on this already. Also, I dislike it because it will put more stress on the developers. They might check in things with "Fixed x" but then it turns out it does not work or needs a revert. Thats all work in progress. So when people read [09:52] that something has been fixed and then it does not work still, they will get disappointed, impatient and rude. I have seen this in many places: "Dark Mode WHEEEN!" cries for example. … You have to manage expectations. Its human behaviour, the moment you are totally open and transparent will be the moment when you become most vulnerable [09:54] having an overview of what is going on in the repos is different from having official changelog [09:57] @NotKit [having an overview of what is going on in the repos is different from having off …], Well @myii suggested semantic-release one day and I remember someone set this up already. But it requires super-precise commit messages and I dont see this happen for the hobby contributors. Even our core stuff does weird commit messages ;) [09:59] Commit 1, … Commit 1 + Minor change … Commit 1 + Minor change 2 [09:59] 😃 [10:02] I remember in Canonical days there were announcements like "X landed" or something like that. I for one liked that, it gave a sense of what was going on, but of course nobody would expect to see it immediately, with luck it would show up in some future OTA [10:04] Of course we get something similar in the Q&A sessions. [10:06] @wagafo [I remember in Canonical days there were announcements like "X landed" or somethi …], With more power over developers and QA people I could establish this regime, but then they would all run away. I would refuse most PRs since they are below documentation quality (Not talking about implementation quality thats mostly ok). I could [10:06] not get anything done for myself if apply rules from my workplace. This you can do with 9-to-5 workers that need money for their living :) But not for someone who squeezes out his free time for no money [10:09] @Flohack [With more power over developers and QA people I could establish this regime, but …], Yes, I understand. [10:13] HMm I am thinking about doing an online course "How to review right" :) [10:14] Maybe some people would join [10:19] i would love to see that course [10:20] what is IRC bridge ? it means a gateway to irc chat? [10:21] i think so, as i'm on irc [10:21] irc over telegram? [10:21] like a proxy server? [10:21] irc connected with telegram [10:22] here you all are ubptgbot [10:22] oh ok [10:23] but anyway, a course about doing reviews would be very welcome [10:50] Ok will se if I can put together something [10:51] \o/ [14:17] Sheri Davis was added by: Sheri Davis [14:58] Dimaty562 was added by: Dimaty562 [14:58] (https://github.com/dimaty562/proprietary_vendor_leeco, https://github.com/dimaty562/device_leeco_s2, https://github.com/dimaty562/android_kernel_leeco_msm8976) … make systemimage … [ 66% 2/3] glob device/leeco/s2/overlay/**/* … ninja: error: '/home/nikiforovd17/halium/out/soong/host/linux-x86/framework/turbine.jar', needed by '/home/n [14:58] ikiforovd17/halium/out/soong/.intermediates/libcore/core-oj/android_common/turbine/core-oj.jar', missing and no known rule to make it … 12:50:38 ninja failed with: exit status 1 … build/make/core/main.mk:21: recipe for target 'run_soong_ui' failed … make: *** [run_soong_ui] Error 1 [14:58] [Edit] (https://github.com/dimaty562/proprietary_vendor_leeco, https://github.com/dimaty562/device_leeco_s2, https://github.com/dimaty562/android_kernel_leeco_msm8976) … make systemimage … [ 66% 2/3] glob device/leeco/s2/overlay/**/* … ninja: error: '/home/nikiforovd17/halium/out/soong/host/linux-x86/framework/turbine.jar', needed by ' [14:58] /home/nikiforovd17/halium/out/soong/.intermediates/libcore/core-oj/android_common/turbine/core-oj.jar', missing and no known rule to make it … 12:50:38 ninja failed with: exit status 1 … build/make/core/main.mk:21: recipe for target 'run_soong_ui' failed … make: *** [run_soong_ui] Error 1 … I am building Halium [15:03] @Dimaty562 [(https://github.com/dimaty562/proprietary_vendor_leeco, https://github.com/dimat …], https://t.me/halium is the group for halium questions [19:02] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TZafLis-fE … We're live! [19:04] Have to start manually [19:05] (Photo, 530x695) https://irc.ubports.com/fmjb9oq8.png [19:15] Dalton you mean open up ubport [19:15] Or some thing [19:16] Florian ftw [19:23] @iifraz [Does Ubuntu Touch work on Redmi Note 8 Pro], There isn't LineageOS ROM for this smartphone yet 😢 [19:25] @iifraz [Does Ubuntu Touch work on Redmi Note 8 Pro], [Edit] There is not even LineageOS ROM for this smartphone yet 😢 [19:36] s/copywrite/scribe/ [19:37] @dohbee [s/copywrite/scribe/], I understood copyright first lol [19:39] If you want to help with testing the testing tool msg me or @neothethird [19:48] like qt 5.12 [20:00] i'm not sure there's any way to disable animations or such in qml [20:02] @UniversalSuperBox hardware video decode is missing [20:08] We should probably make a `ubuntu-touch-16.04-wayland` framework that's only on pinephone/pi/etc… things that use wayland client, so people can package wayland-only apps and not have them show up in openstore on mirclient-only devices too [20:10] That's a good idea [20:11] If anyone would just like to have a chat, find us at the unrecorded audio/video afterparty: https://whereby.com/ubports-chat [20:18] I think it would be good a better to using BT and camera features. Otherwise everything very well! … I'm using Sony X X ... 🙂 [20:21] @Flohack [Well @myii suggested semantic-release one day and I remember someone set this up …], Fix [curse word] is a fav of mine in priv projects [20:22] @amyosx [Fix [curse word] is a fav of mine in priv projects], lol [20:26] Are there any alternative to anbox [20:27] no, there's no other way to run android apps on ut [20:27] ut is not an android rom [20:27] @dohbee [ut is not an android rom], Ik [20:27] There was an alt for PCs which worked only on Wayland, but on phones I don't think so [20:27] Just asked [20:27] Maybe aliendalvik [20:29] isn't that proprietary and for sailfish only? [20:29] i guess if you wanted to try to get SPURV working or something you could [20:29] CLOSED SOURCE BAD [20:29] but i doubt it will solve whatever issue you're having with anbox [20:30] As someone with only 1 proprietary app [20:30] Twitter [20:30] Cause proprietary client better than pwa or twidere [20:30] What issue are you having exactly? Maybe someone will help you [20:31] On anbox [20:31] @amyosx [Cause proprietary client better than pwa or twidere], no need to go off topic :) [20:31] Sorry [21:10] Anbox's problem is u can't have acces to camera etc [21:10] You can do adb shell [21:11] Wur [21:11] Wut [21:11] Using camera in apps snapchat etc. [21:11] [Edit] I mean using camera in apps snapchat etc. [21:12] Yup [21:12] Open terminal [21:12] adb shell [21:12] pm list packages [21:12] Find the package [21:12] Grant access [21:12] Rlly thx!! [21:13] You need to Google how to grant access to a package [21:14] Because idk how [21:14] But Anbox itself doesn't have camera hw mapped [21:14] Oh [21:14] Didn't know [21:14] Dont tell ppl things that are not true, thx [21:15] It wasn't on purpose? I was just telling how to grant permissions [21:15] Manually [21:16] @NotKit [But Anbox itself doesn't have camera hw mapped], Oh thats what i afraid of [23:41] @TigranKhachatryan [It wasn't on purpose? I was just telling how to grant permissions], yes, that works in normal android; don't assume such things will work in anbox