=== isolier3 is now known as isolier [00:25] hii [00:26] welcome Nemo9 [00:42] Nemo9: I could not find a flag for fullscreen but I read somewhere that you could make a macro and load it with LO [00:43] Nemo9: https://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/177619/setting-a-calc-document-to-open-in-full-screen/ [01:05] thnxx #pavlos i'll check the link [01:29] pavlos: still doesnt work with macro [01:37] So how would I reinstall the ubuntu software center in 20.04 [01:37] Or maybe it's the snap store now in 20.04 idk [01:40] Nemo9: ok [01:44] bray90820: sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-software [01:44] pavlos: So it it ubuntu software or it it the snap store that's in 20.04 [01:45] snap-store is now default on ubuntu-desktop 20.04 [01:45] Ok thanks === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === gabkdlly_ is now known as gabkdlly === Grldfrdom_ is now known as Grldfrdom [02:54] Just did an "apt update;apt dist-upgrade" on my Ubuntu 20.04 and got the "GRUB failed to install to the following devices: /dev/nvme0n1p1" and asks if I want to continue. I did press "yes" as that seems to be the only viable option there - although it did say the pc may not reboot. But, there is never a real crisis and I may be lucky to find someone with a good heart here who can help me out. Have [02:54] been running Linux since 1999 and mostly Ubuntu but never seen this before. [02:56] isene: do you still have the full error on screen that you could pastebin? [02:57] sarnold: No, sorry, that went *poof* [02:57] isene: Presently grub/nvme is broke. BootHole vulnerability. See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/GRUB2SecureBootBypass for a recovery. [02:58] Is there any grub-command that I could run to test/fix this? [02:58] Bashing-om: Oh. [02:58] isene: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc [03:00] sarnold: So, that's safe? [03:00] isene: yes [03:00] Well, I got this: "dpkg-query: package 'grub-pc' is not installed and no information is available" [03:01] ah, then you're probably using uefi rather than legacy, and wouldn't be affected by the bug that trips up folks with misconfigured legacy boot systems [03:02] sarnold: So, will my pc reboot? [03:02] isene: does ls -l /sys/firmware/efi/vars/ return a bunch of stuff or an error message? [03:02] And yes, I am running uefi [03:02] aha, cool cool [03:03] Yes, a long list of stuff [03:04] isene: nice nice (that's the easy way I know of to see if you're uefi or legacy) [03:04] isene: how about, sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-efi-amd64-signed ? [03:05] Right - and then I got the error message: [03:06] GRUB failed to install to the following devices: [03:06] /dev/nvme0n1p1 [03:06] Do you want to continue anyway? If you do, your computer may not start up properly. [03:06] Writing GRUB to boot device failed - continue? [03:06] And then the options "Yes" or "No" [03:07] bahahah [03:07] "It was discovered that GRUB2 contained various vulnerabilities that would allow UEFI Secure Boot to be bypassed." [03:07] so much for UEFI being more secure [03:07] not that it was ever truly in question [03:11] So, does it matter? Can I reboot? [03:12] isene: I don't know :/ the postinst scripts aren't very easy to read :( [03:12] And after I press "Yes", I get this: [03:12] grub-install: warning: Cannot set EFI variable BootOrder. [03:12] grub-install: warning: efivarfs_set_variable: writing to fd 8 failed: Input/output error. [03:12] grub-install: warning: _efi_set_variable_mode: ops->set_variable() failed: Input/output error. [03:12] grub-install: error: failed to register the EFI boot entry: Input/output error. [03:13] Did that help? (it sure didn't help me :) [03:14] Btw; I have secure boot disabled [03:26] The problem came as this package was upgrading on my Ubuntu 20.04: grub-efi-amd64 (2.04-1ubuntu26.2) [03:27] isene: what's the output of efibootmgr -v ? mine looks like https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bWJw7XNM9Y/ [03:27] ... and then again when apt dist-upgrade came to this package: grub-efi-amd64-signed (1.142.4+2.04-1ubuntu26.2) [03:29] Mine: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ysHBThcgbH/ [03:31] I have no idea why there is a Windows boot manager there (I have wiped this machine clean of Windows when I got it 2 years ago) [03:32] heh good question, I did the same, but I've got one of those too [03:32] mine is active (*) yours isn't, so yours probably wouldn't be tried.. mine would, if something happened to my ubuntu .. [03:33] isene: is there anything else in the output? is there anything in dmesg output that looks related? [03:35] That's everything in the output - and nothing in dmesg that looks related (all neat and dandy there) [03:36] alright... I'm cautiously optimistic about your next reboot: the error message a few lines above was specifically about writing the bootorder variable, and your bootorder looks sane enough [03:36] isene: it migh be worth going through the bios to see if there's anything marked "readonly" or "prevent writes" or similar [03:36] isene: it might be worth trying fwupdmgr to install firmware updates, if any are available [03:37] isene: could you file a bug report before you reboot with these details? just in case it doesn't go well, it'd be nice to have a report filed while things are as close to the cause as possible [03:37] isene: ubuntu-bug grub-efi-amd64-signed should do the trick [03:39] OK [03:41] I did report a couple of bugs earlier, what's the url for doing that again? [03:42] the easy way is through ubuntu-bug, it'll collect some logs and so on [03:42] the hard way is the 'report a bug' link on the right side of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2 [03:44] sarnold: Ah I didn't know there was the ubuntu-bug program. Done now. [03:45] I'll do the firmware upgrade after some sleep. Thanks for the help :-) ...zzzZZZ [03:45] gnight isene, good luck, sorry for the trouble :( [03:46] how do i fix this? [03:46] /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libglfw3.a(posix_thread.c.o): undefined reference to symbol 'pthread_getspecific@@GLIBC_2.2.5' [03:46] /usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line [03:52] TacoCodedSalad: what's the output of ls -l /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread* [03:53] TacoCodedSalad: do you see a real dynamic library in there? or just dangling symlinks? [03:53] TacoCodedSalad: funny thing, I've got one of those libraries but the symbols don't have the @@GLIBC_2.2.5 bit: [03:53] $ nm /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread-2.31.so | grep getspecific [03:53] 0000000000011c50 t __GI___pthread_getspecific [03:53] 0000000000011c50 T __pthread_getspecific [03:53] 0000000000011c50 W pthread_getspecific [03:56] TacoCodedSalad: I'm not sure what to suggest, concretely, but if you can recompile your thing, that might work. :/ dunno, this is an end of the world I've always ignored.. [04:01] -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 157224 Apr 15 05:26 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread-2.31.so -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6587378 Apr 15 05:26 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.a lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 37 Apr 15 05:26 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so -> /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Jul 3 14:35 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 -> libpthread-2.31.so [04:02] sarnold: i dont see it either [04:03] neither in libglfw3.a [04:04] your paste is a bit destroyed, but I think I see a large enough file in there that ought to work.. [04:04] TacoCodedSalad: I've got to bail :/ good luck [04:06] g++ -std=c++17 -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/home/hex/libraries/stb -o Test main.cpp glad.c `pkg-config --static --libs glfw3` -lglut -lGL -lfreetype [04:06] /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libglfw3.a(posix_thread.c.o): undefined reference to symbol 'pthread_getspecific@@GLIBC_2.2.5' [04:07] https://github.com/Nihilarian9/ftGL [04:23] is there really no way to upgrade from 19.04 to anything newer and move my way into newer? [04:23] i have to re-install? [04:23] fucking windows does better than this. [04:23] no it doesn't [04:23] i don't get it [04:23] but yes there's a way [04:23] matsaman: old laptop with literal dust i had in the garage [04:23] how to my friend? [04:24] mmm, human detritus [04:24] i don't care about it, just don't want to go dragging it out of the garage to bed at 1230am [04:24] matsaman: ? [04:24] javi404: what do you want to be on, 20.04? [04:24] i really hate when i have to reinstall and configure everything [04:24] Nemo9: I would suggest not doing it then [04:24] there is no good reason to reinstall a GNU/Linux installation unless you really really messed up [04:24] packages need to be updated to stay alive [04:25] no way around it lol [04:25] matsaman: i don't even care, just whatever is bleeding edge if fine with me [04:25] and even then, it's usually just about the _time_/effort of fixing vs "reinstallation" [04:25] javi404: why's that? [04:25] matsaman: because bugs and vulns [04:25] ok [04:26] i just don't get why i can't do same as fedora [04:26] imagine the pain installing from every package manager out there [04:26] what pain? [04:26] apt npm pip from github snap synaptics .. [04:26] i guess i can DD a new flash drive to 20 or wherever we are [04:26] what is the latest LTS? [04:27] i just don't understand [04:27] javi404: seen this kinda stuffo? https://itsfoss.com/ubuntu-19-04-end-of-life/ [04:27] i installed a non LTS because i don't care, i want bleeding edge [04:27] matsaman: im aware [04:27] and 19.10 is also EOL so can't even get to that [04:27] well, you say you don't care [04:27] but you also say you want the latest because of security/vulns [04:27] both can't be true, I'm afraid [04:27] matsaman: i want to issue a few commands and just get new [04:27] javi404: oh the mirrors are gone? [04:28] yeah like debian [04:28] at one point i could update by do-relase-upgrade or something. [04:28] so old [04:28] yet so stable [04:28] Debian is not old [04:28] so because the fucking date changed i can't do that? it's an artificial roadblock [04:28] bullshit [04:28] updates take so long [04:28] javi404: I don't think 19.10 is EOL, is it? [04:29] it is apparently [04:29] Nemo9: for 'stable'? [04:29] you can use Debian testing or unstable if you want the latest nonsense [04:29] yeah [04:29] javi404: don't think so [04:29] javi404: where's it say that? [04:29] of course there are workarounds [04:29] that's not a workaround, it's a simple choice [04:29] but for someone who looks only for stable [04:29] stability doesn't come out of thin air [04:30] yeah fine i love that about debian [04:30] for someone who looks only for stable, you have found yourself in #ubuntu, a channel for a distro that has no stable [04:30] for me im running mint 18 [04:30] don't think Mint has a stable either [04:30] and i reallyy dont wanna upgrade [04:30] stable enough for me [04:30] i just hate when reconfiguring [04:30] then Debian unstable is also stable enough for you [04:31] because Mint is Ubuntu is Debian unstable [04:31] literally [04:31] yeah i know [04:31] exact fork [04:31] okay =) [04:31] is there no way to force the upgrade? [04:32] there are tons of ways [04:32] matsaman: and what are the ways? [04:32] but will they take longer than booting up the install image [04:32] that's the question [04:32] javi i think what you're looking for is a rolling release distro [04:32] why? [04:32] Nemo9: i think you are correct [04:33] but is ubuntu lts not rolling release between LTS releases? [04:33] no [04:33] im confused [04:33] then that clears it up [04:33] lts is just for 5 years i think [04:33] reinstall is the answer [04:33] non lts 2 [04:33] years [04:33] Arch & Gentoo are the only rolling release distros worth trying [04:33] the former is binary-oriented, like Ubuntu [04:33] the latter is source oriented [04:35] can i still dd the iso to a usb drive to boot/install ? [04:36] downloading 20 LTS [04:36] 20.04 [04:36] i think im getting old when it comes to linux lol [04:37] used to distro hop alot [04:37] now i cant even imagine changing anything [04:37] there are only a few distros that are truly unique (non-derivative) and worth using anyway [04:38] most distros are Debian [04:38] then there's Slack, Arch, Gentoo, and stupid Red Hat [04:38] five distros [04:38] five distros of note [04:43] matsaman: sad but true [04:44] it's not sad, it's just that no matter how many times you hop [04:44] you've probably only hopped, at most, five times [04:44] lol #stupid redhat [04:44] unless you are a real special snowflake [04:44] and get into real obscure distros [04:44] yeah i know lol [04:45] every time i think i get it i learn a new think [04:45] no limits to linux [04:46] offtopic or discuss seem to be more appropriate for stuff other than Ubuntu :) [04:49] So I see that grub2 2.02-2ubuntu8.17 is out. [04:49] Does that fix the boot problem? [04:55] I'm talking about this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1889509/ [04:55] Launchpad bug 1889509 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub boot error : "symbol 'grub_calloc' not found" [High,Confirmed] === huskyfox is now known as pikapika [05:42] \part [05:48] hello world === Napsterbater is now known as Guest47401 === Napsterbater_ is now known as Napsterbater [06:51] instead of using hdd to write data i was thinking of using dvdrw, for example a security camera, when the max data 120min is full it'll just rewrite it, so how would i go about doing this? [06:52] also thinking of using dvdrw for cache and page file or /tmp [07:06] klu3: why not use a hdd, they're cheap and easier and would last longer i think [07:09] idk i was just thinking of alternatives :D [08:13] hi - I've had ubuntu 20 running a while with zfs on root. zfs shows /var mountpoint as using 167GB, but df and du on /var show only a couple of gigs -- where is the extra space going and how do I reclaim it? [08:27] hi, after upgrade from 19.10 to 20.04 my "settings"/"appearance" menu entry is gone, any hint for this issue ? (using gnome ) [08:33] aum, you really can't as df can't handle the way zfs shows space. use zpool iostat for that [08:56] how can i install audacity? [09:01] hello? [09:12] futureRich, `sudo apt install audacity` (you didn't provide OS/release details, and you'll need 'universe' enabled - https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&searchon=names&keywords=audacity [09:15] (it can also be installed by package tool (synaptic/aptitude/muon/..) or software store, and refer https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu if you don't have universe enabled; it can be enabled by command, or GUI tool too [09:16] Hello, how can I translate a pdf (russian) to english? [09:23] Greetings. Can someone assist me in connecting a printer please. I have an Epson WF-2830, and I run Ubuntu 16.04. [09:38] Greetings. Can someone assist me in connecting a printer please. I have an Epson WF-2830, and I run Ubuntu 16.04. [09:40] speiros, isnt 16.04 end of life? people may not have same packages as you to be of aid [09:41] It ends next year, devPiggy. Thanks though. [09:41] but did you install cups? verify it's listening on port 631? [09:41] http://localhost:631 [09:41] I have cups, but yeah, I'll check the port. I don't recall how to do that. [09:41] what have you tried so far? [09:41] hi, is there a way to decrease the screen brightness on ubuntu? [09:41] netstat -ntap |grep 631 [09:41] Hmm, I went to the package manager, devPiggy to ensure I had all the correct CUPS modules. [09:41] Ah, thanks. [09:41] speiros did you install the drivers from epson? [09:42] the netstat command, for tcp port 631 is what we're looking for [09:42] NP, give me a sec, and I'll open a terminal [09:42] we dont need the output, you should see cups running or not in that cmd [09:43] redcheckers, depends on the desktop enviro, and sadly what type of vga can be an issue, intel is diff at times. [09:43] amosbird: i don't think your ubuntu installation provides a software for this. there are online services for this purpose, such as deepl, bing translate, google translate. [09:44] No, it is showing me 843 as the port, devPiggy. [09:44] devPiggy: Okay, thanks, i will try mint instead. [09:44] redcheckers, you can try the xbacklight command [09:44] quadrathoch2 No mate, as they are for windows. [09:44] it's in the repos [09:44] speiros, 843 for cups? [09:44] speiros there are linux drivers on the epson homepage [09:45] speiros: are you able to access http://localhost:631 in a web browser? [09:45] Oh, my mistake. It has 843 in the answer, but it is showing 631 [09:45] not if he doesnt have it in netstat [09:45] oh that is your process id [09:45] :) [09:45] Ah. Thanks :) [09:45] ok, so it is running, good [09:45] Oops [09:46] its ok, noone expect ya to know everything [09:46] heh [09:46] I tried rebooting the computer with the cable in and then rebooting it and adding the cable later, and have turned the printer on and off, but nothing else as yet. [09:46] now as quadrathoch2 mentioned, did you check the repos for any epson pax? [09:47] or the manufacture's site? [09:47] No, I had a disk from windows, but I could have a look there. The disk was microsoft. [09:47] no diff OS [09:47] I'll have a look. Thanks quadrathoch2, and devPiggy too. Also, tomreyn :) [09:48] The disk went into the clay pigeon pile. [09:48] the "lpstat" command is a command line query tool . "man lpstat" to learn more. but typically, you can run "lpstat -s" and so long as your user account is properly permissioned, it will show if a printer is connected and confifugred or not [09:49] tomreyn: thanks [09:49] if it's not permissiioned to run the command, you can run it with sudo [09:50] I'll see how it goes and let you know. Thanks. [09:52] speiros, http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/search/01/search/searchModule if you put your WT-2830 there, and select linux, you'll see that Epson has drivers for your printer for linux. [09:52] Cheers for that! [09:53] roger roger [09:53] Well, they're downloading, so it should go well. [09:54] download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/search/01/search/searchModule?languageEnglishName=EN&osCode=LX&productName=WF-2830 [09:55] Okay, testing time! :D [09:58] * speiros twiddles thumbs while printer is "found" [10:02] Nope. I'll try again. [10:15] hi people! I'm back to #ubuntu [10:15] congrats! we've been waiting. did you bring cake? [10:16] :D [10:16] devPiggy: i have a cup of coffee if you like with milk also :D [10:17] I like mine dark and bitter, like my wife :) [10:17] i like the naming of the products, juju, maas, Ubuntu itself etc :) [10:19] I cannot talk with a British accent, so last time when i was talking with Canonical, i did not understand what they said :D Just listened... [10:19] mertgor Try a Geordie accent next time. [10:22] speiros: I'm gan hyem :) watching a training video on Youtube [10:23] LOL:D [10:24] btw i had to change my computing style, all moving to cloud and my service provier/datacenter, both development machines and servers, and labs [10:25] devPiggy The printer didn't work. It has downloaded it, but I don't know how to make it find it. [10:25] find the download? or the printer? [10:26] The download. [10:26] I don't know how to apply it with the find printer. [10:26] The scanner doesn't work either, but I just realised, I haven't restarted the printer yet. [10:28] Well if you open up the file manager there should be a Downloads folder. [10:29] The driver was a command for terminal. [10:29] You can also open up settings of whichever browser you used, and see where they downloaded to. [10:29] Well, after you ran this command to install it. Did it say anything like sucess? ETc? [10:31] No devPiggy. Once it downloaded, it just ended the command prompt and started flashing again with my username. [10:44] speiros, sorry I have to go to work now. wish you the best [10:46] Thanks devPiggy :) [11:22] 'Morning folks [11:22] hi all Q: since I reinstalled Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64bit on top of it self due to new hardware in my PC (CPU/mobo/RAM) , some programs can only see the / drive but can not see the other mounted volumes, when I go to /mnt/ the directory is empty, programs like OBS can not see the folders inside /mnt/ [11:22] im not sure what to do about it, and can't realy find anything searching the web [11:25] and I mean the /mnt/ dir is only empty for those programs, they are visible other wise, like in nautilus [11:29] vuurdraak: unless it's a different cpu architecture you don't need to reinstall ubuntu really. [11:30] well maybe i didn't have to but i had run n to problems due to me not understanding at first that I had my bios set to UEFI boot instead of legacy boot [11:30] vuurdraak: normally external drives would mount to /media rather than /mnt [11:31] so i tried to reinstall and then figured out later i needed to set the bios simply to legacy boot, but then it was too late :') [11:31] switching between legacy and uefi boot will reuire modifications or a reinstall, that's right [11:32] they are internal drives [11:32] and for instance steam sees them, but kdenlive and obs don't [11:32] mounts in /mnt would be defined by you in /etc/fstab - do you have those configured there? [11:32] yes [11:33] i copied my fstab to a back up and put it back later to have the same stuff [11:33] its wrking as intended [11:33] are kdenlive and obs installed as .deb's or snaps? [11:33] obs is from the repository now adays [11:33] ubuntu repository so a deb [11:33] oh waait [11:34] snap can be too from the repo right mmm [11:34] how can is ee that if its snap ? [11:34] see* [11:34] snap list [11:35] yes they are snap [11:35] kdenlive too [11:35] so that'll be why they can't access the mounts [11:35] its indeed a problem in snap, as vlc is snap too and has the same problem not seeing the mounted stuff [11:36] i think there's a way you can enable snaps to access locations outside of the home directory. [11:36] if its snap it can never acces mounted drives ? [11:36] but i don't know the details, it's probably documented somewhere. [11:36] okay i will try to search for that :) [11:36] i didnt realize they where all snap [11:36] at least this has brought me closer to where the problem is :) [11:37] thanks [11:37] you're welcome [11:52] mm can't really find anything :( kind of annoying that snap can't access mounted volumes by default, specialy stuff like VLC, and video software where you need other drives with lots of space rather then your main drive [11:53] vlc should be default , not snap [11:53] ? [11:53] installed without snap [11:54] all programs that are now installed with snap can not see my mounted volumes [11:54] well they are comming from the repository like that [11:55] or are you saying you can tell the ubuntu repository to install a non snap version rather then the snap one / [11:55] ?* [11:55] I don't usew snapd and vlc is installe by default from the repos [11:56] installed rather [11:56] vuurdraak, yes, avoid snap if possible [11:59] isn't snapd installed by default ? , i don't know if I installed it my self actually [11:59] could be i can;t remeber [11:59] remember [11:59] nope snapd isd optional [12:00] okay so i should remove all snap programs and uninstll snapd ? [12:00] and see if i get a normal version of a program [12:01] if possible, yes, snaps aren't worth the trouble they can cause on some systems, IMO [12:01] mmm okay, thats annoying [12:03] vuurdraak, you can also ban snapcraft.io in your hosts file, but then your apt won't understand the forward to snap and won't install the package. [12:04] vuurdraak, that is on 20.04 at least... i don't know whether this is the same under 18.04 [12:05] its sad that my only problem is that the snaps cant see the mounted volumes as otherwise i dont have a problem with the programs, but i guess its better to make backups of settings in some programs remove everything from snap and then remove snapd it self so i get normal programs [12:05] and then hope there is nothing there that has not a normal package :') [12:08] vuurdraak, yeah but canonical enforces snap on you, even from apt(at least true in 20.04, dunno which other versions too) [12:08] then again maybe i will just do a clean install of ubuntu 20.04 LTS [12:08] ah [12:08] vuurdraak, no, vm it! [12:08] i dont want to run games from a VM [12:09] i need every bit of horsepower i can get === Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray [12:09] wel, your choice [12:10] i suspect there might be other stuff broken in my current install, so i thought i might do a clean instal to th latest LTS [12:10] honestly, I don't get why everybody tell other people to remove snapd, most users literally don't care where the program comes from. and it looks like it's a permission issue [12:11] yes to me it looks like a permission isue too [12:11] only i can not find anything searching the web how to tell snap to acces the volumes in /mnt/ [12:12] quadrathoch2, for me because apt is not apt anymore(if i would want to use apt i would have launched snap instead of apt) [12:12] still i have saved the remark to ban snapcraft.io in my host file if i need it for some reason when going to 20.04 LTS [12:12] *snap [12:13] afaik snapd is NOT installed by default [12:13] also not in 20.04 ? [12:13] if you are talking about snapd, it's installed by default for a while now [12:14] it would be fun though if you could tell apt to install a non snap version rather then a snap one by choice [12:14] ok, I'm on kde/plasma, could be different here [12:14] vuurdraak then voice your thoughts to canonical. same thing with auto updates. there is a way to disable auto updates, but it's only for 1 type of customer ... [12:15] again: https://raymii.org/s/blog/Ubuntu_Snap_auto_updates_broke_my_development_setup.html [12:15] vuurdraak, on 20.04, at least, it is installed by default, dunno about other versions [12:15] also: how come it is not possible to disable this on a linux distro? it's not windows with monolithic binaries that do everything [12:15] atm i would be just happy if snaps can access my mounted volumes, but i cant find anything how to do that, i find it weird it canb not access them in the first place [12:16] shibboleth as I said 1 line above it. there is a way to disable auto updates. but that feature is only for paying customers (enterprise). so if we voice enough maybe canonical changes their stance [12:16] well, why wouldn't disabling/masking the systemd service/triggers take care of this? [12:17] afaik "this is the way" on bionic and xenial [12:17] have they baked this in as part of gnome? [12:18] hmm, i must have removed snapd a few releases ago then, because it's not installed on GG20.10 (testing) [12:18] or am i to understand that you can't disable this *and* be using snap at all unless an enterprise customer? [12:19] BluesKaj, iirc on bionic it gets reinstalled as part of gnome-desktop [12:19] shibboleth disabling auto updates on snap is an enterprise feature [12:19] shibboleth, I'm on kde/plasma [12:20] quadrathoch2, and i'm asking: disabling autoupdates for pre-existing snaps is a premium feature but disabling snap services all together is possible? [12:20] I assumed the snpad policy was the the same for all flavours [12:20] snapd [12:21] Hi! Do you also observe that the default zip/unzip tool in 20.04 from Info-zip can't extract its own multipart archives? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dVYcMPFKNF/ [12:21] BluesKaj, basically, the crapstore and the debian installer no longer being an option is why we have no plans for using ub going forward [12:21] shibboleth yes [12:21] quadrathoch2, 10-4 [12:22] oO? [12:22] anyway, gotta reboot [12:22] happy rebooting :) [12:22] police code for "acknowledged" [12:22] intresting topic it seems snap :') [12:23] i've been quite vocal for well over two years as to why snap is a bad idea [12:24] shibboleth I am too, but that's why I just don't use it (except for live-patching) [12:24] also: look in to how updates work [12:24] still the wrong attitude to just tell everybody to remove it completely [12:24] it's like someone asked themselves "how can we make apt work more like windows update" [12:24] so if i understand this correctly, if i would install ubuntu 20.04, and if all programs are snap, non of them would be able to access any of my other drives and/or miounted volumes ? [12:24] quadrathoch2, you can't if you plan on using gnome [12:24] at least that was the case on bionic [12:25] vuurdraak it depends [12:25] as i asume i would get the same problem i got now [12:25] snaps can be classic or containers. classic is without restrictions. container means not all things are allowed [12:26] as a normal user who uses ubuntu for normal stuff like games & video editing etc, its useless to have programs that can not access my other volumes [12:26] quadrathoch2, I qualified that as an opinion to remove snapd based on my experience with snaps, not as a requirement [12:26] the door swings both ways [12:27] vuurdraak did you check gnome-software, as this should be a gui way of having options to edit permissions [12:27] basically: they seldom bother to update "non-default" applications instaklled through apt [12:27] right now there are... 8 vulnerabilities in bionic VLC [12:28] even more on xenial [12:28] i will check if it contains stuff for snap [12:28] there is even a local root vuln on xenial [12:28] which has been there for two years+ [12:28] Q quadrathoch2 [12:28] @ [12:28] ubuntu simply say "universe, we don't care" [12:28] there is even a local root vuln in *gnome* on xenial even [12:29] shibboleth yeah, sounds like they depend too much on the community :/ [12:29] basically they're holding you hostage by saying: either you use our crapstore or good luck, chuck [12:30] so, the linux distro with the largest desktop install base has several vulnerabilities in the most widely used media player and desktop manager [12:30] "oh, but look at the app store" [12:31] looool thanks quadrathoch2 , i didnt know, it contained permissions in there, and indeed mounted volumes are default set to off for these programs, i just setted "Read system mount information and disk quotas" to On and now VLC sees the mounted volumes, this is all that i needed , you saved my bacon thanks :) [12:31] vuurdraak yw :) [12:32] whereas on debian, which is *entirely* community-maintained, this isn't an issue [12:32] shibboleth I know that ubuntu has a lot of issues. that's why we need to point them out to canonical. or move on. [12:32] debian even provided a major-version upgrade for vlc a while back [12:32] since vlc2 wouldn't be getting patches [12:32] well, are there any reps from canonical here? [12:33] there are sometimes [12:33] usually some op comes along and says "offtopic, take up with #ubuntu-offtopic" [12:33] intrestingly not all the settings have the same name, for OBS-studio, you need to set "Read/Write files on removable Storage" to on, and now it sees the mounted volumes \o/ [12:34] shibboleth i mean it is ;) [12:35] Could someone tell me how to go about this error message when running apt upgrade [12:35] dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: [12:35] files list file for package 'linux-modules-5.3.0-62-generic' contains empty filename [12:35] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) [12:36] koldf what did you do, that the error showed up? [12:36] ran sudo apt-get upgrade [12:37] koldf on the other hand, it really sounds like you run a 19.10 which is eol [12:37] care to elaborate? [12:37] yeah [12:37] it is 19.10 [12:37] just checked [12:38] what should I elaborate? that you need to update? [12:38] run dis upgrade? [12:38] dist* [12:38] koldf you would need to run do-release-upgrade [12:38] but first make sure [12:38] make sure you backup important stuff before u do a dist upgrade [12:38] that your apt upgrade runs 100% [12:39] well I can't even run apt upgrade [12:39] because of the said error [12:39] koldf can you paste your sources.list on paste.ubuntu.com? [12:39] is it in /etc [12:40] it's in /etc/apt/sources.list [12:40] and maybe anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [12:41] i have in my noptes that if stuff doesnt work you first need to do an: sudo apt-get autoremove (and a) sudo apt-get autoclean [12:41] notes* [12:41] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JBFBy6BYTz/ [12:41] vuurdraak: I can't run either of those [12:41] same error [12:41] :( [12:42] !eolupgrade [12:42] End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [12:43] so first you need to change the sources.list file, as described in the last link above, and then let's see what's going on koldf [12:43] alright on it [12:43] I'll backup irc to my phone in case os get's bricked [12:44] koldf it shouldn't ;) [12:44] @ quadrathoch2 , thanks again for the solution , im off need to get some fresh air, a happy day to everybody o/ [12:44] vuurdraak stay safe :) [12:45] quadrathoch2: can I just paste the sources.list content below what I already [12:45] have or should i overwrite something [12:45] you can post in a paste [12:45] if it's multiple lines [12:46] i changed [12:46] the sources.list [12:47] so what happens if you apt update? [12:47] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FdY33hSjRZ/ [12:47] should this look like that [12:48] That's at the end of apt-update output, upgrade still produces the same error [12:49] koldf do you actively use tor? [12:49] yeah [12:50] argh why can't canonical keep to their 'schedule' okay, we need to revert everything. as it is still on the normal archive.ubuntu.com :( [12:50] should I remove the input from sources.list [12:51] from moments ago [12:51] koldf change it back to this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JBFBy6BYTz/ [12:51] just revert changes? [12:51] yeah [12:51] done [12:51] and then can you give me the full command output of apt update apt upgrade? [12:51] with the command [12:51] yeah [12:52] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pRVGcCXDyN/ [12:56] what repositories did you add outside of the official ones? sounds like there is something messing up [12:56] especially the tor one, as that doesn't work [12:56] well the thing is I haven't done anything new [12:56] with the os for some itme [12:56] this just randomly broke [12:56] I've had tor for ever now [12:57] with the same apt issues [12:57] let me restart the os [12:57] and see if anything changes [12:57] weird, because that tor repository shouldn't have worked [12:57] I'll be back in 2 mins [13:00] yeah same issue [13:00] I could locate the file in question [13:00] /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-modules-5.3.0-62-generic.list [13:00] and it's not empty [13:02] koldf hm, the issue is now, you can try to fix it, remove every single additional repository, and upgrade, or start with a fresh install :/ [13:02] well this is going to be a head ache [13:02] here's the contents of the above file: https://termbin.com/v0qr [13:02] the amount of files and configs [13:02] i have on this box is insane [13:03] easily a week of work [13:03] if not more [13:03] let me give it a shot [13:03] before pulling the plug [13:03] sure, but as you would still need to remove all the packages+reinstall them after the upgrade _shrug_ [13:04] not a good place to be in [13:04] and sounds like you are a very good canditate for a LTS release [13:06] well [13:06] the sources.list doesn't even have [13:06] tor [13:06] in it [13:07] it's probably in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [13:07] !enter [13:07] Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone. [13:07] yeah sorry, i get carried way at times [13:09] well I did it, but still got the same error [13:10] I'm just going to remove the package [13:17] koldf, better upgrade to a newer and supported release [13:19] well I couldn't delete the package [13:19] my dpkg is completely fucked [13:19] I'll have to do a new install later on, backing up is going to be hell [13:23] koldf, then make your personal files a dedicated partition for next time [13:30] coconut: it's more about the configs than personal files [13:35] koldf, that's why i like configs to be in my home folder/partition, but yeah... when they are in other folders which you have to reuse, you have to do backups. === Peetz0r is now known as Boots === Boots is now known as Peetz0r [14:40] Hello. Is /var/log/auth.log used by the kernel and the ssh service? [14:40] On trying ' fwupdmgr update ' on my Dell XPS15 (Ubuntu 20.04), I get "failed to write data to efivarfs: Error writing to file descriptor: Input/output error" as it fails. Any idea for fixing it? [14:54] isene: sounds like the motherboard is set to read only [14:56] nevermind [14:59] EriC^^: Why "nevermind"? [15:04] isene: saw some bug reports mentioning kernel issues, but iirc some guy once had input/output error and it might have been the motherboard having the nvram readonly [15:09] stupid question of the day: using "do-release-upgrade --allow-third-party" will recompile programs like ZNC to use with Ubuntu Focal (still using Eoan) [15:12] it wont recompile [15:12] EriC^^: I'm on virgin ground here. How can I check this? I also got an input/output error when the grub package was updated yesterday (reported a bug on that) - I believe this to be the same cause. How can I proceed to debug this? [15:12] it's there so do-release-upgrade checks if the ppa has for example the newer version already in the repo if yes, it upgrades it, if not it disables the repo [15:12] PeGaSuS ^ [15:14] oh. so, stuff like ZNC (from a git repository) needs to be recompiled [15:14] yes [15:14] * PeGaSuS hangs himself [15:17] I have icecast2 installed from a deb instead from the package manager. now the upgrader complains that "Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading". how to force the upgrade? [15:19] remove icecast2 ;) [15:22] quadrathoch2: I can't. otherwise my online radio will die [15:22] lol [15:23] seems I need to really upgrade it (although the package version is the same as the deb) [15:24] PeGaSuS why are you even on a non LTS version? sounds like it's a production system [15:24] quadrathoch2: at the time, was the latest Ubuntu version when I installed this machine [15:25] I'm updating all my machines [15:26] PeGaSuS which still makes no sense, as production should imho be always on LTS, except you are fine with all the hassle every 6 months [15:26] whyyyy? "You have not rebooted after updating a package that requires a reboot. Please reboot before upgrading." -_- [15:27] quadrathoch2: now, I'll update only for LTS. at the time I really need Eoan but I don't remember the reason [15:27] lesson learned ;) [15:27] (hopefully) [15:31] well, all my machines were LTS except this one. now it even throws a nice https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3RksVNJhMH/ [15:31] lol [15:32] please tell me that I can still upgrade and would be useful if I could force the upgrade before rebooting [15:33] you still can, but what does do-release-upgrade -d say? PeGaSuS [15:34] Upgrades to the development release are only available from the latest supported release. [15:35] !eolupgrade [15:35] End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [15:35] weird it only tells you the same, make sure that its up to date, and then do-release-upgrade [15:36] can I force upgrade w/o reboot? :x [15:39] nope [15:39] I mean you can, but you shouldn't [15:39] and I won't give you instructions ;) [15:40] * PeGaSuS pulls his hair out [15:42] time for the party to begin [15:46] quadrathoch2, I just didn't wanted to reboot, because it will produce massive join/quit from my znc service [15:46] sometimes it's unavoidable, especially with kernel fixes [15:48] yeah, understandable. but with this, ZNC will be rebooted 3 times (machine reboot to allow the upgrade, reboot after the upgrade, reboot after recompile) [15:48] lots of fun [15:48] hi, i installed steam and now my graphical interface doesn't start, i have mint cinammon 19.3 (yeah, i know this is for ubuntu, i also asked on ##linuxmint) [15:50] Xorg.0.log https://termbin.com/r84b [15:52] quadrathoch2, what can you tell me about Livepatch? [15:54] it’s something you want. But it won’t help as much as you think. As most of the times only severe bug fixes are getting livepatched. So normal ones you still need to reboot. It should cut it down to about 1 reboot a month [15:54] alexandre9099 did you go to the other irc server? As Linux mint is not on freenode [15:54] It’s normally really active on their channel [15:55] oh "Official Linux Mint Support @ ircs://irc.spotchat.org/#linuxmint-help" didnt' see that :D [15:55] i'll try there [15:56] Hi, what command/program can I use in Ubuntu to edit my laptop touchpad's config? [15:56] I'm not sure what Ubuntu uses by default [15:57] normally it should be adjustable in the system settings soft_concrete [15:58] quadrathoch2: I'm looking to adjust some more advanced settings... there are annoying click "zones" near the bottom of the touchpad that I'd like to disable [15:58] soft_concrete: you might need the xinput command in terminal [15:58] jeremy31: that seems to work, thanks [16:05] Hi. What's the upstream of the zfs kernel module shipping by Ubuntu? Is it https://github.com/openzfs/zfs? [16:05] rangergord I'm pretty sure it's the same to https://zfsonlinux.org/ but not 100% [16:05] as ZoL works with openzfs [16:06] yeah it's the same :) [16:06] quadrathoch2, ah, you're right. I just dicovered the modinfo command. Thanks! [16:07] rangergord I'm pretty sure they were the same, as they want to combine the programmer menforce behind it [16:08] seeems like it's practically a one-man project, Brian Behlendorf [16:08] from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory === Grldfrdom is now known as Grldfrdom_ [16:09] rangergord it's not ;) [16:09] not trying to denigrate the other contributors, but... https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/graphs/contributors [16:09] so I disabled that middle click zone on my touchpad using xinput, but that also disables three-finger middle click (tap w/ 3 fingers anywhere to middle click.) [16:10] does anyone know how I can disable the zone while keeping the gesture? [16:11] by zone, I mean an annoying little area near the bottom-middle of my touchpad that does a middle click when I tap there [16:11] rangergord https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/pulse the small right graph [16:12] i'm not saying that it's a huge number, but more than 1 === jje- is now known as jje [16:13] rangergord on top, there are still issues within the team _shrug_ [16:15] it looks like the Ubuntu wiki is down... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad [16:16] working fine here soft_concrete [16:16] works for me [16:20] works now for me, too. [16:20] soft_concrete: that's not even the Ubuntu Wiki [16:20] soft_concrete: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ [16:20] soft_concrete: is the ubuntu wiki [16:20] soft_concrete, there is xmodmap too(but i do not know how to use this myself yet) [16:21] Hi. My ethernet stopped working and says "wired unmanaged" [16:21] what can be the issue? [16:22] soft_concrete: you just tried to click a link that didn't work, and instead of just saying exactly that....it turned into a wiki being down [16:22] Im om Ubuntu 20.04 rpi4 [16:24] quadrathoch2, still, one reboot per month is better than 2 xD [16:25] PeGaSuS- you could also install needrestart to see why you need a restart (if it's a service, you could theoretically also only restart that one) [16:30] quadrathoch2, that's an idea :D [16:32] if I create an account on Ask Ubuntu, does that also create an account on Stack Exchange? [16:54] quadrathoch2, btw, tks for all the input and ideas! Livepatch installed in this VPS xD [16:54] cool, is it easy to install PeGaSuS-? [16:55] Livepatch is easier to install than opening a beer and drinking it 'depending on the thirsty you are though) xD [16:56] soft_concrete 'sudo snap install canonical-livepatch' :) and then registering it with the token [17:29] Hi, I'm running 20.04. I have created a LUKS encrypted partition and would now like to configure it to prompt for decryption onboot (and ideally create a new user account on it). Can anyone help me with that? I've tried to follow a guide to prompt for passwor don boot but that failed [17:30] Here is what I did" I created en entry for the encrypted partition in etc/crypttab and then referenced the partition in /etc/fstab.. something changed because boot last a minute longer now, but it doesn't prompt for the passworrd for the partition and doesn't mount the partitoin [17:34] kaddi: start by posting your configurations to a pastebin. this would provide some info on file systems and block device layers: lsblk -o +LABEL,UUID | nc termbin.com 9999 [17:34] also show fstab and crypttab [17:48] @tomreyn sorry my battery died. This is the info I hope will be useful: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/39yHpsMgGd/ Just realised I didn't put the versoin info in there. Lsb_release is 20.04.1LTS and uname shows: Linux myri 5.4.0-42-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 10 00:24:02 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [17:50] How do i fix this bug on my system kubuntu 20.04, grub 2.04 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1839317 duplicate: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1845289 logs: https://termbin.com/bxhe https://termbin.com/jdle7 [17:50] Launchpad bug 1845289 in grub2 (Ubuntu Eoan) "duplicate for #1839317 Grub EFI amd64 no longer start EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi" [High,Fix released] [17:50] Launchpad bug 1845289 in grub2 (Ubuntu Eoan) "Grub EFI amd64 no longer start EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi" [High,Fix released] === gnoob39 is now known as gnoob [17:53] fuze: i imagine that you wouldn't have any ability to fix any bugs in a linux distribution, unless you are the entity responsible for maintaining said distribution [17:54] tatertotz: it says it already has a Fix Released but i updated and still having the issue [17:54] kaddi: okay, i'll have a look. if you could post the output of the command i had provided, too, that'd make it easier: sudo lsblk -o +LABEL,UUID | nc termbin.com 999 [17:54] also these reports are from 2019 [17:55] Is editing '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades' the standard method to disable auto upgrades? [17:56] tomreyn: I ran the command, but it returned no output.. I'm guessing it piped it to termbin.com [17:57] @tomreyn in guess the command didn't pipe it to termbin, here's the output in a paste: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cQnJvgtdP9/ [17:57] kaddi: try sudo lsblk -o +LABEL,UUID | nc termbin.com 9999 [17:58] @jeremy31 thanks. @tomreyn https://termbin.com/g84q [18:00] thanks kadd + jeremy, i had missed a 9 there. [18:01] Am I missing something, I didn't spot the full disk encryption option in the 20.04 installer (but I'm using the custom partitions thing because I put my /home on another drive) [18:03] wow [18:03] ubuntu sure has its (____) together today [18:04] HackerII: do you have an ubuntu support question? [18:04] no, my apologies.. just mentioning how (well) the os works. no worries.. thanks. [18:05] oh theres a Software Update application with the relevant settings it seems [18:05] *Software & Updates [18:05] kaddi: so you have created a new file system on a new partition and mounted this to a /media subdirectory. so you don't want to encrypt your /home or / but just this file system, right? [18:06] @tomreyn,I ultimately want to encrypt the home directory of a new user account I will create. The idea was to first figure out how to get the partition encrypted and then decrypted on boot before figuring out how to make that the /home direcotry of the new user acocunt [18:07] I odn't want to fully encryp the OS or this user account if possible though (at least I'd like to avoid to have to make a full backup due to space issues) [18:08] kaddi: oh okay. but anyone booting the computer will be prompted for this passphrase on boot then [18:08] yeah, I know it's not ideal.. but from what I've been abled to figure out there's no way to do an encrypted user account on linux at the moment because ecrypt has been considered too buggy but the new tools aren't ready yet [18:09] how long does it take to decrypt or does it like decrypt "on demand" ie only the disk blocks that are being read/written to? [18:09] So I figure dthis is the closest I can get to getting an encrypted user account [18:09] tomreyn, i have one consideration.. and .. i do realise it may or not be outside of the parameters of both bios as well as graphics drivers.. what would make the (led) back light not work on some dell models ?? . i understand it may be drivers.. or.. caps in the switching supple .. whats your personal opinion.. thanks. [18:09] kaddi: hmm, you could try ext4 file system encryption but indeed i'm not certain that it's well-tested, yet. [18:10] pikapika it really depends on your cpu, and length of the password [18:10] tomreyn: I thought LUKS was ext4 file system encryption? [18:10] no but like does it decrypt the whole partition "at once" on booting or only "on demand" as I stated above? [18:10] kaddi: no, dmcrypt-LUKS is a block device layer encryption, not a file system encryption. [18:10] because I feel the latter might cause a huge toll on the hard disk [18:10] *former [18:10] Was there a problem with Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) that caused the OS to corrupt itself after running its first set of software updates? [18:11] pikapika it's the whole partition [18:11] doesn't that wear out the disk very fast? [18:11] and boot time must get to several minutes or even hours [18:11] pikapika ? why encryption is taxed on the cpu not disk [18:11] NDPTAL85, is it a fresh install or upgraded from an older Ubuntu? [18:11] i have a luks password of 60+ chars, and it takes about 10 sec to decrypt [18:11] I have noticed the latter sometimes can cause issues [18:12] quadrathoch2, but if the whole disk is decrypted eachg time that means the whole partition must be read in [18:12] pikapika: This was on a customer's Dell laptop that came with Ubuntu 18.04 pre-installed. In fact it can be factory reset to a clean 18.04 which is how I was able to get it working again but for the moment he can't do software updates cause it keeps corrupting itself. [18:12] strange [18:13] no only the header etc, as that declares with what key it is encrypted, as the cpu en/de crypts as it needs to [18:13] oic [18:13] I've not used Linux personally in many years. I recently had a customer who gave me his old laptop so I slapped Ubuntu on it and was shocked to discover Ubuntu is no on 20.04. So Dell is selling an out of date version of Ubuntu. [18:13] so yeah as I had thought its "on demand" [18:13] HackerII: usually this is due to the firmware / EC and the OS not 'getting along' well. so ACPI or similar problems. could also be the grpahics driver, but more commonly its the former. [18:13] nothing wrong with sticking with something slightly old [18:14] tomreyn, thanks.. [18:14] as they say new often = less stable [18:14] That's true. [18:14] and 18.05 is still supported [18:14] so that shouldn't be the reason for the upgrade problem [18:14] NDPTAL85 when was the update done? as the last 2 days there was a grub issue [18:14] 18.04 [18:14] grub issue? [18:15] kaddi: the device path in /etc/crypttab is missing the trailing 0 [18:15] quadrathoch2: It was in the last few weeks. Not this week. [18:15] ahh kk :/ [18:15] pikapika https://ubuntu.com/blog/mitigating-boothole-theres-a-hole-in-the-boot-cve-2020-10713-and-related-vulnerabilities [18:15] Yeah I heard of that issue on ArsTechnica. [18:15] kaddi: i think you also want "luks,discard", not just "luks" [18:16] tomreyn, dell bios is a strange monstor.. i deleted it and the batt.. and started over .. it broke then .. magically came back to life.. i just want to make sure the intel drivers are not corrupt.. thank you for your time and efforts. [18:16] this is a lappy also [18:16] NDPTAL85: Uh, they always release the 4th and 10th month, so that's logical. Every even year the release on the 4th month is a LTS release, so 18.04 isn't actually that bad. [18:16] @tomreyn ah.. that may have been it.. What does the 'discard' do? [18:16] 6420 [18:17] kaddi: it enables TRIM - there is a possibility that it could leak some information on the layout of the encrypted block device. however, since you're not actually attemptring full disk encrpytion this is probably of no concern to you. [18:17] thanks! [18:21] Thats another question i have .. concerning digital HD .. i have a 3D HD.. what is the safe parameter to FS-TRIM the drive.. thanks. [18:21] I'll try to reboot [18:22] I understand it may be up to the chemical composition.. i honestly dont know. [18:22] HackerII: So, I'm summing up what you said so far - please point out what's not correct, and add missing info: You installed some (which?) Ubuntu version on a Dell Latitude E6420, and its backlight is not working. did it ever work with linux before? if so, which? if not, did it ever work with another OS? [18:24] That didn't work unfortnuately [18:24] What does 'python3-distupgrade' do? [18:24] it seems to do a file check on boot, but didn't prompt for a password [18:24] Is it related to python upgrades or ubuntu's distro upgradation? [18:25] kaddi: did you update the initramfs before rebooting? [18:25] kaddi: sudo update-initramfs -k $(uname -r) -c [18:25] @tomreyn no. I must have quite before you mentioned that. How do you do that? [18:26] kaddi: i didn't get around to mention it, was helping someoen else at the time. [18:26] so sohuld I try another reboot? [18:26] after running this? [18:26] HackerII: i don't know what a "digital HD" or "3D HD" is. do you know the model number? [18:27] tomreyn, it (always worked. after a kernel from 2 months ago.. it stifled itself and is intermittent and i have to shut down for 4 + hours for it to switch the led back light.. this may or not be a electrolytic issue or not be.. tomreyn .. i uninstalled all hardware.. the the cmos batt.. waited 3 hrs.. and it came back to life.. 3 times.. so.. from adjunck experience im asking.. has anyone focused on the same problem.. tomreyn , thank you for your [18:27] time and efforts/ [18:27] kaddi: yes [18:27] thanks! [18:27] kaddi: a second [18:28] so, i trained my bios clock back to 2011.. confused [18:28] HackerII: how do you mean you uninstalled all hardware? it's a laptop. [18:29] tomreyn, i took all hardware off the mother board [18:29] using a soldering iron? [18:29] no.. hd / batt / dvd / ram [18:30] i see, you disconnected or removed removable parts [18:30] tomreyn, the code (flash light said .. ram module [18:30] was not so [18:30] * HackerII waits [18:31] so what you describe does sound like a hardware issue, i agree. i would cross test with another OS, just to be sure. [18:31] i did [18:31] for hardware support, i'd recommend ##hardware [18:31] i usb many os.. same [18:31] so [18:32] just looking .. to make sure it was not os related.. tomreyn thank you for your time.. your a GEM.. thanks buddy [18:32] and [18:33] pikapika: apt-cache show 'python3-distupgrade' | grep ^Description-en: [18:33] thank you (ubuntu) for being the greatest os on the planet.. [18:33] pikapika: or ths rather: apt-cache show 'python3-distupgrade' | grep -A1 ^Description-en: [18:34] HackerII: happy to help [18:34] kaddi: any improvement? [18:34] wait.. one more (inquisitive) question .... what does ubuntu have to do woth bios. [18:34] Yeah it says manage release upgrades [18:34] (with) [18:35] but is that related to python upgrades or to ubuntu upgrades? [18:35] tomreyn: unfortnuately it's not working. To make sure I understood you correctly. When you said 'trailing 0', you meant for me to add a 0 at the beginning of the line like this: 0 right /dev/by-uuid/b0255c29-38ad-46ca-a3ce-ba9432aacf5 none luks, discard [18:35] looking at some related packages it seems ubuntu upgrades [18:35] I seem to be getting a file check on my home directory on every boot.. which is confusing. I'm wondering if the UUID is wrong [18:36] lol story time kaddi [18:36] pikapika: yes, the second line (second command i provided) also outputs this: "This is the DistUpgrade Python 3 module". this isn't a great description but if you combine these two lines it tries to say this is a python module which is used by the Ubuntu release upgrader. [18:36] One time I used to have another ubuntu installed in a separate partition (for testing distro upgrades I used to tell myself) [18:37] tomreyn: ok.. I'm confusing trailing and leading my bad.. It oculdn't work, the 0 is missing at the end, not the start [18:37] kaddi: no, i did not mean you should add a 0 to the beginning of the cryptsetup line. maybe my explanation was bad, let me rephrase: [18:37] thank you for your time people [18:37] now what happened was that, I had created it via a dd of the existing ubuntu [18:38] as you can probably imagine, that means the partition had the same UUID as my main Ubuntu [18:38] lol [18:38] tomreyn: everytime I update crypttab, i need to run the initramfs command to update it, right? [18:38] kaddi: you should use this line, without quotation marks, in crypttab: "right /dev/by-uuid/b0255c29-38ad-46ca-a3ce-ba9432aacf50 none luks,discard". [18:39] Now grub uses UUIDs to choose the os to boot [18:39] kaddi: this is correct: "everytime I update crypttab, i need to run the initramfs command to update it, right?" [18:39] and you can imagine what happened when I chose my main ubuntu [18:39] it randomly seemed to pick one or the another [18:39] lol.. that would be a pain to troubleshoot [18:39] gonna try another attempt, bbiab [18:40] lots of head banging against table, then somehow I finally managed to see the grub config and that both Ubuntu entries had same UUID [18:40] I was like wtf [18:40] then I did lsblk [18:40] Then it dawned on me [18:40] Oh.... [18:40] kaddi: now i don't know for sure whether the dev/disk/by-... paths will work during early boot. you may want to use "right UUID=b0255c29-38ad-46ca-a3ce-ba9432aacf50 none luks,discard" instead [18:40] So yeah I generated a new UUID and changed it for the disk and well as updating grub's configs [18:40] Problem was solved [18:40] oh kaddi is already gone again, too fast for me. [18:41] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current I guess this daily build was build by live-build scripts, where I can get the source code of daily-live build script? Thanks [18:42] woah [18:44] derek0883, that's probably something what canonical won't just share with anyone [18:44] but you are free to ask off course... [18:45] I cant connect to ethernet with automatic dhcp? i deleted netplan and installed ifupdown, but same problem there too [18:45] if i add static ip, i cant find the router?? [18:45] but i seem connected [18:46] the router is offline btw [18:49] derek0883: i do not know the answer to this question either. i imagine there can be build logs and maybe source code, too, on launchpad, which could let you determine this. but i don't know that for sure, nor a project to look at. [18:49] It's not working.. I don't know why [18:50] derek0883: if you main goal is to customize an iso, look at https://launchpad.net/cubic [18:50] kaddi: now i don't know for sure whether the dev/disk/by-... paths will work during early boot. you may want to use "right UUID=b0255c29-38ad-46ca-a3ce-ba9432aacf50 none luks,discard" instead [18:50] kaddi: you quit fast, so i couldn't tell you this in time [18:50] thats useful [18:51] tomreyn: I'm sorry.. I'm using a sudo reboot and it just doesn't leave room for second thoughts [18:51] I'll try to wait longer [18:51] always useful to have a special built iso for emergency debugging purposes (you know if by chance your os turns belly up or something, then you have a useful live environment ready to figure out whats wrong) [18:51] I'm also super greatful for your help (and don't mind the amount of reboots.. but it does create redundancy for you trying to help) [18:51] kaddi: hehe, that's fine with me if you don't mind potentially running into more failures [18:52] kaddi: can you show your current crypttab? [18:52] hmm i actually need to leave sh9ortly [18:53] tomreyn: right UUID=b0255c29-38ad-46ca-a3ce-ba9432aacf50 none luks,discard [18:53] don't stay for me.. I'm actually ready to call it a day and use it as a data partition for now and return to the attempt of making it a user account later on [18:54] kaddi: does the /media/myri/right directory exist? [18:55] no. It should though, shouldn't it? [18:55] if you want to mount a file system there, yes [18:55] I could've sworn I created it [18:55] i.e. you'll need to create it then [18:56] kaddi: also, your last line in fstab is incomplete, should probably say this instead: [18:56] I was wondering about that before the last reboot and was going to ask [18:56] do i need to add ext4 [18:56] /dev/mapper/right /media/myri/right ext4 defaults 0 2 [18:57] thanks [18:57] or even 0 0 to the end [18:57] what do the 00 or the 0 2 mean? [18:57] i'll look into it too, thanks tomreyn [18:58] kaddi: man fstab should explain that the last number is about when and whether the file system is checked for errors during boot. [18:58] thanks, true [18:58] kaddi: 'pass' [18:59] ok, I'll try another reboot then. I did the update-initramfs and am hoping for the bset [18:59] "The sixth field (fs_passno).", [18:59] kaddi: good luck. i might be gone when you return [19:00] ok, fingers crossed :) [19:00] hello. facing this problem, too. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/291113/how-to-get-rid-of-the-delay-way-before-lenovo-touch-pad-reacts [19:00] thanks a lot if you're gone. You helped me a lot [19:00] pikapika: glad if i could help there. [19:01] It happens on my xubuntu 20.04 and livecd 20.04 [19:03] tomreyn: if you haven't left yet: it worked!!! [19:03] thanks a bunch. there was so much wrong I would've never found all the issues [19:04] hope you'll have a great evening/day wherever you are and know that you've made my day :) === bocaneri is now known as Sauvin [19:19] can someone help me find documentation about the file format expected for /var/lib/locales/supported.d/en in focal? [19:21] I have an ubuntu instance on DO. Why would I purchase mysql database from DO when I can run MySql on the server its self. [19:21] or am i misunderstanding something? [19:23] i finally did a generic failsafe formatting. So I connected the device wan to my main router lan. but i cant find the openwrt router with nmap [19:24] Sven_vB, aren't translations always in .mo format?(iirc their was a command to convert po txt files to mo binary) [19:24] we should be on the same lan [19:25] sorry. wrong channel [19:28] Sven_vB, with the msgfmt ##command ? [19:31] is the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel guide up to date for Ubuntu 20.04? I'm unable to get past the "editconfigs" step with a "unknown sequence editconfigs" error [19:31] coconut, all the files in the supported.d subdir seem to be text files. I can infer that the first column is the locale name, but some lines have additional, space separated columns. (in my case they happen to have at most 1 additional column, and all the values in there happen to be repetitions of the charset identifier from the locale name.) [19:32] so I was wondering what meaning those repetitions have, as they seem redundant. [19:34] meanwhile I found that the file named "local" seems to be special in that it is a designated output of locale-gen. [19:36] oh ok it's just the default filename where locale-gen will add locales, but any file in there has the same authority. [19:36] @tomreyn I want installer install more packages after default "Install Ubuntu" finished, I've already put extra deb in cdrom/pool [19:37] the locale-gen man page at least has this hint: "File format is similar to /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED" ??? I'll read that, maybe it explains the differences. [19:38] nope, there's about none explanation in that file [19:39] I looked at the wrong shell. in focal, there is exactly no documentation in it. [19:40] Sven_vB, i cannot seem to be of help i guess [19:41] coconut, thanks for trying though! :-) [19:41] yeah, sure [19:41] Sazpaimon, instead of linux-image-$(uname -r) try with linux-source [19:42] linux-source extracts a linux-meta-5.4.0 folder, which also doesn't have an "editconfigs" target [19:42] "man locale.gen" explains two-column items for for files in /usr/share/i18n/locales, but doesn't explain what effect a missing 2nd value will have. :( [19:42] I'm very close to abandoning the "debian way" of compiling a kernel [19:43] Sazpaimon, what's your motivation of building your own? maybe we can find a suitable pre-built kernel for you. [19:44] I need a kernel with GEOM_PART_BSD enabled to work with a bsd disklabel disk image [19:44] a disk image with no MBR [19:45] oh ok. depending of the kinds of "work with" you're planning, maybe we can try some loop device trickery? [19:46] no, the linux kernel cannot grok a bsd partition layout without this kernel config enabled [19:46] mounting as a loop device will just mount the first partition, which is not what I want [19:46] yeah I was thinking of providing a fake GPT or sth. [19:48] that would not be what I want. I want to keep this disk image "dangerously dedicated" as they call it in bsd-land [19:48] its been three consequent ubuntu releases, that the upgrade over an existing installation craps out when you got an nvidia GPU in there.. and you have to go into console and issue "dpkg --configure -a" to have the installation continue properly [19:48] when is this thing gonna be fixed? its not like its an outlier config [19:49] Sazpaimon, oh it's a disk image even? in a file? [19:49] Hi Ubuntu! [19:49] What happens when you have an internal wifi card and an external wifi usb dongle and both connect to the same wifi spot? Will some packets go through one and some through the other? [19:49] correct, it's a full dd image [19:50] no_gravity, if multiple gateways seem capable of delivering the packet, one of them is selected, the decision is made by route priority. [19:51] no_gravity, I think there's also interface priority if the suitable gateway can be reached via multiple interfaces [19:51] if the "debian way" of making a kernel is just plain simply not correctly documented anywhere anymore, I'll just do it the regular way [19:51] Sven_vB: I'm not sure what that means. Do you mean either the network card or the wifi dongle will be unused permanently? [19:51] but man, it would be nice to have accurate docs [19:51] no_gravity, afaik the decision is made anew for each packet. [19:52] Sven_vB is it really packet or connection? [19:52] quadrathoch2, I'm not entirely sure about that. [19:53] quadrathoch2, however, my SSH connection managed to survived removing one USB wifi antenna and plugging another one, with just a few seconds of pause in the transmission. [19:53] Sven_vB: Then this setup should double the speed. [19:54] I wonder which one is which in ifconfig. [19:55] no_gravity, if you can find a routing scheme that will divide the packets equally and consistently, you can gain extra speed, but it may be limited by additional radio interference. [19:56] no_gravity, if you antennae get their timing very bad, you may even have less speed than if only one antenna would be trying to send [19:56] https://cloudwafer.com/blog/installing-openssl-on-ubuntu-16-04-18-04/ - how do i configure my ubuntu 18.04 to get the latest openssl - instead of manually compiling it? [19:57] geosmile upgrading ubuntu ;) [19:58] geosmile, you have the latest ssl with security patches [19:58] oerheks, OpenSSL 1.1.1 11 Sep 2018 [19:58] is that good? [19:58] One of the two networks is getting the vast majority of the traffic. [19:58] !info openssl [19:58] openssl (source: openssl): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - cryptographic utility. In component main, is important. Version 1.1.1f-1ubuntu2 (focal), package size 606 kB, installed size 1257 kB [19:59] geosmile, if its patched to address any security issues, it is good, as long as you dont need any of the features of more recent versions [19:59] 2020-Apr-21 - 1.1.1g was released [19:59] see the number, 111f-1ubuntu2.. lots of patches in there [19:59] yes, that looks newer, but the numbering is different. [19:59] I will just unplug the usb stick then I will see which one it was :) [19:59] oerheks, how do i get 111f? [20:00] again; you have the latest ssl with security patches [20:00] Sazpaimon, I can appreciate the idea of solving a problem the logically correct way, but in case you just want to access the data on the image, I'd rather try and provide a fake GPT, maybe even in a modified version of the image. [20:00] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl [20:00] I know more about compiling the kernel than doing low-level filesystem edits [20:00] check the packages and changelogs, you will find out [20:01] Sazpaimon, of course a fuse driver that could transparently translate the affected regions of the image would be cool as well. [20:01] i'm already a gentoo user, I know how to compile a kernel [20:01] Ha, it was the one that got almost all of the traffic. [20:01] test [20:01] !build [20:01] Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [20:01] Can anyone read this? [20:02] oerheks, 111f is on 20.04 - I'm on 18.04 - which gives me 1.1.1-1 - I'd like to get 111f on 18.04 - any ppa that maintains that? [20:02] and !mainline [20:02] geosmile, i answered you [20:03] 111c + some numbers are the same patches that brings 111f [20:03] oh so 111 on 18.04 is actually 111c + patches? [20:04] hi [20:04] yes, ubuntu gives them different numbering [20:04] * on top of debian numbering [20:04] anybody got any experience with the r8822be wifi driver? cant get it to work. even with https://github.com/lwfinger/rtw88 [20:04] old post, still valid; https://www.ducea.com/2006/06/17/ubuntu-package-version-naming-explanation/ [20:05] question: will "chmod 755 /etc/letsencrypt/live/" allows all users to access that path and use the certificates? [20:07] Sazpaimon, I was thinking too complicated. if you have any way of reading the disk label (maybe some way of running an emulatied BSD?), you can just write a script that takes the start and size of each partition and makes a loop device for each partition. [20:08] so I can read the label in netbsd, but again, i don't want to edit the header of this disk [20:08] I'll just use a different linux distro. Debian packaging is just too complex for my tiny brain i guess [20:09] Sazpaimon, with a disk image already in a file, temporarily swapping out the first and last sector is trivial. but again with the approach of a separate loop device for each partition, you wouldn't even need to modify the file. [20:15] Sazpaimon, also I wonder, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_disklabel sounds like BSD disk labels are stored inside the MBR, so are you sure you don't have an MBR on that disk? [20:15] no, this disk is from a MIPS machine from 1991 [20:16] oh ok [20:18] wouldn't it be easiest to make a file with 512 to 2 MB zeroes (depending on alignment of the drive you save it on), append the original image, and write an MBR to the first bytes that references the BSD disk label farther behind? [20:19] in case you need to modify stuff and write it back, you can later just chop of the first KB (or how much you added) [20:19] manually constructing an MBR seems error prone, especially with such an old disk image [20:19] I'd use sfdisk for that [20:20] I often construct my own MBR/GPTs this way [20:20] with files you have infinite number of attempts. :-) [20:20] seems like more effort than just using a kernel with support for this partition layout [20:20] maybe not on ubuntu, i guess [20:20] you probably don't even need to append the entire image for testing, just up to the disk label and maybe a few more MB [20:21] Sazpaimon, if it's about least effort, a loop device for each partition. [20:21] Sazpaimon, there's probably some live CD you can boot to initially find their offsets and sizes. [20:22] i mean, compiling the kernel is pretty low effort imo [20:23] maybe i'm biased because ive compiled linux dozens of times [20:26] Sazpaimon, so what's the bottleneck currently? you probably don't need to package your kernel. [20:27] I don't. I'm probably just gonna do it the vanilla way [20:28] Sazpaimon, if you have a kernel image, it should be as easy as copying it on the boot partition, generating an initramfs for it, and update-grub. (skip the last step if you have a GRUB config with automatic kernel scanning) [20:29] oh I remember, the editconfigs problem [20:30] yeah, the wiki seems outdated [20:30] and there doesnt seem to be any updated documentation anywhere [20:32] what makes you think the wiki is outdated? [20:32] lolz [20:33] oerheks, the fact that 1. It doesn't work as-is, 2. The suggested alteration to the instructions *also* doesn't work [20:33] try it yourself! follow along at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel and tell me how far you get before you get an error [20:34] works fine here [20:34] wow that was the fastest kernel compilation i've ever seen [20:49] Sazpaimon, https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd-linux-3960x-3970x&num=9 [20:59] Hello. I'm looking for the best way to upsize my current swap file from ~1GB to 24GB. The instructions I have found seem to be for bumping up to 1GB, and I want to make sure I do it properly. I understand the need for a temporary swap file to prevent other errors... [21:05] dazikae: you can have several swap files configured. Either add a second 23GB to have a total of 24. Or add a 24GB and remove the 1GB. [21:08] @geijer - that's good news. is there a best command to use? HowtoGeek points to the man page for swapon suggesting fallocate is not a good choice. HTG recommends using dd. I'd like to try it, but I don't know the appropriate values to use. [21:10] ex: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=1048576 <---used to create 1GB. How do I create 24GB? which of the parameters need changed? [21:11] take a look to the line man... [21:13] https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-add-swap-space-on-ubuntu-20-04/ and https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-add-swap-space-on-ubuntu-20-04 are oke [21:13] but first sudo swapoff for the existing swapfile, oke? [21:14] * sudo swapoff /swapfile [21:17] oerheks: what I've read so far [plus geijer above] suggests creating another swap before swapoff. also, from your link, it looks as if "count=n%" is where I specify total swap file size? [21:22] count=n% ? [21:23] 24 gb = 24 x 1048576 [21:23] okay, that's what I was just about to ask. SO... 25165824 is my number [21:23] jups [21:25] 1024x1024x24 [21:25] oh very simple indeed [21:25] i hardly see swapfile use over 4 gb.. [21:25] couldn't you use bs=1G and count 24 [21:26] i second that, no need for that much swap [21:26] * unless you start zoom or skype with 2 accounts :-P [21:29] What I looked up recommended 1.5x RAM for PC w/ hibernation. I have 16GB, so I'm going to run with this and see how it affects performance. Plugged in the dd command, waiting. S L O W going rn [21:30] also, is your disk ssd [21:30] I do lots of RAM intensive stuff, and usually have way too many windows open with too many tabs in my browser as well. Another issue I'm having is with my quad core processor. 1 or 2 of 4 will get overloaded while the other appear mostly inactive. [21:31] i think that its not recommended to have swap partition on ssd's cause it's wearing the drive [21:32] i guess it would be the same for swap file [21:32] https://askubuntu.com/questions/652337/why-no-swap-partitions-on-ssd-drives [21:36] oh boy. I don't know what I've done. HAHA onno I don't see it, and I don't see where I think it should be. yike [21:38] I'm back on track. disregard last msg [22:14] I have a script that I run after boot (Ubuntu 20.04): https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BTQXzSdmD3/ As the last line of this short script reads - when I suspend & wake up the laptop (Dell XPS15), it consumes much less power (going from around 13W to around 9W). Anyone has an idea as to why that is? [22:19] Am [22:19] Am I in the right irc for wsl/windows/ubuntu questions? [22:23] !wsl | FacettedBee [22:23] FacettedBee: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide [22:30] I'm running 18.04 and my system has been lagging all around for about two weeks. Can anyone help walk me through an ubuntu tuneup? [22:54] Having issues with my intel core i5 7300HQ processor (quadcore) - one or two cores will run at 90-100% while the other two seem to remain unused. This heats up and slows down everything. I'm not sure where to start for fixing this issue. Is it a driver issue? I'm searching, but nothing I've found yet has proven helpful. [22:56] I am trying to customize ubuntu iso, I added some extra deb package to pool folder, I want those deb package get installed during "Install Ubuntu", how can I control ubiquity to automatically install those? Thanks [23:00] there are tools for that, like Cubic https://askubuntu.com/questions/741753/how-to-use-cubic-to-create-a-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-image [23:02] I want scriptable, So I use live-build, made some changes, now I can build iso, [23:06] oh maybe it is /casper/filesystem.manifest [23:09] oerheks - btw swap set up successfully [23:11] maybe I should ask at Ubiquity channel