
RzRI need support to updage my gpg key11:52
RzRthe associated email of my obsolete key is not working anymore11:52
RzRI can easly prove my identify11:52
RzRis same as11:53
RzRso my problem is that LP uses gna.org which is no more online11:53
RzRso update instructions will never be recieved11:53
RzRcan anyone help to fwd to the other sf.net email ?11:54
cjwatsonRzR: I'm not working today, but it would be best to open a ticket on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad (if your LP account is working) or by emailing feedback@launchpad.net (otherwise), so that your request isn't missed12:02
RzRhi cjwatson12:39
RzRsorry I can file ticket12:39
RzRit's not critical12:39
RzRenjoy summer :)12:40
RzRcjwatson, https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/692179 it's done, thanks for the suggestion anyway12:44

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