
lubot<RONI ASAAD> @oerheks [<oerheks> why do you need such old driver, nouveau covers old cards good ( 2d )], Because when i open firefox the the cpu is 100 when i open video in youtube04:15
lubot<chikatambun> @RONI ASAAD [Because when i open firefox the the cpu is 100 when i open video in youtube], try to install ublock origin addon/extension for firefox10:47
diogenes_chikatambun, in the address bar type: about:support10:54
diogenes_scroll down where it says Compositing and is has to be set to Basic.10:55
lubot<RONI ASAAD> @chikatambun [try to install ublock origin addon/extension for firefox], Ok11:05
lubot<chikatambun> @RONI ASAAD [Ok], any good news?11:36
lubot<RONI ASAAD> @chikatambun [any good news?], No11:50
lubot<RONI ASAAD> @chikatambun [any good news?], Still 100%11:50
lubot<N0um3n0> @RONI ASAAD [Still 100%], have you tried with a lighter browser?11:53
lubot<RONI ASAAD> @N0um3n0 [have you tried with a lighter browser?], you welcome again11:54
lubot<RONI ASAAD> @N0um3n0 [have you tried with a lighter browser?], No11:54
lubot<RONI ASAAD> @N0um3n0 [have you tried with a lighter browser?], Like what ؟11:54
lubot<N0um3n0> Falkon, midori, pale Moon, or something derived from chromium, like Brave?11:56
lubot<RONI ASAAD> (Photo, 1280x768) https://i.imgur.com/GuvmmDy.jpg12:24
lubot<RONI ASAAD> (Photo, 1280x768) https://i.imgur.com/xXdLfAP.jpg12:24
lubot<RONI ASAAD> (Photo, 1280x768) https://i.imgur.com/CcMwv7f.jpg And i found the same problem with system appa like Discover12:28
lubot<chikatambun> @N0um3n0 [Falkon, midori, pale Moon, or something derived from chromium, like Brave?], vivaldi12:29
diogenes_looks like you need to change your system theme.12:29
lubot<kc2bez> Try turning on Compton.12:29
lubot<kc2bez> That is a video rendering issue.12:30
lubot<RONI ASAAD> @kc2bez [Try turning on Compton.], How ؟12:56
Noumenoputting it in the terminal as compton, it can also be activated in the startup options.13:24
=== avi is now known as Guest38580
lubot<RONI ASAAD> (Photo, 1280x768) https://i.imgur.com/caivmZs.jpg15:57
nmzmHello everyone :)19:38
nmzmI've tried to google that for hours and still didn't found anything. That's why I want to ask here: I've been using mysql server 5.6 on Ubuntu for a long time and now I want to upgrade mysql server to the new one. As I understand I need to export all tables and then import them to the new DB or there might be issues with that?19:39
nmzmSorry, not Ubuntu, Lubuntu :D19:39

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