
ItzSwirlzHey there everyone/MOTU's. Hope you're all having a great weekend.00:46
ItzSwirlzIn preparation for pre-20.04.1, and trying to transition my Cinnamon packages/patches and eventually (don't worry about it yet) Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix packages into universe.00:47
ItzSwirlzOr, main, etc.00:47
ItzSwirlzI've opened some patches and considering point release is in six days and there's been no update, I'd love to continue developing but I don't know what to name my versions because I don 't know what will get accepted and when.00:47
ItzSwirlzThe last activity was mhodson changing all the Prioritys, includding a muffin regression to... low.00:48
ItzSwirlzSo if you guys, or anyone/any MOTU's are here and want to stop by and check this out, here they are:00:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1887312 in cinnamon-session (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Cinnamon session doesn't shutdown until all apps close regardless if they act to Cinnamon's logout request" [Low,Fix committed]00:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1888169 in muffin (Ubuntu) "Cinnamon segfault at 28 ip 00007fb707b32ae2 sp 00007ffd444e3780 error 6 in libmuffin.so.0.0.0[7fb707afe000+74000]" [Medium,Fix committed]00:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1882375 in cinnamon (Ubuntu) "Cinnamon custom keyboard shortcuts don't work until logout" [Low,Fix committed]00:48
ItzSwirlzwelp i gotta sleep gn04:08

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