[00:01] Unit193: is snapd powering anything important enough that it needs to be in core? [00:01] with the regular version, the gnome software snap plugin is used [00:01] No snaps are pre-installed, no. [00:12] no snaps installed on regular version either :D [00:24] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 20.10 - amd64 - amd64 built. [01:34] I guess I'd also be interested if this works with EFI. [02:11] (I guess for anyone reading and interested: KVM boots fine, grml/loopback.cfg now works.) [14:02] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::platform:: replace libstdc++-9-pic with libstdc++-10-pic @ http://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/platform/commit/?id=c4466ed80c8465ff0567a40992e7f768bd4c91bf (by Matthias Klose) [15:25] jphilips: ah, that's helpful to know :) one of the concerns about the bridge was that it was just one person offering up their personal system (no backup admins), now that I know that there's a whole project around it, we should probably follow-up to see how it's managed and maybe we can just rely upon that [15:32] pleia2: it was only put on a personal system until it was put on xubuntu infra, but bluesabre would be the one installing and managing it on the xubuntu infra once approval came through. we are awaiting bluesabre to email the ML to get in the votes so we can move forward with the proposal [15:39] so is it fosshost or someone's personal system? [15:50] it was on aaditya's personal system until his hosting expired [15:50] now its on fosshost until we move it to xubuntu infra === GridCube_ is now known as GridCube