
BluesKajHiyas all12:35
santa_RikMills: ugh @ that pkg-kde-tools bug report18:09
santa_wtf man18:10
santa_it's very weird, looks like it's lintian itself what is hanging (I've just checked our simple code)18:18
RikMillssanta_: it is lintian. the lintian version in proposed fixed it18:40
RikMillssanta_: the one in release had a change which made each check run in a new process!18:41
RikMillsnow reverted18:41
santa_RikMills: oh, that's great, so we could reupload pkg-kde-tools without Laney's workaround once this fixed lintian migrates, correct?18:41
RikMillssanta_: yes, I tested using the real infra in ppa, and it worked again with the new lintian18:42
santa_thank god. and sorry for the latency replying, I have been even more busy than usual18:44
santa_rushing some things because of the plague and such18:44
santa_so ... maybe next weekend I will have some time to fix that iron hand problem18:45
RikMillsno problem at all.18:45
santa_I already had a quick look some days ago, should be feasible to fix18:45
RikMillsgood. I use it from my container, so is handy18:46

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