
ubptgbot<Curtis Jiles> (Photo, 511x652) https://irc.ubports.com/D0hNO0IC.png06:40
ubptgbot<Flohack> @lduboeuf [is there any device with magnetometer ready ? I would like to know if Stellarium …], Yes does it need magnetometer or compass?07:32
ubptgbot<Flohack> Because currently I got only magnetometer working, compass would be a new plugin to write07:33
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> @Flohack [Yes does it need magnetometer or compass?], I think only magnetometer07:37
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> @Flohack [Yes does it need magnetometer or compass?], [Edit] I think only Magnetometer + Accelerometer07:39
ubptgbot<Flohack> @lduboeuf [I think only Magnetometer + Accelerometer], Install SensorsStatus app and switch to magnetometer, see if it works07:40
ubptgbot<Flohack> If not I have a branch that should enable it07:40
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> well i'm on N5, i bet there is no Magnetometer there :)07:40
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> That is why i was asking if anyone can test Stellarium if any Magnetometer available07:42
ubptgbot<Javacookies> what does Magnetometer do? … Nexus 5 turns display on and off with a magnet … is that it? 😄07:48
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> ahah no :), to get the current position of the phone according to tge07:50
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> [Edit] ahah no :), to get the current position of the phone according to the Northe South East West07:50
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> i think it is that07:50
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> [Edit] ahah no :), to get the current position of the phone according to the Earth's magnetic north.07:52
ubptgbot<Flohack> @lduboeuf [That is why i was asking if anyone can test Stellarium if any Magnetometer avail …], Ok what do I have to do ?08:17
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> just to see if in navigation mode if it works08:18
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> (the "mobile" icon at the bottom right08:20
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/SUbBfv5e.png08:20
ubptgbot<Flohack> Oki need to install first08:21
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> ;-)08:21
ubptgbot<Flohack> Hmm nothing happens openstore 0% progress wth08:21
ubptgbot<Flohack> Well it starts moving ^^08:24
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> yes but don't follow the phone move (tight-left)?08:25
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> [Edit] yes but don't follow the phone move (right-left)?08:25
ubptgbot<Flohack> No it does not. But SensorsStatus shows magnetometer readings. SO, it must be smth with the App08:28
ubptgbot<Flohack> Also, on my N6P (freshly ported) the location indicator on top goes off again after a few secs and I dont get location08:28
ubptgbot<lduboeuf> oh ok, will going to be hard to debug without a device :), thx for the feedback08:29
ubptgbot<Jonas> @zoomer296 [Hey, I just got a UBports CE PinePhone, and OpenStore isn't working for me. … Sto …], Same thing to me, how you manage to fix it?09:02
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @Jonas [Same thing to me, how you manage to fix it?], make sure your internet connection is working … try if the browser works … also check if the time/date is correct10:08
ubptgbot<Jonas> @Javacookies [make sure your internet connection is working … try if the browser works … also chec …], Internet connection is working, time and date also should be correct, but  I will double check it10:23
ubptgbotDoomsday_101 was added by: Doomsday_10110:39
ubptgbotblindfornow was added by: blindfornow10:49
ubptgbotasierurbi was added by: asierurbi10:49
ubptgbot<blindfornow> Hi Guys … Is thr a way to install Ubuntu on nokia 8?10:50
ubptgbot<asierurbi> hello all! after last update on pinephone on 15/07 i cannot get any other update, it feels strange, and when I go to available update channels, the list appears empty :S anyone with same problem? any known solution? thank you!10:51
=== alan_g_ is now known as alan_g
ubptgbot<zoomer296> @Jonas [Same thing to me, how you manage to fix it?], It works under (stable) Wi-Fi, but i never got it to work under mobile data.  … Everything but the store and system updates seem to work, so my guess is a carrier attempt to block tethering, rather than an APN issue.12:41
ubptgbot<zoomer296> What carrier?12:42
ubptgbot<Jonas> @zoomer296 [It works under (stable) Wi-Fi, but i never got it to work under mobile data.  … E …], yes updates are working, but I can't install new app, it just shows loading bar all the time12:50
ubptgbot<Jonas> and I don't use Sim card, only Wi-Fi12:51
ubptgbot<zoomer296> @blindfornow [Hi Guys … Is thr a way to install Ubuntu on nokia 8?], I'm not even seeing android roms for that phone aside from GSI. … I do, however, see plenty of custom kernels. … Your best bet building a Halium patched kernel, and installing the UBports GSI.12:51
ubptgbot<blindfornow> @zoomer296 [I'm not even seeing android roms for that phone aside from GSI. … I do, however, s …], Thx a lot @zoomer296 I chked the halium.. … I am working on it. … I also found source code in the Nokia website.12:53
ubptgbotGeertON7GF was added by: GeertON7GF13:38
ubptgbot<GeertON7GF> Hi anyone else having problems with the Ubuntu Touch Version 37 update by ubports on a BQ E4.5 phone ? … The touch screen sensing is completely messed up!13:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> what channel are you on?13:46
ubptgbot<Flohack> @GeertON7GF [Hi anyone else having problems with the Ubuntu Touch Version 37 update by ubport …], We did not change anything in this area so I doubt its on us.13:54
ubptgbotShaheda Ansari was added by: Shaheda Ansari14:23
ubptgbot<GeertON7GF> OK Thanks Florian, if it is not in the software, I guess my hardware is starting to fail..14:39
ubptgbot<dohbee> @GeertON7GF [Hi anyone else having problems with the Ubuntu Touch Version 37 update by ubport …], i don't know what channel you're on, but that build number doesn't align with what's currently available in any of the supported channels for krillin14:46
ubptgbot<dohbee> are you still on the canonical image perhaps?14:47
ubptgbot<GeertON7GF> nop, I found the problem dough, I've plugged in a mouse in the usb charge port and then I can select everything. With the touchscreen there's an area of the screen that is not responsive, so I think its a hardware issue.  … To bad, this phone has been working perfect for many years now..15:36
ubptgbot<GeertON7GF> [Edit] I found the problem: I've plugged in a mouse in the usb charge port and then I can select everything. With the touchscreen there's an area of the screen that is not responsive, so I think its a hardware issue.  … To bad, this phone has been working perfect for many years now..15:38
ubptgbot<Flohack> @GeertON7GF [I found the problem: I've plugged in a mouse in the usb charge port and then I c …], Wwll the BQs are very brave. For that budget I would never have thought to get that longlasting hardware and almost no wear on the battery. My GF uses hers for 4 years now or so, and it hasnt aged that much. that said, my first E5 suffered di15:51
ubptgbotgitizer damage but rain was involved lol15:51
ubptgbot<GeertON7GF> I agree, this is the best phone I ever had. Maybe it's worth replacing the screen. I've receive my PinePhone this week but it's still too beta to be usable.15:56
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> It is definitely good hardware for the price. My tablet is still going strong, as is the E4.5 I got when they came out. I gave that one to my father when he wanted an Ubuntu Touch device to play with, as I knew it would not break down on him spontaneously... I still miss it every day.16:15
ubptgbot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Anywhere you can buy a bq?16:17
ubptgbot<Danfro> As much as I liked my E5 for several years (still working), I will not exchange it back for my Xperia regarding speed. For battery duration, well, another story. 😉16:19
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> Yeah, you had to put yourself in a different gear to use them if you had a more powerful second device. But all in all though, the performance is still acceptable.16:22
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> @SomeIrrelevantPerson0000 [Anywhere you can buy a bq?], I guess they're only available second hand now. The company itself no longer sells hardware.16:22
ubptgbot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> @ArubIslander [I guess they're only available second hand now. The company itself no longer sel …], I guess that. I see on ebay, but I want the fhd one. :)16:23
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> Ah, you are looking for a tablet. I have no idea what prices they go for. Mine is still in good shape. The case is another story. Good thing I bought a spare case before BQ changed course.16:25
ubptgbot<ArubIslander> I have also ordered a PineTab. Interested to see how it will compare in performance.16:25
ubptgbot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Those pinephone specs are too low for me, although PineTab looks nice16:40
ubptgbot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> 150$ for a really low spec'ed phone. Ehhhh not for me.16:41
ubptgbot<dohbee> as opposed to an e4.5 or e5hd?16:41
ubptgbot<dohbee> the pinephone is definitely higher end than that16:41
ubptgbot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Good thing I didn't ask you. BQ is from 2015, and PinePhone is 2019-2020? I think the specs can be a bit better. Just saying.16:43
ubptgbot<dohbee> no need to be rude. there are plenty of new phones in the sub-$200 price range which are about the same spec level as pinephone16:44
ubptgbot<dohbee> but you're welcome to find a billion dollars to donate to pine64 so they can develop a dodecacore phone with 16GB RAM and 1TB storage16:44
ubptgbot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Not trying to be rude, just thought your remark was a bit hostile.16:45
ubptgbot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> @dohbee [but you're welcome to find a billion dollars to donate to pine64 so they can dev …], Like the sarcasm in this comment16:45
ubptgbot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Good thing I didn't ask you. :)16:45
ubptgbot<dohbee> asking what you are comparing against is hostile? you immediately asked where to buy a bq prior to the statement that pinephone is too low spec16:46
ubptgbot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Low spec'ed for the year it's coming out.16:46
ubptgbot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> Just my opinion.16:47
ubptgbot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> [Edit] Good thing I didn't ask you. BQ  Aquaris M10 FHD is from 2015, and PinePhone is 2019-2020? I think the specs can be a bit better. Just saying.17:04
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> Why does it matter when it came out, if you're going to use it the same year they both exist? … Saying “Id rather have a lower end phone because it came put a few years ago, over a newer phone with better specs because of the tech and culture at the time of release” seems like a REALLY weird way of looking at the world. … And re17:05
ubptgbotplying with “good think I didn't ask you” is where you went wrong in approaching others, it is rude, regardless of if you meant it to sound17:05
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> Teleports broke my old message and replaced it with an older cached one I think, so it was much more poorly written than the one I was meant to post, which is why I deleted that one, sorry.17:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> @PhoenixLandPirate [Teleports broke my old message and replaced it with an older cached one I think, …], doesn't look old to me 🤷‍♀️17:12
ubptgbot<Flohack> @PhoenixLandPirate [Teleports broke my old message and replaced it with an older cached one I think, …], "The dog ate my homework".17:19
ubptgbot<Flohack> @SomeIrrelevantPerson0000 [Low spec'ed for the year it's coming out.], Well how about this: If they come out with a $700 model as another famous company tried... and then find out this or that hardware does not play nice together, we need 15 PCB revisions, users are upset... they are in constant maintenance mode. Shitstorm will be immedia17:21
ubptgbotte. To be honest, as we can see, you cannot do it right. Someone will always be unhappy. So better do a cheaper hardware, and do some iterations, ignoring the trolls in between, and then after a few years, have it perfect. … Hardware is ... guess hard. If you never built a phone before, you cannot do a flagship17:21
ubptgbot<SomeIrrelevantPerson0000> @Flohack [Well how about this: If they come out with a $700 model as another famous compan …], I did not see it like that. I was reading that UT runs very smoothly on BQ Aquaris M10. I remember seeing a video of UT PinePhone and it was pretty laggy. I don't have a PinePhone so it's probably 10 times better at the moment.17:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> @SomeIrrelevantPerson0000 [I did not see it like that. I was reading that UT runs very smoothly on BQ Aquar …], the m10 and pinephone are not comparable through how you see UT perform on a video on the internet though. the pinephone is developer hardware, not daily use, and it is all open drivers. it's also the first usage of all wayland f17:44
ubptgbotor UT, and there are still some hiccups with how the GPU is used by mir/lomiri, which gives a false sense that the hardware doesn't perform as well as it can. once the issue is fixed, UT will appear much more fluid17:44
ubptgbot<pizzalovingnerd> Fwd from pizzalovingnerd: Hey guys, I am having an issue with Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 5 where I cannot play music through my Onforu Bluetooth bike speaker.17:46
ubptgbot<pizzalovingnerd> Fwd from pizzalovingnerd: It connects to the speaker, and it detects it as a headset, and than when I play music, it goes through the phone's speakers, and when I turn up or down the volume, it changes to volume for the speaker17:46
ubptgbot<GeertON7GF> It's true that you can't get all right, and after playing arround a little bit with my newly received PinePhone, I accept that loads of stuff aren't working and are buggy, however, I did expect to at least to be able to receive and make phonecalls, if not, is getting kinda difficult to call it a phone...17:56
ubptgbot<Danfro> All pinephone batches released so far are developer batches for devs to develop a working OS for the phone.17:58
ubptgbot<Danfro> So if an enduser buys the phone, well bugs are to be expected.17:58
ubptgbot<Danfro> Although I guess with lots of devs working on the phone, I would expect quick improvements.17:59
ubptgbotFrank was added by: Frank18:01
ubptgbot<GeertON7GF> Sure, I don't mind that, I knew what I was buying, so I accept that camera isn't working, I get a list of gliches, and so on... It just came as a surprise to me that the basic phone functionality wasn't working.18:03
ubptgbot<Danfro> I guess only because it is a basic functionality it is not necessarily easy to fix. 😁18:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> @GeertON7GF [Sure, I don't mind that, I knew what I was buying, so I accept that camera isn't …], but it does work for plenty of people 🤷‍♀️18:06
ubptgbot<dohbee> it's the real 5g conspiracy, as providers move to take older bands offline and force consumers to upgrade and use VoLTE and other newer things18:07
ubptgbot<GeertON7GF> Receiveing call's seems to work, but dailing out doesn't, so I guess thats halfway there 😊18:07
ubptgbot<GeertON7GF> I've tried sim cards of 2 different operators, both refuse outgoing calls.18:11
ubptgbot<Javacookies> @pizzalovingnerd [It connects to the speaker, and it detects it as a headset, and than when I play …], there's a current bug where audio doesn't get routed to BT if the app is already open when you connected thr BT speaker/headset. Try reopening the app once you soeaker is already connected. Otherwise, you might be unlucky to have a B18:20
ubptgbotT device that doesn't work well on UT. You can also try a reboot or retrying to pair as last options.18:20
ubptgbot<pizzalovingnerd> @Javacookies Cool, I'll try it18:20
ubptgbot<pizzalovingnerd> Also does anyone have a list of APNs that work on Ubuntu Touch?  I can't get data or MMS working18:21
ubptgbot<pizzalovingnerd> I'm on AT&T18:21
ubptgbot<pizzalovingnerd> @Javacookies [there's a current bug where audio doesn't get routed to BT if the app is already …], This worked :D18:24
ubptgbot<Javacookies> nice, so at the moment, you have to restart the app if ever you BT device gets disconnected. This is actually a regression but so far it hasn't been fixed yet18:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> @GeertON7GF [I've tried sim cards of 2 different operators, both refuse outgoing calls.], try switching data from 4g to 2g/3g18:27
ubptgbot<GeertON7GF> That was the first thing I've tried, same problem.18:48
ubptgbot<gnugarro> Hi guys. Is there any app to encrypt files?19:05
ubptgbot<gnugarro> I did not find any in the OpenStore19:05
ubptgbot<Jonas> If you can use internet, try geens.com19:19
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Jonas [If you can use internet, try geens.com], err, wrong group?19:24
ubptgbotbadfellowman was added by: badfellowman19:25
ubptgbot<dohbee> [Edit] err, wrong group? Jonas19:25
ubptgbot<Jonas> Why so, just made recomendation about end to end file encryption platform. … True it is not an app, but I normally use it with pine phone.19:27
ubptgbot<dohbee> it looked like spam as it was just a link with "if you have internet click here"19:34
ubptgbot<dohbee> @gnugarro [Hi guys. Is there any app to encrypt files?], i don't think there is, but what exactly are you looking to do. encrypt local files? encrypt to send as attachment in dekko? or what?19:35
ubptgbot<gnugarro> @dohbee [i don't think there is, but what exactly are you looking to do. encrypt local fi …], Encrypt file locally19:35
ubptgbot<gnugarro> @dohbee [i don't think there is, but what exactly are you looking to do. encrypt local fi …], [Edit] Encrypt files locally19:35
ubptgbot<dohbee> @gnugarro [Encrypt files locally], you could install gnupg inside libertine container and use it there19:36
ubptgbot<Jonas> @dohbee [it looked like spam as it was just a link with "if you have internet click here"], Agree, my comunications skills are very broken.19:46
ubptgbot<Jonas> @gnugarro [Encrypt files locally], If for some reasons you are using android (hope this sounds not like a swear-word) give it a try.19:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> but there's no supported method to encrypt all data on storage at the moment19:51
ubptgbot<Jonas> Can I use a dongle  (type c) to connect external monitor and mouse?20:01
ubptgbot<dohbee> on pinephone? if you've fixed the hardware so that OTG mode can work, i guess so. or if you have the newer revision with the hardware fix already (which you probably don't since it hasn't shipped yet afaik).20:03
ubptgbot<Jonas> @dohbee [on pinephone? if you've fixed the hardware so that OTG mode can work, i guess so …], Yes pine one.20:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> the braveheart and ubports CE revisions of the hardware don't have working OTG or displayport on USB-C, and need a hardware fix to enable it. there's documentation on pinephone wiki and a video of how to do it if you're confident enough.20:09
ubptgbot<Jonas> Probably I am not, but can you drop a link?20:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Jonas [Probably I am not, but can you drop a link?], search in @utonpine group20:15
ubptgbot<Jonas> https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=emb_title&v=xf8OJtjNWUM … Looks like, this one. Well not THAT hard if you have hot air station, but still you need to be very delicate20:29
ubptgbot<dohbee> yep. didn't need a repost though :P20:30
ubptgbot<Jonas> Sorry, so my further  will go there20:34
ubptgbot<pizzalovingnerd> So I'm having an issue where Ubuntu Touch  can't detect cell data20:55
ubptgbot<pizzalovingnerd> On my Nexus 5, can somebody help me with that20:55
ubptgbot<Flohack> @pizzalovingnerd [On my Nexus 5, can somebody help me with that], In general its very unlikely that this is a problem on the N5, but do you use an uncommon provider, which needs special APN or MNC MSC settings?20:58
ubptgbot<pizzalovingnerd> I am using AT&T20:58
ubptgbot<pizzalovingnerd> And it was working earlier this morning...20:59
ubptgbot<Flohack> Oh okay ;)20:59
ubptgbot<mintphin> hey. i want to apologize for the offensive naming i had on my profile in the previous months21:05
ubptgbot<mintphin> generally to the community and the administrators of the group21:06
ubptgbot<dohbee> thanks. i hope the other members of your other group have been able to recognize the problem with that naming as well21:08
ubptgbot<mintphin> they haven't. probably gonna leave that group very soon too.21:08
ubptgbot<mintphin> aaand now they're plannign to raid one of my groups22:26
ubptgbot<mintphin> [Edit] aaand now they're planning to raid one of my groups22:26
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @mintphin [aaand now they're planning to raid one of my groups], You'll get through it and it'll be alright. But thanks for letting us know.23:11
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Troll raids are never fun.23:12
ubptgbot<mintphin> i know from experience. I used to manage a website which got raided daily.23:12

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