
enycunclear-location issue, not sure where to report....07:29
enycUbuntu 20.04 / Mint 20 , doesn't seem to matter which desktop, gives corrupted display on e.g.  ATI RS480  radeon gpu   (something under the hood somewhere...)07:30
enycdoesn't affect login screen07:31
enycworks in 18.04 and  Debian-1007:31
enycwhen corrupted present, mouse cursor overlay still works  but everything else unusable...07:31
enycHave tried downgrading all the xorg (including -video drivers) packages, old  linux-firmware,  removing mesa accel packages,   no effect07:32
enyc...   There semes to be many non-specific reports of ubuntu 20.04 screen corruption bugs  about but unclear07:32
enycAs such, I don't know where to look to bisect issue   or report bug and so-on07:35
enyc09:34 < apw> enyc, the right place for screen corruption is ubuntu-x, they will be able to split kernel/mesa/X08:34
* enyc ROARs =)08:35
tjaaltonprobably a kernel regression then08:52
tjaaltontry a newer mainline one08:52
enyctjaalton: oooh thankyou for answer13:19
enycactually i tried PREVIOUS kernels to no effect (that used to work...)13:19
enyc4.10 4.15 etc13:20
enycand also in fact, tried a 5.7.0-2  debian kernel pkg too, also same problem13:20
enycsorry i missed out that fact13:20
enycSo, appears problem is not:  kernel, xorg (including drivers), radeon firmware, mesa (if i removed correctly), ...........13:21
tjaaltondunno then13:24
tjaaltontry #radeon13:24
enyctjaalton: did that already ;-(21:11

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