
quadrathoch2what is a skeleton of the root system? portd00:00
portdquadrathoch2, you amaze me.00:02
portdno, I mistook that for an answer. quad*00:02
portdA skeleton of a system is the collection of the root file-system that allows a user to run Linux.00:03
portdI borrow “skeleton” from the way the `man` pages describe the method to instantiate the home directory of a new user.00:03
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier00:04
quadrathoch2do you mean this? portd00:05
quadrathoch2I still don't understand00:05
portdI want a *tar file that I can extract, then `chroot` into.00:05
portdIt's an outdated way to work with containers, but it's what I know.00:06
portdI'm going through the docker docs now, to see if I can offload my downloads into an external drive.00:06
portdshort of that, I wanted to offload my Ubuntu Live onto a hard-drive.00:07
quadrathoch2portd look into debootstrap00:07
Sven_vBportd, you could loop-mount the ubuntu cloud image, then tar the files in it.00:07
portdI have to offload because this dum-dum /me00:07
portdokay perfect00:07
Sven_vBportd, or you could multistrap a new Ubuntu, and tar the files ;)00:07
portdI'll try00:08
portdsounds promising00:08
Sven_vBportd, why offlonad to the disk? for speed?00:08
portdSystem's running on 4G stick. But I want to load things for #Big #Data00:09
Sven_vByou can mount disk partitions into the live environment.00:09
portdcorrect, but using docker to get containers with pre-configured, isolated systems00:09
Sven_vBwell yeah docker is rather easy for containerizing Ubuntus00:10
portdno clue where docker and multipass cache their files00:10
portdso I figured I'll just push the entire system onto a computer.00:10
Sven_vBdid you know you can boot the live ISO from disk? ;)00:10
portdinstead of going down some battle with re-configuration00:10
tripelbBasic but a problem. Here I am 20.04 in the directory program. I am in downloads and I want a new folder. I r-click here and there and I get no choices. In list mode.00:11
Sven_vBtripelb, do you mean the "new folder" entry is greyed-out?00:11
portdoh that is a good idea00:11
tripelbI dont see a new folder entry. I may be clicking in the wrong place.00:12
Sven_vBI boot all my live ISOs from SSD nowadays, it's a lot faster than USB thumb drives.00:13
tripelbI rclicknon downloada on the left or on the top. Or in the window (but there everything is files)00:13
oerheksshft ctrl N - new folder00:14
tripelbI can click in the blank space in the hone fder and get a new folder but that can't be the only way!00:15
tripelbShift control N searchea for N00:15
portdSven_vB, I guess I figure out how to do that from a bootloader00:16
portdnot a bad idea. but good for another day.00:16
oerheksworks fine here00:16
tripelbAh, click on the "downloads on the LEFT and then shirt control N offers me new folder00:16
tripelbThat is so obscure.00:17
Sven_vBportd, you can also use the SuperGRUB disk, it detects <(any ext or ntfs or fat filesystem)>/boot-isos/*.iso00:17
tripelbThanks oerheks  -- why isn't it in the menus?00:18
oerheksgood point..00:19
* portd noted Sven_vB00:20
oerhekswhen you open the tripple stripe / menu buttoen, the top left one is 'new folder' but as icon00:20
GerowinGot a raspberry pi running Ubuntu 18.04.  When I do "sudo do-release-upgrade" I get, There is no development version of an LTS available.  Is there no upgrade script to take the Pi version from 18.04 to 20.04?00:32
rfmGerowin, LTS>LTS upgrades aren't enabled until the first maintenance release, 20.04.1.  Should be sometime this week I think...00:34
quadrathoch2should be on the 6th00:34
GerowinAh ok, good to know, thanks, :-)00:34
lotuspsychje.1 iso's are still getting tested00:37
FaTaL_Ghow do I find out if the broadcom chipset I'm hoping would eventually be incorporated is or not?00:41
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: you want to know if a future computer will support your bc chip?00:43
Bashing-omFaTaL_G: Broadcom is proprietary - not a thing we can do about that.00:43
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, no, I want to know if the latest 20.04 kernels will support the broadcom chipset that has not been supported for a very long time00:44
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: wich magic broadcom chipset would that be?00:44
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, I think I get that, however, there are a TON of drivers that are supported. I guess I don't understand what makes one special over another.00:45
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje the 4366c, its a wireless AC pcie card. *(currently there is a "hack" way to extract the proprietary binary from Linux router firmware, which is linux based)00:46
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: do you have a bug ID for your case?00:47
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje: I think so, its a widely known issue, there was whispers that 19 would (or did) support it. I'll see if I can find it.00:48
lotuspsychjei found bug #1830396 but not sure its your case00:49
ubottubug 1830396 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "Broadcomm PCE-AC88 wifi drops out - system freezes" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183039600:49
Sven_vBis openbox supported here?00:49
Sven_vB(##openbox is almost empty)00:49
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: i would reccomend, if something is not working out of the box on ubuntu, you file a !bug for your case so at least the developers know about it, and can take some action00:50
lotuspsychjeSven_vB: openbox is a supported package on ubuntu, if you have troubles with it, shoot00:50
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, that is the same "bug" note he says "I followed instructions to retrieve the correct firmware from drivers available on the manufacturer web site, and I was having no issue."00:51
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: do you feel its similar as your case?00:51
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, if you look at the kernel drivers even in 20.04, the /lib/firmware/brcm/brcmfmac4366c-pcie.bin does not exist00:53
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: as this bug the dev suggests to contact the BC maintainers, might be wise to follow, still i would consider creating a new bug for your case for 20.0400:55
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, can you advise where I report? I'm happy to.00:56
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: not sure where the maintainers hide, but for the ubuntu part you can: ubuntu-bug packagename00:57
Sven_vBoh it seems my xmodmap is wrong. I changed /etc/default/keyboard recently and rebooted, should I have rebuilt something before reboot?01:02
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje: do I write it against the kernel or lib/firmware? I don't understand how to report this device since it seems this device does not have kernel support yet other ones do01:02
Sven_vBnow at least openbox's behavior makes sense :)01:02
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: file against the kernel, ubuntu-bug linux01:02
FaTaL_Gthank you01:02
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: if you feel the previous bug is like yours, we can dupe it to yours01:03
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje: oh boy... it looks like the bug report is going to expose my ip and other ethernet traffic due to iptables-dropped rules showing up... I will have to redirect that output and then wait for a reboot.01:05
Sven_vBmy "left" arrow key sends keycode 113, and in Xenial this was mapped correctly: "xmodmap -pk | grep ' 113 ' # ->     113            0xff51 (Left)   0x0000 (NoSymbol)       0xff51 (Left)", but now in focal it maps to "113         0xfe03 (ISO_Level3_Shift)       0x0000 (NoSymbol)       0xfe03 (ISO_Level3_Shift)". what may have gone wrong?01:06
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: there are future plans of dmesg hiding more info...but thats for the near future01:06
Sven_vBmight I be missing some language packs?01:07
Sven_vBbut I think it workes in the initramfs, I'll check.01:07
reallymemorableis there a good lightweight program for signing PDFs01:08
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje: it looks like its not in my syslog or dmesg currently, it is in /var/log/iptables.log* already - does ubuntu-bug just grab all files in the log folder/01:11
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: no, ubuntu bug grabs only whats relevant to the package you chosen to file against01:12
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: sometimes more or less info needed on the bug01:12
Sven_vBmy arrow keys work in GRUB, they work in focal's initramfs rescue shell. they also work in the shell on TTY1. (even after lightdm has started, i.e. when it's running in the background.) but somehow in the openbox in lightdm in vt7, they're mapped wrong. there's no ~/.Xmodmap or similar in my home directory.01:13
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje, and iptables drop is "kernel" level. Can I hide it since it is not needed?01:13
lotuspsychjeFaTaL_G: i dont think ubuntu-bug can be manipulated much on the info it pulls01:15
Sven_vBxfce4 has the same arrow keys mismapping01:15
lotuspsychjeunless you file the bug manual, wich we dont advice01:15
lotuspsychjeSven_vB: please avoid describing every step in the channel like this, ask 1 question then await if volunteers reply you01:16
FaTaL_Glotuspsychje: alrighty then, that's kind of a big deal (exposing that data), I will reboot on a live load without a connection and "save it" or up the interface after its collected....01:18
rxdeathok wtf...a few of my godady websites won't load from my 16.04 computer.... from my windows laptop it loads, and from a linux and windows virtual machine hosted on the 16.04 machine in virtual box it WILL load.  but not directly from the 16.04.    others work find, no funny /etc/hosts business, rebooted computer, router, modem, etc.01:20
rxdeathanyone think of anything i'm not thinking of?01:21
rxdeathsuper weird the virtual machine hosted on the offender, loads the websites just fine.  they are static html pages with links only, nothing complicated or special01:21
FaTaL_Grxdeath, maybe something with the mod_rewrite for /01:21
rxdeaththis has worked for years, i've had the hosting with godaddy for over a decade01:22
rxdeathdoy ou mean server side on on this computer that won't load?01:23
rxdeathand i've bene on this computer since 16.04 no problems, i hate to ev en say it, but my job is it and this is driving me nuts01:24
rxdeathi assume it has to be something with this install that is acting a fool because i can't find another computer that it doesn't work on, however super weird, it won't load on my phone either, i just checked01:25
FaTaL_Grxdeath: flush your dns, and look at your routetable.... if I understand what you are saying, other computers can load the site, but this 16.04 box cannot... and it is hosted on this box, just redirected from a host holding the domain and dns record01:25
rxdeathno not even.  its not hosted on this box, everything is on godaddy01:26
rxdeathjust this can't access pages from gd01:27
rxdeathdns resolves to the correct ip01:27
rxdeathwget freezes01:27
rxdeathfor example, i have a static html page with like 50 links on organized into categories i regularly use as a start page01:27
rxdeathi did a tracert from here and the windows computer and its the same hops01:28
Sven_vBrxdeath, you could try spying on the network traffic to see what's actually transmitted01:35
Sven_vBrxdeath, maybe some VPN or routes problem?01:35
rxdeathno vpn in use01:36
Sven_vBor funny DNS servers01:36
rxdeathtraceroute looks the same01:36
rxdeathgoogle and comcast01:36
rxdeathi have wget and it has the right ip, but it just sits there01:36
rxdeathi dropped the mtu down to 1000 just to see wtf, because i read something that i could be that, but still no love01:37
Sven_vBdo other sites work?01:37
rxdeathi'm actually on the computer01:38
rxdeathits my main desktop, and i can't find anythign else that doesn't work, only my sites on godaddy hosting01:38
Sven_vBis TLS involved? maybe a certificates problem?01:38
rxdeathno, one site is literally just a list of a hrefs in a table01:39
rxdeathhttp no s01:39
Sven_vBwhat does that traffic look like in wireshark? does the request even go out?01:40
rxdeaththe vbox windows i have running on this computer with bridged adapter works fine01:40
rxdeathi'm trying the ubuntu live cd to double check01:40
rxdeathi haven't wiresharked it01:40
rxdeathok so i see no http get request01:44
rxdeatha lot of tls, but i don't know why it would do that as its not https01:44
rxdeathok so ping makes it out to the ip and comes back01:47
rxdeathbut seems like the http requrest isn't showing in wireshark01:48
rxdeathi assume it would just be a normal get http protocol request01:48
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FaTaL_Grxdeath, are you running a proxy02:00
FaTaL_Grxdeath, it really sounds like you have something cached. Your live boot will probably work fine.02:01
rxdeathno proxy02:02
rxdeathlive boot failed02:02
rxdeathwindows vm still loads02:03
rxdeathi see the http get request in wireshark form the windows vm, but from the host ubuntu i just see tcp syn/ack02:03
rxdeathno get request02:03
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coolusername12is it true a keylogger can be installed without root privileges?02:15
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Sven_vBhow can I find which kernel module controls wlp2s0?02:38
Sven_vBor is there a way to configure powersaving "off" as the default for all wifi antennae?02:39
Sven_vBfound it, for NM it's /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf02:41
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ryaeng@tatertotz: Finally able to check out the laptop. Working on first boot this evening.03:21
ryaengLogged in, connected to WiFi, and performed updates.03:21
ryaengReboot. Problem returns.03:21
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ryaengInput appears to be accepted but the only indicator is the black box at the top left hand corner. I don’t think a reboot is going to fix it. https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/StKtxkdX/61811804564__EDF4168C-BA1B-43F1-ABA8-926C5B020451.mp403:29
GeoHi, stuck on an ln question. I have /foo and /bar as existing directories (bar is currently empty). Because of an application setting I can't change, I'd like to link /bar to /foo. I tried doing ln -s /foo /bar, but that creates /bar/foo. This is also in a docker container, so I can't use mount. What else could I try to make /bar link (or pick a better term) to /foo?03:31
mneptokGeo: fully qualify your paths03:35
mneptok(unless your example is correct, and these dirs exist at the root level of the fs03:35
Geo /foo is, /bar is not- but I did fully qualify the path to /bar03:36
Geoso better said, it creates /full/path/to/bar/foo03:37
GeoI just want /full/path/to/bar   to point to /foo03:38
profdeadmeathello ancient character here trying to install ubuntu using debootstrap.  Is grub still used or what should be used instead.03:42
coolusername12are we against normal installation methods?03:42
quadrathoch2profdeadmeat grub is still used :) but v203:42
profdeadmeatas an ancient character I use what I can.  only cd that booted was system restore.  knoppix versions failed misrably.03:43
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profdeadmeatlooks like grub for normal computers is not available in standard cache03:51
profdeadmeathttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux#Debootstrap  has not been updated since lucid.03:52
Geoprofdeadmeat: I'll come back and ask what was mentioned earlier- why can't you use normal install media? perhaps I'm misunderstanding what your issue is03:52
profdeadmeatGeo: only cd that booted machine was a system restore cd which was arch linux03:55
Geoif the machine can't boot from a modern CD, I don't expect you'll be successful in running ubuntu down the road. I'd look more into how you are burning those CDs, maybe? Is this a super old computer?03:57
quadrathoch2profdeadmeat you would just need to install grub after chrooting into it03:58
Geoprofdeadmeat: also, which version of ubuntu did you try installing?04:03
profdeadmeathave not yet tried to reboot but just various docs do talk about grub and not finding it cleanly in the apt-get cache is disconcerting.04:07
quadrathoch2it should be there profdeadmeat04:08
independentcan someone explain me how gitlab builder works? I have heavy work to be compiled and uploaded but I lack information can someone view my repo and tell me more about that feature? https://gitlab.com/remigirard28/MollyEskam-Linux04:10
cyp3dWondering if authorized_keys data is considered sensitive?04:12
cyp3dFrom a security standpoint, if that was submitted to a public github - is that bad?04:12
k_szeDoes anybody know of some open source or free software PDF viewer with built-in dictionary lookup?04:14
independentk_sze: libreoffice04:14
k_szelibreoffice is very heavy weight though, and it sometimes has difficulty opening some even pretty small PDFs.04:18
independentalways depends of your ram04:19
quadrathoch2k_sze it's probably not because of the size, but adobe is constantly changing the pdf standard, so the open source programs have to catch up04:19
k_szeI'm going to try and see if Okular has built-in dictionary lookup.04:26
k_szeI mean the lookup function being built-in. The dictionary doesn't need to be built-in. Like the dictionary lookup in Calibre (except Calibre absolutely sucks at rendering PDF).04:27
k_szeOkular is close, except it opens the lookup in a separate web browser.04:32
k_szeI kinda wish it could open the lookup in a pane of the PDF reading window.04:33
urgentI just made a bootable usb to try ubuntu 20.04 on my new laptop and it's completely frozen nothing works I can't turn it off everything is over heating please anyone can help06:33
EriC^^urgent: hold the power button06:33
urgentdoesn't work06:33
quadrathoch2urgent just force it off (pressing the power button for 5+ secs06:33
EriC^^urgent: remove battery?06:33
urgentCan't remove the battery06:34
EriC^^urgent: try alt+prntscreen+b06:34
scythefwd2I know my laptop supports usb c PD... at least for charging the laptop.. is there a way to see if linux recognizes that capability (hoping to chain  devices and use it to power a usb c pd device06:35
urgentNothing with alt+prntscreen+b06:36
urgentI even removed the usb because I didn.t install ubuntu06:36
urgentNothing works06:36
urgentWhat can I do the laptop is going to burn06:37
urgentIt's at overmax temp.06:37
scythefwd2urgent.. press and hold the power button until it shuts off06:39
scythefwd2thats acpi which is built into bios /uefi ... not OS level06:39
scythefwd2it's a harsh shutdown.. your filesystem may not care for it06:39
urgentIt worked this time thank you guys\06:40
scythefwd2havent had that happen in ubuntu yet.. what laptop ? (I had that issue about 2x a month in mint, which is why I'm curious)06:41
urgentWhy did that happen all I did was clicked on about and the whole thing was frozen06:41
scythefwd2I cant tell ya... you'll have to go digging through journalctl and see if it recorded anything06:42
urgentI just bought it today Ausu ROG06:42
scythefwd2not to sound rough.. but whew.. its not my laptop model lol06:42
urgentIntel i7 10th gen Nvidia GTX 1650ti 16 GB DDR4 ram 512 pcie NV ssd06:42
EriC^^urgent: maybe it had some kernel issue and froze or something06:43
scythefwd2does happen.. laptops .. especially ones designed with windows in mind.. can have some funky hardware that can cause stability issues with their f/oss counterpart modules06:44
urgentModel G512Li06:44
EriC^^urgent: it might also be something to do with the nvidia card, maybe using nomodeset and then installing drivers later might help06:44
urgentBut I didn't install ubuntu only try it06:45
EriC^^urgent: yeah, try to boot with nomodeset, just to see if it works better in the live session maybe06:45
EriC^^!nomodeset | urgent06:45
ubottuurgent: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.06:45
EriC^^urgent: are you using latest iso? i think it's at 20.04.1 now06:46
urgentDoes 20.04 work well with Nvidia gtx 1650ti06:46
urgentYes Ijust downloaded it from ubuntu . com06:47
urgentThis is a very new model laptop maybe too new?06:48
EriC^^hello sshine06:49
sshineI'm trying to configure a Docker image based on Ubuntu, and for that I want to add a PPA, which requires the 'software-properties-common' package. installing that I eventually get prompted with a 'Please select the geographic area in which you live.' live menu. how do I disable that?06:49
sshine(so I might type 'apt install -y ...' to avoid prompting if I'm sure. is there a similar command-line switch that will pick some default locale?)06:50
sshineah, someone asked this question on askubuntu :) https://askubuntu.com/questions/909277/avoiding-user-interaction-with-tzdata-when-installing-certbot-in-a-docker-contai06:51
urgentCan I paste a link to the laptop here?06:51
scythefwd2for what purpose?06:51
urgentMaybe someone hee can see if there is an issue with this laptop with ubuntu06:52
urgentYes No?06:53
scythefwd2you've already given the model number06:53
urgentOh okay06:54
urgentWhat do you think?06:54
urgentCan a laptop be too new for ubuntu?06:55
urgentOr should I install and not try?06:55
EriC^^urgent: try it with 'nomodeset' first to try to see if its a nvidia issue06:56
urgentI don't know what that is or how to do it sorry06:56
urgentAll I saw when it was loading was about 12 lines of errors06:57
urgentI think it said no network connection06:57
urgentI didn't add the wifi at the time of booting from the usb06:58
scythefwd2urgent.. nothing you listed should be too much of a problem.. , but you're gonna have to modify your grub menu while sitting at the menu06:58
scythefwd2and trying that nomodeset in your grub menu may have an effect06:58
urgentBut when you just try and not install it is in read only nothing is saved just running from ram06:59
EriC^^urgent: yeah but it runs differently07:00
urgentIs it better to install then to try?07:00
scythefwd2urgent.. https://www.dell.com/support/article/en-us/sln306327/manual-nomodeset-kernel-boot-line-option-for-linux-booting?lang=en  step by step on how to set nomodeset07:00
EriC^^urgent: when you booted the live usb, did you get a black and white menu at the top, or did you get a neat menu in the middle?07:00
urgentNeat menu07:01
urgentEverything was fine until I clicked on settings about07:01
urgentthen everything was frozen07:01
EriC^^urgent: in the neat menu i think if you press 'f6' it should offer to select nomodeset07:02
tatertotzthen just don't do that anymore07:02
urgentLoL okay07:02
urgentI will try it again now that it had time to cool down07:03
urgentthanks guys for the help I will let you know what happens07:03
urgentI was to see the error at booting it said connection to tpm something\07:07
urgentShould I disable tpm in the bios?07:08
urgenti think that is trusted platform mod07:09
tatertotzthere is a #hardware channel07:11
urgentOkay thanks07:12
scythefwd2ubuntu can use your tpm07:13
scythefwd2if it's throwing errors and you're just testing out.. you're going to want to  leave it enabled.. otherwise it will cause mary hobb with booting into windows (part of secure boot)07:14
urgentI disabled secure boot I wasn't planning on keeping windows07:15
scythefwd2believe it or not.. ubuntu can handle secure boot too07:15
urgentI just wanted to test it out to see if it detected my wifi and gpu07:16
scythefwd2there are some gotcha's if you dual boot.. but on it's own it seems to be working fine, at least on my desktop and my laptop07:16
scythefwd2gpu it will.. probably defaults to noveau drivers07:16
scythefwd2wifi.. that would depend07:16
urgentIt did detect the wifi just fine07:16
JoniiHello. I upgraded 18.04 to 20.04 and I lost the headphone jack audio device in the process07:16
JoniiIt's visible in alsamixer but not in pavucontrol or ubuntu sound settings07:17
urgentand it is the intel wifi 607:17
scythefwd2@urgent: wifi has been my biggest support woe on linux so far.. there are other things that dont work.. but I never expected those to.. the wifi I need though lol07:17
JoniiWith headphone jack I also lost my microphone07:17
urgentYes for sure we need the wifi07:18
urgentI'm was surprised with such anew wifi card ubuntu detected it right away no issues07:18
scythefwd2intel chipsets are usually pretty well supported07:19
urgentIt's a intel card not sure what model just know its wifi 607:19
scythefwd2my realtek.. took over a year to get it supported07:19
scythefwd2yeah, this laptop has been hard to find a distro for07:19
scythefwd2so far, ubuntu 20.04 has been the most stable, well supported of them07:20
urgentFunny thing is i have a intel core i5 6th gen with onboard gpu and it hates ubuntu never worked after 16.0407:21
scythefwd2just upgraded the graphics drivrs.. and whew.. shes warming up under glmark.. just hit 74 degrees on cpu and gpu (its really same chip .. )07:21
urgentCrashes every 10 secs07:22
scythefwd2dont think I've heard this fan work like that in a long while woohoo lol07:22
urgentI think my command line history is off i typed grep gpu and its hanging07:23
urgentI guess i missed something lol07:23
scythefwd2lets see.. of the things I've had to fight with on this laptop.. touch screen , usb hotplugging issues, wireless, graphics not accelerated, stylus, and I think the sensor for auto rotating the screen into tablet mode07:24
scythefwd2all now work.. but it's been a bumpy ride.  Thats what I get for having one of the earlier ryzen laptops lol07:25
scythefwd2 well all but the screen flippy thing07:25
scythefwd2even got the IR camera to do face recognition07:26
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urgentwow that's good07:28
scythefwd2lucky lol.. screen flippy thing I never expect to work outside of windows..07:29
urgentIntel AX201 wifi card works 100% with 20.0407:29
scythefwd2realtek rt8822b is good now, took a while07:29
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supastupidOk I’m here for an actual Ubuntu problem this time... the Ubuntu installer checks files and cuts to a black screen with the asus logo, and thenubuntu10:16
supastupidthe Ubuntu logo10:16
supastupidFreaking iPad keyboard autocorrect10:16
manu27993supastupid: press esc key to know what's going on10:17
supastupidEsc doesn’t no crap10:19
supastupidaaa ipad10:20
manu27993supastupid: press esc when you start seeing both asus and Ubuntu logo... Check for any errors highlighted in red10:21
supastupidI cnat10:21
supastupidthis is what it looks like10:22
supastupiddont mind the cables10:22
TJ-supastupid: you may need to tap Esc repeatedly so it is caught by GRUB as it loads --- unfortunately modern UEFI doesn't provide a way for the boot-loader to detect a key held down (such as shift), only key-down key-up events - hence needing to tap!10:22
supastupidWait what10:23
supastupidim losstttt10:23
supastupidwhere and when do I press esc10:23
TJ-supastupid: that appears to be the Plymouth 'splash' screen which 'hides' the kernel loading messages... usually at that point it is after the kernel has loaded and tapping Esc should hide that 'splash' and reveal the kernel messages (as text)10:24
supastupidi also remove quiet splash sometimes10:24
supastupidno errors10:24
manu27993supastupid: when you see both the logos and a spinning loader icon in between the logos, press esc key10:24
supastupidWithout quiet splash it also cuts to black screen ;-;10:25
TJ-supastupid: there are 2 points. 1) at early boot loader time to intercept the boot-loader menu so you can choose options like Recovery, or an older kernel, or 2) after boot when system is booting and you want to hide the Splash and see the messages10:25
supastupidcant open dev sro10:26
supastupidFailed unmounting cdrom10:27
supastupidgets all the way to network manager dispatcher then freezess10:27
TJ-supastupid: the "black screen' is usually a symptom of a problem with the GPU/display drivers10:28
supastupidthis is more confusing then me changing my arch Efi partition to ext410:28
manu27993supastupid: have you updated you graphics driver recently?10:28
supastupidi don’t have qan os on ,y lc10:29
Paddy_NII have two displays plugged in to the same GPU, DVI and D-SUB.  If I open an Application like Private Internet Access's "PIA Manager" or "Discord" on the D-SUB monitor performance for that App is terrible.  Animations are so slow that it is unusable, I have also noticed this is true for AnyDesk which is for remotely accessing other PC's.  If I move any of these windows over to DVI monitor then it is perfect.10:29
supastupidi don’t hav an os on my computer10:29
TJ-supastupid: hmmm, it is possible that system has an unusual WiFi device that needs custom driver or firmware to operate, and as a result could be 'hanging' trying to find a working network connection10:29
supastupidi have a crap routee10:30
supastupiddoe,s it really need WiFi tgo10:30
supastupidmy WiFi has password10:30
manu27993supastupid: try booting with a LAN connection10:30
supastupidyou mean ether cable10:30
supastupidrouter far away10:31
supastupidbig, big, big sad10:31
manu27993No you don't need internet to boot...10:31
supastupidWell how do I boot withoutit10:32
supastupidnetworkmanager is not happy10:32
supastupidher is an imag10:33
supastupidhere is an. Image10:33
=== mateen1 is now known as mateen
TJ-Paddy_NI: That sounds like an issue with the GPU; sounds like it is having some kind of problem driving the VGA output... like no hardware acceleration10:37
supastupidI’m back anyone got da solution10:46
quadrathoch2supastupid do you got a nvidia card?10:49
supastupidSorry fro bad pidture10:49
supastupidnvidia GeForce GTX 106010:50
quadrathoch2when you see the menu what you want to boot, click e on the "ubuntu" menu point, and at the end of linux, put "nomodeset" without "10:53
quadrathoch2supastupid ^10:53
supastupidi can’t wait to play troce10:53
supastupid noooooo10:55
supastupidit doesn’t recognize the usb anymore10:55
supastupidthicc ubuntu10:57
supastupidJeez I have a horrible voice10:58
supastupidblak screen with cursor it gets to now10:58
Paddy_NITJ-, Yes I suppose it does, I will have to figure out what is going on.  I am using a pretty old Graphics card, perhaps the onboard GPU on this tower is better for all I know.11:00
supastupidI can move mouse11:01
circlehi-im using "sudo badblocks -v /dev/sdb1 > badsectors.txt", then "sudo e2fsck -l badsectors.txt /dev/sdb1". when thats done if i where to format the drive would the drive still skip the bad sectors found and remedied by the second command?11:12
circleor do i need to do this every format/new partition table on the drive; assuming it has errors badblocks11:13
circleplease help me someone11:21
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EriC^^circle: as far as i know, if you dd if=/dev/zero the whole drive it should find all bad sectors internally and mark them11:41
circlecool thank you-would you tell me if i can monitor progress with any sort of | or flag11:44
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circleEriC^^, cheers for the help11:48
EriC^^circle: you could do dd if= of= status=progress bs=4M11:48
EriC^^no problem11:48
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rattlebattle79hello nss12:18
circlehi nss12:18
circleanybody care to tell me how i can calculate expected time for badblocks -v /dev/sdbx" on an 80G hdd 7200 sata connected drive with a phenom II cpu 16G ram12:20
BluesKajHiyas all12:35
circleim reading 700hrs on a reddit post with a dude that has a 12TB usb 3.0 mine is hooked up interanally to my mb via sata but is hdd and only 7200 speed-whats the equation to work out approx completion time please someone12:37
circlemb is a gigabyte GA-870A-UD3 gt 16G ram and 7200 hdd sata connected(sata2) 1333 dims x4G x412:42
frostschutzcircle, see if smartctl -a /dev/sdb has a "Extended self-test routine recommended polling time", that might be about it then12:43
circlewhat equation can i use to estimate how long a badblocks -v /dev/sdax > badblocks.txt12:43
circlethanks frostschutz12:43
frostschutzuse badblocks -sv for a bit of progress indiciation12:44
circlei ran the scan smaartctrl before and it came up healthy | i will use that in future thanks for the advice12:44
circlejust wanted to have a go using badblocks12:44
circleand smartctl only took seconds on the 80G12:45
frostschutzbe careful with badblocks, easy to lose data12:45
circlethis is an empty drive-for me to learn on; pretty sure it has issues so took it out of service already-thanks12:46
circlehow so easy to lose data; like dd when you use wrong drive letter or part number12:47
circleor just invoking the wrong flags together (thats a guess)12:47
circleall gud read the manual12:56
deltreeyso I have my terminal pulldown set to ctrl+` (or in guake's case ctrl+esc) and I use cinnamon for my desktop.  When I turn on the mouse feature for display mouse on ctrl pressed, those keyboard shortcuts stop working.  Anyone know where I can report this bug?13:05
r15How to dist upgrade from cosmic to latest (ubuntu 20)? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cdfzY5kzK3/ <error with the repo13:16
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:18
quadrathoch2r15 ^13:18
quadrathoch2r15 but you can't jump, you would need to upgrade to every single release13:18
mertgorHi people!13:20
circlejust for curiosity sake answered what command would update each version hop; sudo apt update -y && sudo apt dist-full-upgrade-y?13:22
netcrashHello, I have bluetooth sound phones and they work for every sound in ubuntu except spotify. Any idea on what can be the issue?13:26
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Xatenevwhat is the recommended swap size for ubuntu?14:12
XatenevIve installed ubuntu yesterday and only have a swap size of 2gb which seems really low imho?14:12
olegbXatenev: how much RAM do you have?14:14
olegbXatenev: and do you use hibernation?14:15
Xatenevmy memory is 100% usage and swap is 100% usage and my system stutters sometimes and i think its because of the low swap14:15
Xatenevolegb: how can i check that?14:15
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olegbXatenev: Settings -> Power14:16
XatenevI dont have anything like that here14:17
XatenevI have automatic suspend -> off14:17
Xatenevand wifi on and blank screen 5minutes14:17
olegbXatenev: I think 2GB should suffice for 16GB RAM (https://askubuntu.com/questions/594054/how-much-swap-should-i-take-for-1gb-to-8tb-of-ram-on-14-04-or-higher)14:17
Xatenevthis one recommends something else14:18
Xatenevatleast square root, if hibernation, size of ram + square root14:18
olegb... but the links says 4gb ...14:18
Xatenevso maybe i should increase it to 4g?14:18
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olegbyah :-) I have a box with 16 gb and 1 gb swap ... it doesnt use swap at all.14:19
Xatenevbecause you probably dont use java14:19
Xatenevsee memory and swap top left14:19
olegbXatenev: hehe - yah, Java will eat your RAM14:19
olegbph34r t3h jaba..14:20
Xatenevive added 4gb swap file i hope it helps :)14:23
Xatenevit does appear to be a ton faster now.14:25
pikapikaif we have multiple ppas does apt handle things in a "global" glance or treats whatever ppa the application is found in as its own thing?14:26
pikapikaespecially of concern to me is what happens if Package A from PPA X and Package B from PPA Y conflict14:27
pikapikaWould it be resolved in a manner similar to if A and B were from the same PPA or is it handled differently, potentially even breaking the system?14:27
killn9neor /q14:46
killn9neirssi uses /q ;)14:46
coconutpikapika, afaik ppa's always break the system when versions do not match the rest of the sources list. So best is to just not use them, or be very carefull.14:48
futureRichhello how can i install <curl/curl.h> in c++?14:53
oerhekslook for the curl -dev package?14:53
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:54
futureRichoerheks: what do you mean? look for what?14:54
oerheksi think it is pretty clear, find the -dev develop/build package for curl?14:55
leftyfbfutureRich: I found these packages that might be what you're looking for https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/TGvD6YYRN5/14:56
futureRichno idea what you mean?14:58
coconutfutureRich, she means that one of those packages is probably what you are looking for... just use apt to figure out what package match and then retry what you were doing.15:03
futureRichcooldude: thanks i will back in 10 min15:04
leftyfb!enter | futureRich15:04
ubottufutureRich: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.15:04
leftyfbcoconut: please don't assume gender15:05
pikapikacoconut, I see15:10
pikapikaI'll list my PPAs and see if I can just cull them or wrap up the softwares as my own apt packages15:11
BluesKajpikapika, don't15:11
BluesKajcomment them, once the packages are installed15:12
pikapikaWhen installing anything not in repos it would be recommended to manually package it up first right? Or just install self contained inside /opt or something?15:14
pikapikaBecause otherwise apt has no knowledge of the changes the configure and make did15:15
pikapikawhich of course is a recipe for disaster in the future15:15
pikapikaBluesKaj, oh you mean if I just comment out the PPAs, the existing software I installed from there would remain?15:16
BluesKajnormally, i remove the ppas after installing the software to avoid breakage on the next kernel or dependency upgrades15:19
circlefound the following line in bugs-tlb_mmatch apic_c1e fxsave_leak sysret_ss_attrs null_seg amd_e400 spectre_v1 spectre_v215:20
circleafter running 'less /proc/cpuinfo' should i be at all concerned15:21
circleor is that a list of bugs mitigated by my kernel15:21
circlevery confused15:22
oerheksLinux is detecting CPU features and using them while also working around known limitations and bugs. you found the found bugs, spectre 1 and 2 sound familiar, no?15:23
oerheksit is just a message, not a warning15:23
circleit does thats why i worried and i thought amd wasnt affected actually,my bad15:24
circlebut those names def got me stressing15:24
oerheksall AMD up to -2019 have bugs.15:24
circleso does linux slow performance to manage that15:26
circlethink i read something to that effect about intel way back15:26
circlewith amd i mean15:26
coconutleftyfb, sorry for that15:28
oerhekscircle, the impact of the fixes differ per processor/vendor. nothing we can do about that.15:30
futureRichcoconut: apt search libcurl-dev   there is no library15:39
oerheksfutureRich, what are you trying to build in c++? leftyfb gave some clue about curl dev packages.15:41
futureRichweb scrapping with c++15:42
futureRichusing < curl/curl.h>15:42
oerhekswithout such info, ubuntu version and so on, we should not even answer.15:42
futureRichubuntu 20.0415:42
leftyfbfutureRich: I gave you a list of packages that include curl.h. They're typically usage-specific. eg. openssl15:43
futureRichok then i will go to libcurl4-openss-dev15:43
leftyfbfutureRich: if you don't understand this, I'm not sure how you plan on accomplishing your goal without these basic understandings15:44
leftyfbfutureRich: you might do well asking questions in a c++ channel15:44
futureRichstep by step15:45
futureRichno one can do it with first step15:45
leftyfbfutureRich: this is a support channel for Ubuntu. Not a step-by-step programming channel, regardless of which OS you're running15:45
futureRichubuntu 20.0415:45
leftyfbfutureRich: /join #c++15:46
oerhekscare to share what project/url you follow  for 'web scraping' ??15:47
oerheksthis is so silly, to keep asking for info..15:47
ddubyaI'm on 18.04 lts and latest update broke nvidia driver. I tried the usual suspects (apt-get autoremove nvidia-*; apt-get install nvidia-driver-440) and no dice15:51
leftyfbddubya: tried reverting to the previous kernel?15:53
ddubyathere is no nvidia.ko in /lib/modules/blah/dkms/15:53
ddubyaI have not tried reverting, yet15:53
ddubyaIt seems that will probably work since nvidia.ko is present in that one15:54
leftyfbddubya: you might be missing the linux-modules for your current kernel15:54
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leftyfbddubya: more specifically linux-modules-nvidia-440-server-$(uname -r)15:55
ddubyayes!, but why wasn't this pulled in?15:56
ddubyaI'd like to fix that since it will break again on next update right15:59
Bashing-omddubya: dkms ? - what shows ' dkms status ' ?16:01
ddubyait shows nvidia driver, and "zenpower"16:02
ddubyawell zenpower for the old kernel16:03
Bashing-omddubya: dkms is supposed to ensure that " will break again on next update " does not happen.16:04
leftyfbddubya: what version of ubuntu?16:04
ddubyaI guess it lists nvidia.ko now that I manually installed it16:04
leftyfbddubya: try installing linux-modules-nvidia-440-generic-hwe-18.0416:04
leftyfbddubya: that should follow upgrades of the linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 package16:05
ddubyaone unusual thing, I had a manually installed previously to fix amd zen2 bugs, it seems I don't need it anymore16:07
ddubyawould that explain the break when kernel got upgraded?16:08
leftyfbddubya: manually installed what?16:08
ddubyait was kernel 5.3.x16:08
leftyfbddubya: I recommend sticking with linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 as your kernel16:08
ddubyanow I'm on 5.4... but I had it stuck on the manual kernel for a long time16:08
ddubyaok thanks16:09
ddubyathanks for the help, everything back to normal. I also remove the unsigned kernel I was running for zen2 support, appears no longer necessary16:27
MrFreezeHey guys i need help... trying to install a webserver and my repos give this: The repository 'http://mirrors.digitalocean.com/ubuntu cosmic Release' no longer has a Release file.16:57
MrFreezealso with E: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tiff/libtiff5_4.0.9-6ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 2606:4700:3031::6818:74d1 80]16:57
leftyfbMrFreeze: maybe use an official mirror, not DI's16:57
oerhekscosmic is dead.16:58
leftyfbalso that16:58
MrFreezeso what repos do i need?16:58
oerheksfor what ubuntu version?16:58
leftyfbMrFreeze: I would recommend upgrading to 18.04/bionic16:58
oerheksthat would be downgrading, or the hard way to upgrade to 20.04.. cosmic dead/EOL, Disco dead/eol ..16:59
leftyfbugh, sorry. In a meeting at the moment as well :)17:00
oerheksthat is oke, assuming he is on cosmic17:00
leftyfbMrFreeze: I would recommend installing or upgrading to an LTS release of Ubuntu. That is either 18.04(install fresh) or 20.04(you can perform a manual upgrade)17:00
MrFreezeim about to do a fresh install doesnt matter to me :) just backing things up :D17:01
thyriaenHiho, is it possible to add a single package from a ppa ?17:06
leftyfbthyriaen: not easily if it has dependencies from the same ppa17:07
thyriaenand if thats not the case ?17:07
leftyfbthyriaen: if there's just 1 package, just sudo apt install <package name>, then comment out/disable the ppa17:07
thyriaenyea but then i won't get the changes unfortunately17:08
leftyfbthyriaen: which package?17:08
thyriaeni would like to add the pantheon-terminal but since their stable branch is not on 20.04 yet i would have to go with their daily repository17:09
oerheksfrom elementary?17:11
TeachmehowHi. I tried to change my keybinding from <Caps> to <Home> and17:20
Teachmehow             edited my /usr/share/X11/xkb/keycodes/evdev config and set HOME17:20
Teachmehow             to 66. I restarted my PC and now it won't boot and I get this17:20
Teachmehow             kernel error:17:20
TeachmehowACPI Error: Needed type Reference found dPackage 00000000CDS17:20
Teachmehow             (20190816/exresop-66), ACPI Error: AE_AML_OPERAND_TYPE, While17:20
leftyfb!paste | Teachmehow17:21
ubottuTeachmehow: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:21
MrFreezeThe following packages have been kept back: wont let me upgrade17:21
Teachmehowsorry that was a mistake17:22
leftyfbTeachmehow: crossposting is also frowned upon17:22
leftyfbTeachmehow: what version on ubuntu are you running?17:22
Teachmehowleftyfb: sorry.. didn't know that... I am running the Ubuntu 20.04 version LTS release.17:23
MrFreezelinux-headers-generic linux-headers-virtual linux-image-virtual linux-virtual are in the upgrade but when i type sudo apt upgrade it doesnt do anything17:24
Bashing-omMrFreeze: What packags are held back ? Generally there is a reason they are held - But, one can force the issue to install.17:24
MrFreezeits going now lol17:25
leftyfbMrFreeze: sudo apt full-upgrade17:25
MrFreezethink i typoed ;)17:25
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coconutwhat is the equalavant of apt clean for snap?17:58
JustTheDoctori have a ubuntu server, everytime i try to create a tar i get tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors how can i fix this?18:05
MikeRLDoes anybody know how I can change the system icon for the Thunderbird snap manually on Ubuntu 20.04 with GNOME? It is using an old looking icon and it just doesn't look right with v68 or v78 (depending on the channel you select).18:13
MikeRLHmm. Thunderbird.png file in ~/snap/thunderbird/current/meta/gui. And a .desktop file.18:17
MikeRLI found a suitable icon replacement. But it says "error - read only filesystem." And that18:21
MikeRLThat is with nautilus running a window as root.18:22
MikeRLTurns out I've answered my own question. Snaps use squash-fs. Guess I;ll try to email the dev to update the icon.18:23
cesarnfoplis redirect me to offtopic ubuntu18:27
EriC^!offtopic | cesarnfo18:27
ubottucesarnfo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:27
Bashing-om!offtopic | cesarnfo18:27
ddubya11-button mouse stopped working in kernel 5.4 buttons 9,10,11 do not produce events in xev18:56
ddubyacorrection, buttons 11,12,1318:57
ubuntutrcan you login to the site? https://www.herseyistanbul.com/tr/canta/123-brawl-stars-ortopedik-ilkokul-cantasibeslenme-cantasi-master-pack-554.html18:58
ubuntutri cant login :(18:59
coconutubuntutr, why you ask?19:02
ubuntutri cant join19:02
coconutand why is that a question here?19:02
ddubyai figured it out, new logitech driver in kernel is broken, generic driver works19:36
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heloI'm on a minimal 20.04 desktop install. I see that $SSH_AGENT_PID is set, and there's indeed a ssh-agent running as that PID, but I have to enter my passphrase every time. is there some extra trick needed?20:13
oerhekshelo,  you want ssh-keys to login? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys20:15
leftyfboerheks: they're referring to being asked for the passphrase to their private ssh key which usually gets unlocked and cached by logging into gnome.20:18
heloyep, what leftyfb said20:19
leftyfbhelo: the default in the gnome desktop which manages those things is seahorse20:22
helomaybe I just need to add 'AddKeysToAgent yes' to ~/.ssh/config, to avoid having to manually ssh-add20:23
zeus_Why are the kernels named <version>-generic etc. I'm having an issue getting vmlinux kernel with the same version as kernel modules e.g. vmlinux (4.15.18) and kernel module (4.15.18-1101-generic). I'm getting an error in `ipsec` because of this mismatch20:28
zeus_Is there a way I can either a) convert vmlinuz to vmlinux b) install prebuilt kernel module of the version 4.15.18 without the generic keyword20:29
zeus_basically it's looking for the directory /lib/modules/4.15.1820:30
Bashing-om!info linux-image-virtual | zeus_  This ?20:31
ubottuzeus_ This ?: linux-image-virtual (source: linux-meta): Virtual Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (focal), package size 2 kB, installed size 17 kB20:31
sarnoldzeus_: are you building your own kernel? your own module?20:32
oerheks!info linux-image-virtual bionic20:32
ubottulinux-image-virtual (source: linux-meta): Virtual Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 16 kB20:32
leftyfbzeus_: what version of ubuntu?20:38
soft_concreteHi, I'm trying to troubleshoot screen tearing issues on a laptop with Intel graphics. I've googled this and found a bunch of different suggestions on what to try...20:47
soft_concreteOne question I have, from some of the stuff I was reading: How can I tell if I'm using the intel driver, or modesetting?20:47
matsamansoft_concrete: lspci -k | egrep -i 'vga|in use' | egrep -i vga -A 120:49
matsamansoft_concrete: or you can check your most recent Xorg log in /var/log/20:49
soft_concreteOk, it looks like I'm using the i915 driver20:50
soft_concreteMy GPU is Intel HD Graphics 5500, and according to what I read, I should try using the modesetting driver20:52
soft_concreteWould using modesetting negatively impact my battery life? I found an old Ubuntu manpage in my search which says that modesetting isn't hardware accelerated20:52
matsamanyou shouldn't really have to worry about that20:53
matsamanthe only modesetting thing to deal with intel, if anything, would be whether you load it before X is loaded or not20:53
matsamanusually you can be happy with whatever your distro's default is (usually before X is loaded also)20:54
soft_concreteokay. Then any suggestions on troubleshooting screen tearing with the Intel HD 5500 using i915 as my driver?20:55
matsamansoft_concrete: you might want to be using 'i965' instead of 'i915', though20:55
oerheksmodeset is more likely used for plugin cards, like nvidia, to disable energy saving stuff20:55
matsamansoft_concrete: and/or something called iris (i965 and iris)20:56
matsamansoft_concrete: oh I see how this is broken down; yes try i96520:57
soft_concretematsaman: what's the difference between i915 and i965? and how would I switch to i965? I've done "apt search i965" and I see a few packages here20:58
matsamansoft_concrete: more recent driver for more recent hardware21:00
matsamanoh this is #ubuntu, so I don't have to ask you what distro =)21:01
matsamansoft_concrete: it could be this i965-va-driver package from universe, but that could be something supplemental only, too21:03
matsamanyeah probably the latter21:04
soft_concretethat's what I thought, too. I noticed "apt search i915" only returns xserver-xorg-video-intel which describes itself as "X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver"21:05
matsamanactually I still can't tell; sorry haven't done a lot of graphics debugging on Ubuntu in particular21:05
soft_concreteI'll ask in ##linux and then maybe post on Ask Ubuntu if I don't get an answer21:06
quadrathoch2soft_concrete afaik, you should be using modesetting with your gpu. to enable, the easiest would be to just remove the intel driver21:06
matsamansoft_concrete: see the bit at the end of first post about MESA_...: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=244321821:07
soft_concretematsaman: hmm, I saw that line somewhere else in the last few minutes. I wasn't sure it would do the trick21:09
zeus_@ubottu No. I installed `linux-headers-4.15.18-...` to get the packages into /lib/modules21:09
zeus_@sarnold that would be my last option. To build it myself21:09
zeus_if nothing works21:09
zeus_@leftyfb I'm using 18.0421:09
zeus_What I'm trying to do is run alpine on firecracker (VM). But I'm using 4.15.18 kernel. Unfortunately my version of alpine doesn't have linux-headers so I'm trying to import it from pre-built versions in ubuntu21:11
sarnoldzeus_: linux-headers-* packages only have headers, no modules21:11
sarnoldzeus_: wait, you're using an alpine kernel and trying to use ubuntu headers? that's not going to work21:11
sarnoldzeus_: you need to get your kernel, modules, headers, all from a single source21:12
zeus_@sarnold TBH I'm kinda new to this21:12
zeus_Ah I see21:12
zeus_Is there instructions on how to build kernel, modules and headers?21:12
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zeus_@sarnold I was trying to do what this guy did https://github.com/ubergarm/l2tp-ipsec-vpn-client but without docker21:13
zeus_He's using ubuntu modules and ubuntu kernel on a alpine rootfs by mounting `-v /lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro`21:14
sarnoldzeus_: yeah, that works bcause docker doesn't virtualize the kernel; it's the same kernel in everything21:14
sarnoldzeus_: since you're using a VM, if you're using alpine in the VM, you've got to use alpine modules, too21:14
zeus_Another problem with building my own kernel is that I get vmlinuz but I want vmlinux. Firecracker doesn't agree with vmlinux21:14
sarnoldiirc you can just use 'make vmlinux' to get that21:15
sarnoldit's been fifteen years or more since I built my own kernel21:15
zeus_Oh I see21:15
soft_concreteit turns out that my screen tearing issue is related to using fractional display scaling21:17
sarnoldsoft_concrete: nice! bugger :(21:17
soft_concreteI had it set to 125% because I have a 13" or 14" screen on this laptop that's 1920x108021:18
soft_concreteI thought about trying to see if the fractional sizing was an issue a couple of times but kept forgetting to actually do it >.>21:18
soft_concreteSome apps don't work well with fractional scaling and they look tiny on my screen... so I wonder if there's a way to force certain apps to launch at a different size21:23
soft_concreteif so, I could launch VLC un-scaled and maybe I could watch videos in VLC tear-free21:23
koffelhello all21:27
sarnoldsoft_concrete: I've always wondered how non-integer scaling would work... does it make almost everything fuzzy? only some lines fuzzy?21:28
matsamanhi koffel21:29
koffeli am using ubuntu 14.04 and no matter what i do i can't get sound from 980 ti21:30
oerheksinteresting, 14.04 is EOL, dead.21:30
koffelmight be eol but one i like21:32
oerheksthat sounds like you need to upgrade.21:32
oerheksNo, you are not in title to support, that machine should not be connected to the internet.21:33
sarnoldis'nt 980ti a video card?21:33
sarnoldwas it released before or after 14.04?21:33
sarnoldis this even in the realm of "it might work"?21:33
oerheksJune 2, 201521:34
koffeloerherks if ubuntu dev didnt keep changing it i would but every time i get almost every thing to work they change how it all works21:34
rjwiiikoffel: seriously, you should upgrade. There are no more updates for 14.04 and newer software won't install.21:35
koffelupgrade not the solution21:35
Maik_aDkoffel: why not?21:35
koffelit not always upgrade it worry about the stuff dont work later21:35
sarnoldoerheks: hah, really? :)21:36
oerheksgood luck!21:36
Maik_aDi get the impression you're just playing us koffel21:36
koffelsoftware i use isnt upgradable to 15.0421:36
Maik_aDkoffel:  you're whole system is outdated, unsupported and vulnerable which is asking for trouble21:37
rjwiiikoffel: what software won't upgrade to later version?21:37
koffelnot that bad if you use a good hardware firewall21:38
koffelmysql i use is in 14.04 5.021:38
koffelafter 5.0 they wacked it out21:38
rjwiiikoffel: so, upgrade both ...21:39
koffeli am not gona redo they whole damn database \21:39
Maik_aDkoffel: ubuntu 14.04 isn't even supported in this channel anymore, so you're on your own21:39
makr8100I think you can still find mysql 5.6 on a current distro21:40
rjwiiikoffel: do you understand that your OS is no longer supported by Canonical?21:40
koffelok i just ask if anyone had a idea on it21:40
makr8100I know for fact 5.7 is available21:40
koffeli have esm21:40
makr8100I'm not sure how compatible those are with 5.0 though21:40
makr8100Have you thought of running the db on a separate machine?21:41
koffelwhy hell would i run it in separate machines21:41
makr8100to run a modern distro while still supporting the old db21:42
koffeli have ubuntu 14.04 in a dual 6 core xeon server with 192gb ram and 20tb ssd space21:42
sarnoldooo nice21:43
makr8100then run it in a vm on the same physical machine21:43
sarnoldor an lxd instance21:43
makr8100docker, vagrant, whatever21:43
makr8100otherwise what about proprietary drivers for the video card?21:44
makr8100or have you tried that already?21:44
helois there some bug with 20.04 using multiple VPN connections? I can never seem to connect to a second one22:12
JaydenWhere is the offtopic channel for Ubuntu?22:15
matsamanhelo: doubt it, but that's bound to be tricky22:16
sarnoldJayden: #ubuntu-offtopic22:17
compdochelo, you can have multiple connections, as long as the remote ip address ranges are differnt than yours, and you can only have one gateway22:17
JaydenThanks, sarnold22:17
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