
beantaxiCan I use lxc config set b1 user.user-data "$(cat my-user-data.cfg), as @rharper suggested above, but with an existing bash file I use for user-data in an EC2 launch-template? Or do I need to convert it to something more cloud-config friendly07:48
meenabeantaxi: what does your bash script look like / do, what should it do? is it used to create stuff from the outside, or the inside?10:20
beantaximeena: Typical initialization stuff at the moment ... a lot of apt installs, a few mounts ... also downloads a few things from S3.12:25
beantaxiI wrote the script, and others like it, before I'd heard of cloud-init. I like rharpers idea of using lxd to develop init scripts, instead of firing up fully blown EC2 instances all the time, but not if I need to add in a 'convert all existing bash scripts to cloud-config yaml' task at this time.12:49
rharperbeantaxi: to make a multi-part mime message as your user-data, you can use cloud-init's tools/make-mime.py ;  it's in the cloud-init source repot14:04
beantaxirharper: Thanks. I saw a reference to make-mime.py ... I probably could have phrased my question as "can I use my bash-script as is, or will I have to use something like make-mime.py to create a full multipart MIME file." & I couldn't find any docs which said one way or the other.14:26
rharperyeah; it's under-documented14:27
beantaxihaha! well played. make-mime.py seems fairly useful and painless. Btw, fuzzy question - how does cloud-init view supporting pure-bash initialization? I could understand if it was seen as an annoying legacy necessary evil14:38
Odd_Blokebeantaxi: It's not considered legacy by any means; it's a totally valid way of specifying user-data, and will continue to be so.14:56
rharperbeantaxi: I'm not sure I understand what "pure bash initialization" ?  in terms of the contents of the payloads, cloud-init does not have an opinion;14:58
Odd_BlokeI took it to mean "passing in a shell script as user-data", but maybe I misunderstood.14:58
beantaxiOdd_Bloke: That's exactly right. rharper: I suppose I meant generally; eg if I have issues scripting my startup in bash, will those be seen as valid question, or will I be seen as annoying everyone by stubbornly not switching to cloud-config yaml (apologies if Im using the wrong terms of art)15:00
rharperbeantaxi: definitely valid;  there are always trade-offs between writing things your self in a script; vs. leaning on the cloud-config modules;  and you can always mix both;  with the multi-part mime archive, you can include any number of shell scripts and #cloud-config files15:02
beantaxirharper: That's definitely the answer that's best for me :) so no arguments here15:03
beantaxiWow guys ... I just went from yesterday's complete ignorance, to just now firing up an lxd Ubuntu 18.04 container, using lxc config set user.user-data with my make-mime'd bash script ... and I appear to have a working system, with my systemd-based web scrapers happily running and downloading?15:07
beantaxiDid this all just happen?!?15:07
beantaxiOk, here's something I like to see. It's an error message so that might seem odd. + mkfs -t xfs /dev/xvdf15:10
beantaxiError accessing specified device /dev/xvdf: No such file or directory15:10
beantaxiThis is on an EC2 instance, where I have attached volumes at /dev/xvdf thru h, so on the host system those devices are valid. But in my lxd container, those appear to be invalid ... which is what I was hoping for but had no idea if that'd work.15:11
beantaxiWhat I wrote is a little unclear ... what I was hoping for was that my container would have no idea of it's parents devices, and that's what I'm seeing. So this is pretty cool.15:13
rharperbeantaxi: device block manipulation won't be present inside a container;15:24
rharperbeantaxi: even launching as a VM, the virtualization layer on Ec2 exposes their virtual disks as xvdX (this is a Xen thing);15:24
blackboxsw_Odd_Bloke: if you get a chance today I think I need an upstream  +1 review on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/51615:28
blackboxsw_have an approval from lucas15:28
beantaxirharper: Ah, so _that's_ where the x in xvd* comes from. If I really wanted my container to have access to host devices, it looks like lxc config devices add <something> <something> disk <etc> could allow that15:28
AnhVoMSFT@rharper @Odd_Bloke is there anyway to tell a systemd service to "start After A, but if A does not exist, start After B". More specifically, we're dealing with a scenario where network.target isn't reliable enough, so we want the service to start After=NetworkManager-wait-online.target, but if NetworkManager-wait-online.target does not exist, it should start After=network-online.target20:13
rharperyou can include more than one After, if the target specified does not exists, it's ignored20:13
rharperso network.target and network-online.target are two very different things ...   can you just start after network-online.target (which is reached after networkd or network-manager online.targets are reached20:14
rharperor are you trying to adjust cloud-init.service (which runs after network.target and after the $service-online.target but *before* the network-online.target ?20:15
rharperI know there have been issues getting NM-wait-online.target to work in the same spot as systemd-networkd-wait-online.service ;  specifically around when dbus starts and things like that;20:16
AnhVoMSFTno, this is for rpc-statd.services and rpc-statd-notify.services. in RHEL these services are configured to start after network-online, which causes a conflict with cloud-init's init phase when it tries to start mount -a, which causes NFS mounts to lock up due to cyclic dependencies20:24
AnhVoMSFT@rharper there're more details in this bug here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=185893020:25
ubot5bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1858930 in nfs-utils "nfs mounts will block cloud instances with cloud-init from starting up" [High,New]20:25
rharperhrm, I thought mount -a would ignore any of the _netdev mounts;20:27
rharperis _netdev not on the option list in fstab for the nfs mounts?20:27
AnhVoMSFTno, in the cases I looked at they don't have the _netdev option list20:58
AnhVoMSFTshould they be on there?20:59
AnhVoMSFTnote that this isn't an issue for NFSv4 mounts, only NFSv3 (NFSv4 don't require the rpc-statd* services)20:59
rharperall network mounts require _netdev to prevent mount from bringing up the mount before networking is present21:00
rharperAnhVoMSFT: ^21:01
AnhVoMSFTThanks @rharper, let me try this and add that to our documentation. Is this documented in cloud-init doc? If not we can contribute a PR there21:07
rharperdocumented in man (8) mount;  and I believe we mention _netdev  as well but not 100% sure21:08
rharperAnhVoMSFT: looks like we could use  a doc/example update for nfs;  and we do have code in cc_mounts which checks if the device is "network" related;  so possible could update the defmounts to append a ,_netdev in the opts for nfs mounts21:12
AnhVoMSFT@rharper "update the defmounts to append a ,_netdev in the opts for nfs mounts" : how does this work?21:17
rharpercloud-init in cc_mounts updates/generates /etc/fstab for any of the provide mounts;  if one of the devices was: nfshost:/mypath /localmount  ....  we could ensure that the options field with also get a ,_netdev on it;21:18
rharperit's a bit tricky since, if a user provided their own mount options, clobbering that might interfere;   I think a good step 1 is to test and then document that for nfs mounts, users should provide mount options, like defaults,_netdev ;21:19
rharperlater one could see if cloud-init can safely append the _netdev automatically if not present in mounts that are network devices21:20
rharperAnhVoMSFT: see cloudinit/config/cc_mounts.py:is_network_device()  ; which is just a regex checking for : in the device name;   using that later on when composing the updates to fstab, we could check for network device mounts if _netdev is in the opts, and if not, append it21:21
AnhVoMSFT@rharper does mount -a actually ignore _netdev?21:24
AnhVoMSFT-a, --all21:24
AnhVoMSFT              Mount  all  filesystems  (of  the given types) mentioned in fstab (except for those whose line contains the noauto keyword).  The filesystems are mounted following their order in21:24
AnhVoMSFT              fstab.21:24
AnhVoMSFTlooking at "man mount" it only mentioned that it would only skip those with noauto keyword on it21:25
rharperhrm, even if we ignored the nfs mounts; there's noting to actually mount things;21:33
rharperI know I played with this before; it looks to me like on systemd systems, we shouldn't use the mount -a at all, but rather the daemon-reload we have, which will re-parse fstab (and then with _netdev options) those mount units won't run until after networking (and will happen automatically);21:34
rharperin the mount man page theres mount -a -O _netdev ; which would exclude any mount that had _netdev option set;  then the daemon-reload would create the mount units for the nfs entries ...;  for non-systemd systems; there's nothing to trigger a mount post network coming up though21:35
rharperthis would be an existing issue that they've already solved (either by not using cloud-init cc_mounts to handle nfs mounts, or appending some final script which runs mount -a again21:36

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