
lubot<tsimonq2> Heya07:15
lubot<kc2bez> What's up?08:32
lubotpc was added by: pc13:58
ItzSwirlzNot much. Isias go brrr16:31
The_LoudSpeakerumm, the info here needs to be updated i guess: Lubuntu package-set does have a team on launchpad owning it right? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers#Ubuntu_Developers_.28from_delegated_teams.2918:46
The_LoudSpeaker^ wxl tsimonq218:46
wxlupdate away18:49
ItzSwirlzThis part yes22:31
ItzSwirlz"At the current time, the following teams are considered delegated teams admitting their own members: "22:31
ItzSwirlzand then it lists old stuff like mythbuntu (which ironically still has some launchpad activity), edubuntu, yeah.22:31

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