
lordievaderGood morning06:06
geosmiledoes anyone have a good pointer to a systemd service that spins up docker compose / down?13:31
DammitJimsomeone in the office was just telling me that Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is end of life 04.202115:40
DammitJimbut then I reviewed the Ubuntu page and it says it's EOL in 202415:40
DammitJimwhat kinda support does one get between 2021 and 2024?15:40
xnoxDammitJim: most likely one will either need a free Ubuntu Advantage personal (free) or one of the paid tiers to access ESM (Extended Security Maintenance). Like one currently needs for 12.04 LTS and 14.04 LTS both of which are end of basic support. You can ask questions about Ubuntu Advantage in the live chat at https://buy.ubuntu.com/15:46
xnoxDammitJim:  but that will be announced next year, as xenial is still currently supported.15:46
xnoxDammitJim:  we try to not use "EOL" anymore, and we try to instead use "End of Basic support" and "End of Extended Security Maintenance" because it is ambigious, 2021 vs 2024.15:48
xnoxor well 202615:48
xnoxwho knows what ESM offering for 16.04 will be.15:49
RoyKDammitJim: it's probably not much of a problem to upgrade it, though, depending on what it runs16:30
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DammitJimhow can I figure out if a certain package came from main or something else?18:11
DammitJimfor example openjdk-8-jdk on Ubuntu 1618:11
quadrathoch2DammitJim apt policy <package>18:11
DammitJimI don't know why I was thinking there was a webpage with that info18:11
quadrathoch2you could use packages.ubuntu.com DammitJim ;)18:11
quadrathoch2but only if it's within the ubuntu repos18:12
DammitJimman, things get very weird... when upgrading the OS18:12
quadrathoch2DammitJim oO what specifically?18:12
DammitJimbecause it almost forces you to update your applications to support the version that is in main for the OS you are going to18:12
DammitJimso, we have servers that run applications written in java and go on tomcat18:13
DammitJimso, for example, we have Ubuntu 16 servers with tomcat 7 and openjdk 818:13
DammitJimif I upgrade to Ubuntu 18 because Ubuntu 16 is EOS 04.202018:13
DammitJimthen it sounds like I won't get support for installing/keeping openjdk 8 and tomcat 7 because those aren't coming from main18:14
DammitJimdoes that make sense?18:14
quadrathoch2yup :) DammitJim18:14
DammitJimgotta keep up with tech, I guess18:14
quadrathoch2DammitJim yeah, tech is really fast in comparison to anything else18:15
DammitJimI might just have to run the outdated OS...18:15
DammitJimactually, I wonder what is worse... I think I loose either way18:16
DammitJimor pay for support, I guess18:16
quadrathoch2support _should_ not be too expensive18:16
DammitJimit adds up, though18:16
quadrathoch2in comparison to what?18:17
DammitJim100 VMs @ $100 a pop per year18:17
DammitJimI don't have $10k laying around18:18
DammitJimI better start cracking the whip and get the devs updating their applications18:18
quadrathoch2yes, but imho when having a 100 VMs you probably (as a company) already earn more/have more revenue, where it should be possible to pay it (I mean or you could get more devs who update the software)18:20
DammitJimyeah, you know how it is... it's not my money, it's the president's18:20
DammitJimmaybe the problem I have is that I haven't been moving fast enough telling devs to get off java 818:20
quadrathoch2probably, as it's already 6 years old18:21
quadrathoch2and already out of support (at least commercial from oracle)18:22
DammitJimwell, Ubuntu support java 8 since it's in main for Ubuntu 1618:22
DammitJimthere's a fine balance18:22
quadrathoch2yup :) I know, just saying that upstream support is eol.18:23
dasjoeI've done debootstrapped root-on-ZFS server installs for what, 7? years by now, although I have no experience with zsys either22:57
sarnolddasjoe: wow22:58
dasjoesarnold, long time no see :-)23:02
sarnolddasjoe: indeed, it's been ages :) how are you doing?23:03
dasjoeI found some of my notes about how to get an installation similar to Ubuntu Server on ZFS, https://gist.github.com/dasjoe/09ecf8190c523bf7a7dc23:03
dasjoesarnold, I'm fine! Just a bit busy all the time, so I "kind of forgot about" IRC for a while. I was cleaning up some stuff and stumbled upon my client again. How are you?23:05
sarnolddasjoe: I can relate to most of that, hehe :) too busy, too little time, but happy to be gainfully employed at home, you know? :)23:06
sarnolddasjoe: here's hoping you'll remember your client more often :)23:07
sarnolddasjoe: five years ago .. installing the wily hwe kernel. man.23:08
dasjoesarnold, I've set it to autostart when I login, so there's that :-) Yeah, I'm enjoying my last week off. Past few months have been quite stressful with everybody working from home and my team having to fix not only our office stuff but home networks, too :-)23:11
dasjoesarnold, yeah, the gist even contains some hacks for grub like enabling only some feature flags and symlinking ZFS partitions into /dev/ so grub can find them23:12
dasjoesarnold, also, BIOS only, no UEFI grub. Times were simpler!23:13
sarnolddasjoe: hah, and at the moment I'm composing a knowledge base thing for folks booting ith legacy / bios etc and busted grub installs...23:14
sarnolddasjoe: .. at the moment, uefi is feeling simpler in many ways :)23:14
sarnolddasjoe: how long did you have off?23:15
dasjoesarnold, well, I'm sadly no longer too involved with ZFS as of now. My laptop's root filesystem is NTFS ;-)23:15
sarnolda swedish pal is lamenting the end of his month off .. actuall I htink he returns tomorrow23:16
sarnolddasjoe: *gasp*23:16
sarnolddasjoe: actually, I'm thinking of buying a windows myself, MS flightsim is looking pretty good..23:16
dasjoesarnold, I uninstalled Outlook and RocketChat on July 17th, so it's three and a half weeks in total. Originally we wanted to have a real vacation - as in travel somewhere for a week or so - oh well23:19
sarnolddasjoe: yeah :(23:20
sarnoldI love the "uninstall" though :) hahaha23:20
dasjoesarnold, yes! Uninstalled everything at around 23:50 on that friday, so I'm really out of the loop about what's happening in the office right now. We still have no on-call rotation, so I had to explain again and again how I'm not reachable for anybody in any case23:22
sarnolddasjoe: more than once I've heard of folks using 'vacation time' to get work done.. without being bothered by co-workers23:24
dasjoesarnold, I found it easier to ignore bothering requests working from home, we could actually focus on some problems or do some research for once :-)23:26
sarnolddasjoe: yay :D I do imagine we're going to see more work-from-home..23:29
dasjoesarnold, still, I'm thnking about looking for a job at a real remote company instead of "remote-first"-as-long-as-it-suits-us, especially now that my family and I established methods and rules for me working from home23:30
sarnolddasjoe: oooo good luck :D23:31
dasjoeSo I'm browsing through SRE jobs every few weeks. As of now my short commute (a 5 minute walk) and okay-ish compensation is what's keeping me there. Better compensation with no commute would be nice to have, but I can't really complain23:33

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