
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
cdoublejji also think there is a web site or some software for wathcing videos in sync with friends04:20
gnoobcdoublejj: amazon prime should do that04:54
gnrphm, anybody with an opinion on backups? I know this is not a Xubuntu topic, rather ubuntu, but whatever16:38
gnrpI want to get some cloud storage and then do incremental backups to that, encrypted16:38
gnrpis there an on-board solution that would do that?16:38
dreamonhello. having issue xubuntu 20.04. having two bars. by clicking network-manager or pulse-audio I cannot click anything anymore. No windowfunction works anymore. software goes on running. pressing strg+alt+f2 and back with strg+alt+f7 I can go on clicking. All works normal.18:37
dreamontill I click it again in bar.18:37
diogenes_dreamon, make a new user see if that fixes.18:39
dreamondiogenes_, Its a little bit different, but setting mouse cursor on pulseaudio icon an scrolling middlemouse, pulseaudio symbol issnt clickable anymore18:49
diogenes_dreamon, is 'save session' enabled?18:51
dreamondiogenes_, I disabled it long before.18:52
diogenes_dreamon, ls .cache/sessions18:53
diogenes_is there anything?18:53
dreamondiogenes_, Yes.. lot of stuff18:54
diogenes_dreamon, run: rm ~/.cache/sessions/* && chmod -w ~/.cache/sessions18:55
dreamonups..  there are 2 folders left. thumbs-mydreamon:0 and thumbs-mydreamon:118:58
dreamonthe rest ist gone18:58
dreamondiogenes_, reboot?18:59
diogenes_dreamon, ok reboot.19:00
dreamondiogenes_, Now it works better. now its exacte same behavior like the testuser I added.19:05
diogenes_dreamon, so is it ok or not?19:06
dreamondiogenes_, Its better. but I cannot change volume with mousewheel.19:07
diogenes_dreamon, ps aux | grep notifyd19:08
diogenes_how many lines you get? 1 or 219:09
dreamonmost time I click on it, it dont pops anything .. after 20-50seconds menu appears..19:09
dreamonOnly this one -> dreamon     3474  0.0  0.0   9280   664 pts/2    R+   21:09   0:00 grep notifyd19:09
diogenes_dreamon, is it Xubuntu?19:10
dreamondiogenes_, yes.19:10
diogenes_dreamon, run this: cat /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.xfce.xfce4-notifyd.Notifications.service19:12
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:12
dreamondiogenes_, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BBrkKrgjkR/19:15
diogenes_dreamon, now run: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd19:15
dreamondiogenes_, dreamon     4138  0.0  0.1 264908 17492 pts/2    Sl+  21:15   0:00 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd19:16
dreamondiogenes_, Now IT WORKS!19:17
diogenes_dreamon, great!19:17
dreamondiogenes_, what do I have to do, that it starts at the beginning?19:17
diogenes_dreamon, systemctl status dbus | nc termbin.com 999919:18
diogenes_sjare the url.19:18
dreamondiogenes_, https://termbin.com/s0q319:21
diogenes_dreamon, according to your output everything should work fine, next time do a cold reboot which means turn off the PC completely.;19:23
dreamondiogenes_, Ok, will be back in a few minutes19:24
dreamondiogenes_, Back. No notiyd is not running.19:27
diogenes_dreamon, i got no clue why dbus doesn't start it but as a workaround you can add this to startup:  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd19:29
dreamon diogenes_ Ok, that should work. May I ask another question?19:30
dreamondiogenes_, I have here a thinkpad, that have a clickpad/touchpad. and my issus is this one → https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/291113/how-to-get-rid-of-the-delay-way-before-lenovo-touch-pad-reacts19:33
diogenes_dreamon, did you: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics19:36
dreamondiogenes_, its already newest version installed19:37
diogenes_dreamon,  mouse and touchpad > touchpad > disable while typing is it on?19:39
dreamondiogenes_, no its off.. I already tried a lot of things.. Its off was my first thought too.19:41
dreamondiogenes_, this clickpad makes me crazy. often it makes wrong clicks to. middleclick if I make a left click.19:42
dreamondiogenes_, but if you touch it first time, you cannot point exactly.. everytime you have to move first to set it on exact position.19:43
diogenes_then remove: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics and make sure libinput is installed.19:43
dreamondiogenes_, you mean libinput-bin package?19:47
dreamondiogenes_, ok. I purged xserver-xorg-input-synaptics and xserver-xorg-input-libinput is already installed. do I have to reboot?19:51
dreamondiogenes_, Your my here. This works!!19:55
diogenes_ok glad it worked :)19:55
dreamondiogenes_, One last thing, pse ;)19:56
dreamondiogenes_, some times waking up my notebook from suspend, it shows me last screen of xubuntu instead of asking me to input my passwort.19:59
dreamondiogenes_, I cannot click anything. but I see what I did last time. so i typ in without seeing login mask my password. And I can go on working.20:00
diogenes_dreamon, i have little knowledge about sleep/resume/lock stuff because i don't use any of those but it's all configurable in settings > screensaver, it that won't help then replace xfce4-screensaver with xscreensaver and see if that one works better.20:04
dreamondiogenes_, OK. I have a lot of dmesg of mce: CPU4: Package temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled20:05
dreamonI think my cpu is running to hot .. On xubuntu live system it dont makes so much loud cooling sound.20:07
diogenes_dreamon, sudo apt install xfce4-sensors-plugin, open it and set refrash time for 5 seconds and just monitor the temp.20:07
dreamonI upgrade very often and I think there is something wrong mit cpu scaling.20:08
dreamonI already use this plugin. and cpu freqenz displaying.. It scaling to high i think. On live system it consume 5W less power, if there is no process running. I have a wattmeter, so I can see.20:09
diogenes_dreamon, run: top20:10
diogenes_and see which proc eats up CPU.20:10
dreamonxlrg 220:11
dreamonups. xorg=2.3% cpu and xfwm4 0.7% cpu20:11
diogenes_now: sudo powertop and hit Tab till you reach Device Stats20:13
diogenes_you can screenshot.20:14
dreamondiogenes_, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/kp969jPSB4/20:15
dreamonI think I will do this running on live system, and look for differenz20:16
diogenes_now: ps aux | grep track20:17
dreamondiogenes_, dreamon     2050  0.0  0.1 587864 31092 ?        SNsl 21:53   0:00 /usr/libexec/tracker-miner-fs20:18
diogenes_oh damn, that might be it.20:18
dreamondiogenes_, tell me what you mean? Im using synapse its like gnome-do. to starte easy apps. maybe they use a tracker?20:20
diogenes_settings > session and startup > application autostart and disable everything that contains tracker.20:20
dreamondiogenes_, all tracker are already disabled. but cannot delete.20:26
diogenes_then you have to research what else you installed that triggers /usr/libexec/tracker-miner-fs.20:28
dreamondiogenes_, Ok. So let me say. Thank you very very much. You made me very happy.20:29
diogenes_you're welcome and good luck :)20:30
dreamon\o/ :)20:31

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