
mupPR snapd#9098 opened: tests: new organization for nested tests <Run nested> <⛔ Blocked> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9098>03:41
mupPR snapd#9089 closed: many: introduce content write observer, install mode glue, initial seal stubs <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9089>06:02
mupPR snapd#9099 opened: github: do not skip gofmt with Go 1.9/1.10 <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9099>06:37
zygagood morning06:50
zygaI will start at 9:0006:50
* zyga starts the day07:00
mvogood morning pstolowski07:06
mborzeckimvo: pstolowski: zyga: hey07:08
mborzeckipstolowski: #9099 should catch the formatting errors you had in the interfaces PR early in the ci run07:09
mupPR #9099: github: do not skip gofmt with Go 1.9/1.10 <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9099>07:09
mborzecki(and it's trivial btw)07:09
pstolowskimvo: hey, as i said yesterday evening, backporting all the debug preseeding api was easy process, except for preseed spread tests. they diverged over time in master (including some associated tests/lib helpers). a lot of cherry picking and crossing lines with various tweaks that Sergio implemented in the meantime. not sure what to do07:28
pstolowskimvo: on the other hand would be good to have snap debug seeding .. in the spread test to confirm everything is in place07:29
pstolowskifwtw that was my older PR that attempted to bridge the gap (but we didn't land it) https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/898007:35
mupPR #8980: tests: backport preseed test fixes to 2.45 <Test Robustness> <Created by stolowski> <Closed by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8980>07:35
zygathey are shooting a movie outside our house again07:36
mvopstolowski: I think we can live without the spread tests if it's too muhc of a hassle07:40
mvopstolowski: we need to do a manual test then but it's not the end of the world as long as it's in master07:40
mvozyga: good morning! how do you feel?07:41
zygagood morning!07:41
mvomborzecki: good morning to you as well :) I have not forgoten 907807:41
zygaso far so good07:41
mborzeckimvo: hahah, thanks07:41
zygaI'm almost done with 905707:44
mborzeckiquick errand, may be late for the desktop meeting07:46
pstolowskimvo: ok07:47
mupPR snapd#9100 opened: many: cherry-pick debug seeding api for 2.45 <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9100>07:52
mborzeckire, heh, not even a real errand, pickup guy waited for me at the gate07:57
mborzeckithought i'd have to drive a little07:58
pstolowski^ there is one commit there touching spread test that could be omitted (since i haven't backported other changes to this tests and it will most likely won't work)07:58
zygaI just realized my note-taking notebook is upstairs08:17
zygatime to clime the mountain08:18
mupPR snapd#9099 closed: github: do not skip gofmt with Go 1.9/1.10 <Simple 😃> <Skip spread> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9099>08:43
mupPR core#115 closed: live-build/hooks: add chroot hook to rm cloud-init config file we don't want <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/115>08:45
zyga-x240ok, small break to lie down08:51
mupPR snapd#9101 opened: interfaces/systemd: use emulation mode when preseeding <Bug> <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9101>09:13
pedronispstolowski: hi, #9100 is missing a couple of things, see my comment there09:18
mupPR #9100: many: cherry-pick debug seeding api for 2.45 <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9100>09:18
pstolowskipedronis: thanks for spotting!09:18
mupPR snapd#9102 opened: corecfg: add "system.timezone" setting to the system settings <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9102>09:23
pstolowskipedronis: updated09:32
zyga-x240mvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9102#pullrequestreview-46236351009:38
mupPR #9102: corecfg: add "system.timezone" setting to the system settings <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9102>09:38
mvozyga: nice catch, I will fix this09:40
mvozyga: I looked over all timezones I could find but obviously I missed some09:40
mvozyga: maybe I should relax this a lot, not sure if I'm too cautious09:41
zyga-x240yeah, I was thinking if we should validate09:44
zyga-x240I guess it's a good thing if it gets checked early09:45
zyga-x240at snap build time (gadget defaults)09:45
zyga-x240but probably not good otherwise (we need to match another implementation)09:45
* mvo hugs mborzecki for 910309:45
mborzeckimvo: we had a TODO there, pedronis correctly pointed out it's probably time to fix it to avoid incomplete writes when updating grub efi binaries09:47
mupPR snapd#9103 opened: gadget, osutil: use atomic file copy, adjust tests <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9103>09:48
mvomborzecki: yeah, hence the *hug* :)09:51
mvomborzecki: thanks for fixing this09:51
pedronispstolowski: thx09:51
mborzeckipedronis: btw. ListsEqual or ListEqual in 9096? it's a trivial patch i can push and maybe we can land it before ijohnson comes online09:53
pedronismborzecki: ListEqual09:54
zyga-x240mvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9102#pullrequestreview-46237418409:58
mupPR #9102: corecfg: add "system.timezone" setting to the system settings <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9102>09:58
ogra_mvo, i assume using #9102 is not mandatory ? i.e. using timezone-control from a snap will still work ?10:01
mupPR #9102: corecfg: add "system.timezone" setting to the system settings <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9102>10:01
pedronismvo: some comments/questions in #909410:02
mupPR #9094: corecfg: add "system.hostname" setting to the system settings <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9094>10:02
mvoogra_: yes, the main use-case for image building. but mixing snap set and other means to set the timezone will be problabmatic10:02
mvoogra_: the main use case *is* image-building for uc2010:03
pedronismvo: we'll need to make this virtual like netplan at some point10:03
mvopedronis: exactly10:03
ogra_yeah ... as long as using i.e. a snap that looks up the TZ via geoip and setting the TZ still works all is fine10:03
pedronismaybe we need TODOs for that10:03
mvopedronis: happy to add one10:04
pedronissame for hostname10:04
mvopedronis: will do10:04
pedronismvo: anyway some questions there, probably relevant also for timezone10:04
mvoogra_: yeah, that's fine as long as it's not mixed (i.e. sometimes snap set, sometimes timedatectl directly)10:05
mvopedronis: yeah, thank you10:05
zyga-x240mvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9094 is not bi-directional, right?10:05
mupPR #9094: corecfg: add "system.hostname" setting to the system settings <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9094>10:05
zyga-x240if I set a system hostname, get will tell me it is ""10:05
zyga-x240unless I used set to set it10:06
mvozyga-x240: yes, until we have virtual config nodes10:06
ogra_mvo, so we shoudl better not set it by default (wrt UC20 images) to not force the world to use snapd-control 😉 ... perhaps timezone-control could grant access to the setting though ?10:06
mvoogra_: we will support virtual configuration soon(ish) then this will become a non-issue10:08
mvoogra_: but yeah, until then it's a problem10:08
ogra_i dont think baking a TZ into an image at build time is a good idea at all though ... in case thats the plan10:08
mvoI guess we could cheat for hostname/timezone and simply import if unset but feels a bit hacky10:08
mvoogra_: heh :) I'm just a code-monkey, this was a request from the people building images10:09
ogra_well, but do they understand the implications ?10:09
mvoogra_: apparently one of the things that happend in uc18 is that writable is modified to change timezone/hostname10:09
zyga-x240ogra_: if you are a telco doing consumer hw for a small EU country, baking the timezone is OK10:10
zyga-x240I think it's a valid use case10:10
ogra_zyga-x240, not talking about a telco that uses a brand store and has access to snapd-control ...10:10
zyga-x240sure but it's the out-of-the box thing that works before you get online fully10:10
zyga-x240I think it's not wrong10:11
ogra_but about our community images where people only have timezone-control to set it10:11
ogra_having snaps re-set my TZ to whats baked into the image on boot wouldnt be something i expect10:11
mvoogra_: we will not have anything in our community images that will set this10:11
ogra_ah, k10:11
zyga-x240we could have a ubuntu-core-20-brexit image10:12
zyga-x240with hard-coded TZ10:12
ogra_all fine then 🙂10:12
* zyga-x240 runs10:12
mvoogra_: but you make an interessting point. I guess "snap get system.timezone" should really get whatever /etc/localtime tells it regardless of the setting10:12
zyga-x240and blue splash screen10:12
zyga-x240mvo: I think those are both properties10:12
ogra_with a big long hex number and the word "SUCCESS"10:13
zyga-x240not actual variables10:13
pedronismvo: yes, that means virtual config. we really need to start on that sooner or later10:13
zyga-x240you can read / write but the system is authoritative10:13
mvopedronis: +110:15
pedronispstolowski: btw, did you see my comment in #9088 ?10:17
mupPR #9088: cmd/snap-preseed: use snapd from the deb if newer than from seeds <Preseeding 🍞> <Run nested> <Squash-merge> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9088>10:17
pstolowskipedronis: yes, thank you, just got sidetracked by other stuff, will get back to this PR in a bit10:19
pedronisok, thx10:23
mvozyga-x240: I applied your suggestions (and more) in 9094 (the companion PR for hostname). if it looks good there I will also put them into the timezone one10:45
zyga-x240mvo: thanks, I'll review the hostname one as well10:45
zyga-x240looking at your changes now10:45
zyga-x240mvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9094#pullrequestreview-46241020210:53
mupPR #9094: corecfg: add "system.hostname" setting to the system settings <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9094>10:53
mvozyga-x240: thank you!10:59
* zyga-x240 moved the locking earlier11:39
zyga-x240now to look at tests11:39
mupPR snapd#9100 closed: many: cherry-pick debug seeding api for 2.45 <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9100>11:48
pedronispstolowski: I re-reviewed #908812:15
mupPR #9088: cmd/snap-preseed: use snapd from the deb if newer than from seeds <Preseeding 🍞> <Run nested> <Squash-merge> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9088>12:15
pstolowskipedronis: thanks12:38
* zyga-x240 is making progress on tests12:40
ijohnsonmorning folks12:47
pstolowskimorning ijohnson !12:47
ijohnsonhey pstolowski12:47
zyga-x240hey ijohnson !12:49
ijohnsonmorning zyga12:49
zyga-x240brb, see you at the standup12:49
zyga-x2402/3 sid passed without an error14:01
mborzeckizyga-x240: https://pipelines.actions.githubusercontent.com/xS8oSnypZkPEQZqiZgDaRp2kdvQJKbOY08TesHp7E8vn7g4hYR/_apis/pipelines/1/runs/10375/signedlogcontent/60?urlExpires=2020-08-06T14%3A04%3A51.3637247Z&urlSigningMethod=HMACV1&urlSignature=CF%2B2ibNYy9HIFj7kxbQb7%2Fh9DQ71vy%2F6z2rksCZgawA%3D that's sid14:04
zyga-x240ah, thanks14:04
zyga-x240I'll look into those14:04
mborzeckizyga-x240: this link is probbaly better: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/runs/95320190414:06
zyga-x240I will focus on a specific case and dig into it, but first some tests need finishing14:06
mvo ?14:07
ijohnsonpedronis: mmm actually maybe we do need a short sync, I can get rid of the Origin() method, but I'm not sure if I should go the route of implementing both the deepEqual method and a copy method, or if there's some way I can get away with only one additional method on *Modeenv compared to master14:20
mupBug #1890610 opened:  'snap install' | "INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart..."  <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1890610>14:21
ijohnsonpedronis: I don't see how to do it with just a single additional method, but I can get rid of deepEqual if I have a Duplicate method and something like m.SyncUpdates(m2)14:21
ijohnsonperhaps it's fine to have both deepEqual and a Duplicate method even if their impls will largely be the same14:21
mupBug #1890610 changed:  'snap install' | "INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart..."  <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1890610>14:24
mupBug #1890610 opened:  'snap install' | "INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart..."  <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1890610>14:27
pedronisijohnson: we can sync quickly if you want14:33
ijohnsonpedronis: yes if you have time, should be simple, just not sure which methods you would want14:33
jameshjdstrand: When you've got time, could you have a look over https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8943 (dbus activation support)?  I know you reviewed a version of this in another PR, but the implementation has changed a bit so probably needs another pass14:34
mupPR #8943: wrappers: generate D-Bus service activation files <Needs security review> <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8943>14:34
pedronisijohnson: let me join the standup again14:34
ijohnsonk, joining14:34
jameshjdstrand: there is less code to review this time around though, which should help14:34
mborzeckicachio: i've updated #901914:35
mupPR #9019: tests/nested/manual/minimal-smoke: run core smoke tests in a VM meeting minimal requirements <Run nested> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9019>14:35
jdstrandjamesh: yes, I'm hoping to get to that after something I'm doing for microk8s atm. thanks for the ping. I also owe you a response to the theme forum topic14:35
cachiomborzecki, nice, I'll take a look14:36
jameshjdstrand: thanks14:45
pedronismvo: I gave some feedback on your comment here: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9103#discussion_r46634991114:51
mupPR #9103: gadget, osutil: use atomic file copy, adjust tests <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9103>14:51
mvopedronis: thank you14:51
mupPR snapd#9104 opened: tests: fix for timing issues on journal-state test <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9104>14:59
pedronisijohnson: do you know if your PR conflicts with #9078 ?14:59
mupPR #9078: boot: fancy marshaller for modeenv values <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9078>14:59
ijohnsonpedronis: it might not actually, do you want me to double check15:00
pedronisno, just wondering15:00
pedronisI'll try to review it soon15:00
ijohnsonI don't think it should as mine is just adding things15:00
pedronismvo: I reviewed the recovery/reboot PRs15:10
mvopedronis: \o/15:10
pedronisthe reboot one needs a bit more work I think15:11
* zyga-x240 finished with refresh checks and will focus on debian in 15 minutes15:14
zyga-x240small break15:14
ijohnsonshould I merge #9096 or just close it now15:16
mupPR #9096: strutil: add ListEqual helper <Simple 😃> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9096>15:16
ijohnsonit's not used anymore15:16
pstolowskimvo: one suggestion to #910215:19
mupPR #9102: corecfg: add "system.timezone" setting to the system settings <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9102>15:19
mvopstolowski: thank you15:20
pedronisijohnson: I would say close it15:30
ijohnsonpedronis: ack15:30
zyga-x240ok, let's fix debian15:31
pedronisijohnson: why did you call the new method Duplicate when we agreed to call it Copy ?15:32
ijohnsonI literally just re-force pushed it like 60 seconds ago15:33
pedronisijohnson: it's somehow still called Duplicate, did you force push less than expected?15:34
ijohnsonalso if we now have DeepEqual, why do we have check.DeepEquals ??15:34
ijohnsonI also forgot to rename DeepEquals -> DeepEqual so I am force pushing that15:35
ijohnsongive me like 3 minutes and all renames will be sorted out sorry15:35
pedronisijohnson: I don't think check is following go conventions there15:35
pedronisit's Time.Equal and reflect.DeepEqual15:36
ijohnsonI can't wait for the day that we can use a new gofmt :-/15:43
mupPR snapd#9096 closed: strutil: add ListEqual helper <Simple 😃> <Created by anonymouse64> <Closed by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9096>15:44
ijohnsonugh that took too long15:46
ijohnsoneverything should be in sync now, renamed and passing gofmt 1.915:46
ijohnsonI also canceled all the queued / in progress github actions from my various force pushes15:47
cachioijohnson, hey15:47
ijohnsonhi cachio15:47
cachioI see thie error refreshing core2015:47
ijohnsoncachio: you mean the "there was a rollback" message ?15:48
cachiothis is after hte reboot15:48
zyga-x240Aug 06 15:47:40 aug061535-531864 systemd-user-runtime-dir[35169]: Failed to acquire number of inodes for runtime directory: Unknown interface org.freedesktop.>15:48
cachioijohnson, yes15:48
zyga-x240Aug 06 15:47:40 aug061535-531864 systemd-user-runtime-dir[35169]: Failed to acquire number of inodes for runtime directory: Unknown interface org.freedesktop.login1.Manager or property RuntimeDirectoryInodesMax.15:48
cachioI reffreshed from beta to edge15:48
cachioafter the reboot I see that15:48
ijohnsoncachio: is this after your dropping of kvm ? or is this not a vm ?15:48
ijohnsons/vm/nested vm/15:49
cachioijohnson, it si a vm with kvm enabled15:49
ijohnsoncachio: is it a nested vm ?15:49
ijohnsoncachio: so this could just be that random reboot bug15:49
ijohnsoncachio: do you have the rest of the log ?15:49
cachioijohnson, this is what I have https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Wr2Dgjb3rs/15:51
cachioijohnson, I'll try again without kvm15:51
ijohnsoncachio: seems something got broken in this branch you are using15:52
ijohnsonqemu has `-serial file:/tmp/work-dir/serial.log`15:52
ijohnsonbut spread debug is looking at15:52
ijohnson`+ '[' -f /tmp/work-dir/serial-log.txt ']'`15:52
ijohnsonthat wouldn't break anything but it means we got less information than we need to in order to diagnose if this was the random reboot problem15:53
zyga-x240that property is real but is missing from introspection data15:53
cachioijohnson, you are right15:54
cachiofixing that15:54
ijohnsoncachio: yes please try w/o kvm, or you do have #9083 applied locally where you are running this ?15:55
mupPR #9083: tests: new parameters for nested execution <Run nested> <Simple 😃> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9083>15:55
ijohnsonzyga-x240: broken systemd ?15:55
zyga-x240perhaps, not sure yet15:55
zyga-x240introspection data certainly disagrees with source15:55
ijohnsonthat seems bad15:55
zyga-x240I'm running sid on one test machine (not vm)15:56
zyga-x240so I guess I'm brave ;-)15:56
ijohnsonvery brave :-)15:58
zyga-x240it's a ppc box15:58
zyga-x240you go there to compile C code and see if it works15:59
pedronismvo: ijohnson: I reviewed but then ended up submitting some tweaks #907816:01
mupPR #9078: boot: fancy marshaller for modeenv values <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9078>16:01
ijohnsonpedronis: did anyone ever figure out the deal with secboot's checksumSHA1 flip flopping around ?16:02
pedronisijohnson: what do you get there?16:03
cachioijohnson, yes merged with 908316:03
cachionow  runing without kvm enabled16:03
zyga-x240ok, I think I have a partial fix16:03
zyga-x240at least for one test16:03
ijohnsoncachio: mmm then please fix the serial file so we can see the log, it may be a real problem then if we aren't having random reboots anymore16:03
cachioijohnson, I already fixed that, let's see the results in 30/40 minuets16:04
ijohnsoncachio: I don't see those different filenames on master, was that locally you changed that ?16:04
cachioijohnson, thanks for the catch16:04
ijohnsoncachio: ack sounds good16:04
ijohnsonpedronis: one moment16:04
ijohnsonpedronis: I have `fqejS2llZXw3gLnOYhg7pcSlY+Q=` like on master, but sometimes it changes for me as well, unclear when it changes, see for example my systemd-mount PR16:05
ijohnsonpedronis: ah actually my systemd-mount PR has the same change as your PR does https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9010/files#diff-bd290170e2912d3e8694db1a151066e516:06
mupPR #9010: cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: call systemd-mount instead of the-tool <Run nested> <Squash-merge> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9010>16:06
pedronisijohnson: anyway 9078 needs a review of my commit16:08
ijohnsonpedronis: yes one moment lgtm I will submit a formal review16:08
zyga-x240sirens outside all day16:08
zyga-x240today new president got sworn16:08
zyga-x240all kind of important folks are driven around16:09
zyga-x240police, vip cars, more police16:09
pedronismvo: should I push the rename and arg swap to #9103 ?16:10
mupPR #9103: gadget, osutil: use atomic file copy, adjust tests <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9103>16:10
mvopedronis: yeah, if feel free then we can merge16:10
mvopedronis: I pushed an update to 902016:18
zyga-x240sloooow prepare16:22
zyga-x240testing fixes is slow16:22
pedronismvo: done here: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9103/commits/46a7e60434a7115f5dc8a1910e5e160e09c4ac7316:23
mupPR #9103: gadget, osutil: use atomic file copy, adjust tests <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9103>16:23
mvopedronis: thank you16:24
zyga-x240more sirens16:24
zyga-x240feels like a fire truck16:24
zyga-x240they have different horns16:24
mupPR snapd#9057 closed: overlord: use new tracking cgroup for refresh app awareness <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9057>16:24
pedroniszyga-x240: could you look at #9101 ?16:33
mupPR #9101: interfaces/systemd: use emulation mode when preseeding <Bug> <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9101>16:33
pedronisgiven the arg surgery I did on #9103 it probably needs a 2nd review from somebody else than me16:34
mupPR #9103: gadget, osutil: use atomic file copy, adjust tests <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9103>16:34
ijohnsonpedronis: do you need me to review more of pawel's preseeding PR's as they pertain to the backends ?16:34
* ijohnson can't remember whether those are going into 2.45.4 or not16:35
pedronisijohnson: they are16:35
pedronisijohnson: for 2.45.4 #9088, #9101, and #9103 need 2nd reviews16:36
mupPR #9088: cmd/snap-preseed: use snapd from the deb if newer than from seeds <Preseeding 🍞> <Run nested> <Squash-merge> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9088>16:36
mupPR #9101: interfaces/systemd: use emulation mode when preseeding <Bug> <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9101>16:36
mupPR #9103: gadget, osutil: use atomic file copy, adjust tests <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9103>16:36
ijohnsonpedronis: ok I will try to look at all of those today, might not get to all of them16:36
pedronisijohnson: I think zyga will look as well at 9101, so start with the other two16:37
zyga-x240more on the sid error side: Aug 06 16:39:09 aug061610-263415 dbus-daemon[302]: [system] The maximum number of pending replies for ":1.6" (uid=0 pid=673 comm="/lib/systemd/systemd-logind ") has been reached (max_replies_per_connection=128)16:39
* pedronis mostly eods16:39
zyga-x240interesting that systemd-logind uses 450MB of ram when it's in a broken state16:44
zyga-x240and about 2MB of ram when functional16:44
zyga-x240I'll check earlier, I think this is broken at an earlier stage16:46
zyga-x240just restarting systemd-logind.service seems to "fix" stuff16:47
zyga-x240maybe some package upgrades we do leave it this way16:47
* zyga-x240 adds "false" in a strategic place ;)16:47
zyga-x240ijohnson: could you look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/782516:48
mupPR #7825: many: use transient scope for tracking apps and hooks <Needs security review> <Security-High> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7825>16:48
zyga-x240at the last comment only16:48
zyga-x240and at the diffstat16:48
ijohnsonhaha I'm literally reviewing it now16:48
zyga-x240haha cool :)16:49
zyga-x240I saw, super!16:51
* cachio lunch16:51
zyga-x240ok, moved false to after prepare project16:53
zyga-x240let's see if it's already broken then16:53
zyga-x240I should have just upgraded in place16:53
zyga-x240that would probably be enough16:53
zyga-x240oh well, I'll know in a moment16:53
zyga-x240yeah, just preparing project is enough17:02
zyga-x240I understand the bug now17:16
zyga-x240(for debian sid)17:16
pedroniszyga-x240: is there are an order to #7700, #7825, #8573 . should they be reviewed in their PR number order? or something else?17:18
mupPR #7700: cmd/snap: wait while inhibition file is present <Needs Samuele review> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7700>17:18
mupPR #7825: many: use transient scope for tracking apps and hooks <Needs security review> <Security-High> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7825>17:18
mupPR #8573: overlord/snapstate: inhibit startup while unlinked <Needs Samuele review> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8573>17:18
zyga-x240pedronis: I would recommend to look at 7700 first - it's rather basic and shows what happens on snap run17:19
zyga-x240pedronis: then at 8573 as it shows how we acquire the new inhibition lock17:20
zyga-x240and ignore 7825 for now17:20
zyga-x240as it is a hollow branch that just removes code now17:20
zyga-x240https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/16685 for context17:20
zyga-x240xnox: do you know any systemd debian maintainers17:20
zyga-x240there's a bug that cripples snapd tests that just rolled out to sid17:20
zyga-x240the fix is a one liner17:20
zyga-x240but requires some thought and consideration17:21
zyga-x240I'm reporting a debian bug now, almost done17:30
zyga-x240I'll attach a patch17:30
zyga-x240ok, reported now17:35
zyga-x240I'll send a patch to unbreak sid while we wait for the package to be fixed17:36
zyga-x240testing a fix now17:50
zyga-x240I should have EODd a while a go17:50
xnoxzyga:  normally patches go as pull requests on salsa.debian.org against systemd repo17:51
zyga-x240xnox: the situation is more complex now, it's not a clear fix :/17:54
zyga-x240it's just kind of bad and there's no good solution17:54
zyga-x240I've updated the upstream bug with references if you are interested17:54
zyga-x240ok, fixed, I'll run a quick smoke test and open a PR18:01
zyga-x240ijohnson: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/910518:11
mupPR #9105: tests: work around bug in systemd/debian <Test Robustness> <⚠ Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9105>18:11
mupPR snapd#9105 opened: tests: work around bug in systemd/debian <Test Robustness> <⚠ Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9105>18:15
* zyga-x240 resolved some conflicts and EODs18:23
zyga-x240it's been a long day18:23
zyga-x240need to exercise a little18:23
zyga-x240ijohnson: I resolved conflicts in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8573 now18:23
mupPR #8573: overlord/snapstate: inhibit startup while unlinked <Needs Samuele review> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8573>18:23
mupPR snapd#9106 opened: gadget: remove partition table data from ondisk volume <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9106>20:05
cachioijohnson, I was refreshing reverting core20 and snapd snapd the whole afternoon without kvm and it worked 100%20:25
cachioso the problem were the random reboots20:25
ijohnsonstill odd that you were running without kvm and hit that issue this morning though20:26
cachioI am running those tests in a look, at some point I'll reproduce them20:26
ijohnsonthanks cachio20:31
cachioijohnson, could you take a second review to #8942 plase?21:15
mupPR #8942: tests: support different images on nested execution <Run nested> <Squash-merge> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8942>21:15
ijohnsoncachio: sure21:15
cachioso if it is green I can squash merge it21:15
ijohnsonmany things seem to be stuck in queued state right now21:15
ijohnsonwhat I've been doing is to cancel individual spread runs via the github ui, then wait for all the other spread runs to be canceled, then go and hit re-run21:16
ijohnsonnot sure how helpful that has been21:16
ijohnsonwe may need Zygmunt to update the self hosted runners or something21:16
cachionp, I'll monitor that one21:24
mupPR snapd#9103 closed: gadget, osutil: use atomic file copy, adjust tests <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/9103>22:46

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