
Scary_GuyI saw the 0 downtime server on HN, was a good read.  I liked the comment about the frozen server with a stuck fan that the guy greased with mayo from his sandwich he got along the way to fix it.01:28
Scary_GuyAlso this is the part where I complain about not using old.reddit.com for the link.  I do have a plugin to redirect such links though so not a huge deal.01:29
rick_hjrwren:  that post misses the delaying of updates, the fact that we had broken apt updates to grub for a day last week that rendered systems unbootable, anyway, pick your poison. It all breaks eventually heh14:54
cmaloneyI thought that how Canonical handled the grub2 breakage was quite good14:55
cmaloneyI'm also grateful that I wasn't bit by it14:55
jrwrenwhich post?14:55
rick_hsorry, the snap refresh one14:56
* rick_h doesn't look at irc as much as he should since work moved to mattermost14:56
jrwrenfrom weeks ago?14:56
rick_hoh, was it weeks? It's like 10 lines up in the history lol14:56
jrwrenoh, July 31, so just 1 week14:56
rick_hit says -- Wed, 05 Aug 2020 (Fri, 31 Jul 2020) --14:56
rick_hso guess I thought it was yesterday but maybe it was before that14:57
jrwrenIt was Friday.14:57
rick_hweechat date confusion fail14:57
jrwrenIt would be cool if there was an update setting that ignored security issues of local priv escalation.14:58
cmaloneyMattermost fail. :)14:58
jrwrenif it ain't broke, don't fix it. I dno't need any updates except remote compromise.14:58
jrwrenbut... *shrug*14:58
jrwrenuse of containers basically mitigates all of this.14:58
cmaloneyI think the main reason I'm not a fan of snaps is it's a developer deciding what's important to me14:58
jrwrenthe issue gets pushed to whatever runs the OS that runs the containers :)14:58
rick_h? that's basically what snaps are14:58
cmaloneyrather than me deciding what is important to me14:58
rick_hsnaps are basically containers with isolation of the workload, libs, etc. I guess if we're not talking about --classic (e.g. dangerous) snaps14:59
jrwrencmaloney: I mean... the devs who push to a PPA are deciding what is important to you too.14:59
rick_hright, there's always someone else in control14:59
cmaloneyjrwren: True, but I can also pin a version if I want14:59
cmaloneyI get final say on this15:00
jrwrencmaloney: you can also build yourself if you want to, and checkout the source and build previous versoins... can't do that with snap15:00
cmaloneyYou're making my point for me. :)15:00
rick_hbah, can't find popey's post15:00
rick_hwhy can't you build your own snap and sideload?15:00
jrwrencmaloney: your are welcome15:00
cmaloneyhow do I build Chrome?15:01
cmaloneyor Scribus?15:01
cmaloney(Scribus is a bad example)15:01
jrwrenoh, snap has a lot of the technical ability, but in practice with teh way teh store is setup... the answer is far too often "can't"15:01
jrwrenor the trade-off isn't worth it15:02
cmaloneyI'm sure there's a version of tootstream out there when Canonical had the big push to snap all the things15:02
cmaloneyand it hasn't been maintained in two years15:02
cmaloneybut it'll be offered to someone at some point15:02
jrwrenif it works for some people and increases their productivity, then good.15:04
jrwrenI only know it is not for me.15:04
jrwrenIt is kinda like cocaine or amphetemines.15:04
jrwrenis sideloaded snaps how all the openstack snaps are being used?15:06
jrwrenor is juju openstack not snap by default yet?15:06
jrwrenor juju k8s?15:07
cmaloneyI mean, I think snaps are a good idea, but the implementation rubs me the wrong way15:07
jrwrenwell, which part is a good idea?15:07
jrwrenI'm not convinced, because IMO they do nothing that couldn't also be done with debs.15:07
cmaloneycontainerized runtime for certain applications15:07
cmaloneyand yes15:07
cmaloneyI'm happier with PPAs than snaps by a country mile15:08
jrwrenoh... are snaps actually run in namespaces now? because "container" could mean just a chroot, like snap, or it could be namespaced15:08
cmaloneyI thought snaps were akin to LXC with privileges15:08
cmaloneybut me being confused is more likely15:08
jrwrenwith systemd's support for containers, its almost trivial to containerize an app in one way or nother.15:09
jrwreni've not followed snaps for a few yrs. maybe they are now. but previously i dno't think they were namespaced, just chrooted15:09
cmaloneyhonestly appimage also seems like the way to go for hoary applications15:09
cmaloneykinda like Apple's applications15:09
jrwrendebs already had/has that in a large part with chrome deb as an example15:10
jrwrenits own TLS, its own SQLite15:10
jrwrencomplete exception to the Debian philosophy, and that is OK IMO.15:10
jrwrenyou have to draw the line on what is your platform.15:11
jrwrenfor me, for many years that line has been linux+glibc, anything outside of that I've always considered part of my app, I have to be VERY aware of those dependencies.15:11
jrwrenthe mixing of those deps is always what a distro has solved.15:11
jrwrenwe are learning or have learned varying ways to solve it, but haven't gone the full macos - ship your own - the platform deps are much smaller, just yet.15:12
cmaloneyI've not looked at Chrome's .deb, so that is interesting15:12
jrwrenoh yeah, take a look.15:12
jrwrentheir own.... LOTS of things.15:12
cmaloneyMakes sense15:12
jrwrenmany of the libs statically linked, separate from the system shipped versions of the same thing.15:12
jrwrenThis is a large part of why I dislike snap so much. It is based on a lie that it is too difficult to package this and that, and other debs are the example. It is too difficult if you go full debian-standard no duplicate libraries, but if you ignore that and ship your own dep libs, it is far less difficult.15:15
cmaloneyit feels like an end-run around Docker15:16
cmaloneywithout any of the "advantages" of Docker15:16
cmaloneyHonestly I'm taking the "wait until it passes" approach15:17
jrwrensame. no reason to adopt unless there are clear benefits.15:17
cmaloneyI think LXC is brilliant. Snaps? Less so.15:17
jrwrenlxc was brilliant until it became snap only. :p15:17
jrwrenthe best version of docker is podman.15:17
cmaloneyOh, right. I'm still living in the past so lxc is not snaps for me. :)15:18
jrwrenapt  install lxc just installs the snap.15:18
cmaloneyYeah, screw that15:18
cmaloneyI'll go with Vagrant then15:18
cmaloneyfor me LXC occupies the same space as Vagrant15:18
cmaloneyand if LXC becomes less fun to use then Vagrant then LXC loses.15:19
jrwrenugh, so heavy weight.15:20
jrwrenwhat is that hashi deploy tool. I hear they target some varying container solutions now.15:20
cmaloneynot sure15:22
cmaloneyand yeah, VirtualBox is a bit heavy. That's why I ported one of my processes to lxc15:23
jrwreni need vim help! how to replace characters in a subs?18:08
jrwrens/ ../prefix\1suffix/  what should \1 be there?18:08
cmaloneywhat are you looking to do?18:11
jrwrenbah, I guess I can do it with multiple s/ commands.18:17
jrwreni wanted to take teh `2d 2d 2d 00 0a` style output from hexdump and... why didn't i just use sed???18:18
jrwrenhrm... i'm not sure how to do it with sed either. lol.18:19
jrwrendoesn't matter, I used vim and a few s/ commands.18:19
jrwrenoh... i wanted to take `2d 2d 2d 00 0a` style output from hexdump and turn it into a Go byte literal, so add 0x prefix and , suffix. => `0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x00, 0x0a`18:20
cmaloneyAh, neat18:50
cmaloneyyeah, I'm not sure how to do that without programming something18:50
jrwrenyour reply now 30min later made me try again...18:57
jrwreni didn't escape the () to create a backref, cuz vim.18:57
jrwren:s/ \(..\)/0x\1,/g  works18:58

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