
lubot<HMollerCl> @tsimonq2 how did the poll go? do we have new standup day?13:33
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> +114:43
The_LoudSpeakerwhats the process for a package to migrate from groovy-universe to focal-backports?21:14
The_LoudSpeaker@kc2bez @tsimonq2 @wxl21:14
The_LoudSpeakerthere's a package named micro maintained upstream (in debian) by a friend. 21:14
The_LoudSpeakerthe version in focal isn't as upto date.21:16
The_LoudSpeakerhe wants to backport it.21:18
The_LoudSpeakerit is currently in universe repositories.21:18
The_LoudSpeakercc @teward21:20

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