
arooniwhats the best way to check for integrity of a sd storage card?00:12
oerheksfsck, reading smart00:15
sarnoldarooni: badblocks perhaps? if you're questioning a specific card, it's probably bad and time to replace it00:21
oerheksreal bad block, yeah00:22
oerheksthey tend to 'grow'00:22
rateljust like my mother in law00:23
* ratel ducks00:23
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jwashhi everyone, i can get my external ip, how do i get the domain name associated with it?02:29
TreskjegUnder Ubuntu 20.04, I'm unable to access virtual terminals using ctrl+alt+F[1-6]. Is there a way to enable these?02:29
sarnoldjwash: 'host ip.add.re.ss' is one easy way02:30
sarnoldjwash: host is a handy tool, but if you're debugging dns, it's probably best to stick to dig02:30
jwashi need it for nextcloud02:31
sarnoldTreskjeg: any chance you've configured your x11 or wayland to forbid switching?02:31
TreskjegNo; this is a vanilla Ubuntu install. The only custom configuration I've done on X11 is to get it to run with Nvidia without breaking the login page.02:32
TreskjegAlso, running 20.04 if that helps at all.02:33
sarnoldTreskjeg: is this perhaps a laptop keyboard that also requires you to hold down an 'fn' key to use the f1-f12 keys?02:33
TreskjegIt is a *Microsoft* ergonomic keyboard; it has a windows key.02:35
sarnoldoh those tend to have enough space for dedicated media keys02:36
sarnoldTreskjeg: try running xev and hitting f1, f2, etc with it running; then check control, check alt, and make sure those are also control and alt02:37
TreskjegOh, k. My keyboard DOES have a function lock key.02:37
TreskjegThe function lock key did it (to the right of all of the function keys, toggles a light on the keyboard). The Windows key doesn't seem to act like a function key.02:40
sarnoldoh sweet :)02:40
TreskjegOr rather, like a 'fn' key.02:40
TreskjegThanks for the help! Works now.02:40
oerheks!cookie | sarnold02:42
ubottusarnold: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:42
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geosmileMy ubuntu 20.04 UI has been hanging randomly - and I've to change into terminal and shut it down - it just becomes unresponsive03:20
geosmileany ideas on how to debug that ? get that fixed?03:20
rjwiiigeosmile: what GPU do you have and how many monitors?03:50
geosmilerjwiii, 1 monitor - Nvidia 208003:50
rjwiiigeosmile: Not what I thought it might be ...03:51
rjwiiigeosmile: when it hangs, are you able to ssh in?03:51
geosmilerjwiii, i can use ctl+f7 or something like that after some time , get a shell in terminal, and shutdown03:52
rjwiiigeosmile: so, still have keyboard control ... but the desktop freezes?03:53
geosmiledesktop freezes, so i have to get out of X , goto text terminal using Ctrl+ F9 or F7 and then login on the 80 x 40 black terminal, then shutdown03:53
rjwiiigeosmile: recent install?03:54
rjwiiigeosmile: upgrade or fresh?03:54
geosmilea month old - 20.04LTS - totally updated03:54
rjwiiigeosmile: when did this start happening?03:55
geosmilenot sure03:55
geosmileSeems like ubuntu's desktop has never been stable for me anymore - 20.04 lts that is03:55
rjwiiigeosmile: when it freezes, can the mouse cursor still move?03:56
rjwiiigeosmile: have you tried hitting Alt-F2 to bring up a run dialog?03:57
geosmileI've not, will try that next time, but nothing else works on the screen03:58
geosmileits frozen03:58
rjwiiigeosmile: I had a freezing problem that was similar, but I have a Radion and multiple monitors ... took me a month and a half to figure that one out ...03:59
geosmilehow did you figure it out?03:59
rjwiiigeosmile: Google, Google and more Google ... :)04:00
geosmileoh ok04:00
rjwiiigeosmile: I have a Thelio from System76 and had a support ticket open ... ended up figuring it out myself ...04:00
geosmilewthat is impressive04:01
rjwiiigeosmile:  did you make any changes to your system recently? Hardware or software?04:02
rjwiiigeosmile: do apps continue to update when the desktop freezes?04:06
geosmilerjwiii, i think its broken from day one04:07
geosmilerjwiii, there are known issues with 4k monitor + nvidia cards for ubuntu 20.04lts04:07
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rjwiiigeosmile: tried playing with the Nvidia config app?04:08
rjwiiigeosmile: ahhhh .... my monitors are not 4K ...04:09
nikolamI can't use OpenGL on Intel graphics (Haswell, HD 4600), I used to use AMD 7850 and I pulled it out  https://pastebin.com/2pAANkgJ04:28
tatertotznikolam: then put it back "in"04:29
tatertotznikolam: is that so hard?04:29
nikolamtatertotz, nice idea, but I would like to use Intel graphics now. And maybe I learn something in the process.04:30
nikolamI don't know if I could use that AMD anymore on this system04:30
tatertotznikolam: you haven't posted a system information pastebin04:30
nikolamThere are some apps (like anydesk, teamviewer) that refuse to open window with intel setup now.04:32
nikolamtatertotz, meaning like with lshw?04:32
lalitmeeHey Guys, I am facing a very weird problem in my Ubuntu 18.04 and that is my Internet Download and Upload speed is very fast but when I try to browse any website it takes a lot of time to load. Do any one of you know about this problem?04:33
lalitmeeAs you can see my hexchat is also being disconnected again and again. Why this problem is occuring suddenly?04:34
nikolamtatertotz, https://pastebin.com/WiVsG5rV04:34
tatertotznikolam: eww04:36
tatertotznikolam: that's ugly04:36
tatertotznikolam: in terminal>       inxi -Fxxprzc0|nc termbin.com 999904:36
tatertotznikolam: follow instructions on screen to install if not installed then follow through04:37
tatertotznikolam: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link..simply say so04:37
nikolamtatertotz, https://termbin.com/j7du04:39
tatertotznikolam: your graphics and graphics subsystem isn't installed correctly,04:44
tatertotznikolam: in terminal>    ls -alh /var/log|nc termbin.com 999904:45
tatertotznikolam: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link..simply say so04:45
tatertotznikolam: as per https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/75043/intel-core-i5-4570-processor-6m-cache-up-to-3-60-ghz.html your integrated iGPU has a "Intel® HD Graphics 4600"04:48
nikolamyes tatertotz04:48
tatertotznikolam: i can only imagine the things you've done on this over the last 3 months04:49
nikolamI think X server is using VESA and this is the problem. maybe I should create /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and put 20-intel.conf in int, with ' Section "Device"  Identifier "Intel Graphics" Driver "modesetting"  EndSection ' in it?04:49
tatertotznikolam: it should actually look more similar to this https://termbin.com/ppkm04:50
tatertotznikolam: your devices isn't listed correctly and no drivers successfully loaded for it04:50
tatertotznikolam: that's not good04:50
nikolamok let me reboot..04:51
tatertotznikolam: it's so abnormal looking you'd be better off reinstalling than trying to band aid that mess04:51
tatertotznikow: utter mess04:51
futureRich: can i know what it means? getopt(argc, argv, “abc:d:012”)  ?04:51
tatertotzfutureRich: https://termbin.com/svq804:53
tatertotzfutureRich: sure you can https://termbin.com/svq804:53
tatertotznikolam: you don't even have a GLX renderer, proper device listing or driver in use04:54
tatertotznikolam: cluster ducked  s/d/f04:55
tatertotznikolam: fubar04:55
nikolamI guess it's all the matter of installing packages then?04:55
tatertotznikolam: no you'll reinstall04:55
tatertotznikolam: unless you're clairvoyant, supreme being that already knowns EXACTLY what packages verbatim04:56
tatertotznikolam: and you're NOT04:56
futureRichtatertotz: thanks04:56
tatertotznikolam: and installing random packages might be how you landed yourself in this boat to begin with04:57
tatertotznikolam: i'm sure you've install plenty packages over the course of the last 3 months or so04:58
nikolamI bet there is some fine manual for using Intel graphics drivers.. I just need to find it04:58
tatertotznikolam: sorry this one is better looking https://termbin.com/2j6804:59
tatertotznikolam: look how pretty this looks https://termbin.com/2j68 now look at yours https://termbin.com/j7du05:00
tatertotznikolam: see my "intel" driver there..all nice and pretty ..standing proud05:00
tatertotznikolam: my GLX renderer...standing proud05:01
tatertotznikolam: ...yours....:(05:01
tatertotznikolam: you've got more problems that just intel driver...you've rendered graphics "N/A"05:02
nikolamtatertotz, I know..05:02
tatertotznikolam: i can only imagine what kind of evil a end user would have to do to render graphic "N/A"05:02
tatertotznikolam: best to burn some sage and reinstall05:03
nikolamjust pulled out AMD graphics. Maybe some setting were forcing it to use amd for rendering .. etc.05:03
nikolamAnd it used to always force 1024x768 on Intel etc05:04
tatertotznikolam: did you configure your system in any way outside of the operating system to support such a change?05:04
tatertotznikolam: BIOS's often have a setting for PRIMARY GRAPHICS set to either "PCI-E" or "on board/on CPU"05:05
tatertotznikolam: is it the same when booted to LiveCD/LiveUSB?05:06
nikolamtatertotz, yes, I should check primary graphics set in BIOS, But I think it's about PCI initialization time05:07
nikolamtatertotz, let me check with live media, too.05:08
nikolamsee you later05:08
packeteerI've got a bug to report in haproxy 1.8.26-1ppa1~xenial... I'm a bit light on detail as it was impacting Prod, but client connections are being closed early05:29
marzI'm trying to move my iptables rules to ufw which Ubuntu 18.08 is using. How do I do icmp type limits? e.g. icmptype 8 limit: avg 1000/min burst 505:39
guivercmarz, there is no Ubuntu 18.08 (2018-August) release05:40
bray90820So I have nemo install in 20.04 but it doesn't have dropbox intagradtion so is there a way to change the just the dropbox folder to nautilus05:40
gnoobIt's not a virtual machine?  On my VM the Fn key does not seem to work.05:54
gnooboops, I was way scrolled up.05:54
oerhekspacketeer, xenial? great release it was, EOL now, dead.06:02
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) was the 24th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes06:02
oerheksoh wait, few more months06:02
packeteerwe still have a few boxes06:08
nikowtatertotz: Hmm?06:17
tatertotznikow: welcome back06:19
nikowtatertotz: 06:51 <tatertotz> nikow: utter mess06:21
nikowtatertotz: What's utter mess?06:21
futureRichoption must one character in linux command line?06:21
tatertotznikow: it's a verbal expression common in the west06:21
nikowfutureRich: No, it can be longer. Like mosh --ssh=06:22
nikowtatertotz: Hmm… Ok? Thanks for highlight anyway.06:22
futureRichnikow: if i use only ‘-‘?06:22
futureRichthen character is only one character?06:23
nikowIt's a standard in the industry, but it does not need to be followed.06:25
nikolamI inserted back AMD 7850 in an attempt to use Anydesk, teamviewer and to see working glxinfo, but I get the same message as with Intel 4600 : https://pastebin.com/TGSvSQvh  Previously with 7850, 3D used to work.. https://pastebin.com/TGSvSQvh06:26
oerheksreinstall teamviewer and anydesk? not applications that are suppported by us..06:28
oerhekssure they can help you wipe it clean06:28
nikolamoerheks, already done that I think it is something with OpenGL/MESA06:31
tatertotznikolam: did you boot LiveCD/LiveUSB and see if graphics and graphics sub system look okay?...did you check BIOS?...those were the two actions you were supposed to have taken, magic silver bullets are only in movies06:32
tatertotznikolam: you hoping for secret "fix all" button ?06:33
marzguiverc: I meant ubuntu 18.0406:34
nikolamtatertotz, forgot about that, will also boot live media, sure. I actualy just finished installing 7850 back. Since I am on BTRFS and have apt-btrfs-snapshot installed, I could boot system from month ago to also see if it differs.06:34
nikolamlet me get back06:34
tatertotznikolam: none of those problems will fix themselves or change by themselves06:34
tatertotznikolam: https://termbin.com/j7du06:34
tatertotznikolam: you don't even have a GLX renderer to use any drivers06:35
tatertotznikolam: you're software rendering also06:36
tatertotznikolam: so none of that teamviewing or Anydesk crap is going to function as designed06:37
tatertotznikolam: not in your current conditioin06:37
tatertotznikolam: condition06:37
oerheksyou paid them for support :-P06:37
nikolamlemme reboot do other things prescribe, before me rumbling anymore :P06:39
kmplsvUghhh. I've recently been having issues with Ubuntu 20.04 installations as a guest OS in VirtualBox with a Windows 10 host. For some reason, files are writing to and being stored in my /tmp directory. Thinking I did something wrong during the initial installation/configuration, I deleted two previous VMs and started over. However, here on my third installation now, the issue persists. It looked06:44
kmplsvlike things were going fine up until a few minutes ago when I ran into an issue being caused by a full /tmp directory, but it shows my other directory as being basically empty. It's like it is saving everything to the /boot or /tmp directories. What gives?06:44
tatertotzkmplsv: are you chatting from the VM now?07:01
kmplsvtatertotz: no. i'm sshd into a vps.07:05
Kharec'lo there.07:07
tatertotzkmplsv: find out what is writing to /tmp07:07
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kmplsvthats what im having trouble doing.07:08
kmplsvi'm pretty new getting back into linux07:08
oerheksfull tmp, how much space did you reserve?07:08
EriC^^kmplsv: show us "df -h"07:09
EriC^^!paste | kmplsv07:10
ubottukmplsv: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:10
kmplsv!screenshots https://i.imgur.com/pFQnPse.jpg07:13
kmplsver, here, https://i.imgur.com/pFQnPse.jpg07:14
tatertotzkmplsv: did you NOT notice the "-h" ???07:14
tatertotzkmplsv: put on your glasses07:14
EriC^^doesn't look like there's a separate /tmp07:14
marzHOw do I limit icmp via ufw? e.g. in my iptables I have icmptype 8 limit: avg 1000/min burst 507:15
kmplsvtatertotz: damn man, sorry, still new again to all of this.07:15
kmplsvi just nuked the VM. starting over from scratch.07:18
kmplsvprobably just spin up an mxlinux VM or something if it happens again.07:18
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EriC^^kmplsv: as is the system looks perfectly fine right now07:20
futureRichgetopt(argc, argv, “f:s:STA”)  == getopt(argc, argv, “s:f:STA”)07:52
tatertotzfutureRich: https://termbin.com/9kf407:57
dirtwashcan someone explain to me why smartontools requires a full installation of postfix mail server?!08:05
tatertotzdirtwash: email alerts can be sent to a system administrator or engineer of drive status changes.08:06
tatertotzdirtwash: that's why08:07
tatertotzdirtwash: take care08:07
dirtwashtatertotz: that should be optional, not a mandatory dependecy08:08
dirtwashan active mail server is a security risk08:08
dirtwashif all I want is SMART values from disks08:08
dirtwashridiculous dependency08:08
guivercdirtwash, I only see a suggests for groovy - https://packages.ubuntu.com/groovy/smartmontools08:09
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guivercsame for focal, no depends08:10
dirtwashI get https://pastebin.com/raw/uy3k1Yae for apt install smartmontools08:11
dirtwashthis should not happen08:11
guivercdirtwash, you haven't said release, but you can use the link I provided replacing groovy with whatever release you're using to see what you should get08:13
dirtwashsuggested packages shouldnt be installed by default08:14
rymate1234quick question about electron apps on linux08:15
rymate1234when I use my mouse back buttons, it appears to register twice08:15
kmplsvjust spun up an xubuntu vm. man, what a relief over the stock ubuntu bloat.08:46
lotuspsychjeflavours for everyone08:48
kmplsvyeah, we'll just see if i run into the same problem with this xubuntu VM here in a few minutes lol.08:50
kmplsvi'm just now getting back into linux/unix after about 15 years. i used to use arch/gentoo/slackware. i swallowed my pride and decided ubuntu would be best to relearn with because the community is so large.08:51
kmplsvso i'm starting from the CLI ground up08:51
kmplsvi mean, some stuff i sitll remember of course, but am i flying around in arch or nixos with xmonad hetkey commands like a boss? lol nope.08:52
kmplsvnot yet!08:52
techiedUbuntu is a great place to start, it's where I started, tons of documentation, guides, and resources08:52
kmplsvyeah, i'm doing this on the side. the main unix guru i know, one of my bestfriends, used to be a big arch guy like back in the day, i told him i need some help relearning linux so i bought a DO droplet and domain to mess around with.08:53
lotuspsychje!discuss | kmplsv join here08:54
ubottukmplsv join here: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!08:54
kmplsvhe's since converted from arch to nixOS and said he wouldn't help me unless i'm using nixOS.08:54
kubast2Hey I have gotten to know it is possible to give users capabilities(7)08:57
kubast2I give out the NET_BIND_SERVICE capability to 1000 user with08:58
kubast2sudo setpriv --init-groups --ruid 1000 --euid 1000  --rgid 1000 --egid 1000 --inh-caps +net_bind_service,+net_admin,+net_raw,+net_broadcast strace nc -l 102308:58
kubast2kernel is meanie to me08:58
kubast2bind(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(1023), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)08:58
kubast2and returns -1 permission denies regardless08:58
kubast2when trying to bind port 1023 as user 1000 with capability net_bind_service08:58
kubast2please no bully08:59
kubast2after having vmware workstation continuesly bsod my windows 10 I just decided to get kvm user session mode networking going, but it can't create a new network interface09:00
kubast2but giving capabilities to a user does nothing09:00
kubast2nvm I think I know the obvious answer rn and that is to use kvm/qemu root connection on virsh/virt-manager09:01
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elias_aWhere does one set path to firmware file of an USB scanner in 20.04? Which is the correct configuration file?09:45
elias_aSeems to be /etc/sane.d09:48
ice9is there a cron called popularity-contest?09:51
techiedIt's usage statistics09:51
techiedSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuPopularityContest09:52
ice9is this cron ligit? CRON[715]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)   why does it exist in the auth log?09:53
techiedyes it is legit09:53
techiedpam is the authentication module used when elevating for example if you do a sudo, pam will come up and ask you for your password09:54
ice9techied, that's the sudo auth log "sudo: pam_unix(sudo:session)",  it shouldn't be cron?09:55
pahow can i make update-grub pick up a usb drive i plugged in? it used to work on 18.04. 20.04 seems to ignore it10:09
Antoine-Hello, I am using LVM, I would like to convert from a linear logical volume to a mirrored logical volume. How can I do that? Here is the output of pvs vgs lvs https://dpaste.com/DF2B65JWR.txt10:32
Antoine-It seems I can't just do `sudo lvconvert -m1 /dev/mvg/Medias`, I get "Insufficient free space: 1 extents needed, but only 0 available"10:33
techiedyou need to specify the PV to store the mirror on10:36
pai need to boot usb /dev/sda2, how can i do it?10:37
pai tried with grub cmd line set root=(hd1,2) but that doesnt work10:37
Antoine-techied: /dev/mvg/Medias is 2.76T and my pvs are 1.8T so the mirror would need to span multiples pvs, right?10:38
Antoine-techied: Should I do `sudo lvconvert -m1 /dev/mvg/Medias /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdd1` then?10:38
techiedno, specifying multiple PVs in that way would be if you wanted to create multiple mirrors10:39
Antoine-techied: So is it possible to create a mirrored logical volume with my setup?10:39
techiedyes, create another logical volume striped across multiple PVs to give yourself enough space10:40
Antoine-I would like /dev/mvg/Medias to be mirrored and take all the remaining space in my volume group mvg10:40
techiedthen you can `sudo lvconvert -m1 /dev/mvg/Medias /your/logical/volume`10:41
Antoine-techied: So do I need to create a new logical volume that is the same size as /dev/mvg/Medias?10:42
Paddy_NII have two displays plugged in to my PC running Ubuntu 20.04. No matter what layout I set in "Screen Display" settings the login window always appears on the same display.10:49
Paddy_NIHow do I specifically dictate which display the login prompt appears on?10:50
Paddy_NIFor clarity I have a TV plugged in to the Display Port connection and a standard LCD monitor plugged in to the dvi connection.  In "Screen Settings" I have set the DVI port display to be the primary display (left) and the TV is set as a "joined display" (right).  The system gives the displays numbers, my TV plugged in to the display Port is display 1 and the monitor is 2.10:53
Paddy_NISo it looks like "2,1" in the Display Settings.  Login windows always appears on "1" annoyingly even though "2" is set as primary.10:54
Antoine-techied: It says "Physical Volume "/dev/mvg/Mirror" not found in Volume Group "mvg"."10:59
Antoine-whereas `sudo lvs` says "Mirror  mvg -wi-a-----  <3.20t"10:59
BluesKajHowdy folks11:09
eeosI am trying to update 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS but it is not working.11:14
eeosusing do-release-upgrade11:14
eeosAnyone who has been able to do it?11:15
Mibixoh man that sounds scary eedjit11:18
Mibixeeos i meant11:18
eeosMibix: I am now trying with the -d flag, but I understood we would have been able to upgrade normally from 06/0811:21
eeosMibix: is it compulsory to use the -d flag?11:22
Mibixhaha ive never done a big upgrade like that im not the person to ask11:22
Mibixapparently it will show up in the GUI soon11:23
dilemaHi! I'm trying to preseed an ubuntu 18.04 lts installation, but I'm stuck. Looking at /var/log/casper.log I see "Loading preseeding file... done" GUI loads ok, but there is not autoinstallation.11:28
dilemaI'm booting the system via PXE and NFS11:28
lotuspsychjeeeos: upgrade path might not be open yet, patience11:29
coconutlotuspsychje, that will be soon then, right?11:31
lotuspsychjecoconut: it should yes11:31
ham5urgI wanted to enable w WIFI-hotspot while internet-connection is via 4g. https://www.debugpoint.com/2020/04/how-to-create-wifi-hotspot-in-ubuntu-20-04-lts/11:37
ham5urgMy menu "Turn On Wi-Fi Hotspot..." is grey/inactive. Nevertheless my WIFI-card is AP-capable as iwlist shows. Am I missing some package I need to install?11:37
lotuspsychjeham5urg: can you check if wifi drivers are active? sudo lshw -C network11:39
ham5urglotuspsychje, here a snippet:        Konfiguration: broadcast=yes driver=iwlwifi driverversion=5.4.0-42-generic firmware=46.6bf1df06.0 latency=0 link=no multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.1111:41
pipp8_How to identify which process is consuming all my swap? I tried ps -auxf and top, but I can't see anything strange. The problem is something is eating more than 50GB of swap space.11:41
ham5urglooks like this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1230690/wifi-hotspot-option-disabled-after-upgrade-to-ubuntu-20-0411:41
lotuspsychjeham5urg: seems right loaded11:41
eeosMibix: OK! Thank you .... I will try again tomorrow.11:42
lotuspsychjeham5urg: while you trying to enable your hotspot, try: journalctl -f in realtime see if we can catch errors of some kind11:43
ham5urglotuspsychje, I can't try as the button is grey/inactive.11:44
lotuspsychjeham5urg: this guy mentions something about switching tabs: https://tipsonubuntu.com/2020/05/10/wifi-hotspot-options-ubuntu-20-04/11:45
Antoine-How can I mirror my /dev/mvg/Medias volume? Here is the output of pvs vgs and lvs https://dpaste.com/HLN7LT8H5.txt11:47
Antoine-I tried creating a logical volume /dev/mvg/Mirror that should be about the same size as Medias11:47
lotuspsychjeham5urg: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/-/issues/96511:48
ham5urglotuspsychje, thanks for your help but this link helped https://askubuntu.com/questions/1230690/wifi-hotspot-option-disabled-after-upgrade-to-ubuntu-20-0411:48
ham5urgIt's a pitty what Ubuntu and Debian has become. The big money is destroying all quality. I will need to switch in the next days to Devuan.11:50
lotuspsychjeham5urg: bugs occur to any Os, we cant make general statements like that11:51
ham5urglotuspsychje, I can, it is blatant visible to any long time user.11:52
lotuspsychjeham5urg: feel free to discuss this more in #ubuntu-discuss11:52
ham5urgThanks for the link.11:53
BluesKajsudo do-release-upgrade gives:"There is no development version of an LTS available" is this a bug or.....?12:55
BluesKajupgrading 18.04 to 20.04 LTS12:56
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: think upgrade path still needs to be set open12:56
BluesKajlotuspsychje, what do you mean12:57
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: 20.04.1 is available, but i think they need to set the lts upgrade path open still12:58
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: several users were reporting no ltsupgrade yet12:58
BluesKajthepoint release is mucking things up12:59
BluesKajsource location a problem ?13:01
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: not sure whats holding up, we just had some users reporting they cant ltsupgrade yet13:03
BluesKajI'll bet some sources aren't up to date yet13:04
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2020-August/000259.html 'offered soon'13:09
BluesKajthat's no help when the point release was advertized as being available yesterday:-)13:10
leftyfbBluesKaj: the point release is available. Just not from direct upgrade path. That will be available when it's ready13:12
BluesKajleftyfb, excuses, excuses :-)13:13
BluesKajanyway i passed the message on to a user who was quite confused why 18.04 won't upgrade to 20.0413:21
marcoagpinto18.04 will upgrade to 20.04.1 I was told13:33
marcoagpintoand .1 was supposedly released yesterday13:34
marcoagpintoI still haven't checked13:34
leftyfbit's not available to upgrade just yet13:35
coconutmarcoagpinto, mailing list(yesterday) says "soon"13:38
marcoagpintoin the roadmap it was 6th13:39
marcoagpintoand today is 7th13:39
marcoagpintoor did I read bad13:39
coconutmarcoagpinto, LTS .1 release and upgrade from older LTS are different things13:39
marzHow do I migrate these iptables rules https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zqMDNVbTWZ/ to ufw?13:40
lotuspsychjemarz: checkout #netfilter and ##networking13:41
marzlotuspsychje: I have the iptables rules, I'm trying out Ubuntu 18.04 and trying to migrate my iptables rules to ufw13:43
lotuspsychjemarz: i'm just widening your options13:43
marzlotuspsychje: can you direct me to an article about ufw icmp limiting? I've been searching but can't find anything13:44
iffraffHi, sometimes, my mouse will start acting like there is a new, smaller bounary on my screen.  I mean it will only go up 2/3s or only 1/4 over on my left screen or something. i manage as best I can till I have to reboot which fixes it.13:50
iffraffI was wondering if someone could help me fiture this out. or if there was a command to "reset" the mouse or something13:50
leftyfbiffraff: Is this a VM?13:52
iffraffleftyfb: no, and sorry I should have given my setup, I'm running ubuntu 20.04 I have two 4k monitors and the mouse is BT, it's the logitech mx supadupa something.13:54
leftyfbiffraff: do you have synergy or some sort of remote desktop software running?13:54
iffraffI'm not familiar with synergy, but I mean I do have virtualbox, and I occasionally use it, but this does not corolate with using vb, mouse problem happens way more frequently.  I also use docker, which is VM ish13:56
leftyfbiffraff: remote desktop, as in VNC, RDP or Teamviwer or Gotomypc or somethin13:58
iffraffAh I just noticed something the limit is the same on both monitors.  so right now I can't go to the top of either of my screens.13:59
iffraffleftyfb: right, oh right, not virtual but remote, and yes I do have RDP, I can't remember what it's call just a little cli that can bring up a remote windows bos.  However, I havn't started that in a very long time14:00
leftyfbiffraff: server, not client14:03
iffraffah, no.  I'm not running anything like that14:04
iffraffaaaarrrrrgggg now I can't mouse over to the left of my left screen I have like 10% horizontal.  I'll have to reboot.  but first I'm going to inspect my system settings for monit14:07
malwar3hun73rAnyone aware of any good BLE simulator/emulator projects that could be used for developement/testing?14:12
iffraffOK, I'm back14:13
iffraffleftyfb: any thoughts on my mouse issue?14:14
cybrNautwhen the whole system freezes (the screen, the mouse, the keyboard, animation suspended, no sign of life, etc..), what *package* is that a bug of?14:49
cybrNaut(for bug reporting)14:50
oerheksone needs to check the logs for that, nau14:52
oerheksjournalctl -xe , or syslog, dmesg14:52
ELFrederichwhat is the package that gives you "Command 'foobar' not found, but can be installed with"14:55
cybrNauti'm not talking about what caused the crash.. it's likely a misbehaving app.  The fact that the kernel or something central shit the bed.  Note that there is no log checking, because when it's in this frozen there is also no way to ssh in to reach the logs14:56
oerhekscybrNaut, one can check previous logs..14:56
cybrNautif it's frozen, the ability to log the problem is in itself blocked14:58
cybrNautwhat's the name of the package that includes the kernel in ubuntu?14:59
ioriaELFrederich, command-not-found probably ?15:01
ioria!info command-not-found   ELFrederich15:01
ubottu'ELFrederich' is not a valid distribution: bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, disco, disco-backports, disco-proposed, eoan, eoan-backports, eoan-proposed, focal, focal-backports, focal-proposed, groovy, groovy-backports, groovy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-propose15:01
ioria!info command-not-found15:01
ubottucommand-not-found (source: command-not-found): Suggest installation of packages in interactive bash sessions. In component main, is standard. Version 20.04.2 (focal), package size 5 kB, installed size 35 kB15:01
ELFrederichioria: thanks!15:02
ioriaELFrederich, it's ok15:03
ELFrederichioria: any idea how it works?  Does bash have some hooks that it ties into?15:03
ioriaELFrederich, it usews a uses a cache of existing programs15:05
cybrNautgot the answer.  The package is simply "linux"15:10
johnfghi folks15:20
kedar_apteiffraff: check if you have any extensions enabled for gnome...have you enabled scaling? On 4K I am assuming you would... if you are on Wayland and not using scaling, you might as well check with x11 ... Also can you try connecting a USB mouse and see if you have the same issue?15:20
johnfgNever did get any response about the problem yesterday with gnome-initial-install after an update.15:21
johnfgI did a workaround, but don't know if the problem's fixed.15:21
johnfgAfter that update, the sound is not working either.15:21
johnfgI've tried adjusting various things with alsamixer, but to no avail.15:21
johnfgThose updates from 2 days ago...not so good :-(15:22
kedar_aptejognfg: can you check which kernel are you using?15:22
kedar_aptejohnfg: can you check which kernel are you using?15:23
iffraffkedar_apte: so not sure how to check if I'm on wayland, and I believe I am using scaling15:23
kedar_apteif you are using scaling, then u r on wayland... can you check by connecting USB mouse?15:23
johnfgkedar_apte: Linux ubuntuhome 5.4.0-42-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 10 00:24:02 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:23
johnfgI tried with the previous kernel, at least for my user not being recognized, but to no avail.15:24
kedar_aptejohnfg: I have had sound issues on fedora and Ubuntu both...I was booting in earlier kernel on both untill a new kernel was released.. since then I havent had an y issues... it is a kernel problem.... either live with it till ubuntu releases a patch... because it is a known issue I guess... or upgrade the kernel or keep booting in the older kernel15:25
iffraffkedar_apte: I would have to wait till it started acting up again. It is intermitant.  when that happens I'll plug in a usb mouse.  what should I do given the usb mouse works and what if it doesn't ?15:26
SpecialK|CanonIs there a Git equivalent to `bzr-builddeb`? I'm starting to work through https://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html15:26
johnfgkedar_apte: Thanks for the thought, I'm gonna try that earlier kernel, just for the sound's sake.  brb15:27
kedar_apteiffraff: if the usb mouse works.. then I think there is an issue with the wireless mouse... do you have a spare test mouse15:28
iffraffyes I have a usb mouse somewhere.15:30
kedar_aptespare wireless mouse I meant :)15:30
johnfgThe previous kernel makes no difference.  Still no sound.  Some other bug/problem with the updates of a couple days ago.15:32
iffraffah, I think I have that as well.15:33
=== kedar is now known as kedar_apte
yao_ziyuani'm playing ubuntu 20.04 live usb on a touchscreen laptop. it seems it can support long-touch-to-right-click out of the box, e.g. when i open the Home folder and long-touch the Videos subfolder, a context menu does show up. but sometimes if i touch somewhere else (blank area) to dismiss the context menu, a new context menu (for the blank area) shows up.15:47
dustsnap thunderbird did today an update to 78.1.1 but since then i cant start anymore this version and the start button links to the old 68 version which cant start the newer profile... how to set the start button of 78 back to starting 78 instead of now 68? its really urgent15:50
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:09
vuurdraakhi all q: for some reason my wifi wont turn anymore on my old laptop , also if i insert an USB wifi adapter, it was working before , both wifi adapters seem to be recognized, no idea what is going on real https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MSM94GwSQd/16:11
Guest_8Which irc client is recommended? do you (collective) use xchat or something else?16:12
vuurdraaki am using hexchat16:13
Guest_8thanks, can I ask why you have chosen that?16:14
vuurdraaki just realized i had the wifi turned off with the button on the laptop to turn the stuff on and off haha , i am stupid16:14
vuurdraakthats what u get when its too hot :')16:15
Guest_8we've all been there I think..16:15
=== [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
kedar_apteiffraff: Did your issue get resolved?16:20
Guest_8how do i use tls with irc?16:21
vuurdraakit's interesting to see that even an USB wifi stick gets turned off by the wifi on/off button on the lappy, i learned something new16:21
iffraffkedar_apte: no, I have to wait for my mouse to start misbehaving.  It's intermitant.  happens 1 or 2x a day16:22
rattlebattle79So I see that Ubuntu have introduced encryption on / filesystem in 20.10. Maybe ZFS will be thee default filesystem for 22.04 LTS?16:24
oerheksGuest_8, freenode uses SASL, see the list https://freenode.net/kb/answer/sasl16:24
vuurdraakyou could always enabled encryption with a fresh install, i got disk encryption with 18.0416:24
=== matti is now known as kwilczynski
oerheksZFS is work in progress16:25
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rattlebattle79vuurdraak: I'm talking about ZFS16:25
=== matti is now known as kwilczynski
rattlebattle79ah, sorry,  I see now I was a little unclear...16:26
rattlebattle79oerheks: Are you taliking about Ubuntu with ZFS is work in progress? ZFS on Linux has been stables since 2014.16:28
oerheksencryption has just been introduced, no?16:28
oerheksanyway, too early to talk about 22.04 LTS and features16:29
rattlebattle79introduced i 20.10 beta yes16:29
rattlebattle79of course, but not too early to speculate... ;)16:30
johnfgAnyone else having trouble with sound since the updates of 2 days ago?16:33
kedar_aptehey johnfg: did you try on an older kernel version?16:43
johnfgkedar_apte: Yup, and I put it here but I guess you missed it.  Still no sound with the previous kernel. :-(16:51
kedar_aptewhich version did u try?16:52
kedar_aptethe earlier one?16:52
kedar_aptejohnfg: what is the output of this command................... dpkg --list | grep linux-image16:53
kedar_apteyou should have three kernels at least16:56
johnfgkedar_apte: Still want to see the output?16:56
kedar_aptewith different numbers16:56
johnfgkedar_apte: I'm pretty sure that I have set for only 2 kernels to be present.16:57
=== cjoke1 is now known as cjoke
sharpertool Hey all. I have an Ubuntu 18.04 embedded system. I'd like to minimize the services used, but also of course maintain access. I'd like to disable wifi power since I don't have the antennas connected, and then test for a physical ethernet cable, and only try to start the network if a cable is inserted. Does all of that sound doable?17:55
leftyfbsharpertool: blacklist the drivers for your wifi ... better yet, disable it in the hardware/bios settings if possible18:03
sharpertoolSo, add 'blacklist wlan0' to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf18:05
leftyfbsharpertool: for ethernet, you might want to revert back to ifupdown as opposed to netplan so you can utilize hotplug for an interface. I can't seem to find an equivalent setting in netplan18:05
leftyfbsharpertool: the driver, not the interface name18:05
yao_ziyuanjust tried ubuntu 20.04, kubuntu 20.04 and fedora 32 on a touchscreen laptop to test touchscreen right-click support. unity has a reliable way to right click: tap and hold, but the long-hold approach isn't reliable; kde doesn't support right-click at all; gnome seems to be the most promising - the desktop supports long-hold-to-right-click on some objects but not everything.18:06
sharpertoollooks like the driver is just 'wl' -- fro lshw18:08
leftyfbsharpertool: sudo ethtool -i wlan018:09
leftyfbthat'll tell you the driver18:09
leftyfbyao_ziyuan: do you have a support question? btw, Unity is not installed by default on Ubuntu 20.0418:10
sharpertoolyeah, worked great @leftyfb18:13
sharpertoolSo, my next big question is, I need to make my embedded system auto-start an app that is full screen. It seems  like a good way to do this would be to use a file in /usr/share/xesssions.. My initial attempt at this failed (would not start). I need a good reference source so I can really get some knowledge on how X11 starts up, and how best to make my embedded platform start, and launch this app.18:15
Sven_vBsharpertool, are you using any window manager?18:18
yao_ziyuanleftyfb: what's ubuntu 20.04's default DE? GNOME?18:19
leftyfbyao_ziyuan: if you download just "Ubuntu" from ubuntu.com, it's a variant of gnome18:20
Sven_vBsharpertool, I'd tend to use openbox and use ~/.config/openbox/autostart18:21
yao_ziyuanleftyfb: ubuntu-20.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso18:24
sharpertool@Sven_vB - that system currently has gdm on it18:29
Sven_vBsharpertool, maybe lightdm instead?18:30
sharpertoolshort term, I'd like to stick with what is there, even though I could optimize it with a smaller, ligher system.18:30
sharpertoolyeah, that's pretty easy to setup isn't it18:30
Sven_vBlightdm + openbox is really nice for kiosks in that it has less magic that can interfere.18:31
sharpertoolHow would I go about climbing the learning curve on that?. Just start at the main page?18:31
Sven_vBI'm not aware of any learning curve for it18:31
sharpertoolWell, there is always some sort of curve.. in my experience.18:32
sharpertoolMaybe I'm slower than most, also possible.18:32
Sven_vBthe auto-login was a bit tricky to figure out, I'll check what I use.18:32
Sven_vBwow it's unity-greeter for lightdm autologin. lightdm-autologin-greeter and lightdm-gtk-greeter both failed in December 2018, maybe they've been fixed since.18:35
sharpertoolSo openbox doesn't necessarily replace gdm18:36
kenwoodfoxWhere is loader.conf on ubuntu? http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/cosmic/man4/isp.4freebsd.html18:36
kenwoodfoxits not the same place as bsd :/18:36
Sven_vBsharpertool, it should. the unity greeter doesn't need gdm.18:37
kenwoodfoxIm trying to do the same thing these guys are doing https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156643118:43
kenwoodfoxand i think they're syaing dont load isp to load isp?18:43
kenwoodfoxput qla2xxx in instead?18:44
Sven_vBthat thread says it's for hardy, is that still supported even?18:45
kenwoodfoxIm on ubuntu 2018:45
Sven_vBI'm not sure I grasp what the thread is really about. Are you looking for mainboard drivers, and the board is called qla2000?18:46
kenwoodfoxno its a qlogic card, i forgot the exact model but i can pull it up18:46
kenwoodfoxon freebsd 12 i just load those modules to allow it to work18:46
Sven_vBin ubuntu you can usually try modprobe mostly safely18:46
kenwoodfoxhow does that work?18:46
Sven_vBsudo modprobbe $drivername18:47
Sven_vBonce you find a driver that works, add it to /etc/modules18:47
kenwoodfoxis isp the name of the module or is it qla2xxx18:47
Sven_vBthe thread seams to think it's the latter. you could try both.18:48
kenwoodfoxHm.. ok18:48
Sven_vBadd "; echo rv=$?" to see the exit code, on success the only message should be rv=018:48
kenwoodfoxthe card i have is a Qlogic QLE256218:49
kenwoodfoxSven_vB: im not sure i understand that last bit,18:49
kenwoodfoxmodprobe qla2xxx; echo rv=$?18:50
kenwoodfoxlike that^?18:50
Sven_vBprocesses end with a return value, 0 means success. depending on your shell configuration it might not be printed by default. adding that echo command will print it explicitly.18:50
Sven_vByes that means your driver was loaded18:50
kenwoodfoxok, cool isp and ispfw return rv=118:50
Sven_vBin that case an error message should have been printed in addition18:50
kenwoodfoxok, i think i see good stuff in /dev now18:51
kenwoodfoxerror was modprobe: FATAL: Module isp not found in directory /lib/modules/5.4.0-42-generic btw18:51
kenwoodfoxwhat is the "camcontrol devlist" analog in linux?18:51
kenwoodfoxah, nm lsscsi seems to work very well18:52
kenwoodfoxand there they are :3 thank you #ubuntu, Sven_vB18:52
kenwoodfox[4:0:0:0]    tape    IBM      ULTRIUM-TD3      93GM  /dev/st018:52
kenwoodfox[4:0:0:1]    mediumx ADIC     Scalar i500      585G  /dev/sch018:52
Sven_vBglad it worked. if you want it to always be loaded on startup, even if your system doesn't see a reason to do so, add it to /etc/modules. it's basically just a text file with names (one per line) of what to always load.18:53
kenwoodfoxSweet, thanks so much :318:54
kenwoodfoxcomputers are radical18:54
=== PowaBanga_ is now known as PowaBanga
Sven_vBafter I added a local dpkg-divert diversion of /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf and modified the file, is there an easy way to print what would be the content of the maintainer's version of the file? (so I can pipe it to sed to update my local version.)19:18
Sven_vB(in focal)19:18
fastfreshI can't get ubuntu media sharing working, can anyone help?19:25
fastfreshI've enabled it in the settings, but the share doesn't show up on my other ubuntu pc19:26
fastfreshThey are on the same network of course, I can ssh into one from the other19:27
fastfreshUbuntu 20.04 if that matters19:29
Hejkkihello. I just started my new laptop and it acts strangely on ubuntu. I can't write anything to gnome-terminal. All other apps work ok19:48
magyarhi, is there a live boot ubuntu with all the firmware in stalled ?19:48
rattlebattle79fastfresh: I don't think "media sharing" is Samba, but DLNA.19:49
Hejkkiubuntu 20.04 lts19:49
Hejkkiusb installation media19:49
Sven_vBmagyar, which firmware in particulare are you missing?19:49
sarnoldHejkki: very strange indeed; is there anything in journalctl or dmesg output that looks related?19:49
magyarb43 wireless19:49
Sven_vBHejkki, do you mean gnome-terminal doesn't react to keys being pressed, but the text editor works?19:50
Hejkkiand i can copy/paste to gnome-terminal19:50
Sven_vBHejkki, and it displays commands' text as expected?19:51
Hejkkiactually, gedit also not responding, but i can go to apps and search for the terminnal by typing term19:51
HejkkiSven_vB: just a sec19:51
Sven_vBHejkki, might you have accidentially added some very exotic keyboard layout and switched to it?19:52
Sven_vBif you type a command like "ls" into the terminal blindly, does it list the files still?19:53
fastfreshrattlebattle79: Ok, I got it. So nautilus can't access dlna shares.19:53
fastfreshI got it working with VLC, but it doesn't show some of the media files19:53
Hejkkinope, i do have a finnish keyboard layout19:54
Hejkkienglish also not helping19:54
rattlebattle79fastfresh: I have really no idea, but doubt it19:54
HejkkiSven_vB: yes, works19:54
Hejkkiterminal works by copypasting19:54
Hejkkiif i paste a command19:55
Sven_vBHejkki, so if you type "l", "s", enter it does not react in any way?19:55
Hejkkiactually also firefo not responding19:55
HejkkiSven_vB: nope, nothing19:55
Hejkkibut i can push logo key, and type terminal19:56
Hejkkiand enter19:56
Sven_vBHejkki, does copy/paste work with the keyboard shortcuts also?19:56
Sven_vBor maybe history using the arrow keys?19:57
Hejkkino, can't do Ctrl+v19:58
Sven_vBI think it's Ctrl+Shift+v usually19:59
Sven_vB(in terminal)19:59
Hejkkictrl+left goes back19:59
Hejkkiin firefox19:59
HejkkiF5 reloads the page ok20:00
Sven_vBcan you run xkbvleds on the live cd?20:00
Sven_vBmaybe some modifier got stuck20:00
Hejkkibut only once20:00
HejkkiSven_vB: xkbvleds shows one green light20:03
Hejkkithe second one20:03
Sven_vBmight it be numlock?20:03
Hejkkinope, numlock gives me another one20:03
Hejkkicapslock also is another20:03
Sven_vBunfortunately I can't find a list of the names of those vleds20:05
Sven_vBif the keyboard is pluggable, maybe it helps to withdraw it and plug it in again. :D20:06
Hejkkino, it is a laptop20:06
Hejkkiand i do not have a usb keyboard :(20:06
Sven_vBI'm out of good ideas then. maybe reboot and hope for better luck in the next session?20:08
magyarhi, I'm trying to install this package https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/libfsapfs-utils  using apt-get install but it's not installing20:10
magyaram I missing a repo in /etc/apt/sources?20:11
oerheks!info libfsapfs-utils20:11
ubottulibfsapfs-utils (source: libfsapfs): APFS access library -- Utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 20190210-1.1 (focal), package size 38 kB, installed size 144 kB20:11
oerheksuniverse probably..20:11
oerhekssudo apt-add-repository universe && sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade20:12
magyarthank you oerheks20:12
oerheksthen you are good to go20:12
Roeywhy is it that when I run pavucontrol, I just get a dialog saying "establishing connection to PulseAudio. Please wait..."  ??20:51
other_rickThe sound cards context is created using dbus queries, that process took some seconds20:54
other_rickor you pulseaudio deamon has been died20:54
Roey<other_rick> or you pulseaudio deamon has been died. hmm20:56
Roeyroey       44303  0.5  0.0 1556168 22468 ?       S<sl Aug06   7:16 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no --log-target=journal20:56
Roeyoh it's still running20:56
Roeyanyway it's messing up Zoom for me as well20:56
oerhekssure, if you run zoom in 2 accounts..20:56
Roeyas of right now, zoom is very sluggish for some reason20:57
oerheksinteresting, prop binairy blob.20:57
oerheksdid you contact zoom support?20:58
Roeyi did not20:59
RoeyI was hoping someone here had already come across this issue21:00
other_rickI follow the step listed on 'Internet sharing' of archLinux, but doesn't work, someone gives to me some help?21:01
tomreynwhich ubuntu release are you running?21:02
leftyfbRoey: I suggested to you yesterday that you contact Zoom support21:02
tomreyn!14.04 | other_rick21:02
ubottuother_rick: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 25th, 2019. Paid support (ESM) is available. See also !esm, !eol, !eolupgrade21:02
oerheks14.04 ...eol, dead21:02
other_rickI only can use command lines21:02
oerheksincl comandline, start nm-connection editor, etc21:03
oerheksbut you will fail, your machine should not be on the internet21:03
Roeyleftyfb: fine21:03
slashme_wikiI have a system with a normal HDD running Ubuntu, and I bought an SSD. The ssd is on /dev/nvme0n1 and I've successfully partitioned it and formatted the partitions, and I can mount and write to the partitions, but GRUB doesn't see any partitions: it just sees the disk itself. What could be the cause?21:12
tomreynslashme_wiki: what does "GRUB doesn't see any partitions" look like?21:14
tomreynwhat's the command you're running, whats its output?21:14
slashme_wikitomreyn, when I go into a GRUB command line and do "ls -l" it lists the partitions on my normal drive, but just gives a single line for the new drive with the correct total size, but no lines for the partitions.21:15
slashme_wikiAnd when I try to list the files on the GRUB command line by giving a command like "ls (hd0,1)/" it says "error: no such partition"21:16
slashme_wikiBut I can successfully list files on my existing system by doing "ls (hd1,1)/"21:17
pavloslsblk /dev/nvme0n121:17
slashme_wikiNAME        MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT21:17
slashme_wikinvme0n1     259:0    0 232,9G  0 disk21:17
slashme_wiki├─nvme0n1p1 259:1    0   195G  0 part21:17
slashme_wiki├─nvme0n1p2 259:2    0    24G  0 part21:17
tomreyn!paste | slashme_wiki21:17
ubottuslashme_wiki: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:17
slashme_wiki└─nvme0n1p3 259:3    0  13,9G  0 part21:17
tomreynmaybe your installed grub does not support the nvme's partition table21:19
tomreynwhich partition table types do you have on sda and nvme0n1?21:19
pavloslsblk -f /dev/nvme0n1 | nc termbin.com 9999 ... provide the link21:20
slashme_wikiOn sda I have a gpt I think21:21
slashme_wikifdisk -l /dev/nvme0n1 output is at https://termbin.com/tzxk21:22
tomreynyou probably want gpt there, too21:23
slashme_wikiOK, will try that! Thanks!21:23
tomreynalso two boot flags is strange21:24
slashme_wikiRight, what I want to do is to re-install by putting an installer on the third partition, then use it to do a live install on the big partition, then discard the third partition, using it all for swap.21:25
tomreyni'm not sure why the dos partition table prevents your grub from seeing the partitions, though. but gpt is probably the better approach anyways21:25
slashme_wikiSo for the install, I need the third partition bootable, and then later I need the first partition bootable.21:25
tomreyn14 GB swap?!21:26
slashme_wikiSure, it's an SSD and I use Blender a lot, and for big scenes, I don't want to run out of swap space.21:26
tomreynhmm i see21:26
pavloshow much ram do you hace21:26
slashme_wiki16G I think21:26
tomreynadding more ram may be worthwhile then if you use blender regularly21:27
tomreynnvme's can be fast, but still a LOT slower than ram21:28
slashme_wikiOK, thanks for the tip!21:28
SuperLagI just upgraded my VPS from 18.04 to 20.04. It's running a website, and nothing more. Are there any ramifications to uninstalling / disabling snapd/snaps?22:26
sarnoldSuperLag: run 'snap list' to see what snaps are installed; if you're not using any of them, probably not22:27
SuperLagbecause, at least so far, there's no snaps I need or would install on that machine... so it's just more unnecessary overhead22:27
SuperLag  nginx snap list22:27
SuperLagName    Version   Rev    Tracking       Publisher   Notes22:27
SuperLagcore18  20200724  1885   latest/stable  canonical  base22:27
SuperLaglxd     4.0.2     16558  4.0/stable/   canonical  -22:27
sarnoldapologizing is what pushed drone over the edge. cute.22:28
SuperLagsarnold: how about now?22:29
SuperLagYeah, I wasn't using any of those snaps22:29
sarnoldSuperLag: only core18 and lxd came through; core18 is useless on its own, so if you're not using lxd, then you're good to purge the thing22:31
SuperLagsnapd was the other22:34
oerheksswitch distro, if you don't like snap. you would not get access to livepatch either.22:37
oerheks91 snaps, 19G  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wwWngCmcrb/22:41
tpw_ruleshow can i run an arbitrary binary inside a snap? there's a diagnostic binary that i need to execute that isn't made available. running it from a regular terminal just gives shared library errors which is expected23:02
oerhekstpw_rules, you might want to reask in #snappy23:03
sarnoldtpw_rules: snap run --shell perhaps?23:03
tpw_rulessarnold: looks like that worked. thank you!23:04
sebsebsebjoin ##linux23:17
SuperLagoerheks: wow, grumpy much? :D23:42
SuperLagoerheks: I don't have an issue with snaps just because they're snaps. I'm more concerned with not leaving a potential attack vector on a production server, as well reducing unnecessary process overhead.23:43
SuperLagoerheks: by your first comment... are you saying that livepatch only works with snap stuff in place?23:44
oft_gegongwhat if I told you that ubuntu was the salvation of righteousness23:51
oft_gegongthat it was through the light of apt-get that we got what we needed and persevered through justice23:52
oft_gegongour desktop environments grant us with great power.23:52
SuperLagoft_gegong: o.O23:53
oft_gegongthrough the justice, placement of righteousness, and our desktop environments, we will find a place among the stars23:59

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