
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== pikapika is now known as vrykolakas
=== vrykolakas is now known as pikapika
lisbethsThis is not quite a standard xubuntu question though I think reason dicatates that I can only get support for my question here or in #xorg04:33
lisbethsbasically I have ripped out programs one by one from xubuntu. I have removed xfce and am using dwm04:33
lisbethswhen I open dwm inside of lightdm it runs fine, but when I open dwm inside of startx x will not start04:33
lisbethsone person mentioned that perhaps I have to start x in tty7 which is not what I have done04:34
lisbethsThe reason for this is not because I dont like xfce, it's cause this computer only has 2 gb of ram04:36
lisbethsmy other one has xfce on it still04:36
lisbethsmeh time is running out sorry for asking then bailing I may be back later although it is not really an xfce question04:40
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
xu-help89wHi, I'm new with Xubuntu. I have had just installed in my old laptop. But the internal mic doens't work. How to find some clues about what happening?15:00
gnrpxu-help89w: But your sound card works in general?15:14
gnrpxu-help89w: Did you open pavucontrol (the pulse audio sound thingie) and check whether it recognizes an input?15:16
xu-help89wI'm listening without problem but with pavucontrol I have only skype (?) on input15:17
gnrpNo, that is the input section of devices15:18
gnrpyou have to go to the input devices tab15:18
gnrpdo you see something there?15:18
gnrpsorry, the input section of apps I mean. You have to go to input devices though15:18
xu-help89wat the bottom of input tab the device option not exist, only applications15:19
gnrpno, you should have five tabs when you are in the volume contrl15:19
xu-help89wthe device shows only in output15:19
gnrpI cannot tell you the exact name since I am on a different language Xubuntu here15:19
gnrpah, then go to configuration. What configuration option is set there and what configuration options do you have?15:20
xu-help89wThere is only 3 tabs15:20
xu-help89wMenu Configurations? Ok?15:20
gnrpyes, the configuration tab15:22
xu-help89wgnrp, tell me the configuration option you have in mind in your language. I will try to find here15:24
gnrpxu-help89w: It is just the configuration tab of the volume control15:25
xu-help89wIt's here, just nedded maximize the window15:27
xu-help89wgnrp, now I have a lot of options. Duplex stereo, output analog stereo.15:28
xu-help89wgnrp, I think one of the options will work. Thank you15:29
xu-help89wNow I can see the tab input devices15:30
=== arunk is now known as xubun2

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