[14:28] Idle thought: what if we emitted a MOTD message if cloud-init doesn't run successfully? [14:33] Odd_Bloke: there is infrastucutre for that ... sort of. [14:33] the warnings stuff. [15:05] Ooh, nice, I hadn't seen that before. === paride is now known as paride|off [15:37] i swear that that someow showed motd [15:37] but i dont see it now. [15:37] ah. tools/Z99-cloudinit-warnings.sh === cut_ is now known as cut [19:11] falcojr: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/493 has landed. \o/ [19:12] sweet! I'll get on the next part right away [20:29] Odd_Bloke: FYI, https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/528 === tds5 is now known as tds