
wallyworld_thumper_: one for the road if you have a moment https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1188501:03
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
* thumper looks01:48
souHey good people, I am trying to understand different ways of scaling an openstack compute cluster. I know that we can scale a compute cluster by adding number of units. For example using the below command will add06:53
sou2 compute units: juju add-unit -n2 nova-compute06:54
souBut I was wondering if there is any way I can scale the cluster by just running : juju deploy habundle.yml06:54
souhabundle.yml has details about 3 machines with constraint "tag=compute"06:55
soumachines:  '0':    series: bionic    constraints: tags=controller  '1':    series: bionic    constraints: tags=controller  '2':    series: bionic    constraints: tags=controller  '3':    series: bionic    constraints: tags=compute  '4':    series: bionic    constraints: tags=compute  '5':    series: bionic    constraints: tags=compute06:55
souWithout modifying habundle.yml, is it possible to scale?06:56
souI want to add 4th compute machine06:56
souMy nova-compute application looks like this06:57
sou  nova-compute:    charm: cs:nova-compute-302    num_units: 3    options:      cpu-mode: custom      cpu-model: kvm64      config-flags: default_ephemeral_format=ext4,instance_name_template=%(hostname)s      enable-live-migration: true      enable-resize: true      migration-auth-type: ssh      virt-type: kvm      encrypt: true06:58
souephemeral-device: /dev/bcache2      openstack-origin: cloud:bionic-stein      flat-interface: eno6      libvirt-image-backend: raw      resume-guests-state-on-host-boot: True      worker-multiplier: 0.015    to:    - '3'    - '4'    - '5'06:58
souAppreciate any tips06:58
wallyworldsou: the scale is defined in the bundle yaml as num_units, so you need to change that to 4 if you want to reapply the bundle to scale up06:59
souThanks a lot wallyworld. This would mean each time I want to scale the cluster I will have to update ha_bundle.yml. Do you think by using constraints here would work. For example:07:02
sounova-compute:    charm: cs:nova-compute-302    num_units: 3,new constraints: tag=compute ...07:02
souI am trying to understand if I can achieve scaling by having a generic bundle.yml, which would take care of any new machines with tag=compute07:03
wallyworldconstraints are used to help define on what node a unit should be placed when a unit  needs to be deployed somewhere, rather than the concept of "fill all machines that have this tag with a unit". juju provides the add-unit primitive to enable workloads to be scaled up or down. but it doesn't do things automatically like you are wanting to do. the idea is that folks that need bespoke scaling behaviour can write scripts to do it07:07
wallyworld using the juju primitives07:07
souPerfect. Thanks wallyworld for the insight!!07:08
wallyworldno problem07:08
stickupkidmanadart_, achilleasa https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/31209:49
stickupkidOne thing I really need to work out, if I do update all the charm urls, then uniters will notice a change I'm guess and force a charm update09:50
achilleasacan I get a review on https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11887?11:40
achilleasastickupkid: can you take a look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11889?14:13
stickupkidachilleasa, done14:16
achilleasahml: can you take a look at this small PR? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1189014:44
hmlachilleasa:  sure, will start in 30 or so14:45
stickupkidhml, also CR for this one https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1188814:50
hmlstickupkid: adding to the queue.  ;-)14:52
hmlstickupkid: you have a compile fail on the test run15:23
achilleasastickupkid: looks like that echo -e was needed... it doesn't expand line-feeds otherwise ;-(15:27
achilleasaI will put it in the develop path and in my removejujuservices one that is pending review for 2.815:28
hmlachilleasa: one suggestion and a tic15:29
achilleasahml: nice catch15:30
achilleasahml: updated the PR; looks OK now? (I added one extra commit for adding a -e to the test-runner changes that I missed in my other PR)15:38
hmlachilleasa:  approved15:39
stickupkidhml, nice, we don't need a charm URL upgrade step for https/http v2 charm URLs, it's impossible to get the old version in state even if it's written to mongo somehow15:47
hmlstickupkid: ha15:48
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