
IrcsomeBotSoo Lama was added by: Soo Lama00:23
IrcsomeBotjhonn marin was added by: jhonn marin01:56
IrcsomeBot<jhonn marin> buenas noches tengo un problema el sistema no reconoce microsd01:56
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IrcsomeBot<Ilesanmi Victor> is it?04:18
paolo_dropbpx doesn't work anymore on my kubuntu18.04.. if I launch the app nothing happen .. any suggestion hoe to fix it ?07:25
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> @paolo_, Drop dropbox07:45
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user|85539how much ram consumption kubuntu?08:43
user|85539than ubuntu?08:43
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @user|85539, much less08:45
user|85539hmmm thanks08:46
user|85539can i run steam on kubuntu?08:46
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @user|85539, Yes. I am doing it since 4 years.08:46
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> Works very well.08:47
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> Use Kubuntu 20.04!08:47
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> the software store on Kubuntu is called "discover". Go there to install steam.08:48
user|85539Great!  do use with wine or steam official version?08:48
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @user|85539, Steam is official and native for Linux. No wine required.08:48
user|85539ok. I use Ubuntu 18.04 for 7 months.08:49
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> There even is a thing called "steam play". that is a part of steam and helps to play windows games on Kubuntu. Works much better than using wine itself.08:49
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @user|85539, Great!08:49
user|85539really ? :D08:49
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> ever tried steam?08:49
user|85539yes ı use on ubuntu08:49
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @user|85539, yes08:50
user|85539but i cant play gta508:50
user|85539available steam play for ubuntu?08:50
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> do you know protondb?08:52
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> https://www.protondb.com/app/27159008:54
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> gta5 should work fine08:54
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> filter by "20.04"08:54
user|85539also Epic Games Launcher?08:55
user|85539anyway. kubuntu supports snap and deb. packages?08:56
user|85539i use keepasxc08:56
user|85539i need iy08:56
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @user|85539, no08:56
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @user|85539, lutris might work though, but I have never used it.08:56
Unit193!info keepasssxc08:57
ubottuPackage keepasssxc does not exist in focal08:57
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @user|85539, because epic does not support a linux version.08:57
user|85539!info keepass08:57
ubottuPackage keepass does not exist in focal08:57
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @ubottu, there is a snap for that!08:57
Unit193keepassxc also exists in repos..08:58
Unit193(Helps if I spell it right!)08:58
user|85539i have 8GB Ram intelcore i7 2.40GHz 1TB HDD. Should i switch to Kubuntu? Or should i stay with ubuntu?08:59
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> actually keepassxc exists in the repo for 20.04 AND in the snapstore.08:59
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> LOL!09:00
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> You were faster09:00
user|85539which subject?09:00
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @user|85539, I would always use Kubuntu. Easier on the resources and better UI. But that is a personal preference. Try Kubuntu and compare. It's free!09:01
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> And come back if you have any questions. We will try to help!09:01
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @user|85539, I was talking to Unit193. He corrected first.09:01
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @user|85539, When you install steam via discover software center, make sure that you choose "steam installer"!09:05
Unit193He's gone man.09:06
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> hehe09:06
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> he seemed a bit flaky. 😉09:06
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @Unit193, But seriously, I am still on Kubuntu 18.04. Thinking about upgrading with the point 1 release now.09:07
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> Do you know if steam works well now?09:08
Unit193Never used steam before, so alas I cannot answer this.09:09
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> @linuxophil, for me steam works find on 18.04.latest LTS09:10
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> installed directly from website back then and continued to work ever since09:11
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @Unit193, Fair enough09:11
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @My1xT, Oh! Sacrilege!09:11
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> 😉09:11
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> I was always installing debs from the official sites for most software09:11
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @My1xT, But what about updates?09:11
Unit193Ouch, a lot of upstreams don't know the first thing about Debian packaging, so you end up with weird hacks and of course they also sometimes install to /opt.09:13
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> the debs bring repos along09:13
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> and in the case of steam specifically, it also updates itself if needed09:13
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> like I have tried a few browsers like chrome or opera which likely wouldnt be in the kubuntu software center as they are proprietary and Discover updates them all09:14
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IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @My1xT, Any specific reason to not use snaps or flatpaks?09:19
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> for the browsers that is.09:20
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> Steam is always kept up to date even in the repos.09:20
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> honestly never really used them but out of snap flatpak etc i prefer appimages as they dont need installing or root, also when downloading them, the website offered them as deb09:20
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> Because it is acually only the installer that is kept in the repos.09:20
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @My1xT, fair enough09:21
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> I mean where am I supposed to get a flatpak or snap from09:21
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> appimages to me feel a lot like portable applications on windows which makes them pretty nice for me at least09:21
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @My1xT, Flatpak I do not know, but snaps are already built into every Kubuntu.09:21
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> Are you using 20.04 or 18.04?09:21
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> 18.04 but currently on hiatus as my main user seems kinda dead09:22
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> (login screen freezes down upon login)09:22
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @My1xT, True. I also use some of them. But for programs that need updates, appimages are suboptimal.09:22
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> yeah for the few I do use appimages they just update themselves09:22
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @My1xT, Oh., Then it is time for 20.04 anyway. 😉 Then you will find snaps via discover.09:22
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> but true for fully installed software the centralized updates are cool09:23
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @My1xT, yep09:23
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> @linuxophil, of proprietary software?09:23
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @My1xT, All snaps09:23
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> but why should I even use a snap or flatpak if the deb works totally fine?09:23
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> The portal (snapstore) ist just integrated into discover.09:23
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> @My1xT, Because you avoid potential dependency hell.09:24
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> And you get confinement.09:24
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> confinement?09:24
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> https://snapcraft.io/09:25
IrcsomeBot<linuxophil> permission management like on mobile OSses.09:25
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> but how are they supposed to get a snap for something that isnt officially released as snap and proprietary, wouldnt that be instant legal hell=09:25
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> also google chrome for example isnt on snapcraft which isnt surprising09:26
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> chromium is but if chrome is needed that wont help09:26
IrcsomeBot<My1xT> or brave AND vivaldi which are both open source arent on snapcraft either09:28
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AlexxxxxHi, How to change Application Dashboard background?10:54
BluesKajHowdy all10:57
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> (Photo, 1280x791) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/qYziblqm/file_34623.jpg I'm getting no sound in Kubuntu 20.04.1 (fresh install). S/PDIF in ALSAMIXER won't go up. I can see the audio bars in PAVUCONTROL jump as sound is played. Speakers are OK. Worked fine in Ubuntu 20.04. Any ideas?11:05
BluesKaj@ronnietucker check the automute in alsamixer, it's muted by default, disable the automute11:10
BluesKajand spdif normally  doesn't have a volume ctrl11:11
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> @BluesKaj, yeah automute is disabled11:16
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> @BluesKaj, ah. OK.  :)11:16
BluesKaj@ronnietucker, intel audio chip?11:22
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> @BluesKaj, I believe so, yes.11:22
BluesKajok, run this , sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel, if the driver loads properly there will be no output from the command, then reboot11:24
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> no output, so I'll try a reboot...11:26
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> @BluesKaj, Nope. Still not a peep.11:31
BluesKajusing analog out or spdif/hdmi ? check your audio device/profile selection in system settings>hardware>audio>advanced11:37
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> @BluesKaj> using analog out or spdif/hdmi ? check your audio device/profile selection in system settings>hardware>audio, using SPDIF. HDMI is OFF.11:47
BluesKajusing digital stereo? then hdmi should be on even if you don't use that connection since it's fed from spdif11:52
BluesKajin some cases spdif is off if hdmi is off11:52
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> @BluesKaj, I can enable it in PAVUCONTROL, but everything is unplugged and unavailable. I'll enable it anyway...11:53
BluesKajand of course check your vol ctrl in the audio icon in the panel11:54
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> @BluesKaj, All at 100%. Still no sound.11:54
eeosHi everybody! There is still no way of upgrading to 20.04 LTS from 18.04 LTS using do-release-upgrade. Do you know of a way to upgrade without losing configuration and without using do-release-upgrade?11:57
BluesKajeeos, have aptience, the point is not ready so I'm assuming there are no release upgrades available yet12:00
BluesKajpatience even12:01
BluesKaj@ronnietucker, the I'm out of ideas, unless it's a hardware/connection/cable etc problem12:02
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> @BluesKaj, Same hardware and cables wiere fine with Ubuntu 20.04. It's certainly an odd one.12:03
BluesKajcheck your audio device choice in VLC or the player you use, it's all I can think of atm12:05
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> @BluesKaj, But I don't even get the test sounds or system sounds in KDE.12:06
BluesKajcheck F6/soundcard in alsamixer12:08
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> Tried both [default] and 'HDA Intel'. Still nothing.12:09
BluesKajthen I'm stumped, but I could be forgetting something, linux audio is such a dog's breakfast it's not hard to miss something12:10
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> @BluesKaj, Is it worthwhile uninstalling/reinstalling PulseAudio? Or is it not doing much here?12:12
BluesKajI have successfully run without pulseaudio for yrs in the past , but since FF started using it I've bit the bullet and installed it on my system, but if live web audio isn't important then one can have good audio without pulse.12:14
BluesKajusing intel audio only tho12:15
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> I'll maybe give it a try later. Thanks for the help though.12:16
BluesKaj@ronnietucker, there's one more thingg to try, open /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf/ and add this line to the bottom, options snd-hda-intel index=012:19
DuckyBlenderI have a problem12:39
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raghukamathhey guys, is plasma theme explorer present in kubuntu 20.04?12:42
raghukamathhttp://notmart.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/plasmathemeexplorer.png this one12:43
BluesKaj, application style, plasma style etc, yes12:44
raghukamathMay I know where in the system setting i can find it. I can't find the window that is shown in the screenshort shown in the link above12:46
DragnslcrSystem Settings -> Appearance12:50
DragnslcrThere are Global Theme and Plasma Style settings12:51
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miro__what this is about?13:02
diogenes_!topic | miro__13:02
ubottumiro__: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic13:02
miro__thx diogenes13:03
raghukamathDragnslcr: yes but those are not editable and I didn't find a way to open this http://notmart.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/plasmathemeexplorer.png window13:04
BluesKajplasma theme explorer is not available for 20.04, it's not in the repos/package manager ... an outside source perhaps a ppa on launchpad13:07
raghukamathBluesKaj: i found it . it is avilable if you install plasma-sdk13:23
=== Roeynicorn is now known as Roey
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest91989
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> @BluesKaj, STILL nothing.  :D16:24
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @ronnietucker, If you live boot to a 20.04.1 session, does sound work?16:25
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> @DarinMiller, Good question, I'll give it a try.16:29
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> @DarinMiller, Nope. No sound in the live Kubuntu.16:44
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> So 20.04.0 worked, but 20.04.1 fails, correct? I don't recall if you already mentioned, is this a dual boot PC?16:46
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> @DarinMiller, I was using Ubuntu 20.04, but installed Kubuntu 20.04.1 over it. Sound worked OK in Ubuntu, but not in Kubuntu (for some reason). No hardware changes.16:47
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> So to get back verified working system, did you try a live session of Ubuntu or earlier version of Kubuntu? Roughly speaking: sound is managed by the kernel, a sound server (jack or pulseaudio) , maybe a sound driver (alsa) and/or sound framework (i.e. phonon) and routed to the appropriate outputs by the DE.  So I am not sure what issue we are fighting.17:09
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> I've had my Ubuntu since about 18.10 (maybe 18.04) which has upgraded over time to reach 20.04. I just decided the other day to try Kubuntu. Tried the live DVD, worked fine (never checked the sound though) and installed it over Ubuntu.17:12
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> It seems to be something that KDE is doing... ?17:13
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest34303
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> When I have fought sound issues in the past, I have accidentally disconnected, turned off or muted  hw channels and blamed the sw.  So I am attempting to cover the bases.  Have you checked headphone vs line out vs hdmi outs to see any of the outputs are working?  (Again I apologize for late entry into the conversation, is this a laptop or desktop?)17:24
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> @DarinMiller, It's a desktop machine. The speakers worked fine with Ubuntu, so it's not them. Even then I still tried a new speaker just in case. … Checked the volumes. All at 100%. Even tried ALSAMIXER. All OK. PAVUCONTROL shows the audio bars moving as sound plays, but nothing through the speaker.17:26
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Do you have headset jack on your PC and a headset you can test?  Sometimes the headset port will preempt the line out if SW thinks a headset is plugged in.17:29
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> Got it! … Apparently I have two audio outputs on the back of my PC. For some reason it seems that Kubuntu decided to use this other output.17:31
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Yes!17:32
IrcsomeBot<ronnietucker> I also found a LOT of dust and fluff behind my PC  😁17:33
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Kubuntu does allow you to specify the default output and direct sound per application to the desired hw.17:33
IrcsomeBotjelempho was added by: jelempho17:34
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Roeymy sound system has this nasty annoying bug and I was hoping someone here could help me solve it.  So - Microsoft Teams has an issue "connecting", as does Zoom, and Youtube hangs with a circular cursor, and Skyrim laaaaags before it shows the menu, and I think it's due to the Bluetooth speaker.18:39
Roeyok, so I turned bluetooth off.18:39
RoeyI open pavucontrol and it says "waiting to establish connection"18:39
Roeydoens't show me nothing.18:40
Roeywhat can I try next to diagnose this weird issue?18:40
RoeyDarinMiller: ^18:40
Roeyoh hi raghukamath18:40
Roeyand Dragnslcr18:40
IrcsomeBot<Aj> Guys. Doesnt gnome extensions work in lubuntu19:47
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Never tried gnome extensions on KUBUNTU.  By chance, did you intend to ask on the lubutu channel?19:50
oerheksinteresting thought, mixing gnome and lxde19:55
oerheksfor gnome one should install gnome-tweak-tool, to control extentions..19:56
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IrcsomeBotMarilyn Pennix was added by: Marilyn Pennix23:22
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tgp1994Hey everyone, I'm currently stuck on 19.10 and having issues with do-release-upgrade. When I run the tool, the last output I see is the URL to check upgrade information. After that, it hangs without any output until I cancel it. It has a lengthy traceback which I've pasted here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VFnkKGtxyk/ Could someone help please?23:56

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