
DarkTrickdaftykins, maybe I should try harder. But maybe there's more to it00:34
DarkTricktomreyn, startpage sounds interesting, thank you :)00:42
lotuspsychjegood morning03:24
Maik_aDgood morning04:30
ducassegood morning06:08
Maik_aDducasse: hey :)06:23
Bashing-omducasse: Not much of a nap there :(06:24
ducasseBashing-om: no, i'll need another hour or two later06:26
Bashing-omducasse: Soon now will be my Nappy time :P06:27
ducasseBashing-om: enjoy it :)06:28
Maik_aDtalking about nap time.... bed is calling me06:30
lotuspsychjewb Maik_aD16:27
Maik_aDlotuspsychje: hey :)16:31
Bashing-omUWN Monday: here's issue643: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue643 :D20:14
=== tds5 is now known as tds

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