
oerheksBelial, did you check launchpad?00:04
oerheksit is in proposed00:05
oerheksand currently we are waiting for the global upgrade, so.. wait and see00:05
Belialoerheks: i didn't. thanks.00:06
brenster21Bashing-om, I made the stick and booted00:15
brenster21and then i hit check disk for defects00:15
Bashing-ombrenster21: So far so good " check disk for defects " verifies the copy on the USB is valid. Not the hard drive :(00:34
brenster21Bashing-om, so what should I do now?00:36
Bashing-ombrenster21: Show me ehat we are worjing with - from the liveUSB terminal; ' sudo fdisk -lu | nc termbin.com 9999 ' the result is a URL, pass that link back here. Then I provide you the fsck command to look at the drive.00:38
brenster21sudo fdisk -lu | nc termbin.com 999900:41
Bashing-ombrenster21: ^ that is the command - that results in a URL back in the terminal - pass that link back here.00:42
brenster21sudo fdisk -lu | nc termbin.com 999900:43
brenster21I know logged in onto another to copy it over00:43
scarletmarauderI am 90 percent it is sda800:43
Bashing-ombrenster21: For your reference my results for my system: https://termbin.com/9z5w .00:44
scarletmarauderyeah I did not set this thing up that well, a bunch o extenerals on it00:45
Bashing-omscarletmarauder: also same user as brenster21 ?00:46
Bashing-omscarletmarauder: Ack - now run from the liveusb ' sudo fsck /dev/sda8 '. See what gets related about the file system :)00:48
brenster21I get clean00:50
Bashing-ombrenster21: Reboot and see where you get to :)00:51
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mx6523from openbox01:21
brenster21Bashing-om, things seem to be working again01:21
mx6523i believe this shouldn't be in the public repository for openbox01:21
Bashing-ombrenster21: \o/ :D01:22
pedrocrI can't seem to get Firefox to do hardware decoding with vaapi. Could it be something specific to how the Ubuntu packages are built that disables it?01:22
skraajAnyone knows how to troubleshoot additional screen not being detected? Hardware side it's OK as win10 detects it nicely, Displays settings does not show the additional monitor. Tested 2 different brands nVidia drivers/system are up to date01:28
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SquarismI was playing Civ 5 on ubuntu 20.04 and got a segfault. How can I troubleshoot that?02:10
tatertotsSquarism: does it happen every time you play Civ 5?02:15
tatertotsSquarism: or just happened once?02:15
Squarismtatertots, only once yet02:15
tatertotsSquarism: it is something reproducible ?02:16
SquarismI dont think I did anything special. I guess Ill try to play again02:16
tatertotsSquarism: you should find out02:16
DevrimIs it normal that port 53 is open to the outside with ubuntu 20.04.1?02:17
DevrimZenmap says it is ISC BIND 9.xx02:17
tatertotsDevrim: yes02:18
Devrimok thanks tatertots02:18
CarlFKI have a little micropython board that exposes  ttyACM0 ... I connect with tio, and I see: ATE1 E0TATE1 E0TATE1 E0Tr02:46
CarlFKgood ol AT modem commands.  um.. Where did they come from?02:46
tatertotsCarlFK: does that seem Ubuntu related to you?02:47
CarlFKtatertots: yes - I am guessing there is something installed that is resetting modems when they are plugged in02:48
CarlFKI skimmed the tio source, I don't see any AT things https://github.com/tio/tio/blob/master/src/tty.c02:48
MrFreezehey i know this unreal support but i cant connect to them because i dont have ssl on my home pc... im stuck with this Makefile:145: recipe for target 'build' failed04:00
tatertotsMrFreeze: who is "them"?04:03
MrFreezetheir support ircd04:03
MrFreezethey changed it to ssl connections only :(04:03
tatertotsMrFreeze: unreal? like as in the company that makes video games?04:04
MrFreezenah unrealircd04:04
MrFreezecollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status Makefile:66: recipe for target 'ircd' failed thats in make04:05
tatertotsMrFreeze: luckily there's a ton of other ircd out there that you can install or use successfully04:08
MrFreezeclient is wanting this one04:09
tatertotshow are you going to tell them you can't install it?04:10
pyraindropwhat is the most stable version of GUI on ubuntu currently? I've tried the default ubuntu 20.04LTS on my machine with gnome and it crashes randomly. I've an Nvidia 2080ti+4k monitor - which I think is the issue.04:13
MrFreezesad part is it was working till i removed ubuntu 16.0404:13
tatertotsMrFreeze: 16.04 only good until 202104:14
MrFreezeim now on 18.0404:14
pyraindropmemtest 86+ - I have it installed, but on grub screen it wont show up04:24
pyraindropany ideas on how to show that up from live usb drives?04:24
Bashing-ompyraindrop: UEFI system ? Then see; http://www.memtest86.com/  .04:29
pyraindropBashing-om, I tried both uefi and legacy modes04:33
pyraindropit does not show up04:33
Bashing-ompyraindrop: If UEFI - will require the proprietary memtest.04:35
pyraindropBashing-om, is there a stress tester iso available somewhere to test the machine?04:36
Bashing-om!info stress-ng bionic | pyraindrop04:38
ubottupyraindrop: stress-ng (source: stress-ng): tool to load and stress a computer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.09.25-1ubuntu8 (bionic), package size 1548 kB, installed size 3921 kB04:38
pyraindropBashing-om, running stress testing using stress-ng instead of memtest now04:51
Bashing-ompyraindrop: :D04:52
pyraindropBashing-om, what GUI do you use on ubuntu?04:59
pyraindropwhich version?04:59
Bashing-ompyraindrop: presently booting 18.04 - have xfce as the DE.05:00
pyraindropI think I'll have to goto 18.04 too - the GUI in 20.04 is too unstable05:01
Bashing-ompyraindrop: Have seen no issues with 20.04 (xubuntu).05:02
pyraindropBashing-om, you've not used it with an nvidia card - have you? 4k monitor?05:03
Bashing-ompyraindrop: I do have Nvida - but no on the 4K monitor - 20.04 is supposed to have the better support.05:04
pyraindropBashing-om, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/187073605:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1870736 in mutter (Ubuntu) "[nvidia] Screen scaling 125% gives 200%" [High,Confirmed]05:05
pyraindropI think that is the tip of an iceberg :)05:05
Bashing-ompyraindrop: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/HiDPI#Wayland .05:05
pyraindropBashing-om, I think that is one of the bugs, I dont think the others are really well understood.05:07
stravWould gladly need some in extremis support. I did the stupid mistake of trying to upgrade my nvidia graphics drivers a few moments ago (will need my computer to be up and running for work tomorrow morning)...05:22
tatertotsstrav: are you chatting from the computer right now?05:23
stravThought I could not even get a command line but now this is fine. It has been a long while since I didn't had any xorg problem. If anyone can assist... hell it would be nice.05:23
Bashing-omstrav: What method did you employ to upgrade the Nvidia driver ?05:23
stravI just followed the instructions for installing the proper drivers for using tensorflow05:24
tatertotsstrav: in terminal>     inxi -Fxxprzc0|nc termbin.com 999905:24
tatertotsstrav: follow on screen instructions to install if not installed and then follow through05:24
tatertotsstrav: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link..simply say so05:24
stravsee section: Ubuntu 18.04 (CUDA 10.1)05:25
straveverything failed after the reboot, just after the drivers install section.05:25
stravtatertots: (just so you know, I am in root rescue mode atm; will try the command you suggested)05:26
stravalso: would gladly fall back to intel drivers if only I can get a GUI in less than an hour ; )05:26
tatertotsstrav: if you don't have any network connectivity, it won't work05:27
stravI do have some, launched network-manager and then nmcli05:28
stravthis: Display Server: X.org 1.19.6 driver: FAILED: modesetting05:29
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-450 bionic05:29
ubottuPackage nvidia-driver-450 does not exist in bionic05:29
strav(btw, thanks so much for even caring about this!)05:29
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-450 focal05:29
ubottuPackage nvidia-driver-450 does not exist in focal05:29
stravbtw, when I tried: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg after trying to reinstall intel drivers, it now says: xserver-xorg is broken or not fully installed05:31
tatertotsstrav: in terminal>        journalctl -p 2|nc termbin.com 999905:31
stravwell this output is useless05:33
tatertotsstrav: in terminal>        journalctl -p 3|nc termbin.com 999905:33
stravkinda strange it tried to open a gnome session though, I'm using ssdm to lauch kde05:33
stravthis is more like it: https://termbin.com/89bi05:34
strav(isn't there a straight forward procedure to remove all the nvidia modules, install the default intel and go sleep in blissful relief?)05:35
tatertotsstrav: in terminal>        apt list --installed|grep nvid|nc termbin.com 999905:37
stravtatertots: I hope you have a donate a beer link somewhere.05:40
tatertotsstrav: in terminal>        ubuntu-drivers devices|nc termbin.com 999905:41
tatertotsstrav: install of nvidia-driver-450 unsuccessful05:41
stravtatertots: hmmm ubuntu-drivers gives me a command not found. And then, unable to locate package...05:42
tatertotsstrav: in terminal>        dmesg|grep NVR|nc termbin.com 999905:43
strav(trying to reinstall ubuntu-drivers-common)05:43
stravtatertots: just a sec... ubuntu-drivers devices works but when I pipe to termbin, I'm not getting a link now05:45
tatertotsstrav: in terminal>        ubuntu-drivers devices &> ~/nip.pir05:45
tatertotsstrav: nvidia 440 is "recommended"...but you installed nvidia-driver-45005:48
stravtatertots: I believe I installed it from command line after it first failed to load X.05:49
tatertotsstrav: in terminal>        dmesg|grep NVR|nc termbin.com 999905:49
stravtatertots: as I said, nvidia can be a for another time... if I can just get rid of it and load into basic intel.05:49
tatertotsstrav: remove nvidia-driver-45005:50
stravI did an autoremove after that...05:51
tatertotsstrav: in terminal>        apt list --installed|grep nvid|nc termbin.com 999905:52
tatertotsstrav: reboot05:53
stravit says (just after removing dkms modules): possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/xxxxxx for module i915 (I kinda wonder what it implies)05:53
tatertotsstrav: reboot05:54
stravshould I remove xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-450?05:54
strav(thought  apt-get remove nvidia-driver-450 would do the trick)05:54
tatertotsstrav: remove it05:55
stravrebooted... I see a background... a cursor.... light...05:56
stravlaptop's keyboard and trackpad not responding05:56
tatertotsrestart again05:57
Bashing-omstrav: tatertots Careful here ; :D OEM install ? ' sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*" ' .05:57
stravjust a sec05:58
strav(had the same problem when I tried to boot into another, older kernel.. thinking the modules might not have been such a mess there)05:58
stravstill no keyboard or trackpad response after second reboot05:59
stravI see a message: nouveau, failed to create kernel drm channel...06:00
strav(quick message befor ssdm login screen)06:00
tatertotsstrav: Aug 03 18:27:49 WKS-001401.corp.coveo.com kernel: nouveau 0000:01:00.0: DRM: failed to create kernel channel, -2206:00
tatertotsstrav: that was happening Aug 3rd06:00
stravok. first time I booted this machine.06:01
stravI'll boot in recovery again06:01
strav(net is up)06:02
stravany suggestion for keyboard and trackpad in X?06:03
strav(I removed the remaining xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-450, trying to reboot again)06:06
stravsame non responding keyboard06:07
strav(external usb keyboard does not work as well)06:08
tatertotsstrav: you won't be able to administer the system without the ability to type06:09
stravtatertots: I have keybaord input while in recovery mode06:11
strav(I tried to reinstall xserver-xorg-input-all... as per some random guide)06:11
mertgorstrav: Nice!06:13
stravtatertots: now is there a charity of your choice you'd like to encourage...06:15
stravcoz I feel really grateful atm.06:15
tatertotsstrav: yes ...but i can't say the charity here06:16
stravI'll give something to some random one then.06:18
mertgorstrav: What is your device model ?06:18
stravDell precision 554006:18
stravNext time I plan to switch to nvidia drivers, it'll not be on a sunday at 23h 45... that's for sure.06:19
mertgorstrav: Mine is Acer Aspire V3-772G with Nvidia GT 750M06:19
stravI need to sleep. Thanks so much guys for your time and concern. I'm baffled by such disinterested care.06:20
cornelcan qt 5.14 be installed in ubuntu 16.04 ?07:09
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tatertotscornel: is something wrong with your software manager? where you can't search and determine what can be installed ?07:10
corneltatertots, is not available in my software manager07:11
tatertotscornel: all you have available to you is https://termbin.com/7bc007:14
corneltatertots, sorry, there's no version infrmation there07:17
tatertotscornel: it's not available for your operating system version07:22
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ozcrnHi All, i am having some issues trying to integrate an Ubuntu Server 20.04 machine with Active directory, however when I attempt to log in via SSH i receive an "denied by PAM account configuration". paste shows that the pam_sss is actually giving me an authentication success. Kerberos seems to be working as expected as if i do an 'id user@domain' i am returned uid and gid. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bnKm2tY4d3/ Any pointers07:46
ozcrn appreciated as I have been googling and playing around with this for a few hours with no success.07:46
lotuspsychjeozcrn: good morning, you can try #ubuntu-server if you like07:48
ozcrncheers lotuspsychje will do07:48
tatertotsozcrn: have you already got a successful klist/kinit?07:49
ozcrn@tatertots: yep, klist returns a valid kerberos token07:53
tatertotsozcrn: and you've already modified pam configuration to put DNS first before "files" and other entries?07:57
ozcrnhmmm no, haven't done anything in regards to pam config07:58
kaddiI'm running ubuntu 20.04 and since the upgrade, when I type "killall firefox" into the command line, it'll tell me "firefox: no process found" even though firefox is clearly running. How do I kill firefox from the command line now?07:58
tatertotsozcrn: what does your /etc/nsswitch.conf look like?07:59
EriC^kaddi: what does 'ps aux | grep firefox' give?08:00
ozcrntatertots: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zmVnzNK96t/08:00
kaddiEriC^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/N3ZjgQpnjP/08:01
tatertotsozcrn: does your /etc/hosts contain your FQDN?08:01
kaddialternatively if there's an easy way to find the PID that'll kill all of firfeox instead of just a tab, that would be useful too08:01
EriC^kaddi: try "kill 104213"08:01
EriC^if that doesnt work try "kill -9 104213"08:02
ozcrntatertots: as in the FQDN on the server itself?08:02
kaddithat worked, thanks.. but any idea why killall no longer works? Firefox freezes once every couple of days (which is annoying in itself but is an issue as old as time, I guess).. no longer being able to easily kill it is very inconvenient08:03
EriC^kaddi: i think maybe it wanted the whole path, eg killall /usr/lib/firefox08:03
EriC^kaddi: an easy way to kill it is via 'xkill' launch it from terminal then click on the frozen window08:04
tatertotsozcrn: yes08:04
ozcrntatertots: it didnt, I have added it, behaviour does not appear to have changed though08:04
EriC^kaddi: also make sure firefox is latest version 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox'08:04
kaddiEriC^: just realise that my firefox now seems to live in /usr/lib/firefox/firefox.. which seems odd08:05
kaddithanks for hte xkill tip08:05
tatertotsozcrn: run "getent hosts <hostname>"08:05
tatertotsozcrn: it should return the true IP and hostname NOT
EriC^kaddi: no worries, if the problem continues it might be useful to launch firefox from a terminal so it's more verbose there and might show why its freezing08:05
tatertotsozcrn: it should return the true IP and hostname NOT 127.x.x.x08:05
ozcrntatertots: yepp, confirmed correct IP and hostname08:05
kaddiEriC^: it's a memory leak.. it'll eat up my 16GB of RAM and become unresponsive08:06
tatertotsozcrn: restart sssd and try to ssh with a AD user08:06
kaddiand they always seem to fix one memory leak with two others.. so it never really improves08:06
tatertotsozcrn: have you already changed /etc/pam.d/common-session ?08:07
tatertotsozcrn: if pam isn't expecting AD users login in it will fail08:08
tatertotsozcrn: even if the system is joined08:08
ozcrntatertots: login still fails. All i have added to /etc/pam.d/common-session is the pam_mkhomedir.so line so as it creates the homedir for new users08:09
tatertotsozcrn: you don't have sssd listed in your pam conf?08:10
tatertotsozcrn: post your pam conf08:10
kaddiEriC^: any idea why it can't find the process by name anymore? Others seem to work, but firefox doesn't get recognized08:11
tatertotsozcrn: i'll post mine from a AD joined 16.0408:11
tatertotsozcrn: then you can compare08:11
ozcrntatertots: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3VVPWFFtv9/ pam_sso.so was already present08:11
tatertotsozcrn: https://termbin.com/8ybr08:12
tatertotsozcrn: notice the pam_sss.so08:12
tatertotsozcrn: you should have this08:12
ozcrntatertots: yeah, that is present, only difference i can see is the umask and your config has pam_mkhomedir.so as required whereas mine is optional08:13
tatertotsozcrn: it's NOT session "optional"08:13
tatertotsozcrn: it's session "required"08:14
tatertotsozcrn: also move your line08:14
tatertotsozcrn: mimic mine08:14
tatertotsozcrn: of your keep your custom /etc/skel08:14
tatertotsozcrn: of course your keep your custom /etc/skel08:14
tatertotsozcrn: i notice you're using umask 0022, i use 0077 in my environment, keep your custom 002208:15
tatertotsozcrn: you'll need to restart sssd with any change you make08:17
ozcrntatertots: have copied across the changes from your configuration but still no good08:18
ozcrntatertots: im going to give the whole server a reboot and see if this changes anthing08:18
tatertotsozcrn: ok08:18
tatertotsozcrn: i just noticed my /etc/hosts not only has my FQDN but has my domain controller FQDN and IP08:20
ozcrntatertots: reboot didnt change anything, will add that in as well and test08:21
ozcrntatertots: appreciate the help08:21
tatertotsozcrn: i've got two different 16.04's joined to different AD domains so i'm comparing both /etc/hosts08:21
ozcrntatertots: i've got plenty of centos / aws linux 2 machine joined without issues. This is the first ubuntu machine have attempted to add. If this doesn't work I might try and spin up a test 16.04 box and see if that works08:22
tatertotsozcrn: i didn't make any edits to /etc/hosts on 1of2 and both are joined successfully08:22
tatertotsozcrn: i'll link you the guide i used08:23
tatertotsozcrn: it worked to get both my 16.04's joined to two different domains08:23
tatertotsozcrn: it's something with your pam config08:24
ozcrntatertots: appreaciated. will spin up a 16.04 when i get a chance.08:24
ozcrntatertots: yeah, i figured that was the case, because everything else seems to indicate the machine is joined fine08:25
tatertotsozcrn: https://www.kiloroot.com/add-ubuntu-14-04-server-or-desktop-to-microsoft-active-directory-domain-login-to-unity-with-domain-credentials/08:26
tatertotsozcrn: it says 14.04 but it's actually for 16.04 too since he's not using PBIS anymore08:26
tatertotsozcrn: there was a tool called PBIS used in 14.04 that made joining a breeze but it's no longer supported in anything higher than 14.0408:27
tatertotsozcrn: actually i think they did open source PBIS and make it for newer versions..but i migrated to using realmd+sssd08:27
ozcrntatertots: i've pretty much done everything through the use of realmd which seemed simple enough08:28
tatertotsozcrn: PBIS was proprietary at the time i was joining Linux to domains08:28
tatertotsozcrn: i like the realmd+sssd route myself also08:28
tatertotsozcrn: that reminds me of your sssd.conf08:29
tatertotsozcrn: poking through that link..something might stand out that you didn't do08:29
ozcrntatertots: will give that guide a go when I am back in the office tomorrow. Will report back if you are floating around. Thanks again08:29
tatertotsozcrn: no prob08:30
tatertotsozcrn: i'll be joining a new 20.04 box to AD in the next week so i can we can compare steps08:30
tatertotsozcrn: i wonder if you did the "realm allow" thing08:34
dirkmkdir_is there any reason to use apt-get update instead of apt update ?08:37
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ggzshould i reboot when i change graphic driver ?08:44
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ggzthis is very strange, why the driver setting show nvidia-driver-450 as open-source ? i thought it was nouveau the name of the open source driver ?09:06
EriC^kaddi: no idea09:06
EriC^kaddi: perhaps try with pkill firefox ?09:07
EriC^usually kills firefox for me09:08
ozcrntatertots: doing a 'realm permit' allowed me to login09:21
tatertotsozcrn: lol...good..i was trying to think of what you might have missed, "realm permit" came to mind09:22
ozcrntatertots: with all the rest of my servers i've controller access using the 'ad_access_filter' directive in sssd.conf, using realm permit seems to add a 'simple_allow_groups' entry09:22
tatertotsozcrn: "realm permit" is pretty strict in my environments09:22
tatertotsozcrn: only Enterprise Admins can log in to my Linux AD systems09:23
ozcrntatertots: we are pretty limited as well, mostly because we are a windows shop and *nix scares people...09:24
tatertotsozcrn: same here with my shop..I'm the only one in the Enterprise Admin group that can log in to Linux lol09:25
tatertotsozcrn: i've never used the ad access filter technique, i may have to try that09:27
ozcrntatertots: thanks again for the help, knew it would end up being something stupid09:27
tatertotsozcrn: out of curiosity you on 16.04 also?09:28
ozcrntatertots: nope, only Ubuntu we've got is 20.0409:28
tatertotsozcrn: they keep switching from LightDM and it makes me have to do additional stuff to get AD users to GUI login09:28
ozcrntatertots: i did some disgusting things to make gui logins useable on centos7/mate09:29
tatertotsozcrn: i had LightDM in 16.04, upgraded to 18.04 and was using GDM3 all the sudden, wasn't expecting the change09:29
ozcrntatertots: honestly the less i see of a linux gui the happier i am09:30
tatertotsozcrn: you've motivated me to join my 20.04 earlier than planned09:31
ozcrntatertots: good luck!09:31
JeroenKk, lets see if I can ask this here... Atm I cannot get into my router, seems I need to reset it, but rather not now. And all I wanted to do is check which port is open for Transmission. Is there an other way to find out?09:32
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tatertotsJeroenK: are you chatting from the computer right now?09:34
JeroenKyes, on my laptop09:34
tatertotsJeroenK: open terminal09:34
tatertotsJeroenK: in terminal>    sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN|nc termbin.com 999909:35
tatertotsJeroenK: share url/link here...if you do not get a url/link..simply say so09:35
JeroenKGot nothing09:36
tatertotsJeroenK: in terminal>    sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN|nc 999909:37
tatertotsJeroenK: share url/link here...if you do not get a url/link..simply say so09:37
tatertotsJeroenK: port # 5141309:39
JeroenKYeah, that' s the port which Transmission uses, default setting. Not the port I already had set in the routher.09:40
ozcrntatertots: https://www.bu.edu/tech/services/security/iam/directory/ad/linux/ has a decent explanation of the two.09:40
JeroenKUnless Transmission automatically finds that port?09:40
ozcrntatertots: access provider defaulted to 'simple' on ubuntu which explains why only 'simple_allow_groups' worked, centos defaulted to 'ad'09:41
tatertotsozcrn: it defaults to 'simple' on ubuntu AND mint09:42
ozcrntatertots: setting it to 'ad' doesn't seem to work either09:43
JeroenKHence why I wanted to check in the router which port i had once set. Hm, if this is all that can be done then I need to reset my router afterall. Hoped I could do that much later...09:43
tatertotsozcrn: it must be a ubuntu thing09:44
pedrocris there a simple way to convert an install I did with BIOS mode to EFI? I forgot to change it before reinstalling the computer and had wanted to do it to get firmware updates working automatically09:45
ozcrntatertots: Cons of Simple: Does not check if account is active and will still allow login even though the account may be in the “expired” state.09:45
ozcrntatertots: doesn't seem ideal but if that's how it is just something to be aware of i guess09:45
JeroenKO wait, in settings there' s Test Port, tested it, port is closed indeed09:45
EriC^pedrocr: can you pastebin 'sudo parted -ls' ?09:45
JeroenKk, thx ;)09:45
tatertotsJeroenK: good luck with your router09:46
pedrocrEriC^: https://gist.github.com/pedrocr/30f3e224bb18cb7d70755086a0a9220809:47
pedrocr /boot as ext4 and then / and /home as encrypted partitions09:47
tatertotsozcrn: i think they compensate for that issue in ubuntu09:47
tatertotsozcrn: does your klist show a quick expiration?09:48
tatertotsozcrn: here's how fast mine expires https://termbin.com/hxjk09:49
EriC^pedrocr: what you can do is make the /boot an efi partition, and make /boot part of the encrypted root fs09:49
EriC^i can guide you through the process if you want to do it09:49
tatertotsozcrn: forcing it to validate the account no matter what the same day09:49
ozcrntatertots: yeah, same 10 hours expiry09:50
tatertotsozcrn: within several hours even09:50
pedrocrEriC^: is it complex enough that just reinstalling makes more sense?09:50
tatertotsozcrn: so ubuntu is forcing validation every 10 hours...better than nothing i guess09:50
pedrocrI keep /home in a separate partition just so I can nuke /boot and / and be back up fairly quickly09:50
tatertotsozcrn: i'm going to expire an account and test that out09:51
ozcrntatertots: unsurprisingly ubuntu and centos are running different major version, ubuntu newer though so not like they've added the feature09:52
tatertotsozcrn: gotta find a user to pick on to test with lol09:52
ozcrntatertots: i'm going to have to do the same, our security guys enjoy nitpicking this kind of thing09:52
EriC^pedrocr: i see, yeah reinstalling would be easier09:52
ozcrntatertots: CEO usually works well hahah09:52
pedrocrEriC^: and what do I need to do at install? Set the partition to /efi instead of /boot?09:53
EriC^pedrocr: you need to boot the live usb in uefi mode, it should show a white/black grub menu instead of the menu in the middle, then in the installer you want to create an efi partition and /boot as usual09:54
EriC^efi partition around 300mb would be good09:55
EriC^if you know you wont be using windows with it, you might get away with like 50-100mb so you have more left over for /boot, but frankly it's easy to put boot inside the rootfs later and probably more secure09:55
sleepymariohello, question about the nextcloud snap. is it possible to mount a nfs share as the data directory easily with the snap?09:56
EriC^pedrocr: (you'll need to add GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y to /etc/default/grub and update-grub though)09:56
sleepymarioi've never used snaps09:56
pedrocrEriC^: If I'm reading the UEFI page correctly I need to mount the EFI partition in /boot/efi, which doesn't seem too bad09:58
EriC^pedrocr: yeah09:59
pedrocrbut apparently it should be automatically detected09:59
EriC^pedrocr: yeah if there's already an efi partition it would use it09:59
pedrocrOk, I'll probably do the reinstall when I have some time then10:00
pedrocrhaving automatic firmware upgrades would be nice10:00
EriC^alright, no problem10:00
Mr_xhi everyone10:01
necrophcodrHi everyone! I've recently upgraded to 20.04, and just today my bluetooth on my laptop completely stopped working. As in, it's not showing up with `rfkill list` as a hci device anymore.10:03
necrophcodrSo I can't use it at all. I can't start the bluetooth service manually, I can't connect using bluetoothctl, or anything.10:04
Mr_xquestion: when i open my laptop.. that open GNU GRUB 2.04 .. how i can back to boot and login as usual10:04
EriC^necrophcodr: maybe turning the laptop off, removing the battery and holding the power button might help10:04
necrophcodrYou think draining the power completely might work?10:04
EriC^Mr_x: you get a grub> prompt?10:04
necrophcodrUnfortunately it doesn't have a removable battery.10:05
Mr_xyes EriC^ what should command i need to type10:05
EriC^necrophcodr: worth a try, ive had some problems with wifi where doing that got it working, though it didnt disappear from the os in my case10:05
EriC^necrophcodr: anything in "dmesg" relating to the bluetooth?10:05
EriC^Mr_x: try "insmod normal" then type "normal"10:06
necrophcodrEriC^, nothing in dmesg related to bluetooth at all, no10:06
EriC^necrophcodr: could it be somehow disabled in the bios?10:06
necrophcodrEriC^, I checked the BIOS and there's no Bluetooth settings at all10:06
Mr_xEriC^:  but nothing happen10:07
EriC^maybe it's worth it to check using a live usb that used to work to see if it's a hardware issue10:07
necrophcodrMy situation was that I was using bluetooth with a headset earlier today, left for a while, and when I came back, the headset wasn't connected anymore, and the bluman had hung. I tried to use `rfkill unblock bluetooth` but it didnt do anything, and `rfkill list` showed the device to be unblocked.10:07
necrophcodrI then rebooted, and `rfkill list` no longer even shows the device.10:07
EriC^Mr_x: type "echo $prefix"10:07
EriC^what's it return?10:07
Mr_xthat is EriC^10:09
EriC^Mr_x: ok type "configfile $prefix/grub.cfg"10:09
tatertotsnecrophcodr: can you boot LiveCD/LiveUSB and test?10:09
necrophcodrtatertots, i dont have a USB available unfortunately, but i'll see if i can get my hands on one soon10:10
Mr_xEriC^:  done .. but cant see anything output10:10
EriC^necrophcodr: you can boot an ubuntu iso from grub10:11
EriC^Mr_x: does "ls $prefix/" give any files called grub.cfg ?10:11
EriC^Mr_x: is this a grub> or grub rescue> prompt?10:11
Mr_xls $prefix/10:12
Mr_xunicode.pf2 i386-pc/ locale/ fonts/ grubenv grub.cfg10:14
Mr_xthat is EriC^10:14
Mr_xthis is grub> promt10:14
EriC^Mr_x: ok, does "cat $prefix/grub.cfg" give a lot of text?10:15
narakrishHello all, how can I restrict users from running rm -rf * (or) rm -rf / in a system. At the same time, I would require all users to use rm command from shell script.10:15
Mr_xyes EriC^10:16
sleepymarionarakrish: don't give them root access10:16
pikapikaIs this guide current? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot10:16
EriC^Mr_x: ok, type "echo $root"10:16
Mr_xoutput ---->> hd0,msdos110:18
pikapikasleepymario, lol10:18
Mr_xthat is output EriC^10:19
pikapikaHas someone trashed their grub?10:19
EriC^Mr_x: type "linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1"10:26
EriC^Mr_x: then type "initrd /initrd.img"10:27
EriC^Mr_x: finally type "boot"10:27
pikapikaI have a grub I need to recover on another machine10:27
pikapikagonna try that sometime soon10:27
drogaswhat is the difference between apt-get and just using apt10:28
EriC^drogas: apt is more user friendly, colors, more progress stuff, but not to be used in scripts10:29
Mr_xEriC^:  output /vmlinuz not found10:30
drogasEriC^ not to be used in scripts? what does that mean10:33
EriC^Mr_x: ok, type "linux /boot/vmlinuz<hit tab a few times and autocomplete it to latest kernel>"10:33
EriC^Mr_x: then continue root=/dev/sda110:33
EriC^drogas: scripts such as bash scripts, it's not very compatible with those10:34
drogasso when searching or installing things would it suffice to just do sudo apt install or do we need sudo apt-get/cache10:34
EriC^drogas: yeah sudo apt install works fine10:35
gavimobileHi folks, i just performed a new install of ubuntu 16.04.6. I have no network cards configured or "confirmed".  i was able to mount a usb flash drive with the driver inside to compile, but im getting a message that make is not installed. i cannot download make because i dont have internet10:35
gavimobilecan someone please give me a hand?10:35
gavimobilethe only network card found in the interface config file is the loopback10:35
gavimobilei can confirm that ubunlspci -nn | grep 0200 shows my card as intel corporation ethernet connection (7) I219-LM 8086:15bb10:37
Mr_xEriC^: its nothing happen when i hit tab10:37
EriC^Mr_x: ok, does "ls /boot" show any vmlinuz files?10:38
tatertotsgavimobile: did you have network connectivity when booted to the LiveCD/LiveUSB?10:38
tatertotsgavimobile: the same LiveCD/LiveUSB you just used to install10:39
gavimobiletatertots: im not sure. the install ran from the usb stick10:39
gavimobiletatertots: i would assume that all the packages are on the flash drive10:39
EriC^gavimobile: did you have a box checked during the install regarding updating while installing?10:40
tatertotsgavimobile: ubuntu installers used to check for connectivity and offer to install any updates during the installation process, did that NOT occur?10:40
tatertotsgavimobile: boot the LiveCD/LiveUSB again and test10:41
Mr_xon /boot has system.map-5.4.0-42-generic config-5.4-generic initrd.img-5.4.0-42-generic10:41
Mr_xthat is EriC^10:41
EriC^Mr_x: ah, you're missing the kernel, you have to use a live usb to fix it10:42
EriC^can you boot a live usb up?10:42
Mr_xvmlinuz files on /lost+found10:43
EriC^Mr_x: ah try to copy them over perhaps10:44
taleinatHi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 20.04.1 via downloading the .iso image and writing it to a USB stick. The problem is that the installation process is so slow that it couldn't complete overnight. The only error I've managed to see so far is about initramfs failing to decode, but the fixes I've found online for that don't appear to work in the "Live10:44
taleinatCD" read-only installer environment. Help?!10:44
EriC^Mr_x: try "cp /lost+found/vmlinuz.... /boot/"10:44
EriC^taleinat: did you checksum the iso?10:46
gavimobileEriC^: i dont recall any option asking me this10:46
taleinatEriC^: Yes, I checksummed the iso.10:47
EriC^taleinat: did you let it checksum while the live usb was booting?10:48
EriC^'integrity check' or whatever it's called currently10:49
taleinatI just let it boot usually, I didn't cancel or stop anything.10:49
Mr_xEriC^: cant find command cp10:49
taleinatEriC^: After a reboot it did indeed run such a check, I let it complete and it passed successfully.10:50
EriC^Mr_x: ah grub has no copy it seems, you'll have to find a live usb to boot it and restore the kernel10:50
taleinatEriC^: (Reboot back into the USB installer.)10:51
EriC^taleinat: i'd try a different usb and also perhaps run a smart test on the hdd from the live usb10:52
EriC^taleinat: when exactly do you get this failed to decode msg, while it's installing the system?10:52
taleinatEriC^: Pointer on how to run a smart test?10:53
taleinatEriC^: I saw it when I Ctrl+Alt+F2 into a terminal session, it was happening once every few minutes or so, in parallel to the installer trying to run in the graphical session.10:53
Mr_xok EriC^ may i know.. how to do that10:56
BluesKajHowdy all10:57
taleinatEriC^: Even before the UI environment comes up, I get this:11:05
taleinatBah it scrolled away due to the fsck check.11:07
younderUgh. Had a Xavier NX change IP address. My fault of cource should have made it static in the router. Hade to nmap -A and guess the correct machine. Then connect keyboard and browser. Allow /etc/ssh/sshd_config password instead of public key. Log in. disallow password. Restart ssh. and disconnect keyboard and borwser. Last part of ip had changed from 135 to 134.11:10
younderAnyhow why doesnt nmap know the MAC address range of nvidea products so I don't have to scan all machines. On the PI's it correctly reports raspi addresses?11:15
yutadesktop is transporoted . Can I fix?11:18
younderyuta, so you are using alepard desktop. So what?11:21
younderyuta, Perhaps I am blind, but they look the same to me.11:22
yutayounder:see right and left.11:23
pikapikaCan anyone tell me if that chroot guide is still current?11:38
lotuspsychjeedited 201511:39
pikapikaAre aids and tools as mentioned in that article still necessary for chroot jails?11:40
yutayounder:deleted,I didn't do nothing.11:41
pikapikaUbuntu 18.04 lts btw11:42
taleinat EriC^: SMART check passed, the disk is fine. Trying to install an older version of Ubuntu...12:03
taleinatI also tried with two different USB disks and the behavior is exactly the same.12:03
EriC^taleinat: odd, ok12:04
taleinatEriC^: Is it possible that the initramfs config is borked in the installer ISO? Is there a way I can change it from lz to gzip?12:07
EriC^no idea, you shouldnt have to, very odd12:09
taleinatSame USB disk, Ubuntu 19.10 Desktop install ISO, no initramfs error msg. So far so good.12:14
pagios_hello, i am trying to get into ubuntu grub loader12:16
pagios_ubuntu is showing up directly , i am not able to boot12:16
pagios_how can i alter it ? ubuntu 20.0412:16
pagios_it goes directly into splash screen12:16
taleinatpagios_: Are you pressing F12/F10 or whatever the correct key is on your system after turning the system on?12:17
pagios_whats that12:17
pagios_when it boots it goes into the splash screen directly12:18
taleinatThe PC appears to have the boot menu disabled, this is common. To reach the boot menu, reboot, and repeatedly press F12 or F10 until it appears.12:18
taleinatThe key may also be F2, or Escape, or even something else - it depends which BIOS you have.12:19
pikapikaWhats happening taleinat ?12:20
kaddiEriC^: just swa your recommendation with pkill.. It doesn't throw an error, but it doesn't kill firefox either12:22
taleinatpikapika: Hi! Do I know you?12:24
tatertotskaddi: are you chatting from the computer right now?12:24
kadditatertots: yes12:24
taleinatOh. I was replying to pagios_.12:24
pikapikaWhats happening = whats the problem12:24
tatertotskaddi: in terminal>      pgrep firefox|nc termbin.com 999912:25
tatertotskaddi: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link..simply say so12:25
taleinatI'm now trying the Ubuntu 19.10 installer on my machine. Also loading slowly.12:25
kaddino link12:25
tatertotskaddi: in terminal>      pgrep firefox|nc 999912:25
tatertotskaddi: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link..simply say so12:25
kadditatertots: the issue is not that I can't kill firefox. I want to understand why killall and pkill can no longer find firefox and kill it12:25
kaddikill pid works and killall works with other apps12:26
kaddino url12:26
pagios_works thanks12:26
tatertotskaddi: oh ..sorry didn't know you didn't actually have a technical problem, but only seeking education or understanding.12:26
kadditatertots: well.. in a way this is interesting. pgrep I guess is a shorterning of "ps aux | grep"? It returns no firefox processes, however ps aux | grep returns about a doxen12:27
kaddiso.. this may help me understand12:27
kadditatertots: I kind of have  technical problem which is: firefox can't be found by killall or pkill :p12:28
tatertotskaddi: or human error in the assumption that it even should be found12:29
pikapikakaddi, same12:29
pikapikaIts happening recently12:29
pikapikapkill used to work with firefox12:29
pikapikaNow I need to pkill -f it12:29
kaddiit started with the upgrade to 20.04 for me12:29
tatertotsthings change12:29
pikapikaOther firefoxen like Tor are killed by pkill firefox12:29
pikapikaBut not normal ff12:29
pikapikapkill -f firefox is needed for that12:29
tatertotsbeing able to adapt to change is a skillset12:30
pikapikatatertots, firefox process is still called firefox12:30
pikapika ps -aux | grep firefox12:30
oceansee: grep Name /proc/pid-of-firefox/status12:31
kadditatertots: For me it's mostly to recover a functionality I used to have.. I've been trying to figure out why killall no longer sees firefox which I guess falls under education12:31
pikapikaps -aux | grep -i firefox | wc12:31
pikapikaps -aux | grep firefox | wc12:31
pikapikaSame count12:31
oceanthe Name in /proc/pid-of-firefox/status might not match your query using pgrep, the -f sets 'full lenght cmd line' search12:32
kadditatertots: but from ubuntu 8.04 to 19.10 it was possible to do a killall firefox and have firefox die.. if this changed for a specific reason, I'd be happy to learn about it and find out how to do it now without having to go through identifying the PID of the main firefox process12:32
pikapikaAnd in all those firefox instances I see the name of the base process is still firefox12:32
pikapikaof course the full cmd line also contains the string12:33
pikapikakaddi, not even in this 18.0412:33
pikapikaprobably after some FF update12:33
kaddiah, interesting12:33
kaddi@ocean looks like you were spot on.. name is "MainThread"12:34
kaddiso killall MainThread works for firefox12:34
kaddiWSL? what does that mean?12:35
pikapikaI read a bug report that ff is now called MainThread in WSL12:35
pikapikaIts still 'firefox' here though12:35
pikapikayet somehow pkill fails12:35
pikapikawithout the -f12:35
pikapika(here as in normal, native Ubuntu)12:35
pikapikaI type pkill firefox12:36
pikapikanothing happens12:36
pikapikaI type pkill -f firefox12:36
pikapikaits killed12:36
pikapikaand other types of firefox are killed by the pkill firefox12:36
kaddiprobably because those are still based off of older versions of firefox12:36
pikapikaBut somehow12:37
pikapika ps -aux | grep MainThread returns nothing other than the grep process itself12:37
pikapikaso my normal firefox is still called firefox12:37
pikapikayet pkill fails12:37
pikapikapreg is returning blank too12:38
kaddiyay power outage12:41
pikapikaI am comparing ps axu | grep and pgrep and still no idea whats different12:43
sleepymariothe nextcloud snap seems really convenient. even mounting an nfs share went smoothly, and using ssl certs as well. are snaps easy to update? does that really go automatically or do you have to use a command every now and then?12:52
leftyfbsleepymario: snaps will update on their own, but you can use "sudo snap refresh" to manually update12:55
sleepymarioleftyfb: thanks12:55
pikapikawoah snaps are funny12:57
pikapikaDidn't know they silently updated on their own12:57
pikapikaSentient little things12:57
pikapikakaddi, power came back?12:58
kaddiwell, we'll see for how long12:59
pikapikakaddi, be careful out there13:02
kaddihttps://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1649010 looks like the firefox/MainThread thing is considered a bug (whcih I'm happy to hear.. because having to do killall MainThread when you mean to do killall firefox is not intuitive)13:04
ubottuMozilla bug 1649010 in XPCOM "Firefox parent process shows up as "MainThread" in top" [--,New]13:04
=== Roeynicorn is now known as Roey
ren0v0Hi, I'm getting this error can anyone help?14:25
ren0v0E: Problem executing scripts APT::Update::Post-Invoke-Success 'if /usr/bin/test -w /var/lib/command-not-found/ -a -e /usr/lib/cnf-update-db; then /usr/lib/cnf-update-db > /dev/null; fi'E: Sub-process returned an error code14:25
ren0v0dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:14:28
ren0v0 unable to fsync updated status of 'libpciaccess0:amd64': Input/output error14:28
ren0v0I'm getting this when running dpkg14:28
aodsnasionHi guys14:57
aodsnasionI want to clone this version https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/bionic/tag/?h=Ubuntu-hwe-4.18.0-18.19_18.04.114:57
aodsnasionhow do I do so?14:57
=== banisterfiend_ is now known as banisterfiend
MorganSoullessaodsnasion https://duckduckgo.com/?q=git+clone+specific+commit&t=newext&atb=v233-4&ia=web14:59
MorganSoulless$SHA1 = 65a92bb2ed218c6a442ae227ff639368b1da6d7815:00
aodsnasionMorganSoulless: so its git clone -n https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-signed-hwe15:18
aodsnasionand then git checkout 65a92bb2ed218c6a442ae227ff639368b1da6d7815:18
aodsnasionam I right or missed something?15:18
dustzsys dosnt seem to work... at boot the menu point history shows last entry from 30.06 and since then i had several kernel updates and reboots15:23
leftyfbaodsnasion: why not just run: apt-get source linux-image-4.18.0-18-generic15:25
aodsnasionleftyfb:  E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list15:27
leftyfbaodsnasion: ok, so put the src entry into your sources.list15:27
leftyfbaodsnasion: why do you need to pull down the source for the linux kernel?15:27
aodsnasionI need to compile it with a certain custom patch15:28
leftyfbaodsnasion: why?15:28
aodsnasionto emulate on QEMU15:28
scythefwd2ok folks.. awk.. I'm seeing a lot of stuff telling me how to use 2 delimiters.. but nothing on how to use a space and another symbol (for example need both spaces and = as a delimiter in an output)..15:29
leftyfbaodsnasion: emulate what?15:29
scythefwd2any suggestions?15:29
aodsnasionleftyfb: I need to pull the source, need to apply a patch on that and then emulate this kernel on QEMU15:30
aodsnasionwhat do you mean by emulate what?15:30
leftyfbaodsnasion: emulate a kernel?15:30
leftyfbaodsnasion: what's special about your patched kernel that needs to run within qemu?15:30
aodsnasionleftyfb: lol15:31
pymagicMy machine wont boot - I tried boot-repair - gives me an error15:40
pymagicThe boot drive just kicks back the machine into BIOS - X570 mb15:40
pymagicany ideas on how to fix/debug this15:40
pymagicI am in UEFI mode15:40
ArmageddonI'm getting device full on NFS, it says it's rw mounted fuseblk and ntfs-3g is installed, what am I missing ?15:41
=== ryzokuken_ is now known as ryzokuken
tatertotsArmageddon: are you catting from the computer right now?15:45
Armageddontatertots, catting ?15:45
tatertotsArmageddon: are you chatting from the computer right now?15:45
Armageddonwell yes sort of15:46
Armageddonwhat does it matter ?15:46
Armageddontatertots, did you confused with people ?15:46
tatertotsArmageddon: for trouble shooting...if you were able to trouble shoot  it yourself you wouldn't have posted here right?15:46
Armageddonyes I could15:46
ArmageddonI'm having an NTFS issue15:47
Armageddonhow does that prevent me from getting online ?15:47
ArmageddonI ask again, did you get people confused ?15:47
tatertotsyes i sure did15:47
ArmageddonI still don't understand your question :)15:48
scythefwd2do you need ntfs-3g for nfs mounts?15:51
tatertotshe meant NTFS15:51
Armageddontatertots, to answer your smartass question, if I had an answer I wouldn't have asked here :)15:51
tatertotsforgot the "T"15:51
ArmageddonI did troubleshoot15:51
scythefwd2I had guessed that.. but wanted to make sure15:51
pymagicanyone can help me with a grub/boot problem?15:52
scythefwd2how far are you getting?15:54
scythefwd2can you one time boot menu and get into grub?15:54
sleepymariothe ubuntu kernel surely has ntfs support out of the box no?16:06
scythefwd2sleepymario.. not always.  I had to install ntfs-3g on a recent centos install I believe16:09
scythefwd2it was one of my recent installs.. which would be ubuntu 20.04 or centos 7... of that I'm sure16:10
IarlaI've made some scripts to increase / decrease screen brightness. I want to assign them to keyboard shortcuts. But, they require root password and so the keyboard shortcut has no effect. How can I get around this?16:17
scythefwd2have a listener running as a daemon that starts as root.. and have it launch the scripts when the hot keys are pressed?16:18
IarlaWould that require C programming scythefwd2 ?16:19
scythefwd2that i dont know.. honestly launching a script to listen at boot with chron might be enough16:20
scythefwd2probably not the best answer.. but its a start16:20
IarlaInteresting. I made a script run at boot with chron before. Not sure how to make a listener though. But it is the best answer so far :) Thank you.16:21
scythefwd2not hard to be the best answer out of 1 lol16:21
Iarlahehehe :D16:21
scythefwd2maybe python16:22
IarlaPython seems to have something "import sudo" that might make this possible.16:24
scythefwd2direct messaged ya a link larla16:27
EzroHey everyone. Does anyone have guidance on how I can apply a patch (https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git/commit/?h=linux-5.4.y&id=8d5037dca7c2089f27e5903c2aecfc5bb10d7806) to my clean 20.04 LTS install? I tried following the steps here: https://github.com/da-cali/linux-x1-tablet#fix-the-trackpoint-and-trackpad-buttons16:30
Ezrousing v5.4.57, but now my GRUB shows Ubuntu w/ 5.4.75+ which doesn't load and the ~old Ubuntu w/ 5.4.0-42-generic.16:30
EzroThe 5.4..57+ appears to get stuck on "Loading initial ramdisk"16:30
Ezro(5.4.57+ not 5.4.75+)16:31
lotuspsychjeEzro: do you want to help contribute to the ubuntu kernel?16:32
EzroI don't think I'm knowledgeable / skillful enough to. I (selfishly) mainly want to get my trackpad buttons to work. lol16:34
EzroInitially I was using Pop!_OS and then figured I'd try Ubuntu out in hopes that the trackpad buttons worked out-of-the-box. But I may stick with Ubuntu anyway because I found out that I can get the Pop!_OS tiling in Ubuntu (https://www.linuxuprising.com/2020/05/how-to-install-pop-shell-tiling.html), which was my main appeal for Pop!_OS.16:36
lotuspsychjeEzro: i would reccomend if something doesnt work out of the box on ubuntu, you file a new !bug for it first, so the devs know about your issue, after that youc an update your own bug with patches or testings16:40
EzroI think it's a known bug, but I'm not sure how to fix it manually. I can see that the github I listed above has a solution, and I found another solution here: https://github.com/leakim/lenovo-x1-gen3-trackpoint-buttons (coming from https://wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/Thinkpad/X1%20Tablet%20Gen%203).16:43
lotuspsychjeEzro: even better if the bug is known, we need to find the bug ID and get you affected16:44
lotuspsychjeshare the ID with the volunteers and see whats the status/progress of the bug16:45
NoXzemaCan someone explain to me why on earth the vbox modules aren't already signed?16:50
oerheksNox what version, vbox from our repos or from vbox site?16:52
NoXzemaEither apparently.16:53
NoXzemaI especially don't understand why the modules from *their* repo isn't signed.16:53
oerhekstheir repo?16:54
NoXzemaFrom http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian16:54
oerheksi think you just need to enable efi .. https://askubuntu.com/a/110571116:54
oerheksanyway, i use kvm16:54
NoXzemaDang, it's because the modules have to be built during installation so they have to be signed on the host.16:59
NoXzemaLicensing issues suck sometimes...16:59
oerheksdidi you reboot after install?17:02
oerheksmight help ..17:02
Ezrolotuspsychje I created a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1891062. If I wanted to try to fix it manually, what steps should I take using the patch available in the 5.4.y branch?17:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1891062 in Ubuntu "Lenovo X1 Tablet Gen3 trackpoint and buttons not working" [Undecided,New]17:11
lotuspsychjeEzro: thank you for reporting your bug and help improve ubuntu!17:12
lotuspsychjeEzro: can you change the package from ubuntu to 'linux' please, that will be against the kernel17:12
scythefwd2hahaha.. i figured it out.. well, I figured out probably the worst way to do it lol17:13
Ezrolotuspsychje I think I updated it. Please let me know if I set it incorrectly.17:14
scythefwd2sorry, thats vague.. been trying to figure out how to strip out a specific value from an output.. and while there is undoubtedly a better way, ended up setting a variable to the first and just running awk against the variable value17:14
lotuspsychjeEzro: tnx, now try from terminal: apport-collect 189106217:14
lotuspsychjeEzro: that worked, tnx, now let me read your dmesg, brb17:16
lotuspsychjeEzro: did you check lenovo site or ubuntu software if you got newer bios firmware updates?17:21
EzroIn the Ubuntu Software it says that my software is up to date, but I haven't checked for any bios upgrades.17:23
lotuspsychjeEzro: might be worth a try to see if there's 2020 versions17:23
EzroFrom my bug report, is this my current BIOS version? dmi.bios.version: N1ZET79W(1.35 )17:24
lotuspsychjeEzro: your dmesg shows a few acpi errors, but overall its pretty sane17:24
lotuspsychjeEzro: yes, DMI: LENOVO 20KJCTO1WW/20KJCTO1WW, BIOS N1ZET79W(1.35 ) 11/28/201917:25
scythefwd21.35  only 9 months old.. thats not that old17:28
EzroSorry for the newbie question, but from the Lenovo website it does look like an update is available but I'm only seeing downloads for Windows 10. If I burn the ISO to a USB, would I be able to update without having to install Windows?17:29
lotuspsychjescythefwd2: i didnt say it was old, but sometimes things get fixed17:29
scythefwd2I'm just saying that it's new enough there might not be a newer one.. I've not seen a bios update on my board in 18 months17:30
lotuspsychje!biosupdate | Ezro17:30
ubottuEzro: To see how to update your bios on Ubuntu visit the community collected methods here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate17:30
scythefwd2ezro.. see if there is a dos one or a bin file you can flash from within the bios itself17:30
lotuspsychjeEzro: i also found https://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-input/msg60060.html seems like more users have this issue, perhaps the #ubuntu-kernel devs might know more of this patch17:31
kxslIs it always going to be required to use -d switch on upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04, or is there a reason it's not detecting the new version?17:41
lotuspsychjekxsl: upgrade path might not be open yet17:42
lotuspsychjekxsl: when available, your system should offer it, when enabled LTS releases in your sodftware&sources17:43
kxslI'm doing it from the command line. I'm curious why it's not detecting it, I thought it would when the point release was released last week17:44
EzroFor reference, lotuspsychje, when I ran steps 7 and 8 in the github (https://github.com/da-cali/linux-x1-tablet#fix-the-trackpoint-and-trackpad-buttons), was that adding another kernel option to my bootloader (that I had built in step 6)?17:51
lotuspsychjeEzro: the steps from that git are for compiling your own kernel, wich we dont advice on ubuntu, let the devs sort that out on the kernels from ubuntu repos17:53
lotuspsychjeEzro: talk to the #ubuntu-kernel devs about this, see their advice17:54
EzroOkay, thanks for all of the help! I upgraded my bios to 1.40 and am performing a clean install to remove that extra kernel.17:55
lotuspsychjegood luck Ezro17:57
oerheks!ltsupgrade | kxsl it can take a few more hours/days/weeks, it is ready when it is ready18:19
ubottukxsl it can take a few more hours/days/weeks, it is ready when it is ready: Regular upgrades from the last but one LTS release to the latest LTS release, 20.04 "Focal Fossa", are enabled days or weeks after 20.04.1 is released. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d18:19
lotuspsychje!mainline | Ezro try this perhaps18:40
ubottuEzro try this perhaps: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds18:40
giacohello! suddenly nautilus is not opening any file browsing windows anymore, I just get loading spinning wheel mouse cursors for a couple of seconds18:43
giacoI've also tried nautilus -q && nautilus &18:43
giacobut nothing has changed18:43
giacoI'd like to recover gnome as I'm in the middle of a work and rebooting is not my favourite option18:44
oerheksgiaco, remove/rename ~/.config/nautilus  and try again?18:48
oerheksmaybe also ~/.cache something..18:48
Ezrolotuspsychje Wouldn't that be similar to what I did in the github steps?18:52
lotuspsychjeEzro: no, that git is about compiling kernels, testing mainline kernels on ubuntu is installing the existing (higher) kernels18:53
Elw3Say, if my bios clock doesnt work, does ubuntu automatically set the time to the last shutdown time?18:53
oerheksElw3, no18:57
oerheksif your clock is way off, maybe it is windows10 that bugs it18:57
Elw3How dare you insult me like that!18:57
oerheksoh i dare.18:58
lotuspsychjeElw3: tone down please18:58
lotuspsychjeElw3: volunteers are trying to help you here18:58
Roeymy sound system has this nasty annoying bug and I was hoping someone here could help me solve it.  So - Microsoft Teams has an issue "connecting", as does Zoom, and Youtube hangs with a circular cursor, and Skyrim laaaaags before it shows the menu, and I think it's due to the Bluetooth speaker. ok, so I turned the bluetooth speaker off. I open pavucontrol and it says "waiting to establish connection"; doens't show me nothing.what18:58
Roeycan I try next to diagnose this weird issue?18:58
oerhekszoom .. good luck18:59
Elw3Just kidding here, i mean naming windows here should count as baanable offense tho.18:59
oerheksremove it, a nd linux woirks fine18:59
oerheksElw3, no, it is a known issue https://askubuntu.com/questions/800914/clock-shows-wrong-time-after-switching-from-ubuntu-to-windows-1018:59
Elw3I dont have that, and i mean my clock is litterally not existent. The bios resets to 2002, the building year, each boot.19:00
Elw3Yet it showed the correct date.19:00
Elw3Before even network was up.19:01
oerheksthey you might want to visit ##hardware19:01
Elw3So i wonder how.19:01
oerheks not an ubuntu issue19:01
jlamotheI finally got around to upgrading to 20.04.  Now it seems that every time I try to install something I end up with unresolvable dependency conflicts.19:13
jlamotheHas anyone else experienced this?19:13
oerheks"something" ??19:13
sarnoldno, that's very rare19:14
sarnoldthe ppa-purge tool from the ppa-purge repository may be useful to you if you've configured third-party repositories19:14
oerhekswhen one installes "something", run apt update && apt full-upgrade first, might need a reboot19:14
oerheksthen .. you can install "something"19:15
jlamothesarnold: Let me look into ppa-purge19:16
jlamotheI do have third-party repositories.19:16
jlamotheWait... why does my sources.list still say bionic for everything?19:22
sarnoldan excellent question :)19:22
jlamotheThis could be a large part of my problem.19:22
sarnoldit probably is19:23
jlamotheHow does that even happen?19:23
jlamotheCan I just modify the file and do an apt-update?19:24
sarnoldI've only ever seen it when the upgrade failed for some reason, and the upgrader tries to put things back the way they were19:24
sarnoldit depends where the process failed; I'd start with another do-release-upgrade myself19:25
jlamotheYou know what... I think the updated did fail.19:25
jlamotheI'm going to try running the updater again...19:26
jlamotheNope... that didn't do it.19:27
jlamotheWorst-case scenario, I can do a reinstall from scratch, I suppose.  I have everything important backed up.19:27
jlamotheIt's just a little annoying.19:27
sarnoldyeah :/ I've seen one or two 'normal' failures before that required a bit of fixing before trying again, and one gigantic set-everything-on-fire failure during an upgrade during the devel release.. thankfully that one was addressed before release19:30
jlamotheSide note: I use whole disk encryption.  Is that still supported if I install from a flash drive?19:31
tomreynyes, if you mean dm-crypt luks19:32
sarnoldyeah, FDE is still supported; it's ecryptfs that's no longer available in the installer19:32
jlamotheOkay... I might just reinstall from scratch.  That seems the easiest solution.19:33
jlamotheSometimes this is just a thing that happens with an upgrade on top of an upgrade on top of an upgrade...19:33
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tomreynjlamothe: in my experience release upgrades are quite likely to fail when you have PPAs or third party packages installed which provide newer versions of packages also in the ubuntu source release, or introduce package dependencies which can't be resolved in the target release.19:44
jlamothetomreyn: Yeah... I have several of those.19:47
supercom32When making a reverse SSH tunnel in Ubuntu, is there a way to force the connection to fail if the port is already in use? Currently I see it just spits out a warning that the port is in use and it picks an arbitrary substitute  instead.19:51
tomreynsupercom32: how do you set up the connection (which command line?), what's the warning message?19:57
supercom32@tomreyn I just use SSH nothing fancy.19:58
supercom32@tomreyn: "Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port <x>"20:01
supercom32@tomreyn: And something simple like "ssh -N -R 3391:localhost:22 my_user@"20:02
oerheksso you need to open 2 ports, 1 out, one in .. what guide did you follow for reverse dns?20:02
oerheksrr, reverse ssh20:02
supercom32@oerheks: I didn't follow any guide per-se. It was easy enough to get working. What I didn't know how to do was to get ssh to fail if the port is already taken. Rather, it seems to just pick another port arbitrarily and continue on it's marry way.20:03
tomreynssh -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes20:07
tomreynsupercom32: ^ i haven't tried this, yet, just looked it up on the web20:08
supercom32@tomreyn: Ah ha! That sounds exactly like the option I was looking for. thanks!20:09
tomreynyou're welcome20:09
Ezrolotuspsychje If I wanted to try to update to the latest maineline kernel (https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.8/), would I need to run 'sudo dpkg -i' for the headers, image-unsigned, and modules? (i.e., amd64/linux-headers-5.8.0-050800-generic_5.8.0-050800.202008022230_amd64.deb,20:15
Ezroamd64/linux-image-unsigned-5.8.0-050800-generic_5.8.0-050800.202008022230_amd64.deb, and amd64/linux-modules-5.8.0-050800-generic_5.8.0-050800.202008022230_amd64.deb)20:15
oerheksEzro, it is all explaind howto install, in the wiki20:15
oerheksand it is for testing only, no support20:16
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds20:16
tomreynEzro: https://github.com/pimlie/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh is nice if you need to run mainline kernels for a while. obviously also unsupported here.20:17
EzroAwesome. Thanks tomreyn! I'll give that a go.20:20
EzroOof. Still didn't fix my trackpad buttons. :-/20:25
Ezrotomreyn if I want to switch to the latest supported kernel, would I search for 'ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -r --rc' and use the highest rc version?20:30
jlamotheReinstalling... wish me luck...20:31
tomreynEzro: you just need -i to install the latest, add --rc only if you also want release candidates.20:35
EzroI ran -i, but doesn't that install the latest non-supported?20:36
tomreynEzro: oh, you asked about the latest *supported* kernel - none of these are supported20:36
tomreynEzro: to switch to the latest supported kernel image, you can uninstall all unsupported ones and reboot, or just reboot and select a supported one from the grub menu20:37
EzroWhen I ran -u I only saw the v5.8.0-050800 kernel and not my original one. If I remove the v5.8.0-050800 will that revert back or brick? lol20:38
tomreynthis script only manages mainline builds, not those installed by default.20:39
tomreynit also doesn't uninstall any supported kernel you already had installed20:39
tomreynanywas, as i said, this is not supported, that includes myself.20:39
EzroThat's fair, heh. Thanks for the help, though!20:40
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irreleph4ntHi. Is it possible to shrink a lvm-on-luks disk online, meaning from within ubuntu and not from a live USB?21:59
JoeBkanyone know what causes there errors?:  https://imgur.com/a/8lr4Fa122:04
oerheksthat clean action, looks like shutdown dirty, or failure of the drive22:07
sarnoldouch :/22:07
tomreynunless you're trying to boot off it, try disconnecting the removable disk, and you should boot fine.22:09
JoeBkIt boots I just get those strange errors.22:09
tomreynwhich ubuntu release and kernel version do you have there?22:10
JoeBkLinux joe-pc 5.4.0-42-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 10 00:24:02 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:11
JoeBkit's the latest 20.0422:11
tomreynthe initramfs message is common, it's a known (but non-critical) bug that's being worked on,. the psmouse warning is about your mouse, if the mouse works fine, just ignore it.22:12
tomreynthe scsi errors are probably about detection of an external storage (usb connected)? but ocould be internal, too.22:13
JoeBkthe drive is USB connected.22:13
tomreyntry disconnecting other usb devices you don't stictly need now. reonnect it to a different usb port which is physicall distant to the one you used so far (i.e. opposite dside of computer).22:15
tomreynthis could be a connectivity issue (broken connector or wires), or a problematic usb host controller which doesn't switch between different usb versions well.22:16
JoeBkpther than those messages, there is no indication anything in wrong.  The symstem runs fine.22:16
oerheksif that external disk is active in use, it is shutdown dirty..22:17
oerheksso, close stuff and unmount it properly22:17
JoeBkI always do reboot or shutdown. I never just turn it off.22:18
tomreyni think oerheks is suggesting that the drive may not have been 'safely removed'22:20
tomreyni.e. maybe you did not unmount the file system on it that were mounted, just pulled the connector22:20
jlamotheWell... I ended up formatting and reinstalling. Fortunately, I'm good at keeping backups.22:28
jlamotheThus begins the long process of restoring.22:28
giacooerheks: thanks22:42
oerhekshave fun!22:42
wisciii have just started "apt upgrade" on ubuntu 18 and it is downloading from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal/main23:17
wisciiis that good or bad ?23:17
wiscii749 packages ..23:17
wisciifeels like i am getting a release upgrade i did not ask for ..23:18
Bashing-omwiscii: Not good :( .. when completed with the updates - prove what release you are on : ' lsb_release -a ' - then vberify your sources lists.23:19
wisciiBashing-om: here:23:20
wisciilsb_release -a23:20
wisciiNo LSB modules are available.23:20
wisciiDistributor ID: Ubuntu23:20
wisciiDescription: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS23:20
wisciiRelease: 18.0423:20
wisciiCodename: bionic23:20
Bashing-omwiscii: Pastebin ' cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list ; tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ' to see what the sources are.23:21
wisciiyes, sorry about that ;)23:23
wisciiyour right my sources.list has changed .. i think i tried a do-release-uprade or something23:24
wisciibut it did not complete23:24
wisciii think i can fix it23:24
oerhekssudo apt install -f # sudo dpkg --configure -a # apt update & &apt full-upgrade23:29
wisciii want to roll back not forward ;)23:32
oerhekswell.. you started upgrade, why change back? not possible btw..23:33
wisciii have a backup :)23:35
blasterhey anyone know how I can find the logs for courier-imap-ssl?  When I try /etc/init.d/courier-imap-ssl start it just says FAIL but I can't figure out why.23:39
blasterNothing in the syslog or mail.log23:39
oerheksblaster, on what ubuntu version?23:39
blasteroerheks, 18.04.523:40
oerhekssystemctl status courier-imap-ssl23:40
blasterActive: inactive (dead)23:41
oerheksand there is enable/disable/e/start/stop/restart23:41
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blasterSomeone had told me at one point there's a weird quirk with this daemon and you have to start it a certain way but I can't recall :(23:41
oerheksand /mask/unmask23:41
oerhekswhat guide did you follow?23:41
blastergood question23:42
blasterI think the sysctl command started it, i've been trying /etc/init.d and service start23:42
oerheksthat would be the old way :-)23:43
blasterwow ya it worked, thanks23:43
oerhekshave fun!23:43
oerheks'enable' enables start at boot23:43
blasternow to configure a new SSSL certificate. That should be fun haha23:43
blasterohh good call! thank you23:44
TheFuInstalled a dual-port eSATA card, PEXESAT32.  Drivers are loaded, but no eSATA devices are seen. Ubuntu 16.04, 4.15.0-112, iommu=soft kernel option passed by grub.23:58
TheFuKernel driver in use: ahci according to lspci.23:58
TheFuMarvell 88SE9128 PCIe SATA 6 Gb/s is the chip/card.23:59
sarnoldwhat dmesg messages are ther eabout this devie?23:59
TheFu$ dmesg |grep 912823:59
TheFu[    0.063977] pci 0000:05:00.0: [1b4b:9128] type 00 class 0x01060123:59

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