
IrcsomeBot<Mamarok> Kernel -43 doesn't load plasma correctly in 20.04.1 for me08:20
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @Mamarok, -43 is in proposed for focal, so should not be installed for anyone but those doing update testing08:33
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> if you have a bug, you can comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/kernel-sru-workflow/+bug/189074608:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1890746 in Kernel SRU Workflow verification-testing "focal/linux: 5.4.0-43.47 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress]08:34
Mamarokthanks, couldn't find that, my search skills used to be better08:41
BluesKajHowdy all11:40
wxlhey are backports still a thing?21:33
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Yes, but they are somewhat restricted by a qt dep in plasma.21:34
wxloh yuck21:34
wxlwe're on bionic and it appears print-manager caused a crash in plasmashell and that package has seen a LOT of changes21:35
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Yes, so if you want the latest plasma, GG is the only option for Kubuntu users.21:35
wxlpicking and choosing apps out of backports probably isn't a good idea21:36
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I was referencing Focal, but Bionic has the same restrictions if I remember correctly.21:36
wxlok thx21:37
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Do you happen to know of the specific patch that fixes the plasma printer issue?21:39
RikMillswxl: I think there may be a fix for the print manager bug that might be backportable21:39
wxli don't know of a specific patch but maybe RikMills does?21:40
RikMillsI can't find the bug right now. I will have to hunt later21:43
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> wxl is it one of these?  https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=printer%20plasma%20crash21:45
wxl@DarinMiller i'll dig deeper and get the actual crash report if i can and dig in there. thanks for the hint21:46
RikMillsmaybe LP: #177004421:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1770044 in print-manager (Ubuntu Eoan) "plasmashell crashes on login - so I can't use my desktop system." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177004421:47
RikMillsa bug that KDE have had several attempts at fixing21:47
wxlblack screen, yep that's the one21:48
wxlgiven the user involved in this particular situation (we've only seen it with one), i can absolutely see how the problem started: printing to a non-existing/connected printer21:49
wxlthanks folks, you rock21:50
RikMillssome are claiming still not fixed on focal, so not sure if any of the KDE patches in that bug really help :(21:51
wxlstill there's clear workarounds, which is very good21:51
wxlit may be that ultimately there is more than one issue21:52
wxli see mention of non-existent printers, non-connected printers, duplicate job ids, etc.21:52
* RikMills nods21:53
wxlinteresting too that someone suggested that deleting print-manager and reinstalled it fixed it? weird.21:53
RikMillsyeah, sounds like a coincidence21:54
wxlit looks lke this is fixed (supposedly) in focal+21:59
RikMillsquote: "For what it's worth, this bug is still present in Kubuntu 20.04."22:02
wxlright :)22:02
RikMillsonly one comment though22:02
* RikMills shrugs22:03
wxlquestion is whether or not that's tested on a fresh install22:03
wxlit may be that a corrupted queue just continues to cause the problem22:03
wxlseems like the last commit went into 19.12 which didn't come any sooner than focal, so there's that22:04
wxlnothing in backports for this tho anyways. sigh.22:08

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