
IrcsomeBotraphaelavitarelli was added by: raphaelavitarelli00:46
R13oseHow do I improve the quality of my webcam?00:46
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> How are you testing it?00:46
R13oseBy using Zoom00:47
R13oseIt is the built-in camera in my Lenovo laptop00:49
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Zoom and Teams work really well with my laptop and desktop camera's.  The reason I asked how you were testing is that kamoso is horrible on my laptop but Zoom/Teams works fine.00:49
oerheksmaybe a paid account gives a better picture00:49
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I have also seen in laptop reviews where the camera runs poorly when power is unplugged under Windows.  So, maybe some BIOS control may also influence camera frame rates.00:50
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Laptop camera or USB plugin?00:51
R13oseLaptop built-in camera00:51
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> If you have an Android phone, you can use Droidcam to your apps with another camera source.00:51
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Also, install OBS as another option to test.00:52
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> It's cross platform broadcasting SW many youtuber's use to create and cast their content.00:53
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> It's in the repos.  (sudo apt install obs-studio).00:54
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> You can also try kamoso as it is a lightweight easy test.00:55
R13oseMaybe my camera is not good quality00:57
R13oseI have a Lenovo X1 Carbon laptop00:58
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Entirely possible the camera is poor quality, but that would be surprising on an X1 Carbon.  It might be that the linux driver for your camera is not driving it properly, but I have seen where different apps are able to drive operate  the same camera differently.  In my limited experience, Zoom seems to behave very well with the 2 camera's I have tested.01:01
R13oseHow do I make sure everything is updated in terms of drivers etc?01:02
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Drivers are built into the kernel.  A quick google search did not reveal any obvious driver/patches that are required under linux.01:05
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> wait,  maybe this is the problem: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1100453/18-10-how-to-set-system-default-webcam01:06
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Zoom has a Camera drop down option, did you check to see if you have more than one camera choice in the Zoom Settings, Video, Camera drop down?01:07
R13oseIntegrated Camera is the only one.01:10
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> OK, so you may need to  disable the IR webcame.01:10
R13osewhen I did dmesg |grep "Integrated IR Camera" nothing came up01:11
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> what if you dmesg  | grep Camera01:12
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> sudo lsusb | grep cam01:16
R13oseI did follow the second answer in the askubuntu you sent.  Now my webcam will not show up on discord or zoom.01:19
R13oseHow do I turn that back?01:19
R13osenothing with the lsusb command01:19
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> rm /dev/video001:20
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> mv /dev/video0.original /dev/video001:20
R13oseNow how do I switch out my Integrated Camera?01:23
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> sudo lsusb | pastebinit and paste link please01:24
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> sudo apt install v4l-utils01:29
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> v4l2-ctl --list-devices01:29
R13oseIntegrated Camera: Integrated C (usb-0000:00:1a.0-1.6):01:31
R13oseDoes that mean there is no other camera?01:31
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I have a single Logitech C260 plugged into desktop and a see a similar dual video0 and video1 listing (I doubt the C260 has IR capability)01:34
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> So I suspect you lack the IR camera (If your video quality does not look like this pic, then your camera is probably working correctly: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1119743/how-do-i-change-the-default-webcam/)01:36
R13oseDoesn't look like that01:37
R13oseI mean it is not the best quality that is what I mean.  I see others who have better quality video than me01:37
R13oseAnything else I can do?01:44
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Lighting can make a big difference.01:44
R13oseWhat kind of lighting is best?01:47
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Indirect lighting to minimize shadows or lighting from outside using shades/shutters to minimize glare and shadows.01:48
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Also, ensure your webcam lens is clean (no smudges or dust bunnies).01:49
R13oseThanks for all the help01:54
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> One other note, zoom is updated monthly to ensure to download the latest zoom.  Also, Zoom had an HD video option in the video settings so you might want to try that.02:00
R13oseLet me try02:16
R13oseI have the newest Zoom and HD video is on02:19
pieqI've seen this news: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/08/kde-neon-ubuntu-20-04-download02:57
pieqand I'd like to understand the differences between Kubuntu and KDE Neon. If both are based upon Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, and both are using KDE, what differences do they offer?02:58
pieqIt looks like KDE Neon has a "rolling release" approach with regards to KDE itself. Is that all?02:58
oerhekskde uses backports already, no need for the Neon route02:59
oerheksyou want to join #kde too for this03:01
pieqthanks oerheks, will ask there03:01
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Newer versions of plasma also require newer versions of QT. Since QT is difficult to upgrade in Ubuntu's non-rolling enviro.  20.04 will not include plasma 5.19 even in backports.  Thus, 20.10 will have the latest versions of the KDE env.03:46
user|95727best way to update 18.04 to 20?03:53
IrcsomeBoteds_sn was added by: eds_sn03:53
user|95727i don't see the option in any update searches03:53
user|95727nevermind - google03:54
IrcsomeBotMhdAthallah was added by: MhdAthallah04:17
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
ubottuRegular upgrades from the last but one LTS release to the latest LTS release, 20.04 "Focal Fossa", are enabled days or weeks after 20.04.1 is released. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d04:22
oerheksfew more hours/days/weeks, it is ready when it is ready04:23
veXxanyone got any ideas on what would make k3b unable to see both blank and non-blank dvds. it tells me "no optical drive found" but the disks are recognized by the rest of the system (e.g. i can browse non-blank, and it asks if i want to burn blank dvds with k3b). i checked groups and im apart of cdrom still and perms for /dev/sr0 is 660 (root / cdrom)05:07
veXx it asks if i want to burn blank dvds with k3b when i insert a blank disk*05:09
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masonbee-MveXx: Is it an encryption problem? Eg, VLC might recognise as it has encryption built into it but other programs might not?09:10
masonbee-MveXx: https://linuxconfig.org/clone-burn-encrypted-dvd-using-linux09:11
BluesKajHowdy all11:40
eeoshi everybody! I am trying to understand the syntax of the file names in /etc/apt/ and its subdirectories .... I have not found anything useful, or full documentation. Anyone who can point out a good comprehensive document?12:54
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Hey eeos12:55
eeosSwift110: sorry, hey there!12:56
eeosIrcsomeBot: Swift110 .... who is IrcsomeBot?!12:58
BluesKajeeos, telegram users show up as IrcsomeBot:13:01
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Lol13:03
eeosBluesKaj: thank you!13:10
eeosAnyway, the man pages are not really complete and much documentation is out of date (for example on the structure and the names of files in the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ directory)13:11
eeosThat makes managing these directories a bit risky13:12
eeosSo of anyone cna point out some comprehensive documentation, it would be really appreciated.13:12
eeosGoogle is not being very helpful.13:12
BluesKajeeos, what's your goal with the apt dirs, what are you looking for ?13:13
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eeosBluesKaj: I think you got in after I asked my question .... this was it: I am trying to understand the syntax of the file names in /etc/apt/ and its subdirectories .... I have not found anything useful, or full documentation. Anyone who can point out a good comprehensive document?13:19
eeosBluesKaj: I administer a few machines, and I am a bit fed up of warning messages popping up everywhere because the names of the files are incorrect ....13:20
eeosBluesKaj: for example,  in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/, if you add a temporary proxy file for apt, and then you want to set it aside for later when you rejoin the network, you just add the extension .save ....13:21
eeosBluesKaj: but I discovered that only by trying and failing, because I could not find any documentation ....13:22
BluesKajeeos, perhaps this will help https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man5/sources.list.5.html13:22
eeosBluesKaj: thank you but it does not really.13:23
eeosBluesKaj: because the syntax in the  /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ is different ....13:24
BluesKajeeos, think should ask in #ubuntu chat since it is has a lot more knowlegeable users there than here13:26
eeosBluesKaj: thank you! I will do so .... I try not post in multiple places normally, but in this case it is justified.13:30
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IrcsomeBot<Aj> Guys is linux mint better than lubuntu15:54
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> This is neither a Linux Mint nor a Lubuntu channel, so I doubt anyone here has that answer.15:55
nesciusHi, I am wondering if there is any newer wifi dongle with drivers in kernel 5.4 (working in *buntu 20.04) do you know? can you suggest something?15:59
IrcsomeBot<Aj> @DarinMiller, Linux mint  group says linux mint is better. Lubuntu group says lubuntu is better. That's why im asking here.16:01
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> I say Kubuntu is better. :)16:02
IrcsomeBot<Aj> @DarinMiller, I ve only 2 gb ram, core 2 duo 2.5 ghz . Kubuntu wont run smoothly16:03
nesciusAj: i was running kubuntu on worse machines, give it a try with live version on usb, it may work fine16:08
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IrcsomeBot<jelempho> For lack of a better description, how do I make scrolling in plasma(shell) work like in gnome-shell?17:41
IrcsomeBot<jelempho> For example, on plasma scrolling the taskbar moves through the tasks rapidly instead of just moving one task away, while in GNOME the intensiveness of your scrolling does not determine how far away you'll scroll the given component, say the workspace switcher. I hope it makes sense17:45
user|61482installing zoom on 18.0417:49
masacaaiwhat is konversation?18:06
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> It's a window into the past. :) (An IRC: internet relay client, predecessor to today's IM's platforms).18:08
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IrcsomeBotda_ni_el was added by: Droxine20:10
IrcsomeBotaymenz99 was added by: aymenz9922:01

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