
KGB-0orca pristine-tar 99f7673 Samuel Thibault orca_3.36.5.orig.tar.xz.delta orca_3.36.5.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for orca_3.36.5.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3L0s01:40
KGB-0orca upstream/stable 71445ee Joanmarie Diggs README.md configure.ac * Post-release version bump * https://deb.li/3Xr7001:40
KGB-0orca upstream/stable 3be5b5b Joanmarie Diggs src/orca/scripts/ apps/SeaMonkey/script.py apps/Thunderbird/script.py web/script.py * Fix regression reading content resulting from cherry-pick * https://deb.li/Jrzz01:40
KGB-0orca upstream/stable 1c6a890 Joanmarie Diggs NEWS README.md configure.ac * Release prep * https://deb.li/3mAUs01:40
KGB-0orca upstream/stable 0061024 Samuel Thibault (12 files in 6 dirs) * New upstream version 3.36.5 * https://deb.li/3Ubsv01:40
KGB-0orca tags 2b2d3d8 Samuel Thibault upstream/3.36.5 * Upstream version 3.36.5 * https://deb.li/3ONSU01:40
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dufluAnd the day came. I need mozjs78 to build upstream now07:12
marcustomlinsonmorning duflu07:39
dufluHi marcustomlinson 07:39
marcustomlinsonyo Laney08:12
RikMillslibreoffice armhf tests overnight look much more like some regression with 6.4.508:22
seb128goood morning desktopers08:27
ricotzhey desktopers08:28
dufluMorning Laney, RikMills, seb128, luna_, ricotz 08:31
seb128hey duflu , Laney, luna_ , ricotz , marcustomlinson , how is everyone today?08:32
dufluseb128, going well, I guess. Any cooler for you now?08:33
* duflu asks as he turns the heater on again08:33
seb128not really but it's supposed to rain and cool down today, fingers crossed!08:33
Laneymoin marcustomlinson ricotz luna_ ricotz duflu seb128 08:40
Laneygot to go beg the security team to review libjcat /o\08:41
Laneylooks like we have a bug that let it migrate08:41
jameshfwiw, a fwupd with jcat support will probably break the snap-store snap08:47
jameshmaybe having an up-to-date libfwupd inside the sandbox will fix things08:48
seb128jamesh, thanks, I created a trello card for that now, https://trello.com/c/KSS71PdN/218-update-snap-store-for-the-new-fwupd08:53
seb128jamesh, also could be tricky, if we update libfwupd is it still going to work on focal which has the old fwupd?08:53
jameshseb128: upstream seems to think so, but we haven't tested it08:53
seb128the snap needs to work with the old and the new versions since it's the same snap being used on different Ubuntu series08:53
jameshI just know about the "old library, new daemon" incompatibility from when Mario was trying to get the snap-store snap to talk to the snapped fwupd08:55
seb128jamesh, btw you are not on the team trello board?08:56
seb128how did you manage to escape? :p08:56
marcustomlinsonhey seb128, doing well. the house is super quiet now, my son is back to school after 5 months at home08:56
jameshno idea08:56
seb128marcustomlinson, lucky!08:56
jameshI'm on the other board08:57
marcustomlinsonseb128: yeah so glad. just 2 days a week for now, but anything is so much better than nothing08:59
dufluOh, my improved fragment shader is in mutter 3.36.4. That's a bonus. I've been telling people nothing of performance interest was in that08:59
seb128marcustomlinson, I'm looking forward the time I've quiet days at work again08:59
hellswor1good morning desktopers13:50
seb128hey Heather, how are you?13:51
marcustomlinsonhey hellswor113:54
hellswor1hey guys i'm ok thanks :)13:58
hellswor1marcustomlinson: since the LO 7 armhf is still building in my ppa i was goingto ask you to run the autopkgtest on rico's prereleases ppa build but it looks like the armhf build failed there (dpkg-buildpackage died)14:44
marcustomlinsonhellswor1: no worries, whenever you have a build that's ready14:44
=== hellswor1 is now known as hellsworth
hellsworth(no idea how i was hellswor1)14:47
seb128kenvandine, hey, I don't know if trello notifications reach you properly, but in case they don't, https://trello.com/c/KSS71PdN/218-update-snap-store-for-the-new-fwupd14:50
kenvandineseb128: yeah, i saw that14:51
ricotzhey kenvandine hellsworth 15:00
ricotzseb128, hi, could you sponsor this to the focal queue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vala/+bug/189131815:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1891318 in vala (Ubuntu) " [SRU] Update to vala 0.48.9 in focal " [Undecided,New]15:00
hellsworthLaney: ricotz hey15:02
hellsworthha didn't mean to ping laney there15:02
seb128ricotz, hey, alright, let me add that to my backlog for the remaining of the day :-)15:05
ricotzseb128, ty :)15:07
marcustomlinsonseb128: question regarding package updates (https://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html)15:11
marcustomlinsonis there a trello board/cards for things so that we don't duplicate work15:12
marcustomlinsonor rather, what's the process in taking one of those?15:12
seb128marcustomlinson, no, though we do set one up for new GNOME to make things easier15:12
seb128marcustomlinson, usually it's 'click on the 'Open bug...' from the status column, that had the proper tag for the report to pick it up15:13
seb128see e.g fontconfig that has a bug reference15:13
seb128also mentioning it here doesn't hurt15:13
seb128marcustomlinson, are you looking at some specific update? do you want to help with GNOME?15:14
marcustomlinsonseb128: yeah I've got some time to help15:14
marcustomlinsonwas looking at orca15:14
seb128marcustomlinson, ah, good one15:14
seb128I'm pretty sure you are not going to conflict on that one :-)15:14
marcustomlinsonin that one's case the "Open bug" link opens one for a focal sru15:15
marcustomlinsonI mean for "3.36.5" that is15:15
seb128vte / gnome-terminal if you want suggestion for what to do next15:15
seb128marcustomlinson, we still target 3.36 as stable and 3.37as unstable, that's only an initial title value you can edit it15:16
seb128see the upstream version column15:16
seb1283.36.5 / 3.37.9015:16
seb128that's stable / unstable15:16
seb128we default to stable but just adapt the title15:16
marcustomlinsonseb128: ok so I'm going to merge tag 3.37.90 into ubuntu/master on orca and that goes to groovy15:16
seb128marcustomlinson, did you do updates before? are you familiar with the workflow?15:17
seb128marcustomlinson, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/git15:17
seb128marcustomlinson, but basically in that case you want to fork https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/orca15:18
seb128checkout ubuntu/master15:18
seb128and merge debian/experimental15:18
marcustomlinsonis it not cleaner to merge tags?15:18
seb128so debian/3.37.90-115:19
marcustomlinsonok thanks for the link, I've not done this before but I think I know the process, will read first in any case15:19
seb128you want to merge the packaging since Debian already updated that15:19
seb128not the upstream tag15:19
marcustomlinsonright I meant debian/3.37.90-115:20
seb128marcustomlinson, feel free to ask here if you have any question, and thanks a lot for helping with those!15:20
seb128k, good :)15:20
marcustomlinsonwell I haven't helped yet ;)15:20
luna_No Daily Groovy image today?15:21
marcustomlinsonseb128: I'm going to have to fork and PR for that project as I'm not a member. Should I be a member?15:21
jibelluna_, no, it failed to build due to dependency issues cf https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/groovy/ubuntu/15:23
seb128luna_, there was an archive problem earlier which made the iso build fail, L_aney fixed it15:23
seb128tomorrow should give a new one15:23
seb128marcustomlinson, member comes with permissions to commit to the official packaging vcs, you need to earn enough trust to get that15:24
marcustomlinsonseb128: ok fair15:24
seb128marcustomlinson, which you are on you way of getting if you starting picking up some of the updates :-)15:24
luna_jibel: seb128: Laney: alright thanks for the information :) 15:26
* Laney did nothing15:27
seb128outside of fixing the migration bug and the archive state... :-)15:29
Laneywell, it was my bug that broke it initially15:39
Laneyso -100 + 100 -> nothing :p15:39
seb128kenvandine, jamesh , any opinion on what xdg-desktop-portal serie we want in G? debian/experimental has 1.7, we should sync that before feature freeze if that's what we are at15:40
kenvandine'we need to check when 1.8 is due to be released15:40
seb128they use stable/unstable alternate versioning?15:41
seb1281.7 is unstable?15:41
seb128k, well if you know who to ask that would be useful15:41
seb128I wonder if we want to aim for tracker3, seems a bit late in the cycle even if GNOME seems to try to sneak that in for 3.38 :-/15:43
kenvandineahayzen: do you know when the next stable series will be bumped for xdg-desktop-portals and flatpak?15:44
ahayzenkenvandine, hmm, flatpak 1.8 was just released in July before alex went on holiday, normally xdg-desktop-portal is bumped at the same time, but seems it hasn't. You'll want to talk to mclasen to find out his plans :-)17:12
ricotzhellsworth, afaics, the last resort would be use gcc-9 on armhf for libreffice in groovy18:43
hellsworthyou're talking about the 7.0 builds that keep failing on armhf?18:44
ricotzhellsworth, yes, seems to be random and seeing a compiler ICE is not a good sign - /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/dbaccess/source/core/api/StaticSet.cxx:47:1: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault18:45
hellsworthand there's also the 6.4.5 (groovy) autopkgtests that are failing on armhf only. looks like an actual problem (chatted with seb,laney,marcus about it earlier today). we were hoping that 7.0 armhf autopkgtests might have magically fixed the problem but the builds don't even pass18:45
ricotzI would assume the test failure might be a symptom of this compiler issue18:47
ricotze.g. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=185958818:48
ubot5bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1859588 in gcc "LibreOffice FTBFS with internal compiler error" [Unspecified,Closed: rawhide]18:48
hellsworthcould be. the test failure is new in 6.4.5 (although doesn't happen on focal) and is either the binary urp bridge (uno bridge between python and LO APIs) crashing or is libreoffice crashing while a whole bunch of dialogs are opened as part of the uitests18:50
hellsworthand looking at this log you linked to i see just up one line: 18:51
hellsworth/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/dbaccess/source/core/api/StaticSet.cxx: In member function ‘virtual com::sun::star::uno::Any dbaccess::OStaticSet::getBookmark()’:18:51
hellsworththat com::sun::star::uno is to fault in the tests as well18:51
hellsworthnice redhat link find18:51
hellsworthinteresting that this bug was filed for building on x86_64 though when we only see it on armhf18:52
ricotzjfy the source packages in the ppa for focal and groovy are identical18:54
ricotz(so my bet stays on gcc 10)18:54
ricotzhellsworth, I don't think the mentioned redhat bug is related to the current issue18:56
hellsworthricotz: the redhat link looks related to gcc10 too though.18:58
hellsworthLaney: marcustomlinson ok now my rpi 3B+ has groovy server and 6.4.5 installed from proposed.. going to try the autopkgtest to reproduce the error19:00
hellsworthi went off down the wrong (mate) path for a while19:00
hellsworthricotz: i feel like using gcc9 is not a real option19:01
hellsworthso we just have to find a solution with gcc 10.2.019:01
ricotzhellsworth, ack19:24
hellsworthLaney: well local autopkgtests don't seem to work and i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong.. the pi has lxd setup and with the command you gave this is the output i get: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hrYz6hxgdF/19:54
KGB-0gnome-shell tags 554e94a Simon McVittie upstream/3.36.5 * Upstream version 3.36.5 * https://deb.li/3wJd20:17
KGB-0gnome-shell pristine-tar 1f2c840 Simon McVittie gnome-shell_3.36.5.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-shell_3.36.5.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-shell_3.36.5.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3vvHN20:17
KGB-0gnome-shell pristine-tar 6a4e5aa Simon McVittie gnome-shell_3.36.4.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-shell_3.36.4.orig.tar.xz.id * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/pristine-tar' into pristine-tar * https://deb.li/hvmc20:17
KGB-0gnome-shell upstream/3.36.x 4abb56a Simon McVittie * pushed 28 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3SwQy20:19
KGB-0gnome-shell upstream/3.36.x 6b86b6a Sebastian Keller js/ui/iconGrid.js * iconGrid: Account for non-icon content and padding/spacing when scaling * https://deb.li/o0uG20:19
KGB-0gnome-shell upstream/3.36.x 1e87315 Olivier Fourdan js/ui/popupMenu.js * popupMenu: Handle keypress if numlock is enabled * https://deb.li/igHSM20:19
KGB-0gnome-shell upstream/3.36.x 7097796 Michael Catanzaro js/ui/ background.js layout.js * Delay login animation until after wallpaper has loaded * https://deb.li/OuUI20:19
KGB-0gnome-shell upstream/3.36.x 5f50985 Florian Müllner js/ui/background.js * backgroundManager: Always emit 'loaded' signal * https://deb.li/3hH1A20:19
KGB-0gnome-shell upstream/3.36.x 8f6c64f Robert Mader js/ui/workspacesView.js * Revert "workspacesView: Only animate on show() when geometries are already set" * https://deb.li/8wFe20:19
xnoxseb128:  is there VCS for ubuntu's plymouth packaging? i have a slight improvement to send for the fsckd progress.21:24
xnoxseb128:  or is it simply "upload into the archive"?21:24
seb128xnox, I'm not aware of a Vcs, we should probably set one up, but just upload for now21:25
xnoxseb128:  well, there is one in proposed now, maybe it should migrate first?21:26
xnoxhm but that's "just" systemd tests?21:26
seb128xnox, rbalint said earlier he has a systemd fix pending upload21:28
xnoxmy patch is small / cosmetic, thus i'll just upload it and will keep an eye on autopkgtests21:33
xnoxand like retrigger them after systemd migrates21:33
seb128xnox, thx21:35

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